Word of the Day: Vote


If you think as I do, that Republicans won’t fix inflation but their energy policy and tax policy won’t make it worse, then you know what to do. 

But if you really think Biden and the progressives have has a handle on energy and inflation, and higher taxes, you are mistaken, but that’s your choice. 

Don’t like Republicans or Democrats? There are Libertarians running. No votes are ever wasted. 

Elections in many districts, perhaps even some states, may come down to a handful of votes. Do you want others to decide?

This post originated at MishTalk.Com

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1 year ago
My opinion has been, over the past 20 years, that voting for someone who wants to control you is immoral and unethical. Our government is corrupt, for the most part, so why should we support it? There is collusion between the democrats and republicans to promote wars and regime changes throughout the world, establish outposts of our empire to intimidate populations, run huge deficits, and generally oppress the population here in the US with a myriad of laws, so please tell me why we should lend our support to this behemoth? If no one voted, the government would finally realize it was no longer needed.
1 year ago
“Be the one who counts the vote.” FIFY
1 year ago
I think the country has become too ungovernable. Gridlock use to be good but now the two parties have very large differences that can’t be negotiated. Both want to use federal power to force their values on everyone. So I say let whatever states start the secession process and whichever ones are voted out of the union can secede. To me we ceased to be a country awhile back but it’s all just coming home to roost now. You can’t have a country when politicians are busier dividing the country than trying to unite it.
1 year ago
The government didn’t allow secession in 1861. Control of the land is money and power to a government.
1 year ago
The problem with that is the differences are mostly between urban and rural with the suburbs in between. Dividing by state would alienate one side or the other. This could lead people to migrate from one state to the another. That’s fine if everyone can find jobs in a new location but I suspect that wouldn’t actually happen. There are some jobs and companies that tend to attract more liberal or conservative employees. Even in the heartland of America there are pockets of liberals in urban areas which are needed to fulfill certain roles and vice versa.
1 year ago
first past the post can’t help us. voting won’t solve our problems. they’ll make them worse. we need revolution. mass protests and refusal to partake in the system. there’s no one worth voting for me. if you want me to be politicaly active, give me political power. allow a 4th branch of democracy, true democracy, direct democracy. All politicians are liars. they can’t be trusted. Why would I trust someone I’ve never met, when my closest kin doesn’t fully trust me or vice versa. Representative government without direct democracy is a failure. the system needs more check and balances from the people of the country.
1 year ago
Laughing, with 11% in, Fetterman’s at 92%…this could be hilarious.
1 year ago
At my polling place, there was a huge line in the morning. When I went to vote after work, traffic approaching the polling place was normal, and there was no line inside. Volunteers running the place were professional. According to the voting box, I was the 2072nd voter of the day. I had a pleasant voting experience.
1 year ago
I live in one of the close senate districts, and with Trump hinting at a 2024 run there is no possible way I’d vote “R”.
It hurts the GOP to hear, for example, Ron Johnson making statements about “election integrity”, fully knowing Trump will refuse to acknowledge losses in 2024 and turn to the GOP to try to subvert results.
Neither party is going to work on the deficit, neither party is going to make sound decisions for the economy.
One party will likely cave to a self serving dictator, and that’s where my decision was founded.
Sad to say, but candidate quality had almost no bearing on my vote, Trump did, I will not sit by on election day knowing he wants back in….not after hearing his phone calls to Georgia and seeing the majority of the GOP barely acknowledge the problem.
1 year ago
Reply to  MarkraD
If you did you would just be part of the “Red Mirage” anyway
1 year ago
Your experience in that beautiful canyon spurred me to order Desert Solitaire, via ABE. There’s a chapter where Abbey describes making an error of judgement as he descended down a canyon. Read it decades ago, and will enjoy reading it with my kid.
1 year ago
Why vote when the republicans are just going to steal the election???!?1!
1 year ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Why vote when Google, Facebook, Twitter, the MSM, the FBI, the intelligence agencies, etc. were corrupt in 2020, and still are?
1 year ago
Hi Mish.
How many times did ‘you’ vote in Illinois today?
1 year ago
Reply to  Avery
Obviously “0” as he is not dead yet.
1 year ago
