Dear Elon Musk: Regarding “Production Hell”, 260 Cars in 3rd Quarter Isn’t a Bottleneck.`

by Mish

It produced zero big rig trucks. Elon Musk blamed Puerto Rico for Production Hell Delays.

Chief Executive Elon Musk on Friday pushed back the unveiling of the company’s big rig truck until mid-November, tweeting that the electric vehicle maker was diverting resources to fix production bottlenecks of its new Model 3 sedan and to help Puerto Rico.
Musk said Tesla’s Model 3 was “deep in production hell” echoing his own comments in July, when he showed off some of the first cars of that model.
The Palo Alto, California-based company delivered just 220 Model 3 sedans and produced 260 in the third quarter. It had planned to produce more than 1,500.
Musk also tweeted the company was diverting resources to increasing battery production to help hurricane-hit Puerto Rico, where most residents remain without electricity.
Earlier this week Tesla reported that “production bottlenecks” had left it behind the planned ramp-up for the Model 3.


Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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6 years ago

100 years ago, Model T production dwarfed this. WTF?

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