A Record Low 13 Percent of Eighth Grade Students Are Proficient in History

Nation’s Report Card

Please consider the NAEP History Report Card at Grade 8 for the US. 

NAEP reports scores at five selected percentiles to show changes over time in the scores for lower- (10th and 25th percentiles), middle- (50th percentile), and higher- (75th and 90th percentiles) performing students. In 2022, the scores for students at the 10th, 25th, 50th, and 75th levels declined compared to 2018. Scores for lower-performing students declined more than the score decrease for those at the 75th percentile compared to 2018. This is a continuation of a decline seen at all select percentiles except for the 90th percentile when comparing the 2018 scores to those in 2014. In 2022, there were no significant changes in scores at any of the selected percentile levels compared to 1994. 

299 out of 500, just under a 60% score, is in the top 10 percent of the class. 

Proficiency Levels

  • NAEP Basic Achievement Level: 252 (50.4 Percent Score)
  • NAEP Proficient Level: 294 (58.8 Percent Score)
  • NAEP Advanced Level: 327 (65.4 Percent Score)

2022 History Proficiency

Proficiency Synopsis

  • Only 1 percent of “advanced” students could manage better than a 65.4 percent score. 
  • Only 13 percent of students were deemed “proficient” at 58.8 percent or better.
  • Only 46 percent of students could manage to get just over half the questions correct.

When I Went to Grade School 

  • Below 70%: F
  • 70-77%: D
  • 78-84%: C
  • 85-92: B
  • 93+: A

My, how times have changed. 

Proposed Solution (Sarcasm)

  • Below 26%: F
  • 26-34%: D
  • 35-42%: C
  • 43-50%: B
  • 51+%: A

Of course, we need to take external factors into consideration. Anyone from a disadvantaged home gets to add 26 percentage points to their score.

Second we need to stop publishing results. Instead, we just post final grades. 

Proficiency scores will skyrocket and we can then pat our education system on the back for a job well done. 

This post originated at MishTalk.Com

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Hansa Junchun
Hansa Junchun
11 months ago
8th graders are at a record low proficiency in everything. I’m a public high school teacher, so I know a bit about what’s coming into my classroom from that grade.
11 months ago
There should be cameras in all school rooms and anyone should be able to login and audit or watch how classes are conducted.
Kids would likely be much better behaved if they knew that their parents might be watching and teachers would have to be mindful of how they were teaching their classes.
What say ye?
11 months ago
There are four things young people must be made to remember about American History….. Remember the Alamo, Remember Pearl Harbor, Remember 911, and Remember Chappaquiddick.
11 months ago

This story is priceless! Considering how the comment section of this blog is heavily populated with idiots who I have to block with the IGNORE button. You need some of these poorly educated youngsters to raise the average intelligence here.

