Australia is Burning: Blame the Greens and the Arsonists

Please consider Why Down Under Is Burning Up

The current round of blazes started late last year. It has charred at least 15 million acres and killed more than two dozen Australians, including brave volunteer firefighters who rush into the inferno to save homes and lives.

The climate-change narrative grossly oversimplifies bush fires, whose causes are as complex as their recurrence is predictable: Australia is in the midst of one of its regular droughts.

Byzantine environmental restrictions prevent landholders from clearing scrub, brush and trees. State governments don’t do their part to reduce the fuel load in parks. Last November a former fire chief in Victoria slammed that state’s “minimalist approach” to hazard-reduction burning in the off-season. That complaint is heard across the country.

On Monday a parliamentarian from the Australian Greens tweeted about one day holding “climate trials” to deal with conservative politicians.

Main Causes

  1. Arson: More than 180 people have been arrested for allegedly starting blazes since the start of the current bush-fire season.
  2. Secondary Cause: Environmental Restrictions and misguided Green ideology.

Perhaps I have those backwards.

Not Climate Change

Please consider Australian Wildfires Were Caused by Humans, Not Climate Change

The similarities between Australian and Californian politics, vegetation, and climate have always been striking. Both places are drop-dead beautiful, far-left, and politically green. In both places, people like living around vegetation that every year dries out enough to burn sky high — with or without climate change.

This is thanks to relatively short rainy seasons surrounded by perfect beach weather. It is spectacularly green when it rains and tinder-dry brown when it stops. When rainfall is high, as it was for recent years in Australia, vegetation grows even thicker, only to provide even more fuel for wildfires.

At the same time, our culture of vegetation worship militates against purposefully burning things down. In California, these “prescribed” fires are now largely prohibited (because burning releases dreaded carbon dioxide), ensuring that disaster is always just around the corner. Ditto for Australia, where some burning is allowed but nowhere near enough.

Australia has been ready to explode for years. David Packham, former head of Australia’s National Rural Fire Research Centre, warned in a 2015 article in the Age that fire fuel levels had climbed to their most dangerous levels in thousands of years. He noted this was the result of “misguided green ideology.”

It’s very convenient for alarmist greens to blame the fires of Australia and California on global warming. In reality, the policies they themselves advocate are the culprits.

67 Years of Brushfire Data

Arson Crisis

Please consider We don’t just have a bushfire crisis. We have an arson crisis, too.

The number of individuals around Australia whose arson has contributed to the current bushfire crisis has now passed 200.

Here is my favorite: “A volunteer firefighter in Australia has been charged with deliberately lighting blazes during the nation’s bushfire crisis. Police arrested the man, 19, for seven counts of alleged arson in an area south of Sydney, New South Wales.”

There are no conspiracies here. Though arson has been tried and called for before as a tool of terror, the Australian fires seem to result from the actions of unconnected individuals who are either disturbed or reckless. This is nothing new; as ecological criminologist Paul Read wrote back in November:

A 2015 satellite analysis of 113,000 fires from 1997-2009 confirmed what we had known for some time – 40 per cent of fires are deliberately lit, another 47 per cent accidental. This generally matches previous data published a decade earlier that about half of all fires were suspected or deliberate arson, and 37 per cent accidental. Combined, they reach the same conclusion: 87 per cent are man-made.

Scourge of Eucalyptus

Here’s an interesting article from 2013: Australia’s Wildfires: Are Eucalyptus Trees to Blame?

“Looking at the eucalyptus forest outside my window in Tasmania, I see a gigantic fire hazard,” David Bowman, a forest ecologist at the University of Tasmania in Australia, told KQED. “On a really hot day, those things are going to burn like torches and shower our suburbs with sparks.”

Like many plants native to fire-prone regions, eucalyptus trees (aka gum trees in Australia) are adapted to survive — or even thrive — in a wildfire. Fallen eucalyptus leaves create dense carpets of flammable material, and the trees’ bark peels off in long streamers that drop to the ground, providing additional fuel that draws ground fires up into the leaves, creating massive, fast-spreading “crown fires” in the upper story of eucalyptus forests.

