Critical Race Theory Banned in 6 States, That’s 44 States Too Few

What Is Critical Race Theory?

Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic movement of civil-rights scholars and activists in the United States who seek to critically examine U.S. law as it intersects with issues of race in the U.S. and to challenge mainstream American liberal approaches to racial justice.

CRT views race and white supremacy as an intersectional social construction which serves to oppress people of color and marginalized communities at large (i.e gender and class).

CRT emphasizes that merely making laws colorblind on paper may not be enough to make the application of the laws colorblind; ostensibly colorblind laws can be applied in racially discriminatory ways

The above snip is from Wikipedia. The map is from NBC News on June 17, somehow missing Florida.

CRT may seem benign at first glance, but it’s not. The third snip above holds one of the keys. 

How activists and educators preach and teach CRT is the key to understanding how divisive the theory is in practice.

Activists claim America is fundamentally racist, math is racist, the SAT College Entrance Exam is racist, and Whites are racists simply by being White.  

Critical Race Theory Poll

The above chart is from the YouGov report Just one-third of Americans have heard of critical race theory and believe they know what it means.

The chart says the poll was January 23-June 15. The Poll Data it says the survey was June 13-June 15 a more believable date range. 

Critical Race Theory by Gender and Race

The above data is unweighted. The first chart reflects weighted data. Only blacks support CRT. 

The poll lacks seriously needs a question regarding CRT as actually taught. 

If more people actually understood what is going on, “bad for America” would soar.

Battle Over Critical Race Theory

With the above background set, please consider the WSJ article Battle Over Critical Race Theory

Critical race theory is the latest battleground in the culture war. Since the murder of George Floyd last year, critical race theory’s key concepts, including “systemic racism,” “white privilege,” and “white fragility,” have become ubiquitous in America’s elite institutions. Progressive politicians have sought to implement “antiracist” policies to reduce racial disparities, such as minorities-only income programs and racially segregated vaccine distribution.

The ideology has sparked an immense backlash. As Americans have sought to understand critical race theory, they have discovered that it has divided Americans into racial categories of “oppressor” and “oppressed” and promotes radical concepts such as “spirit murder” (what public schools supposedly do to black children) and “abolishing whiteness” (a purported precondition for social justice). In the classroom, critical race theory-inspired lessons have often devolved into race-based struggle sessions, with public schools forcing children to rank themselves according to a racial hierarchy, subjecting white teachers to “antiracist therapy,” and encouraging parents to become “white traitors.”

According to a recent YouGov survey, of the 64% of Americans who have heard about critical race theory, 58% view it unfavorably, including 72% of political independents.

That’s a major liability for the political left. Sensing that they are losing control of the narrative on race, left-leaning media outlets have launched a furious counterattack. Liberal pundits at the New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC and elsewhere have begun spinning a new mythology that presents critical race theory as a benign academic concept, casts its detractors as right-wing extremists driven by racial resentment, and portrays legislation against critical race theory as an attempt to ban teaching about the history of slavery and racism. All three charges are false.

The most successful campaigns have been led by racial minorities who oppose the manipulative and harmful practices of critical race theory in the classroom. Asian-Americans in particular have argued that critical race theory will undermine merit-based admissions, advanced learning programs and academic standards.

Left is Losing the Debate

The Journal notes that revolts against critical race theory training at high schools in liberal cities such as New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. 

I have commented on CRT previously, not necessarily by that name. 

Racial Profiling

On May 16, 2019 I discussed College Entrance Exam SAT Score Racial Profiling where 964=1223.

To compensate for the fact that Blacks score lower on average than Asians and Whites, SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ and colleges are using that score. Numerous lawsuits ensued. 

On December 9, 2019, diversity scores were in full swing as noted in Adversity Scores: The Latest Dumbing Down of US Education

I did not associate SAT racial profiling with CRT, but that is what’s behind it.

Political Interviews

Math is Racist

On May 4, 2021, I noted To Promote Equality, California Proposes a Ban on Advanced Math Classes

Actual California Board of Education Statements

  • The inequity of mathematics tracking in California can be undone through a coordinated approach in grades 6–12.
  • Middle-school students are best served in heterogeneous classes.
  • The push to calculus in grade twelve is itself misguided.
  • To encourage truly equitable and engaging mathematics classrooms we need to broaden perceptions of mathematics beyond methods and answers so that students come to view mathematics as a connected, multi-dimensional subject that is about sense making and reasoning, to which they can contribute and belong.

The Woke Liberals Have a Bad Case of Progressophobia

The situation is so extreme that even Leftist Bill Maher has had enough.

In a scathing attack on CRT, Maher says The Woke Liberals Have a Bad Case of Progressophobia

Please click on the link for a video and transcript.