11 months ago
People are more apt to know the names of the TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, than they are to know the names of the 4 most famous Renaissance artists.
11 months ago
Reply to  Christoball
LOL… Nice.
11 months ago
I’m older than you Mish but my schools were all > 90 is A, 80-89 B 70-79 C 65-69 D and <65 F with associated +/- within those ranges.
11 months ago
When a large part of the country is happy if the kids know the 10 commandments and that there was no slavery, well this is what you get.
11 months ago
Reply to  LawrenceBird
that describes no where in this country
11 months ago
March 17, 2023
“The New Normal”: New York to Lower Math and English Proficiency Standards Due to Poor Test Results
I recently wrote how public educators and unions were methodically killing public education. The best example this week comes from New York where a school board committee has solved the dismal math and reading scores for children in the system . . . they lowered the standards. This is not the first system to gut its standards rather than improve its quality of education. As teachers and unions object to school choice, they continue to make the case for private education. Parents are increasingly voting with their feet. The board is simply calling the lack of proficiency “the new normal” and changing the standards. Done.
New York will permanently lower the math and reading proficiency standards after embarrassing results in state testing. It is akin to shortening the 100 yards dash to 50 yards to stay competitive on speed.
11 months ago
“A Record Low 13 Percent of Eighth Grade Students Are Proficient in History”
How proficient are they in leftist political activism?
11 months ago
What percent are proficient in personal finances or the history of economies?
11 months ago
Reply to  Billy
Personally, I don’t want a nation that is $32T in debt and looking for ways to spend more money … teaching my kids about finances. They don’t even teach real history anymore. Elon Musk was talking with Bill Mahr and talked about the high school kids he spoke with. When he asked them about George Washington, most knew that he was the first president, ALL knew that he owned slaves and was thus evil, and none knew anything else about him. So with that as our history content … not sure what value it is to have gov’t schools teaching kids history either.
11 months ago
Something tells me that the Private school scores are dramatically better than the Public school scores.
11 months ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
Something tells me that private school students score higher at knowing what genitals they have between their legs.
11 months ago
I think there’s a basic misunderstanding of how the scores are calculated and what they mean, it’s not A=90%, B=80%, etc. I took the 17 sample questions from the link and got 11 correct. It’s not easy.
11 months ago
Reply to  shamrock
Where’s the link (preferably direct) to the questions?
11 months ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
link to nationsreportcard.gov Click around in the Download Item List/Paper Test and you can generate the questions and answer key. I clicked Select All categories, Test With Scoring Guide/Key, and HTML format.
11 months ago
Reply to  shamrock
Thanks. Not sure what I was supposed to generate. I checked the ‘all categories’ and then moved through the questions 1 by 1 and clicked the scoring guide to see if my answer was right. I wasn’t able to actually edit anything or click any multiple choice. Was I supposed to be able to do that?
Anyway, I got 16 of 17 right and I’m not even a US citizen and the one I missed was really just didn’t get one of the many choices to the text fill in questions.
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett
11 months ago
“A Record Low 13 Percent of Eighth Grade Students Are Proficient in History”
I would wager a tidy sum that less than 50% of Congress would correctly pick Ukraine on unmarked globe.
11 months ago
Reply to  Tony Bennett
Or Sudan. Or any number of countries.
Jay Leno used to show how many dumb people were wandering around LA in his Street Walking skits. Here’s a similar one that Jimmy Kimmel did:
Jimmy Kimmel – Can You Name a Country?
11 months ago
Sounds like we need more taxes so we can throw more money at the problem (teacher unions).
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
11 months ago
When a student learns that history, and Am. History in particular, is racist, misogynous, etc,, and generally a waste of time, I daresay the student’s interest in history declines.
Paying current teachers more money merely wastes money. State standards merely result in teaching to the test (and cheating).
11 months ago
Reply to  Captain Ahab
I believe teachers should be paid piecework, and be paid on a sliding scale based on each student’s individual performance.
11 months ago
Maybe not knowing what’s taught as history is a good thing. I would call school history indoctrination. It took me a long time after school to figure out what history really was.
Still, history beats economics as a science.
11 months ago
As a History Major, I can tell you that the percentage of people who know real history is far less. What other result does anyone actually expect? The state has nothing to gain from an educated citizenry. The purpose of our school system isn’t to educate; it’s to get children used to living being barbed wire, submitting to authority figures no matter what, to learn how to be a victim (note how alarmed educators were that some children were being taught by their parents to kick the crap out of that bully. Called it controversial. I grew up in a redneck school in South Georgia, and I was a skinny kid. I called it the norm. The list goes on. They get enough schooling to know how to pull a lever at work, and that’s it. I still don’t blame the state for this. All they had to do was pick up a book.
11 months ago
Reply to  HippyDippy
so true. it’s what our evil empire, pax dumbphuckistan is all about. the key insight, which you understand, is the middlebrows love it. they beg to be clubbed like baby seals by their betters. amerika has never had a revolution by the people. only the top 3% fighting amongst themselves. see GW and Jeff etc………..against the king after the french indian wars……………….democracy works. keep em dumb.
11 months ago
Reply to  vanderlyn
I think we’re close to having to choose between liberty and a cross between fascism and communism. Corporate monopoly in a brutal communist society. It won’t succeed, but know one can be prepared for what’s coming. We’ll lose our grid, and internet, at some point. At that moment we’ll instantly travel back to the mid 1800s. Hell on earth. But, liberty will emerge victorious. It’s inevitable.
11 months ago
Reply to  HippyDippy
HippyDippy, I’m friends with a high school history teacher. My daughter is about to be in her class and I’m wondering what topics I should have my daughter ask her about. I would love your input.
For example:
What great countries have survived communism?
Out of all the previous countries who have recently experienced hyperinflation, which ones practiced forms of socialism?
Out of all of the past countries that had World Reserve Currencies status, what percentage of them failed after going away from the gold standard?
11 months ago
Reply to  Billy
I was in school decades ago … and my Civics teacher (a huge fan of Jimmy Carter) thought that all industries should be nationalized to create a utopia. I didn’t realize he was teaching Marxism until years later. Back then, I think he was the exception. Now it seems he would be the norm (if he threw in some white privlege and male privilege and how being on time or hard working were bad white traits and how the only way for non-whites to succeed is to be given advantages). Would love to see gov’t out of education altogether.
11 months ago
Reply to  MikeC711
Marxism took over the higher education levels a long time ago. The 60s were just the final push.
11 months ago
Reply to  Billy
The easy answer is no country survives communism. It truly is a death cult. There’s a reset possible, but I can’t think of one offhand that’s hit that button. It eats the competent and advances the vile. The worst part is that all the other major forms of government dominate today aren’t much better as far as state totalitarian governments go.
The rest are all of them. The IMF was created by 2 men. Keynes and White. Keynes was a Fabian Socialist. Their pension plan for those who could no longer enrich the state was euthanasia. Cheery bunch. When JFK went to the London School of Economics, he went to a Fabian stronghold. White was a known communist spy who headed the Treasury Department. I think I’m right on where he worked. They created a monster.
I wouldn’t bother asking her teacher anything. They don’t have to know the subject to teach it. I would go to Tom Woods site and check out the books he put together for Ron Paul’s history section in his homeschool course. Many of those books I discovered in graduate school. They make for a great foundation.
11 months ago
Reply to  HippyDippy
Thanks! I know there is no way I can change someone like her. Her husband is a principal and they are beyond being able to see it from both sides. I’m just trying to hint at ways to realize that our country is headed down that road to Communism. Weather it’s unions, socialism, Marxism, Keynesian, etc. Hoping to point out historical references that lead to the obvious.
11 months ago
Reply to  Billy
You’re welcome. Some pointers then. Political correctness came straight outta Mao. He knew if you can control their w
Speech, the mind would follow. Knew more, but it’s been a very long day, so my brain is shutting down!
11 months ago
Reply to  HippyDippy
remember (from history) the us system is based on the german system, which was DESIGNED to turn out soldiers and factory workers, both of which only need to follow and not to think
11 months ago
Reply to  paperboy
John Taylor Gatto wrote an excellent book on it. The Underground History of American Education. And Napoleon Hill even praised the Rockefeller school system in Think and Grow Rich.
11 months ago
Reminds me of this situation:
11 months ago
Yeah, but Mark Dice videos stumping the students at elite $60,000+ / year college campuses are great!
‘When school children start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing school children.’”…
11 months ago
The teacher union is not your kids advocate. How do I know ??? B/c you never hear them say a darn thing when reports like this come out.
11 months ago
You’re looking at this data upside down Mish. The scores are not important. What IS important are the jobs that have been added to the teacher union rolls.
American kids highly educated? Surely you jest. What a hoot.
11 months ago
GOP near its goal of starving the education beast. They have made teaching a nearly intolerable profession with fomented parental hostility and low pay – you try living on a public school teacher’s salary. In my town someone running for school board was just arrested for breaking into the library to photograph books for their conservative book banning campaign. Stranger than fiction.
11 months ago
Are you being sarcastic? The GOP is to blame?
11 months ago
Must be because of the rough neighborhood and working conditions…
From Hinsdale (Illinois) Patch website –
Former D-181 Official Gets $315K Pension