Additionally, the eucalyptus oil that gives the trees their characteristic spicy fragrance is a flammable oil: This oil, combined with leaf litter and peeling bark during periods of dry, windy weather, can turn a small ground fire into a terrifying, explosive firestorm in a matter of minutes. That’s why eucalyptus trees — especially the blue gums (Eucalyptus globulus) that are common throughout New South Wales — are sometimes referred to wryly as “gasoline trees.”

The threat posed by eucalyptus groves spreading beyond Australia was highlighted in 1991, when a wildfire torched the hills surrounding Oakland, Calif. That conflagration killed 25 people and obliterated more than 3,000 homes, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and was blamed primarily on the thousands of eucalyptus trees found throughout the Oakland Hills.

Despite their well-earned reputation as a firefighter’s worst nightmare, eucalyptus trees remain a favorite landscape specimen, renowned for fast-growing stands of tall shade trees that, according to some research, help repel insects through the same fragrant eucalyptus oil that’s blamed for fueling wildfires.

“Eucalyptus groves on steep hillsides — like those in the East Bay hills — are extremely flammable when hot … winds of late summer and fall start blowing and make control of a moving flame front impossible until the winds stop,” Tom Klatt, UC Berkeley campus environmental manager, said in a report from the university’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources NewsCenter.

Three Eucalyptus Ideas

  1. Hey, let’s plant eucalyptus. It grows fast.
  2. When it dries out, let’s not do prescribed burns because that would release CO2.
  3. Blame global warming if anything goes wrong with points 1 and 2.

What the hell have humans done?” Bowman said. “We’ve spread a dangerous plant all over the world.

But that story doesn’t sell. Hype that sells. Like this:

Climate Deniers Cooking Themselves

Climate deniers are cooking themselves — and everyone else.

Australia, like many countries (very much including the United States) is pathologically addicted to fossil fuels, and is roasting itself and the world in the process. Without strong international climate policy, there will be future droughts, fires, and other disasters that make the current crisis seem like a friendly daydream.

On the whole, that only rates a B- or a C+ because it does not end with a projection like AOC’s that the World Will End in 12 Years if We Do Nothing

Everyone in Miami Will Drown in 6 Years

“Cooking yourself” is OK but the article itself fell flat.

To gain real traction one needs a headline like this: “Everyone in Miami Will Drown in 6 Years

Now, that’s an A++ story headline guaranteed to garner attention.

Lies and manipulations

Amazing stuff.

The Green police discarded temperatures all over the board and manipulated early temperatures lower.

In my favorite example, the climate police discarded a record high temperature because the person who measured temperatures did so on a Sunday. They claim the recorder was not supposed to be working on Sunday, thus the record high should not have been recorded.

Of course they moved thermometers to airports with increasing numbers of planes and hot asphalt, etc. And finally, they switched to electronic measurement recently which tends to be hotter than mercury-based thermometers.

All About Climate Change Except

Other than lies, temperature manipulations, piss poor burn management, arson, environmental restrictions, and other misguided Green ideology, this story is all about climate change.

Unfortunately, a politically incorrect story like this is going nowhere. But “Everyone in Miami Will Drown in 6 Years” just might.

By the way, I propose the most likely reason for arson is global warming activists wanting to blame climate change.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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4 years ago

Photo collection from a few days back:

Australia’s Bushfire Catastrophe in Photos
Alan Taylor | 6 Jan 2020
24 Photos In Focus

Months of catastrophic bushfires in Australia have now burned 19.8 million acres, destroyed hundreds of homes, injured or killed millions of animals, and left two dozen people dead. Although cooler conditions prevailed today in some areas, the relief may be temporary—a forecast of strong winds and higher temperatures threatens to bring fires to the more-populated Sydney suburbs. Australia’s government has called up army reservists to help battle the blazes, and pledged $1.4 billion in aid, as more than 150 fires continue to burn across New South Wales.

