Phantom FDI – Companies Aren’t Investing, They’re Hiding Money

Phantom FDI

Profit Shifting

Low Tax Countries

Mind You, This Takes a Hell of a Lot of Work

But Stunning Results


Mish Asks Where’s Da Money?

Hussman Reply


It would be a hell of a lot simpler to slash the US corporate tax rate to 10% with no loopholes and put a minimum tax rate of 12% on FDI and profits held overseas.

100% of that money “held” overseas would return in about 15 seconds because it really isn’t there in the first place as Hussman explained some time ago.

Hussman’s only mistake was failure to come up with a catchy phrase like “Phantom FDI”.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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4 years ago

Better still would be to tax revenue instead of profit which can always be fudged. Tax of just 1 or 2% should be sufficient with no tax for those under $500,000 revenue, for example.

Many say it’s regressive but I don’t buy it and I run a small biz. Widget Co. doesn’t give me a break on pricing because I didn’t show a profit last year. Why should government?

Government provides a service like everything other: roads, water, police, fire, health, airports, etc. They should get paid for services rendered just like every other vendor.

4 years ago

There’s a hierarchy of employment for accounting and financial types in terms of skill level and remuneration.

The smartest, most cunning, most creative and most greedy rise to the top of corporate industry and run the show. Some even get to run companies like Enron and RBS or turn dodgy governmental tricks for the vampire squid or float unicorn IPOs.

The next layer down is the senior people at big accountancy firms and auditors, who know which side their bread is buttered on and how to keep the pipeline of base fees plus additional consultancy work flowing freely. Or they are the lobbyists who for the price of a few good meals and a game of golf can persuade politicians to write ever more convoluted, exemption riddled and ineffective tax codes.

Somewhere below that comes the shysters who are driven to come up with tax avoidance schemes, smoke and mirror investment schemes and too good to be true get rich quick schemes. An over-endowment of greed outweighs any intellectual weakness.

Way down near the bottom of the pile are the ones who end up working for tax authorities. Predominantly honest and hard working but hopelessly outclassed and outgunned.

4 years ago

When any economist discovers transfer pricing and begins waxing eloquent about tax fairness, I instinctively feel for my wallet. No politician anywhere ever taxed a corporation for anything. It’s the customer who’s the mark and the customer is just too dumb/disinterested to stand and fight it by insisting the politician speak in total spend and total tax terms to the total citizenry.

However, Hussman is right on that the only way to have actually moved the R&D needle with foreign profit repatriations was to have restricted any tax credit to Future R&D spend rates above actuals. Otherwise, a huge chunk of repatriated profits would simply be fed into the stock buyback furnace, which is exactly what happened.

The really worrisome thing to me is corporate America’s blatant admission that they’d rather drive their own capital stock down with buybacks, enhancing their own comp plans, than blaze new trails with innovation…the only thing that actually drives human living standards.

Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett
4 years ago

“It would be a hell of a lot simpler to slash the US corporate tax rate to 10% with no loopholes and put a minimum tax rate of 12% on FDI and profits held overseas.”

Agree, but it will NEVER happen.

Accounting one of the BIG lobby groups. You would have a million (very well paid) accountant march on DC to protect byzantine tax code.

Many corporations pay less than advertised tax rate. Legislation (often written by lobbyists) protect certain companies / industries at the expense of others. Congress shakes down these beneficiaries to fill their campaign coffers. No loopholes takes away the grease. Will not happen.

4 years ago

Your response to excessive corporate profits that are being mal-invested – much of which comes from government allowed monopolies – is to increase those ill gotten profits and CUT taxes???

Ignoring facts to advance a fact free ideology, me thinks.

Next you’ll be telling us Venezuela economy if failing because socialism and airbrush U.S. sanctions out…or that universal single payer healthcare is bad…oh wait…you already did.

4 years ago

Why would any company be legally liable on taxes overseas ?

Country Bob
Country Bob
4 years ago

I enjoy reading Mish’s blog, but these three quasi guests aren’t qualified to clean my kiddie pool.

Setser teaches economics in California…. Berkley to be more specific. A place dedicated to stamping out capitalism and censoring anyone who disagrees with the cult’s teachings.

You lost me at Paul Krugman. Academic, political hack. Zero real world experience. Rubbish.

He got kicked out of Princeton for advertising fraud — he was one of the many people “advertised” to be teaching at Princeton, when in fact he didn’t teach a single course. Not one, for years and years. He wrote a complaint op-ed column for the NY Times while drawing a paycheck from Princeton.

Oh, and he wrote some left wing clap trap for the socialist government of sweden — that was the basis of the memorial prize from socialists for distorting economics.

4 years ago
Reply to  Country Bob

My impression is that Mish pays more attention to what he thinks is true, rather than who’s qualified. But then again, I don’t know if he has a kiddie pool that needs cleaning. If you do, then maybe you’re more concerned about credentials.

4 years ago
Reply to  Country Bob

Krugman has issues, but Setser knows his stuff.

Country Bob
Country Bob
4 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn

The very first sentence reads “Economists Brad Setser, John Hussman, and Paul Krugman discuss…”

Correction: An academic with no real world experience, an investor who was long bonds during a bond bull market, and a political hack discuss…”

If Mish had said this FDI stuff was his opinion, it might be worth reading. But attributing it to two clowns and a guy lucky enough to be buying something going up in spite of himself?

The only difference between Sara Palin and Paul Krugman is which side of the political fence they are on. That is all. Would you “voluntarily” give up a cushy tenured position at Princeton so you could “work” at City University of NYC? Or was his departure related to multiple lawsuits against Princeton of deceptive advertising (claiming that certain “professors” taught classes when they really write politically motivated op-ed for the NYTimes). NYTimes doesn’t pay tenured professor salaries to their guest op-ed writers — and charging tuition rates for services not rendered is not kosher.

As the student loan mess continues to fester, that fraud case should have been a warning to academia, if they were paying attention. The army of political activists abusing the student loan system is going to have a day of reckoning.

Mish should have just stated his own opinion about FDI, instead of citing false prophets

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