Appellate Court Strikes Down a Piece of Biden’s Race-Based America Rescue Plan

On March 12, president Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan into law.

Part of the rescue plan designated $29 billion for a Restaurant Revitalization Fund grant program for small privately-owned business. 

The grant program gave priority status to specific racial and ethnic groups and women. 

6th Circuit Court Rules Race Priority Unconstitutional

Today the 6th Circuit Court Rules Race Priority Unconstitutional

Judge Amul Roger Thapar gave the majority opinion.

THAPAR, Circuit Judge. This case is about whether the government can allocate limited coronavirus relief funds based on the race and sex of the applicants. We hold that it cannot.”

The case stemmed from a lawsuit filed by Antonio Vitolo and his wife who owned a restaurant called Jake’s Bar and Grill. 

Vitolo is white and his wife is Hispanic, and they each own 50% of the restaurant. 

Vitolo’s claim was forced to the back of the queue but they would have been at the front of the queue if the restaurant was 51% owned by a woman, veteran, or a socially disadvantage racial group.

The Vitolo’s did not qualify as socially disadvantage because they are not 51% Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American.

Vitolo sued to end the race and sex preferences in grant funding, claiming that they violated his constitutional rights.

6th Court Ruling Synopsis

  • Race: “Government policies that classify people by race are presumptively invalid.” 
  • Compelling Interest:  “The government’s asserted compelling interest meets none of 3 requirements.” 
  • Narrow Tailoring: Even if the government had shown a compelling state interest in remedying some specific episode of discrimination, the discriminatory disbursement of Restaurant Revitalization Funds is not narrowly tailored to further that interest. The court ruled the government must show “serious, good faith consideration of workable race-neutral alternatives,” but failed to do so.
  • Sex: “Like racial classifications, sex-based discrimination is presumptively invalid.”  The government “fails to show that prioritizing women-owned restaurants serves an important governmental interest.”

Amusingly, the court commented ” To have a legitimate interest in remedying sex discrimination, the government first needs proof that discrimination occurred.” 

Correct Conclusion 

It has been twenty-five years since the Supreme Court struck down the race-conscious policies in Adarand. And it has been nearly twenty years since the Supreme Court struck down the racial preferences in Gratz

As today’s case shows once again, the “way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” 

The above emphasis in bold was mine. There was one dissent by Circuit Court Judge Bernice Bouie Donald. 

In 7 pages of incorrect rambling starting on page 16 of the document., Donald believes as does Biden and Woke Progressives, that the way to stop race discrimination is to promote race discrimination.

Cheers to the 6th Circuit Court

Cheers to a ruling by the 6th Court that should have been unanimous.

I hope Biden appeals and the Supreme Court jams some badly needed common sense into Biden’s head.

You do not fix past discriminations via a process of blatant discrimination. Period. 

And in this case, the court found past discrimination lacking. 


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2 years ago
This is a much needed case to be used as precedence to remove critical race theory from public schools and colleges.
2 years ago
So a blonde, blue-eyed German restauranteur who moved from Mexico to San Diego gets priority aid, but his blonde, blue-eyed twin who had emigrated from Germany to Boston does not?
Would John McCain, born in Panama, have been eligible? Mitt Romney, whose dad was born in Mexico?
Would an Italian American who moved to LA from predominately white Uruguay be prioritized for aid, but not his cousin who instead had emigrated to NYC from Italy?
Do you have to provide proof of your Indian genes to be considered?
2 years ago
There is an easy way around who should get covid money for small businesses. Simply look at who lost the largest percentage their revenue. In most cases these will be business in inner cities where primarily minority owned businesses exist. 
2 years ago
Do you have data?  Isn’t the different from race anyway?
2 years ago
Biden is playing political favoritism. Favoritism is not inclusive, nor is it unifying, nor is it fairness, a term Democrat politicians love to use.
During the Vietnam War the draft was changed to a lottery system, to create a more fair manner for which men were chosen for compulsory military service.
2 years ago
The conclusion is sound, and obvious. It should have been a foregone conclusion. It will take a hell of a lot of court packing to make racial discrimination legal.
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
Given the chance, there’s a party up to the challenge of meeting that court-packing threshold.
2 years ago
Who appointed Judge Amul Roger Thapar to the 6th Circuit Court and who appointed the one dissenter Judge Bernice Bouie Donald? 
2 years ago
So doe Kamala have to step down now?
2 years ago
Reply to  Blurtman
No, she was elected, along with Joe Biden.
2 years ago
Reply to  Anon1970
Same racist process. Was Amy Klobuchar a victim of affirmative action?
2 years ago
Reply to  Blurtman
Oh poor baby… black people got jobs!  How ever will you cope?
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Nancy Pelosi blocked a black congresswoman from becoming the current Speaker of the House. She didn’t want to give up her privilege for equality.
2 years ago
The purpose of race based discrimination in government or private action is NOT to eliminate race based discrimination, as the author so snarkily posits.  It is to compensate for or redress the harm caused by the initial discrimination.  That said, the court ruling is clearly correct.
2 years ago
Reply to  shamrock
Does the government provide compensation to the heirs of the races that created the greatest country to grace the earth?  The argument has the same legitimacy as compensating “for or redress the harm caused by the initial [or perceived] discrimination”; i.e., no legitimacy, these days.
Agree that the court ruled correctly.
2 years ago
Reply to  shamrock
If you are touched by “the harm caused by the initial discrimination” and are white, you can give one half of your income to non white people.
2 years ago
Hooray for the Judicial branch.  Nice to se government working correctly.

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