Hints: View this page full screen.(press F11)

4 years ago

I was writing a post earlier about climate drivers affecting the fires which I ended up cancelling because I found that I had made a major mistake. Essentially the nature of the post was

local climate drivers >> global warming

Today the BBC has an article where they cover the influence of one of those climate drivers, the Indian ocean dipole which I’ve found out today is far more influenced by global warming than I had imagined.

I’ll finish this post here but I’d encourage everyone to look at the article even if its only for the pictures, They are explanatory enough to provide the gist of the article by themselves.

4 years ago

who cares I will be dead and most of you all will be too by the time this climate change or not changing gets sorted out

4 years ago

How do they catch the people accused of making these fires?

The area is vast. It takes only a moment to start a fire. Unless you catch someone in the act of starting a fire, then how do you have any evidence at all that they did so? What are the chances that the police or someone similar would be nearby to the instigation of a deliberate fire?

The way the fires spread as well, if you were a bit dim and went round starting fires, it seems as likely as not the fire will get you unless you get away from the scene really quickly. I find it hard to comprehend how so many people have been caught allegedly starting these fires. More likely the police have just arrested people and are looking to obtain confessions if you ask me.

4 years ago

The below video clearly shows that we are dealing with a coordinated crime for some, if not all, of the bush fires.

Living in the zone of the first bush fires I quickly noted what I later coined as Operation Smoke Curtain. I noticed each day that the fires would flare up, even after a little rain the day before and cover everyone in smoke, again, cause terror via the smoke and the hysteria/alarm via the media. Bush fires tend not to flare up (after the initial burn off) for no good reason, with little wind etc… but these ones did, on and on, day in, day out, *uckin headaches from the smoke the minute it starts. A bush fire will burn like crazy, then it is largely over, simple, not this on again off again TV drama mini-series. I commented to my wife that with all this fire and TV hysteria we have little loss of property and life (human) to show for it compared to any other of its calibre.

However this traveling fire circus made its way down the coast to Sydney, did this same on again off again smoke curtain and terror with little loss of life and property. At this stage I got really suspicious and pissed off, so I started to look around for answers, none to be found on the TV or radio, thats for sure. Dry lightning it kept saying, bloody dry lightning starting the fires……far as the eye can see dry %^ckin lightning.

The fires made their way south and on the 30.12.2019 this is when they seem to lose control a little of ‘Operation Smoke Curtain’ and we did see loss of life and property. It started very suddenly and we had friends that were coming up our way from the fires (yet to be started) for a good ole new years piss up and a chin wag, but the day they were to leave it started and the fires were horrific.

See the you tube video below that clearly shows coordinated fire starting (these are the horrific fire described above) and it is also not caused by this dry lightning mumbo jumbo that is not a past feature of Australia weather. The Australian Police also have a copy of this video that I passed on so a full investigation will only be interfered with via political interference. Come what may…….

Two last interesting points….(1)during Christmas guess who happened to be in Australia and the media had also knew this so they could hook up and have a interview………Mr. Michael Man of the IPCC……*uck me Michael your timing is impeccable!

(2) Dry Lightning……had to read up about it, it is so rear in Australia. Well in the mid-west USA it is not so rear and they provide a daily forecast and it is easy to predict.

So…in Australia now after this horrific fire season started by dry lightening if we don’t see daily reports and forecasts going forward you can safely assume BS

4 years ago

Many thanks for posting this article Mish. Wouldn’t necessarily go along with the conspiracy bit at the end but the rest is spot on.

4 years ago

One thing I’ll say about California (at least where I live) is landowners are required to clear brush on properties up to a certain distance from any structure. If you don’t do it, the fire department has it done and you’re sent a bill. Preventive burns are sorely lacking though.

4 years ago
Reply to  Schaap60

Anyone who hasn’t done it who has their properties burnt to the ground only has themselves to blame. People are lazy though: “It’ll never happen to me …”

4 years ago

A lot of Murdoch sponsored conspiracy dysinformation.