I sure hope some day soon a third party will be able to prove our votes.
I don’t care if you are on the hanging chad or stop the steal side. I don’t trust anything until it’s proven.
We have the technology to have real-time proof. We have the ability to impower citizens around the world with our influence and creativity.
We also continue to witness when the government has power over the citizens with Russia, China, North Korea, etc.
1 year ago
Reply to  Billy
Blockchain tech can do it with mathematical certainty, fully auditable by anyone that cares to look at it.
Unfortunately, a large segment of the population is a’scared of fancy terms like ‘mathematical certainty’, and a solid fraction of those are too damn stupid to reliably count pieces of paper, despite believing with unshakable conviction that hand counting is the only way to be certain…. And only if that count says their candidate won.
1 year ago
Reply to  Zardoz
I agree Zadoz. People only want the truth as long as it supports their ideology. I strongly agree that blockchain must be used. We also need to have strict voter fraud laws with major punishment that are enforced. Then we need to work on blockchain that follows every dollar in politics and eventually remove all money related to it.
I feel that a digital dollar will be the answer to eliminating illegal activities like human and drug trafficking. If it continues then corruption will be evident and the citizens will have to choose to fight it or continue to be victims.
1 year ago
If you are tired of sniffing the a**es of the two lead dogs, D&R, then change the system. Start with Rank Choice Voting. Then your libertarians will have a legitimate shot at getting elected and scaring the H out of the lead dogs. It’s being implemented on a small scale so far. Next, call an Article V Constitutional Convention (Convention of States). Anything agreed upon would bypass Congress and could redress any issues we have with that body. IMO it is long overdue and is a way to update the constitution as the world has changed in the last 250 years. I believe there are at least a few things that most of us can agree on. There is no need to argue over things we are divided on. Accept the things we cannot change and act on the things we can. If Congress will not control/police themselves then we must use our constitutional rights to do so.
1 year ago
Reply to  Kick’n
The parties will never allow it. They won’t even kill the filibuster. We live under a two party tyrant, and that boot is staying firmly planted on our faces for as long as they can keep us divided and afraid.
1 year ago
Reply to  Zardoz
It is safe and effective.
1 year ago
If u vote Nancy is back with Paul, QQQ might fall…
1 year ago
I appreciate that we live in a democracy with free and fair elections. There are very few places in the world like that. (Of course, the Russian trolls here will try to tell you the last election was rigged. Anything to sow dissent. They can all go to H.)
I appreciate that I have the right, and the privilege of voting. And that we do as much as possible in the US to get as many people to vote as we can. (The trolls here will try to encourage voting restrictions. Tell them to FO.)
However, I also personally exercise my right to not vote. This is in the knowledge that my single vote will not change anything. If I actually believed that one party or the other would make a difference in my life, I might vote. But I have never seen that. So I consider voting a waste of my time.
My main focus is on following what government actually does and how I can profit from it.
1 year ago
Reply to  PapaDave
That’s your God given right, Papa D! Good for you. More power to you!
Now, everyone else get out there and vote! ; )
1 year ago
Reply to  PapaDave
Are you registered? Registered but Not voting makes the problem worse. I have read and seen enough funny stuff to really question things.
With all these on purpose delays in counting, that go days or weeks later, how can I be sure anyone that is registered to vote but has note voted, has not had their vote stolen?
Vote, or do not register to vote..
For the record , In Dutchess County NY, When i voted early days ago, they just asked my name, looked on the voter role and said ok and on to next line. I was not requested to show proof of who I was.
1 year ago
Reply to  LPCONGAS99
Not registered. No reason to. But congratulations to those of you who take the time to vote. Good for you.
1 year ago
Reply to  PapaDave
“I appreciate that I have the right, and the privilege of voting. And that we do as much as possible in the US to get as many people to vote as we can. (The trolls here will try to encourage voting restrictions. Tell them to FO.)”
My position as well.
PD I know your view on trading – Just cannot do it yet so I focus on macro.
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Thanks Mish. I did not understand why you couldn’t give recommendations before. Then you explained it (and others also did). Now I get it. Perhaps that will change in the future.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
1 year ago
Reply to  PapaDave
FYI, you can profit by selling your vote.
