Trump Says “Nobody Likes Me” Why?

It’s Personality

And he’s [Dr. Fauci] got this high approval rating, so why don’t I have a high approval rating with respect — and the administration, with respect to the virus?

We should have a very high, because what we’ve done in terms of — we’re just reading off about the masks and the gowns and the ventilators and numbers that nobody has seen, and the testing at 55 million tests; we tested more than anybody in the world. I have a graph that I’d love to show you — perhaps you’ve seen it — where we’re up here and the rest of the world is down at a level that’s just a tiny fraction of what we’ve done, in terms of testing.

So it sort of is curious: A man works for us — with us, very closely, Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Birx also highly thought of. And yet, they’re highly thought of, but nobody likes me. It can only be my personality. That’s all.

Video Clip “Nobody Likes Me”

The key moment is at the very end.

Nobody Likes Trump?

There are plenty of people who like Trump. Indeed there is a core of people who believe Trump can do no wrong.

Currently 41.2% of the people approve of Trump. That’s quite a lot of people, but it won’t him elected.

The above chart shows a recent popularity peak on March 28 where his disapproval rating dipped below 50% to 49.7%. 

What About Covid Handling?

The above chart courtesy of 538 Coronavirus Polls. The lead chart is a snip of 538 How Popular is Donald Trump?

The polls are related. Trump peaked in the first poll on March 28, and his Covid-Handling approval rating crossed soon after.

But it is not just Covid-handling. People widely disapprove of his handling of the riots in the wake of the George Floyd murder. 

Nobody Like Trump

When I first read the “Nobody Likes Me” clip I misread it as “There’s Nobody Like Me“. 

The latter is far more accurate. 

The best comparison I can come up with is Trump vs Gaston. The following video will explain.

No One Like Gaston

Trump is on the Short End of the Enthusiasm Gap

On July 17, I noted Trump is on the Short End of the Enthusiasm Gap

Biden’s net enthusiasm rating is near zero, which is similar to most major-party presidential candidates’ ratings from 1980 to 2012. Trump’s current score of around -20, on the other hand, has only one historical comparison other than his own campaign four years ago: Hillary Clinton in 2016.

The above clip from 538. See the above link for more analysis.

There are two kinds of enthusiasm, positive and negative. The spread matters.

Trump is ahead of Biden when it comes to positive enthusiasm. Unfortunately for Trump, he is way behind in negative enthusiasm. That spread is what’s killing Trump at the polls.

The Man People Hate to Hate

  • Biden is a man people hate to hate. 
  • Trump and Hillary are candidates people love to hate.

Trump and Hillary are as grating as Gaston. 

With Trump, it’s always someone else’s fault for what goes wrong and nobody else gets the credit when things do right.

Trump is the biggest narcissist the world has ever seen and most people are sick of it, even those who plan to vote for him anyway. 

That’s what the enthusiasm gap is all about.


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3 years ago

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3 years ago

538 doesn’t do very well with Trump related data. Rasmussen is usually not only more favourable but more accurate.

Net approval-disapproval = -1.
Approval at 51% which is 3 pts above Obama at same day of Presidency.

He’s doing better than most of the mainstream polls are saying, and the campaign hasn’t really got going yet due to covid suppression.

It is going to come down to dirty tricks, cheating, scandal, covid shutdowns and all the rest of it. It’s not a normal year or a normal election.

But at least Covid is looking up. Turns out most of the increases in death counts was due to (no doubt deliberately) misleading counting methods, whereby they take all the latest reports from the past two weeks or so which dribble in one report at a time, and add them all to the latest day’s tally. In fact, most of these increasing days of late show a clearly declining curve when the deaths are added to the actual days of death, not the current latest day.

Lots of fun and games like that with covid reporting, but all polls and other election stories are no less distorted. Personally, I think Trump is nuts to continue to want the job unless he has a way of substantively dismantling Washington DC’s Administrative State, all Shadow Govts, nearly the entire intel community, the banking system. Highly unlikely to say the least. But if anyone COULD have a shot at it, he’s the one. Barring that, though, I hope he changes his mind so the country can pick a policy direction versus a personality. And that direction should be a concerted effort to restore a common sense, honest, well-run, financially sound Republic, and not deal with all this funny money, corrupt administration, ghastly military-industrial-intelligence complex and so forth. Again, somewhat hopeless given how close the US is to being a failed state, but worth a try surely.