HINSDALE, IL — There must have been something about Mary — Mary Curley, that is. In her final two years before retiring, the former Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills elementary schools superintendent received two 20 percent raises and left the school system with a salary of $385,378, up from $267,624 two years before. That’s more than $100,000 in increases.

From 1999 to 2007, Curley led Community Consolidated School District 181, which serves kindergarten through eighth grade. While Hinsdale and Clarendon Hills taxpayers bore the brunt of the salary then, the impact was much a larger and long-term for the state’s taxpayers. That’s because the final years of educators’ pay are a big factor in calculating pension amounts in the Teachers Retirement System.

Curley retired at 55 after 34 years of service. She began with a pension of $226,644, but that amount was guaranteed to go up 3 percent a year no matter what. So her annual pension is now $315,336.

Next – check same publication for LTHS (Lyons Township High School)
11 months ago
Reply to  Avery
It’s not what you do.
It’s who you know and who knows you.
11 months ago
Data talks, BS walks. link to weforum.org
US spends near the top in per pupil expenditure in value. We get lousy results because we used to teach “reading, writing and ‘rithmetic”, now we teach “racism, recycling and reproduction”. Add in some DEI, CRT and ‘you might be a boy today and a girl tomorrow’ and we have no time to teach anything useful but are focused on creating little non-critical thinking social activists.
11 months ago
Parental hostility is being fomented by the teachers unions and school boards.
Dr Funkenstein
Dr Funkenstein
11 months ago
Time for the universal left wing solution:more pay for teachers and more administrators
11 months ago
Nice to know we still teach history….Is it American history or something else?
11 months ago
Reply to  LPCONGAS99
it’s woke history.
11 months ago
Why worry? Lots of states, particularly in the midwest: Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, etc. are passing laws allowing kids to work in bars or slaughterhouses.
So as millions of boomers retire, we have illiterate kids growing up and joining the workforce. I wonder how that will work out.
11 months ago
Reply to  MPO45v2
idiocracy was the greatest documentary of our times. president comacho 2024

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