1 year ago
Reply to  Captain Ahab
And, interestingly, by buying them with Russian loot.
1 year ago
Reply to  PapaDave
Symbolic behavior is valuable. Humans have nonmaterial needs. Spiritual needs. The value of voting, like the value of praying, doesn’t depend on getting something material in return. Voting is not about affecting public policy in the same way that taking holy communion is not about eating and drinking. It’s about connection, and expression and ritual. I practice Americanism when I vote. All of which is to say that voting is patriotic. What’s the value of patriotism? That’s a different question. Here I’m just explaining that some, like me, see voting as a per se good. Valuable in and of itself, at least in a country whose ideals one cherishes.
1 year ago
Reply to  yooj
You should be proud that you vote. I admire that you do.
As far as being Patriotic, to me that means helping my fellow Americans, whoever they may be, rather than hating them, as some here are so focused on. Being “political” often means being “hateful”, as far as I can tell. And I want no part of that. Just my opinion. Not really worth a hill of beans.
Thanks for voting.
1 year ago
Reply to  PapaDave
“I appreciate that we live in a democracy with free and fair elections.”
Funny that you think that.
Kupcake Z
Kupcake Z
1 year ago
From one of the great philosophers of our time, George Carlin, “I don’t vote. Two reasons. Two reasons I don’t vote: first of all, it’s meaningless. This country was bought and sold and paid for a long time ago. The —- they shuffle around every four years doesn’t mean a ——- thing. And secondly, I don’t vote ’cause I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around. I know, they say, they say: “well if you don’t vote you have no right to complain”. But where’s the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent people, and they get into office and screw everything up, well you are responsible for what they have done, YOU caused the problem, you voted them in, you have no right to complain. I on the other hand, who did not vote, WHO DID NOT VOTE. Who in fact did not even leave the house on election-day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done, and have every RIGHT to complain as loud as I want, about the mess YOU created, that I had nothing to do with.” Not voting is a legitimate choice.
1 year ago
Reply to  Kupcake Z
I disagree. Are you registered to vote?????
The politician that ran is responsible. If you are saying I won’t register , than supposedly that vote cant be harvested or stolen so fine. But if you register then don’t vote I am convinced that vote is stolen…
They don’t stop counting till 2 weeks or more after the election..That and todays high tech, And since we know which party is in bed with high tech, that vote turns democrat. Why else did i see 3:am drop offs at a mailbox with that person taking a photo of the mailbox?
And I am not some Trump supporter. He is now a clown and needs to go
If you are registered and don’t vote, you are part of the problem
1 year ago
Reply to  Kupcake Z
With more than 50 years of direct experience I guarantee that voting only encourages politicians to continue and increase their bad behaviours.
1 year ago
Mish glad your ok. Been their done that. Ice climbing out in dark/ no shuttle for after kayaking / list goes on.
Someone once said misadventure is adventure. If things always go right you wont have a story to tell.
Encourage people to vote in the primaries seems where the true choices are made.
Rest up. You should try mt Olympus . On the edge of slc next year when the snows gone.
1 year ago
Reply to  Rbm
I do not think my knees would take Mt. Olympus. But I could not do it anyway. It’s a multi-day trip and I would not want to be away that long.
Would love to do a 7-day Colorado river raft trip through the Grand Canyon but same issue.
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Yeah i remember olympus being a long day and a scramble at the top. Great view of slc.
You would do fine on the raft trip itself. Side hikes may have some exposure. On a commercial trip i would think they would dial it for guest abilities. Ive turned down all grand trips for various reasons so no direct experience there. But have done a bunch of sections above. Cataract is awesome. deso grey may be a choice for you. With all the desert rivers pick the time of the year where the days are warm and nights are cool. Dont want to be out there in 110 day and 95 at night because the canyon walls collected heat all day.
1 year ago
My choices for U.S. congress person, quoted from the official sample ballot.
30th District
Vote for ONE
Party Preference: Democratic
Silver Lake Neighborhood Councilwoman
Party Preference: Democratic
United States Representative
I left the box, unchecked. No vote.
1 year ago
I’m a registered D, but I voted R across the board. Except for one person I know. Dems have turned into republicans and vice versa. Never thought I would see the day when D represented the aristocracy and R represented the middle class. My votes were wasted. I think my county is 80% D.
1 year ago
Reply to  KidHorn