3 years ago
Reply to  BaronAsh

I seriously doubt that Trump can do enough dirty tricks and cheating to change the outcome to be in his favor, but I could be wrong.

As far as your argument about the deaths, it fails. The people are dead, they have to go into the count. You can’t say “Oh, you died of covid, but the report didn’t get to us fast enough, haha, so we don’t have to count you.” Of course they are going to be added to today’s tally. Furthermore, deaths that happen today, but which aren’t reported for 2 weeks will be added to the daily report two weeks now. The net effect is zero.

3 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R

You are discounting the effect it has on the curve, which is the point. Yes, there is net zero difference in the end regarding total number dead, but a graph can show daily deaths going up by counting many previous deaths the last two weeks as all happening today, whereas in fact daily deaths are going down. The death rate is really all that matters and all this fuss about case numbers going up is a total con.

Especially if we’re using the same tests that came back with positive results for the paw-paw fruit sample submitted!
Or our antibody tests include positives from those who have had flu shots (which they do).


Anyway, good try. Hopefully you have persuaded yourself otherwise you are just being disingenuous!

3 years ago
Reply to  BaronAsh

And I’m glad that you convinced yourself that deaths that happened any longer ago than the last 24 hours should be excluded from the data. Believe whatever you want.

3 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R

You evidence a refusal to absorb data that contradicts your beliefs.
All I am saying is if they add 100 to the daily death total for today but 80 of those death dates occurred over the previous three weeks, most of them at the beginning of the period, not the end near the current date, that it is disingenuous to present such a graph as ‘scientific evidence’ that the death rate is going up significantly. Reconstructed graphs plotting daily deaths on the date they occurred show steady, if slow, daily death declines.

The panic narrative depends upon a sense that things are out of control and we’re all gonna die. The data shows this is not the case. Countries using HCQ + Zinc as prophylactic show that this virus is not a threat. Those pushing this pandemic as part of the attempted coup now ongoing for several years do not want an easy end to a pandemic which, thankfully, has thus far killed only those with pre-existing morbid conditions, i.e. who were slated to die very soon anyway.

You have been played.

3 years ago
Reply to  BaronAsh

Keep in mind that if you are going to retroactively change the deaths back to the actual date of death, you can’t a plot a graph up to the present or it would falsely appear to be falling. You have to stop your graph at least 2-3 weeks ago. Why? Because deaths that are happening now won’t be reported for a couple weeks, so the present data is incomplete, ergo, incorrect, and low.

Welcome to the disinformation age, where you can have your own separate truth.

3 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R

Any anti-Trumpist who has supported or goes along with the entirely disingenuous witch hunts the past few years and the narratives behind them, lie after lie after lie after lie, has zero credibility when accusing Trump of … anything!

You might be fooling yourself, though, so I guess that’s something!

PS Research how many billions have been seized from cartels around the border.
Research cost of wall thus far.
See if the math reveals that, yes Karen: Mexico has paid for the wall!

3 years ago
Reply to  BaronAsh

Good point for people on either side of the issue to keep in mind.

Meanwhile, talk about disinformation:
average weekly death rate in 2020 so far the lowest in many years…

Yes, there are more deaths awaiting to be recorded from past two weeks, but at this point in the year they will only bump the numbers up a very little. The big killer states like NY are going down rapidly and the numbers in places like Florida and Texas, though high relative to a few months ago, relative to the national population are not going to budge the weekly national death needle much.

In fact, it’s possible the death numbers are lower because people took a time out from stressful lives and, perhaps more importantly, stayed away from doctors and hospitals. Iatrogenic deaths are #3 or something in causes, though rarely recorded simply as that (i.e. heart failure + doctor error often ends up in the heart count alone etc.).