To stop this nonsense in it tracks, six states have banned teaching CRT. It’s a case of 6 down 44 to go.

Whether voters understand the CRT name or not, they can see what’s happening.

Appellate Court Strikes Down a Piece of Biden’s Race-Based America Rescue Plan

On May 28, I noted Appellate Court Strikes Down a Piece of Biden’s Race-Based America Rescue Plan

The Court ruled: “The Way to Stop Discrimination on the Basis of Race Is to Stop Discriminating on the Basis of Race.”

I suspect a strong voter backlash against Biden’s radical attempts to appease Progressives and states efforts to promote race discrimination in the alleged name of justice.

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2 years ago
CRT is an attack on Liberal values.  Republicans and right wingers have no problem with censorship, repression and “canceling” people they don’t like. CRT and woke identity politics is the left attempting to emulate the right wing to disastrous effect.  The right are successful at identity politics (Judeo-Christian family values, etc) because white christians still make up a majority of the electorate.  Leftists are stupid because slicing the electorate into smaller segments and pitting them against each other is counter productive and in fact destructive to the values they claim to espouse.
2 years ago
Reply to  LM2022
There is no white identity in 2021.  The left/CRT is desperately trying to create and focus non-white identities while attacking ‘whiteness’ and national identity.   By lining white people up against the rhetorical wall and accusing them of all (collectively) of society’s ills , they will, unfortunately, create a new white identity backlash.  This is not healthy but is the inevitable outgrowth of left-wing identitarianism.
CzarChasm Reigns
CzarChasm Reigns
2 years ago
Seems fair: Democrats get called out for CANCEL culture (finger pointing)…
but it is cool when Republicans take it a step further and BAN a theory (giving it a legal middle finger).
What’s next? Oh yeah, burning the books.
2 years ago
There is plenty of left-wing book burning going on today, as well as firings, struggle sessions and outlawing of opinions.  But, yes, we should not ban CRT.  It needs to be destroyed culturally.
2 years ago
CRT is itself, racist Marxist indoctrination.
Apparently, Marx himself was racist. “Many of Marx’s racist ideas were reported in “Karl Marx, Racist,” a book written by Nathaniel Weyl, a former member of the U.S. Communist Party.”
2 years ago
Substitute the word “White” with “Republican Voter” and you’ll have a better idea of the true agenda.
2 years ago
The government can’t ban speech.
2 years ago
Two thoughts:
1. It’s worse than described here.  CRT attacks “enlightenment rationality, equal application of the law” and the very concept of merit.  For example, it grants legitimacy to ideas not by the quality of the underlying thinking, but by the alleged victimhood (by group) of the idea’s proponents.  It is diametrically opposed to individual rights (the cornerstone of enlightenment ideas) in its approach.  CRT would upends 1000 years of moral and legal philosophy.  It replaces the goal of a multiethnic America full of individual Americans with a nation of competing oppressors and victims.  CRT is evil and its spread is an existential threat to the liberal order, scientific and economic progress, harmony and the wellbeing of both majority and minority communities.
2.  No government should ban age-appropriate content for what is taught in schools.  CRT should be fought in the culture, not by government fiat.
Extensive treatment of CRT:  link to
Prominent CRT opponent who is gaining traction:  link to
2 years ago
This was all being pushed hard all through 2020.  Trump was certainly not perfect, but it was clear then and proven now installing a Biden Administration would put the Federal Shoulder to the Wheel to impose mass lunacy and discrimination upon America.
2 years ago
2 years ago
I think the appellate court is on the right track.  Adversity scores?  Really? Isn’t this just academic welfare?
2 years ago
Sometimes you seem so rational… other times you’re shrieking with the tree monkeys.
This is what white fragility looks like. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Fighting back is a sign of fragility? I thought surrendering was a sign of fragility. Calling Mish a “tree monkey” is a species slur and I as a primate feel offended by what you said and I demand a heart-felt public apology.  
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78