All this cross over voting may be a good thing. Might just pull both parties to the center instead of pleasing the far side of either party. Maybe somethings can get solved in a productive way.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rbm
That’s my vote today… Voted against Trump-ites AND the crazy social justice warrior dems…
1 year ago
I have to beg to differ about there is no such thing as a wasted vote. In a parliamentary system, that is indeed true where coalitions can be formed and one party can help move the majority one way or the other. However, in the US….its a binary choice. Neither party is perfect, no matter what side of the aisle you are on….but one or the other can be home to most of what you believe. And I speak of experience….I voted for Perot in 92, since I despised Clinton, and Bush was a liar on taxes. Yet, had I had to choose one or the other, Bush would have been my guy. Yet in the end, 19% of us, probably mostly republicans, helped usher in the Clinton years….which continue to this day.
1 year ago
Reply to  LarryK
I often wonder what would have happened if Ross Perot had actually won.

His push for a balanced budget was remarkable. I still remember all his charts he posted.

We would have been wise to get him. At least there wouldn’t have been a Lewinsky Scandal. I believed him to be a good man who sincerely wanted the best for the USA. He certainly would have been better than Clinton. Looking back now though, Clinton wasn’t as bad as I thought he was back then, I still would have preferred Perot to Clinton or Bush.

1 year ago
Reply to  dbannist
He probably could have reached a balanced budget because Clinton managed to turn a surplus. Mostly because the internet era generated massive increased in productivity that no one had any idea was coming.
Perot was really running on the idea of rejecting NAFTA. Not signing that would have been his legacy. Problem for him beyond that would have been that neither party really would have wanted to work with him so it might not have accomplished anything else besides staying out of NAFTA (which might have been signed the minute he left office by the next president).
1 year ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
Clinton didn’t really run a surplus. The deficit went up every year he was in office. It was only a supposed surplus one year if you excluded interest on the debt. And he benefitted because of a huge capital gains windfall that year from the stock market.
1 year ago
Reply to  KidHorn
correct. we knew at the time. rubin was cunning. he just changed the duration on the debt in a drastic way to hide the scam of his budgets…….pax amerika is run by con men at NYC banks. with the military industry in shot gun seat. the middlebrows don’t stand a chance. unfortunately. i grew up among the banking C suite schmucks. brutal people.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
1 year ago
Reply to  dbannist
At a time when globalization was emerging as a strategic force, and the US was forced to compete in many areas (Japan leading in consumer electronics, autos etc), Perot had charts and not much else, as I remember.
What would have happened had Perot won? Not much, in terms of keeping the US on the leading edge. Definitely no sexual shenanigans in the Oval Office with Perot, and no need to explain blowjobs to our 6-y-o daughter. As for Clinton’s use of cigars for stimulation… she didn’t hear about it. Clinton was an a-hole going back to his days at Oxford. Nowadays, Wikipedia reports Clinton completed only one year because of the draft–no mention at all of the rape of an Oxford student–which was known at the time.
IMHO, you have to go back to Reagan to find a President with character, vision, and the capacity to carry it out. A quantum improvement on Carter, no wonder the main stream media segued to character assassination.
1 year ago
Reply to  Captain Ahab
Agreed. W rooked us. He lied to us about WMD and John Roberts. Yikes!
1 year ago
Reply to  LarryK
You have two choices, but the same people selected both of them. How people can’t figure that out just amazes me. If you want to legitimate a fraud, then by all means vote. But, if you have a big enough pair to rule yourself like a real man/woman, then just lean back and laugh at the scared little slaves as they hope they get the master they want. Anything to keep living on their knees.
1 year ago
Reply to  HippyDippy
Cops will come stomp you whether you vote or not.
1 year ago
The GOP has become the “party of lesser damage.” Combine that with a desire for endless stalemates, i.e., wanting Congressional control by a different Party than that controlling the White House, and this is a no-brainer for me.
1 year ago
Apologies for a chintzy post but I unexpectedly spent a very cold night in the Zion NP wilderness last night and just got home.
Right Fork Trail