[1] Of the 200 arrested, only 24 charged with setting a fire, and few of these managed to set more than a small fire. Arson is not a major factor, let alone hundreds of climate change activists — please produce actual court cases.

[2] This fire has burnt more acres than the past 15 years in aggregate — so far.

[3] The Green party has stated online they favour preventive hazard cutting and burning; contrary to reports, the level at which various public services have engaged in hazard burning has not decreased significantly but is done regularly.

Heat and drought are creating favorable conditions — though not unprecedented, the question remains how normal this kind of weather is becoming.

4 years ago
Reply to  Webej

I think you may have this wrong – Murdoch is very much on the ‘anti climate change’ side. His papers are being vilified in Australia for their lack of support for the movement. His papers are very Conservative, right wing.

4 years ago

Thanks for sharing these insights

4 years ago

Not often I disagree with you Mish but this is crap. The reason for the bushfires are the extremely high temperatures which we;ve had for extended periods coupled with a change in rainfall patterns. Hottest year on record as far back as records have been kept. How on earth do you think we could clear the underbrush from tens of millions of acres? A little more though please Mish.

4 years ago
Reply to  Harmy

“How on earth do you think we could clear the underbrush from tens of millions of acres?”

Exactly as “we” are currently doing it: Getting wealthy and technologically sophisticated enough to mitigate the worst and most direct threats to human life, while otherwise letting the planet sort itself out. As it has for millions of years. Including through events much more calamitous than even these fires (dinosaur extinction to name one…)

4 years ago
Reply to  Harmy
4 years ago

Native people in Australia and California have had a long history of clearing land via controlled burns for millenia. If this isn’t done in a very regular basis, the amount of fuel that builds up is astounding. It is this high level of fuel that makes these fires burn even hotter.

This reminds me of interviews of forest service officials in California.

‘Very dry year, everything is dead, very bad fire year’

‘Lots of rain, all that will dry in the summer, very bad fire year’

My son thought I was kidding till he read similar stories recently.

4 years ago

Is GeoEngineering the latest scam that causes climate catastrophe while claiming to prevent it? Oops. Can’t ask that question. The answers are Top Secret while the propaganda machine is fully deployed.

In the California link from last year, should I light my campfires with melted aluminum flowing in the street while leaving the small tinder and kindling branches on the trees for others?
link to

Do I sense a Soviet level of distrust of official pronouncements here? Even if our ‘Pravda’ on the Potomac and ‘Izvestia’ on the Hudson claim to be private?

4 years ago

Smokey Bear says only you can prevent forest fires.

Climate change does not cause forest fires. Some fires are started by lightning, but most others are started by humans.

4 years ago

The climate change nuts are dangerous because they are like “here’s how it is, here’s what’s going to be done” and the rest of us get their crap jammed down our throats regardless what we believe(or know). Greta will have her face superimposed on Australia on all future maps. And I wouldn’t be one bit surprised greens are fire starters. Seems to be a worldwide theme for whatever reason, more tax and control or whatever. I’ve about had it with planet nutjob here lately.

4 years ago

OF COURSE NOT !….Burning 100 million ! barrels of crude oil/day can NOT possibly have an impact on the climate….even in combination with mind boggling deforestation…..NOPE that s BS …..innit ?

4 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels

Burning 100 million barrels of crude a day, some of it by flaring, cannot help but have an effect on the light output of the milky way, either….

As a general rule: What a few ants, monkeys and/or similarly endoweds happen to occupy themselves with, don’t really matter all that much in the big scheme of things.

4 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels

CO2 is a fraction of our atmosphere (0.5%), and independent scientist in Finland and Japan concluded that man has contributed 10% of the 0.1 degree increase in temps over the last 100 years.

You should be worrying about the cooling cycle that we’ve entered, and could be as bad as the late 1600’s, when the last low in sun spots occurred (Maunder Minimum). This is when societies contract due to crop failures, famines, and plagues caused by malnutrition, which is what the nut job eugenicists want. The other group of nutjobs want their power through higher taxes.

