Trump Threatens to Veto Spending Bill Over DACA, the Wall

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6 years ago
6 years ago

Well once it’s been establish in token actions by a nation’s central bank that there will always be a buyer for low yield treasury bonds, fiscal expenditure becomes a political pretense of borrowing, whilst in practice just spending newly printed money.

Yet strangely enough, if fiscal government did just nationalize its central bank and spend via the printing press, investors would be far more anxious. Always there must be this pretext of debt, of future obligation to pay back what was spent today. Perhaps because it maintains the illusion of restraint, or constraint, of government and its ability to directly cause monetary inflation. But that’s what it is, an illusion. As every subsequent politician has demonstrated, there’s always room for more debt.

Fiscal expenditure is no joke you know. Unlike all the other forms of credit exploitation, government debt spending actually reaches into the real economy. Just look at what happened to Greece.

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