Anyway, those who are of a skeptical bent – like myself – distrust most of the statistics put out by USG, including this articles’ CDC – but those who want to believe what they want to believe always can find data to back it up. According to some this is the worst pandemic in a century. According to hundreds of docs in Europe and the same in the US it is a moderately bad flu for seniors that has been blown out of proportion to effect regime change. I’m with those doctors. Another word for this is: ‘asymmetric war.’ Very intelligent…

3 years ago

Trump in that video is reminiscent of Hilary

His narcissism is fascinating. He judges everyone by what they publicly say about Trump. I actually heard him asked in an interview once what he thought of someone, and his response was “I don’t know, I’m not sure what he has said about me”

3 years ago

I’m honestly surprised at the 41.2 number approval rating. There must be more closet Trump supporters than the base.

Biden said a few months ago he thought Trump would try to suspend the election and he was laughed at. Biden also mentioned Trump might try to steal the election and he doesnt look so wrong anymore.

So are the 41.2 % people that simply feel America is theirs and not everyone’s? I think so.

3 years ago

They don’t care about democracy, its all me me me ….

3 years ago

This election is really a story about Trump’s performance as President vs himself as a citizen. He is still behaving as if he is the insurgent who never held office. It isn’t working out too well.

3 years ago

I was so puzzled when I heard him cry his plaintive cry–how could people not like him? So I turned to trusty google and asked, “What are 10 reasons why someone isn’t liked?” An, voila, my freing google, came through !!

10 Reasons People Really Don’t Like You (And How To Fix That)


Gosh, 9 out of 10 ain’t bad,is it?

Now go to work, Trump, on fixing that little problem…

3 years ago
Reply to  njbr

#11 you actually care if people like you (to the point of being a needy bitch)

3 years ago

More of the public’s anger is directed against city and state leaders who are directing the covid 1984, lock downs/economic destruction, BLM/ANTIFA riots, and destruction. All this in democratic run areas. Watch Trump harness all that and use it against the democrats. BTW, we need Ron Paul’s leadership in a really bad way.

3 years ago
Reply to  gregggg

On which planet are you living?

3 years ago
Reply to  gregggg

I will say one thing about your posts Gregggg, they are consistant. Always wrong but at least you can be counted upon to say the same type of thing every time. Did I mention that every post I have ever seen with your name on it reads like some hit and run propaganda from Putin’s troll farm? No argument, not rational claims, just always DTS drivel.

3 years ago

I guess I’d ask “who cares if he thinks he’s liked or not.” The country is designed to run without a king. Whether the “king” feels bad that he isnt more popular is irrelevant. The US was developed by people who knew kings and queens and their henchmen and their absolute power, and kept them as powerless as possible. Today, as in the last decades, the food stores are full, the gas stations are open and the electricity flows. Stop caring about stunted fatheads like Donald. He just doesnt matter.

3 years ago
Reply to  jivefive99

“The country is designed to run without a king”

Was .

“The country” was designed to guarantee people at least some traces of freedom as well. Again, emphasis was .

Like all countries in the Americas, we’re heirs to Peron now. Not Jefferson.

3 years ago

Nobody likes you? Nobody has EVER liked you, pieces of sh*t like you never have friends because you’ve never been a friend to anyone your entire life, only publicly lusting after your own daughter even when she was a preteen. You have partners in crime and unstable idolizers who are as sick and mean as yourself but have perceived themselves as total failures in life and rage at the world for their self-created hells or else the stupidly lost and deluded who are desperate to believe in something, anything in a futile attempt to be less stupid and lost. You’ve created nothing but enemies, those who despise both your revolting and atrocious personality and vile, rotten person and are lining up by the billions as you fall down, fail as you always have, ready to kick you in the teeth and gut as gleefully as you have always bullied others and heap mountains of ridicule and disgust upon you that you have so well-earned and so richly deserve.

You’re the worst president in US history and the biggest embarrassment to Americans ever. It will take years to clean up your stench when you’ve been flushed out of Washington, out of the minds and sight of the world but everyone will delight in the fact that you are gone forever, never to soil the American scene again in such a grotesque, destructive fashion.

Now you got it straight, you as*hole jerk moron?

Exact Matx
Exact Matx
3 years ago
Reply to  arneyoga

So, you don’t really like him?

3 years ago
Reply to  arneyoga

But tell us how you really feel.

3 years ago
Reply to  SusannaAM

Oh, I’m just getting warmed up as are billions of others. 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  arneyoga

And the sad thing is, Biden, or whomever ends up winning the race for dimwitted-scumbag-in-chief, will be even worse….. That’s what the first rule of Dear Leader, in all failed states in the midst of a free falling decline, always reads like.

Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple
3 years ago
Reply to  arneyoga

Thank you! I was going to write something like this but sans articles, verbs and punctuation. Just epithets.

3 years ago
Reply to  arneyoga

I wish I could write as well as you do! I’ll save a copy to read it again and again!

3 years ago
Reply to  arneyoga

LOL! And Biden is so pious! Such the good Catholic who is all for, not only abortion, but killing newborns too!! Let’s not forget his perverted ACTIONS with touching children and adults alike inappropriately on video for all the world to see. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with child molester Hunter Biden on the take and in China’s pocket too just like Dad taught him. How about Joe being sooooooo concerned about our well being with the Covid as he lets 10s of thousands enter the country untested to infect and spread the disease! I could go on and on……….but you get the drift. The real difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump was making America Great again with great policy, Biden is destroying the country with incompetence.

3 years ago

Trump gave the people a ton of iPhones and this is how they repay him.

Man previous Presidents really set the bar high.

3 years ago
Reply to  tokidoki

Uh, Obama was the phone president. Don’t you remember his campaign ads with people in the Chicago gettos sayin how they LOVED Obama and their free phones!!

3 years ago

Biden has shown himself to be a thief to the American people as well as a sexual devient, but hey I don’t hate him becasuse he is such a negligible individual. Better than Trump Mish
Ech who cares

3 years ago
Reply to  Mspehn

Vote Jo Jorgensen.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mspehn

Key Judgments
KJ-1. The Russian Web Brigade has increased sophistication of the ‘troll factory’ to avoid detection. By outsourcing to Africa, operations have become increasingly difficult to detect and intercept. It is likely outsourcing to avoid detection will continue.

KJ-2. Psychological Operations being conducted are focusing on increasing political polarisation in the U.S., focusing mainly on topics of racial tensions. Disinformation is a key strategy to produce a chaotic situation.

KJ-3. Grey zone tactics are utilized to seek a strategic and economic advantage over the U.S. without triggering all-out conflict. Russia is likely to increase bot activity in 2020-2025, peaking before and after U.S. elections. Activities targeting private companies will likely increase.

The Internet Research Agency primarily based in St Petersburg is accused of running fake news for election interference in the 2016 US elections. Owner of the company Yevgeny Prigozhin is identified to be head of the web brigade. The 22-month Mueller investigation concluded on the 17th March 2020 with charges being dropped. [thank you Bill Barr and Donald “I do nto have my head up Putin’s asshole” Trump] The U.S. Justice Department has communicated the difficulty proceeding with the case as it classifies evidence-based US intelligence risks exposing secrets. The troll farms are also being utilized for the aid of Pro-Russian regimes in Africa.

3 years ago

I frankly wouldn’t be surprised if Trump drops out if he thinks he can’t win. He could remain relevant this way and rather than having more disgraceful exit come January. He is throwing whatever right now at the wall and seeing if it will stick. This is classic Trump before cutting and running away.

3 years ago

Maybe. Looks to me like he’s more likely setting the stage to claim rampant fraud in the election and refusing to leave office. If so, things will get really interesting…

3 years ago
Reply to  AshH

That is why I said he seems to be throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

3 years ago

Why Trump Might Quit

There is logic behind saying to hell with reelection. link to

3 years ago

This could get really complicated.

When is the final date Trump could drop out and still have time for Pence’s name printed on the top of the ballot? (The Dem convention ends 8/20, so the tickets are potentially set on 8/21.). If Trump drops out too late and Trump/Pence is still on the ballot, will votes for Trump/Pence go to Pence?

I’m guessing if he did drop out early enough to be taken off the ballot, a significant portion of voters would write him in anyway, splitting the Repub vote, resulting in a landslide for Biden.

3 years ago

Trump is God!

3 years ago

I said a few years ago people would get Trump fatigue. We saw signs of it in the 2018 midterms. We are seeing a deluge now. Trump always loved to dominate the media and felt no press was bad press but that only works in the fake world of media and reality TV. It doesn’t compute when it comes to actually being an effective President.

3 years ago

I’ve said before Trump thinks he’s Michael Corleone but he’s really Fredo. This does not change my mind.

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