Your pale primate reparations check is in the mail.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
No it isn’t. You are lying again. Are you insinuating that only pale primates are here in this blog? By what logic do you assume that?
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
I invite any non-pale primate to speak up and prove me wrong.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Accusing someone of white fragility is a commonly used CRT-infused method to avoid the topic by attacking the speaker.  For those younger than 50, that’s called an ad hominem attack and is irrelevant to the topic.
2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice
It’s not an attack.  It’s a description of how white people get defensive about anything race-related that doesn’t fit what they believe.
I could just as easily say “accusing someone of accusing someone of white fragility is a common fragile white person method to avoid the topic by attacking the speaker”
We flat out don’t see a lot of the unfair crap that happens to brown people, and it’s jarring when we do notice.  Some people adjust their attitude to fit the new info, but the fragile ones get mad and reject what they saw.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Have you considered that perhaps folks have made their own judgement that you and CRT proponents see far more racism than actually exists, and are simply rejecting your/their claims?  Or that they believe that CRT is likely to make racial divisions worse? Or they notice that racism is at least as prevalent in non-white populations as in white ones (yet that knowledge is forbidden?)  You will not succeed in bullying people into accepting beliefs with name-calling or evidence-free accusations of defensiveness.  Signed… a proud, American (who, much less importantly, happens to be a ‘brown’ immigrant).
2 years ago
How did critical race theory become a theory without first being a hypothesis?   
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
Because nobody outside law school had ever heard of it until the moonbats at Fox News decided to whip up the stupidati with a scary sounding trio of words.  Seriously people, go look up what it IS, and where it’s applied, not what tucker Carlson told you with that look of annoyed confusion he always wears.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
It originated in the 1970s but recently embraced by the New York Times.
The loonbat creator of the term says “CRT” is not a noun but a verb and race is not biological but social.
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
This one’s more concise, with less editorial license.  Some of it’s dubious, but the idea that the government stomps brown people isn’t too hard to support.  There are plenty of stats.  In any case, it has ‘theory’ right on the end of it.  It’s an idea to consider and test, and it isn’t even talked about at the primary and secondary schools where the tree monkeys are shrieking about The Children. The whole kerfluffle is just dumb.
Honestly, I’m surprised to see all these conservative people cheering the creation of a thought crime.  Thats usually more of a liberal thing… but these are interesting times.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
If it is only an idea to consider and test, can you tell me if alternative views for racial disparities are being taught in schools and propounded on national media? .. other than ‘government stomps brown people’. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Yes. The plan was to keep it secret from the parents who assumed that their school boards were not politicised to the extent that they are. When they found out they didn’t like it. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
ANOTHER conspiracy!  It’s so hard to keep up.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Whenever people like you are confronted with something you don’t like you cry out conspiracy as if that were an argument and thereby somehow exonerating themselves with forming a reply. You are behind in memes. Conspiracy went out when many so called conspiracy theories about Covid turned out to be true. Now you have to come up with another meme to replace it. Any ideas?
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
I’m not too good with memes… that’s for the new kiddies.  I tend to use traditional definitions of words.
Given that, how is a “secret plan” not a conspiracy?
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
You used conspiracy as a meme and not the definition. The school boards who implemented CRT contrived to pass it off as a new type of teaching method and not an upending of society which it is. Discussion was not only discouraged but actively forbidden in some cases. If you can place key people in institutions you can put in very bad policies if you can slip it in under the radar. People trusted the school boards so they didn’t look carefully but now that trust is gone and they look and they find things they don’t like. Was it secret? I would say it was because it was implemented in a way to keep out of the public eye for as long as possible. You tried to pull a fast one on us.
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
“You used conspiracy as a meme and not the definition. “
I don’t even know how you use conspiracy as a meme. It’s a lot easier to win arguments when you get to define what the other person meant, isn’t it?
To clarify, I mean the Oxford dictionary definition of conspiracy: “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful”
So answer my question: How is a secret plan not a conspiracy?
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
conspiracy (kənˈspɪrəsɪ)
npl -cies
1. a secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act, esp with political motivation; plot
2. the act of making such plans in secret
From Collins.
Is CRT a harmful act? Yes in my opinion. Was it carried out in a secret manor? Yes it was.
a. Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed: 
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
From your post:
“Yes. The plan was to keep it secret from the parents”
Looks like I’m playing chess with a pigeon.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Com’on. Your not playing chess at all. We are exchanging definitions from accepted dictionaries. I thought you would get that.
Shouldn’t you be defending the tenets of CRT and why aren’t you?
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
FWIW, I think 80% of CRT is crap….  but I am against outlawing ideas or running round with our heads on fire about what other people ponder . Let’s stay on the topic of the subthread, shall we?
That topic is “Is Doug78 a conspiracy loving kookaboo?”
You really haven’t said anything in your defense thus far… but I have hopes.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