POLLUTION IS NOT THE CAUSE OF CLIMATE CHANGE! The biggest factors are sun spots and cosmic rays. But hey, how can you get funding and votes with something you cannot control?

4 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels

More forest in eastern US now than in 1900.

4 years ago

4 years ago
Reply to  WCVarones

You’re an idiot.

4 years ago

I would like to recommend Tony Heller: Also excellent on youtube.

4 years ago

The Volunteer Firefighters Association (VFFA), the body representing the Voice of Volunteer Rural Firefighters in NSW refutes the claim by green alarmists that climate change is the cause of the recent bushfires in New South Wales.

It’s ridiculous to blame climate change when we know there has been far worse bushfires stretching back to the earliest days of European settlement in Australia including the Black Saturday Victoria 2009, NSW Bushfires 1994, Ash Wednesday Victoria 1983, Blue Mountains NSW 1968, Black Tuesday Hobart 1967 and Black Friday Victoria 1939, said Peter Cannon, President of the VFFA.

The VFFA is angered by comments from the green lobby groups that tackling climate change was more important than prescribed burning of forest fuels to reduce bushfire risk. The real blame rests with the greens and their ideology as they continue to oppose and undermine our efforts to conduct hazard reduction in the cooler months and to prevent private landowners from clearing their lands to reduce bushfire risk.

Hazard reduction is the only proven management tool rural firefighters have to reduce the intensity and spread of bushfires and this has been recognised in numerous bushfire enquires since the Stretton enquiry into the 1939 Victorian Bushfires.

The amount of ‘green tape’ we have to go through to get a burn approved is beyond frustrating; says Peter Cannon. The VFFA is calling on the NSW State Government to reduce the amount of green tape involved in planning and conducting hazard reductions, so that our Volunteer Firefighters can get on with the job of conducting fire prevention works in the cooler months to prevent the inevitable summer bushfire disasters that are now becoming a more regular feature.

The NSW State Government must also provide sufficient funding for bushfire hazard reduction works on a planned and sustained basis, including the creation of asset protection zones and upgrades of all fire trails in high bushfire risk areas.

Remember that it’s far more cost effective, say around 66 to 100 times more cost efficient, to prevent wild fires through hazard reduction than it is to have reactionary fire response, which is what we have at the moment. With the great number of lost homes and decreasing property values through these wild fires, what then will the total fiscal amount be…….when it could have all been prevented by effective Hazard reduction!

To increase the area treated by prescribed burning on bushfire prone lands from the current level of less than 1% per annum to a minimum of 5% per annum, as recommended by the Victorian Royal Commission and many leading bushfire experts.

4 years ago

Plenty of stuff on NASA’s website.

4 years ago

Bushfire scientist David Packham warns of huge blaze threat, urges increase in fuel reduction burns
By Darren Gray
Updated March 12, 2015

Forest fuel levels have worsened over the past 30 years because of “misguided green ideology”, vested interests, political failure and mismanagement, creating a massive bushfire threat, a former CSIRO bushfire scientist has warned.

Victoria’s “failed fire management policy” is an increasing threat to human life, water supplies, property and the forest environment, David Packham said in a submission to the state’s Inspector-General for Emergency Management.

And he argued that unless the annual fuel reduction burning target, currently at a minimum of 5 per cent of public land, “is doubled or preferably tripled, a massive bushfire disaster will occur. The forest and alpine environment will decay and be damaged possibly beyond repair and homes and people [will be] incinerated.”

He said forest fuel levels had climbed to their most dangerous level in thousands of years.

4 years ago

[1] The Eucalyptus is native to Australia. Large stands in the Blue Mountains emit terpentenes which are largely the cause of the blue haze. It’s not just human beings planting eucalptus.

[2] Though there are many aspects to such brush fires, it seems undeniable that drought is a major vector. Whether climate change is a component of a drought somewhere requires complex (attribution) studies better left to experts.

Dogmatic insistence that all such expertise is part of a conspiracy requires exceptional evidence.