hours later than expected I am out.

a cold night in the wilderness.

had a hat and gloves but by feet were wet and there was a bit of wind and 40
degree temps.

feet from the trailhead I could not find it. Heck, I could not find it this
morning. Needed to call a ranger. No phone service but we pay for Garmin
satellite and Liz called the ranger.

was on a different path out than I went in, and there was a nasty scramble on a
thin ledge that I did not see even in daylight.

Garmin issues yesterday as well.

problem was trying to do a 12 hour hike in 10.5 hours of daylight. Had I found
the right trail out I would last night I have been out last night albeit after

am loaded with cactus needles everywhere. This was not an easy hike. Genuine

Going to pull cactus needles now and get some rest.
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Geeze dude… glad you’re back safe
I’m too old for those kind of hikes. I reserve all my injuries and risks for BJJ.
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Still beats living in Northern Illinois, no? 🙂
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Wilderness is beautiful, but it can also be nasty. Have had many trips similar to yours. At least you didn’t get 2′ of snow overnight. Makes it impossible to find anything and there’s always a fear you may step into an abyss.
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Sounds like a real adventure and not all of it pleasant. Smart to have satellite phone!
Glad your OK even if you will be spending a few hours pulling out cactus needles.
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Holy smoke. You planned for a day-hike and spent the night in the wilderness…
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Inspiring. Thank you for sharing that. And thanks for everything else you do.
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Those are the fun times. At least after you’ve healed up a bit.
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Mish, it sounds like you summoned your inner Bear Grylls. Glad you made it out.
And I exercised our important American right to vote today. 🇺🇸
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Did you get any photos of the eclipse?
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Stress and excitement go hand in hand, and make life worth living. Next time, can you take a GoPro so the rest of us can live vicariously?
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Sounds like a great adventure now that it’s over. I love that thrill of realizing you don’t know where you are or which way to go. Will probably be the death of me.
1 year ago
Reply to  Zardoz
when i was a young fella from age about 12 to 18, we used to go out into the woods down a mountain in heavy snowfall, with flashlights we knew had dying batteries. trying to get lost on purpose in the rather remote, mountains on the NY / VT border……..we were too dumb to understand it was stupid. i just laugh thinking about those days. btw, we were city boys who were up there, helping out family working on their farms……..
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
I’m glad you’re ok. 🙂
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
Given it was a eclipse, it would be easy to say in retrospect to expect the unexpected. I think life in the west can be quite extreme. When we first moved here in 2009 it would literally rain for weeks at a time starting in October and not end until February. Now after years of drought, this year feels more like the falls and winters we use to get from 2009-2015.
1 year ago
lived in AZ and CA for 20 years. the west is the best. but also harsh. especially the desert mountains……..dying is not too remote a chance if you do anything stupid. lived among the redwoods for a year. breathtaking part of the world.
1 year ago
Reply to  Mish
glad you are ok. sounds kooky. but whatever floats your boat.

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