I am against outlawing ideas also but I believe that school curriculum should ultimately be decided by the parents. CRT proponents can say what they like as well as those of opposing views. I dislike much of CRT like you because it clearly is part of an agenda by the worst part of the Democrats of which I believe you are a part. You don’t like much of CRT but you are fine with it if it serves your needs otherwise you would be against it. I understand now why you won’t defend CRT. You don’t like 80% of it. Then tell me why do you want it to be taught to children? Do you not care? Do you have children? If so do you want them to be taught that they are either oppressors or the oppressed and nothing between? Perhaps you don’t dare say what you want because of the repercussions. Imagine if you tell everyone around you that 80% of CRT is crap. You probably tell them that you are in the Resistance.  
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
It’s not taught to children.  It’s presented to college students, as a theory, along with many other ideas you’d probably like quashed.  
You want parents designing college curriculum?  Most aren’t even remotely qualified for that. 
This is why everyone freaking about it looks so dumb.  It’s culture war BS ginned up by Fox and OAN.  
Back to the original topic: since you haven’t offered any statements to the contrary, can we  agree that you’re a conspiracy loving kookaboo?
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
It is taught to children and you know it. Ten years ago it was only taught in colleges but now it is in the lower grades. That’s where you lie again. No need to agree with you about anything. No need for a statement either other than to state that you practice mendacity. We can agree on that.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
“ANOTHER conspiracy!  It’s so hard to keep up.”
Another fact. Teachers have been opposed to parents listening on on what they have been teaching their children during remote classes. Schools have been hiding CRT indoctrination from parents, as they know parents will be opposed to it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
The biggest conspiracy of the day is that phantom systems of oppression (invisible to the naked eye but visible by certain morally superior people) are keeping black people down.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Democrats push something destructive, Zardoz wants us to be angry at those who notice.  Earlier you accused Mish of white fragility.  I waiting for you to write something worthy of reading, e.g., perhaps…. on substance.
“Where it’s applied”? – How about the idea that Derek Chauvin was not an individual murderer, but merely a stand-in for systemic racism… and his guilty verdict was ‘only the beginning of justice’ (national press).  Or Kavanaugh was deemed guilty by some for the crime of being from an affluent white family.  Or anytime anyone says, “as a [black/hispanic/asian][gay/trans][woman], I say XXX”.  Or when economic success and criminality are treated as outgrowth of the race of the individual and/or “the system”.  Or when a black college student at an elite university falsely accuses a white janitor of racially profiling her, the ‘bien pensants’ rush to take her side, imposing a panic-fueled school-wide diversity training because black people are ‘fighting for their right to exist’.  CRT is everywhere.
Professors from Brown and Columbia discussing it’s ubiquity:  link to
2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice
I don’t want anybody to be angry at anybody…. But I do get irritated when people act dumber than they are.  Watching conservatives lurch from hissy fit to hissy fit is endlessly frustrating.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
You’ve convinced me.  I’ve never seen the #resistance do that. 
2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice
Whataboutism doesn’t excuse you.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
You don’t have to be a conservative to dislike CRT. You just have to see it for what it truly represents. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
What does it represent?
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
I’ve been observing the rise of CRT for over 5 years. It came to my attention with the race-related “protests” on various college campuses…like the one at Mizzou in 2015 and the ones at Evergreen in 2107.
My take is that most liberal leaning people mistakenly conflate CRT with the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s…and that the many viral videos of police using excessive and unnecessary force against black people have increased support for it, in a time and place where social media drives social thought.
The nuances of CRT (and its spin-off BLM)  are not generally understood, and I’m fairly sure that far less than a third of the population really has a handle on CRT, where it came from, what it really is, or what the upshot of embracing it as a legitimate movement will be.
Taking a deep dive into the subject is a worthwhile pursuit.
In reality, CRT is the product of a serious dumbing-down of social science…..whereby facts and statistics take a back seat to “lived experience”…and the  misguided perceptions of people who have graduate degrees in pseudo-scientific fields of study  like Women’s Studies and Africa-American Studies and Multi-Cultural Studies. People who have become prominent and make huge money off CRT….like Robin DiAngelo and Ibram Kendi.
These people who would tell us who we are and explain our “systemic racism” to us, are the academic spawn of Peggy McIntosh, who, from her ivory tower perch at Brown, coined the term White Privilege, which came out of an article she wrote that was basically just a list of examples she came up with, of how much better she had it than some imagined black person……her unvarnished opinions, of how black people were still being systemically mistreated.This was in the 80’s.
Examined closely, CRT is nothing more than a retread of communism. The greatest good for the greatest number, Everybody contributes according to his/her abilities and receives according to his/her needs. Power is the defining principle. Power must be wrested from those who currently wield it (old white men) and be given to the disenfranchised (but no doubt highly deserving)  specially designated victims.
To mainstream Democrats, it’s an easy sell, because it fits hand-in-glove with their false narrative that promises special rights for all special groups……racial minorities, women, LGBTQ….anybody who can claim victimhood. It fits perfectly with the main pillar of their belief system, which assumes that (a) anybody who isn’t a white male is oppressed in our society and (b) that the government’s job is to put a thumb on the scales to make things more “fair”.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
“Evergreen in 2017” Too many edits make comments go poof.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Excellent high level summary Eddie_T. There is a mountain of nuance, history and troubling examples. 

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