4 years ago

Hi Mish,

Long time reader first time poster. There is a lot of misinformation being spread about the fires in Australia. Please don’t propagate it. Arson is not a major cause this time around (it has been a bigger problem other times).

Nor are ‘green’ policies the issue. Hazard reduction burning is simply more difficult as the safe season to burn gets shorter and shorter every year.

link to,-expert-says/11853280

Indigenous fire management practises may offer some solution but climate change is undoubtedly exacerbating fire conditions. It did not cause the fires, but their length, severity and extent as well as the availability of water to fight them are influenced by the warming climate.

Your other Australian readers will undoubtedly have opinions to so please hear them rather than listening to the posters above who seem to come armed with preconceptions rather than any real experience over here.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

Lots of BS damage control here.

Fact: Arsonists have been arrested for starting bush fires in Australia.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

180 arrests to date. 100 of which were for illegal back burning or discarding cigarette butts. The ignition source is kind of irrelevant anyway. Lowest rainfall on record. Driest bush. Highest temperatures. Strong winds. It doesn’t take much to spread a fire in this weather. Climate change is making it worse.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

I have a contact in Australia who sends me emails and links several times a week. He said he believed the reports I used were accurate

4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

I live in Australia.
There’s a lot of BS on both sides from alleged professionals, government, others and especially the media.

The AGW movement are in overdrive here in Australia. Make hay while the bush burns.

Many reports coming out – these bushfires are the worst in History.

That would be living memory history. Older records are conveniantly discarded or never bought up.

Australia has burnt to the ground on previous occasions – look up 1939..

Eucalyptus trees. Tasmania – the original trees in Tassie were Huon pine and other hardwoods – all logged in the 19th century. Eucalypts grew in their place. The east coast of Australia was originally covered in Western red cedar forests. – all logged out. Eucalypts grew in their place.

So much BS being sprouted.
If you are older than 60 you remember very hot long summers. Our opinions and memories don’t count – they don’t fit the narrative.

I was evacuated in November from our house in Tewantin. The residents around that area were completely unprepared for bushfires and evacuations.
They had been told that no bushfires had been in that area in memory – that is living memory.
Tewantin is now surrounded by eucalyptus forests. Tewantin was an original logging area for Western Red cedar.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

I’m on the other side of the country so I’m not going to proclaim to be an expert on east coast fires.

One of my questions would be, are there policies in NSW/Victoria that prevent people building in or next to forested land? I can’t help but notice that in Perth that there are plenty of people who want to build in areas which are either adjacent to state forest or they’re on heavily vegetated blocks.

To me this is a particularly important point as in past years areas which would have once been left to burn must now be defended or evacuated.

Also having read the Guardian article on arsonists I feel dubious to say the least. It seems to be a terribly poorly written article. So unless NSW/Victoria have been experienced plenty of lightning storms of late then I would be definitely questioning the role of arsonists.

I don’t think AGW will worsen fires, at least not in the long run, simply because without adequate rain and with a higher evaporation we’re just not going to have as much forest as we once did.

Ken Kam
Ken Kam
4 years ago
Reply to  Quenda

I’m in Victoria. I can vouch that there was only one day in the past month when the forecast called for ‘dry’ lightning storms. Fires in the NE of the state were already burning for a few days by that time.

4 years ago
Reply to  Quenda

And unfortunately most of the trees might well wind up being burned to the ground, leaving a desert behind.

4 years ago
Reply to  Quenda

Some relatives of mine lived for a while on acreage just outside Perth and when I visited them 15yrs ago they were very aware of fire danger, diligently maintained fire-breaks on their borders and kept their block clear of scrub. I don’t think I would have slept too comfortably at night knowing you were going to sleep in a tinderbox but it brings home how important the land management aspect is for all those living in the danger zone – to blame everything on climate change is an abrogation of responsibility.

Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

This Aussie agrees with Mish!

FYI, with ‘global climate change’, just about any variation from mean weather becomes proof, whether it lies one side or the other of a normal distribution.This is a crock

4 years ago

California outlawed brush cutting a number of years ago, after a particularly wet few years caused those large houses built up on the hillsides to come sliding down due to soil erosion. According to their own environmental reports brush cutting prevented a root system from growing thus adding to the erosion problem, so now they have more fires instead.

4 years ago
Reply to  Greggg

In the childish minds of well indoctrinated progressives, the “solution” to every single problem in the universe, in all their variation, is always exactly the same: Ban someone or something; write another arbitrary “law” and rob someone to pay for the idiocy.

4 years ago

Mish, acting-man links are getting lost in the spam filter again.

There was an article on acting-man called “Finally … Meet the World’s First Ever ‘Climate Refugee’”


“In October 2005, UNU said: “Amid predictions that by 2010 the world will need to cope with as many as 50 million people escaping the effects of creeping environmental deterioration, United Nations University experts say the international community urgently needs to define, recognize and extend support to this new category of ‘refugee.’”

It added that “such problems as sea level rise, expanding deserts and catastrophic weather-induced flooding have already contributed to large permanent migrations and could eventually displace hundreds of millions.”

In 2008, Srgjan Kerim, president of the UN General Assembly, said it had been estimated that there would be between 50 million and 200 million environmental migrants by 2010. A UNEP web page showed a map of regions where people were likely to be displaced by the ravages of global warming.”

4 years ago
Reply to  Latkes

“acting-man links are getting lost in the spam filter again.”. Probably because his writings are so well received that he has to beg for alms (bitcoin)? What, not enough eyeballs for his rantings to attract many advertisers?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

You have no idea what you are talking about.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

‘Rantings’? Lol
You must have the wrong person. He is the last blogger on the internet whose tone you’d describe as a ‘rant’.

4 years ago

“Everyone in Miami Will Drown in 6 Years” sounds a bit aggressive. I’d guess at 26 years myself. Melting icebergs will accelerate exponentially causing accelerating sea level rise, which is what will totally swamp Miami. Remember that currently, even high tides swamp parts of Miami. It won’t take much sea level rise to make that permanent.

As for Australia, it is incredible that there are so many arsonists! Sounds like a lot of low IQ people there. WHY would they set these fires?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

European coastal cities were supposed to be under water by 2020 according to predictions from 2004.

Source: link to

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

I propose the most likely reason for arson is global warming activists wanting to blame climate change.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mish

Did you forget to add an [lol] to that reply?

I keep hearing mention of arson but I haven’t seen any stories on anyone who has done a study of who the arsonists are and why they did it, not that I’ve gone searching. Does anyone have any links?

4 years ago
Reply to  Mish

What an insulting proposal. People have died here. thousands have lost homes. Please do a rudimentary fact check before offering such unsupported opinion.

Where arson is to blame (the small minority of fires) it is often volunteer firefighters who do it – their interest in fire is double edged. Hardly the greenie type. If you can find even a single example of a climate change activist even being charged with arson I would be very surprised.

These fires have primarily been caused by lightening, discarded cigarettes, campfires etc.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

These fires have primarily been caused by lightening, discarded cigarettes, campfires etc.

So… climate change?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

European coastal cities were supposed to be under water by 2020 according to predictions from 2004.

4 years ago
Reply to  Latkes

Predictions are approximations by necessity, sigh. Plus/minus 100 years is meaningless on the geological time scale but of course, not so meaningless for humans. But then you knew this. You just wanted to make a dumb comment, yes?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

You are the one making dumb comments. The “predictions” are politically motivated to extract money from the plebs and you are the useful idiot helping them.

Plus/minus 100 years is meaningless

But you just confidently made a prediction about what will happen in 26 years and the hysterical media keep making predictions with even shorter time frames (always proven wrong, but who cares, right?)

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Been to the seashore many times over 50 years. Oyster Bay waterlevels are exactly the same as they were in 1957… I have the family pictures. Maybe the southern coast is somehow getting a tidal surge from flying saucer activity or maybe it’s those Russians again.

4 years ago
Reply to  Greggg

Florida Keys Deliver a Hard Message: As Seas Rise, Some Places Can’t Be Saved
Published Dec. 4, 2019
link to

Miami’s Vulnerability to Flooding
Globally, sea levels are rising as average temperature is rising. This is primarily due to thermal expansion of ocean water and melting land ice. As a low-lying coastal city, Miami is vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise.
link to

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Oyster Bay waterlevels are exactly the same as they were in 1957… and water seeks it’s own level…. The water is exactly the same level, but Forida is an old limestone reef covered with sand. Limestone melts away in water and sand washes away from seashores every day. IT AIN’T THE WATER RISING, IT’S FLORIDA ERODING. Sorry you have such a large stake in a losing battle, but the Keys wash away and rebuild in every storm. That’s history, been there, done that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Greggg

“Been to the seashore many times over 50 years. Oyster Bay water levels are exactly the same as they were in 1957… ”

Go at low tide then the next high hide and report on the alarming rise.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Great new study showing temp on Titan Venus and Earth at 1 bar of pressure and adjusted for distance from the sun. All three planets have vastly different atmospheres but the temp when adjusted for distance to the sun were the same. Therefore it is atmospheric pressure not what the atmosphere is made of that matters. CO2 is plant food and the origin of all life.on this planet.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sequoia

Interesting how it all revolves around the triple point. It’s complicated.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

See my response to your other comment. Ignition source is kind of irrelevant. Climate change means fires take easier, spread faster, burn hotter etc. etc. The whole #arsonemergency is being spread by bots. There’s a million sources debunking the hastag if you have a quick look.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

Climate change makes fires burn hotter? That’s some new bullshit 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

Climate Change means fires burn hotter…

Climate Change ate my dog too!

4 years ago
Reply to  Shugaku

Don’t try to argue with Latkeys. He’s just a dumb potato pancake head.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Talk about low IQ.
You do realise that icebergs float.
When they melt the displacement causes no increase in sea level.

4 years ago
Reply to  BoneIdle

Hey Boneidle, you should change your name to Bonehead! Stop reading stupid websites. Here’s the real science on icebergs.

Icebergs Contribute to Sea Level Rise
April 29, 2010

When you learned about Archimedes back in elementary school, your teacher probably told you that a floating object displaces an amount of water equal to its own weight. Although an ice cube pokes up out of the water, when it melts, the level of the water should stay the same. Extrapolate this concept to an iceberg floating in the ocean—a bigger version of the ice cube in your water glass—and you would think that melting icebergs shouldn’t contribute to sea level rise. Well, you’d be wrong, say geoscientists at the University of Leeds.

In their study, published this week in Geophysical Research Letters, the researchers used satellite observations and a computer model to assess the impacts of melting icebergs. The total amount of floating ice that is turned into ocean water each year is equivalent to 1.5 million Titanic-sized icebergs. Due to differences in the temperature and density of the ice and water (the seawater is warmer and saltier than the icebergs that float in it), when the icebergs melt, the resulting ocean water is 2.6 percent greater in volume than the volume of water that the iceberg had displaced.

Calculated out, the ocean rises by about 49 micrometers each year due to melting icebergs. That’s not a lot of sea level rise—sea level globally is rising by about 3 millimeters (or 3,000 micrometers) per year—but the scientists say it deserves monitoring.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

And did that research account for how much seawater evaporated and fell as snow on land or existing ice during a year? If that is accounted for does that 3mm decline to 2mm or 1 mm or maybe 0.5mm or something else?

4 years ago
Reply to  PeterC

Don’t ask me. Go ask the author and then post back!

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Plenty of stuff on Nasa’s website:
link to

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

I know we live in the dumb-age and all, but even one would think even octogenarian Miamians would be fleet enough, of both mind and leg, to be able to outrun a drowning scenario involving water rising, at most, a few fractions of an inch a year……

4 years ago
Reply to  Stuki

It’s not out running that is the problem. The real fear is that everyone invested in Miami real estate will lose their stake.

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