Dear President Biden, You Need an Education, Starting With the Meaning of “Free”

Free? Really?

Dear Mr. President, who pays for “Free College” and “Free Preschool”?

If someone is paying by force of taxes then it isn’t free. Only if “free preschool” comes from volunteers and charitable donations with no external costs is it truly free.

First-Time Homebuyer Act

Let’s also discuss Biden’s proposed “First Time Down Payments” for buying a home.

“The Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2021,” would create a grant program allowing states to provide first-timers with cash for down payments, closing costs or fees that result in lower mortgage rates.

The second bill, introduced in late April and dubbed the “First-Time Homebuyer Act,” would provide a tax credit of up to 10% of a home’s purchase price — or as much as $15,000 — to first-timers.

To access the tax credit, you won’t necessarily need to be a “first-time” buyer. You’ll be eligible if you haven’t owned or bought a home in the past three years.

It seems Biden and the Democrats have a peculiar definition of “First-Time”. 

Why Things are Unaffordable 

A key reason many things are not affordable in government actions. “Free” down payments  artificially boost demand. 

We have had countless “affordable home” programs all of which failed for the same reason, free government programs inevitably have a huge cost. 

On top of affordable home programs, tariffs raise costs on steel, lumber, and  concrete. The lumber tariffs on Canadian lumber which Biden just increased are beyond insane. 

The cost of private medical insurance is crazy high as are costs anywhere where government interferes.  

George W. Bush signed the “Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005” making student debt uncancellable in bankruptcy. Guess what happend? 

Biden’s solution of course is a “free” money student debt forgiveness program. 

Free Stimulus 

We have had three rounds of “free” stimulus to such an extent that it “pays” more for many millions of people to collect unemployment rather than work. 

That in turn drives up prices at restaurants and other places that have a hard time competing with “free”. 

Tired of Paying for Free Stuff

Dear Mr. President many of us are tired of footing the bill for government-sponsored “free” stuff. 

To that end, I graciously volunteer my time for free (no cost to anyone else) to teach you the true meaning of “free” and “first-time” as well. 


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Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Talking about ‘free stuff’, what about ‘free health care’?
My few liberal friends complain about the high cost of health in the US, and the third-world health of its citizens (as measured by infant mortality, for example)–of course, their solution is Obama Care 2.1, free single-payer, gov’t controlled…
Is it possible that health care is subject to diminishing returns, and maybe another consequential factor?
Consider this: over many generations, developed countries have used vaccines, drugs, medical procedures, etc, to keep its citizens alive. The people who may have died from disease or genetic abnormality went on to have children, adding their DNA to the pool. Without sounding like I support eugenics, perhaps Charles Darwin was right–without survival of the fittest, a ‘species’ deteriorates–and it will only get worse.
What I’m seeing when I look at stats for childhood  diabetes?–link to
There are clear ethnic and racial patterns that no one wants to talk about. Why is type I higher in Canada than the US, and very low in South America? Is it possible that the more we ‘treat’ it, and perpetuate the DNA, the worse it gets?
2 years ago
Freeing up some money….
…President Biden, today, when asked if troops should return to Afghanistan as the state collapses: “I will not send another generation of Americans to war in Afghanistan with no reasonable expectation to achieve a different outcome. The United States cannot afford to remain tethered to policies created in response to a world as it was 20 years ago.”
2 years ago
There ain’t nuttin free in this world, there are to many libtards out there that think so. Kinda like masturbating your cat to feed your dog. You think its a cheap way to go, but, you still need to feed cat…
2 years ago
The Human Fund. Money for People. 
2 years ago
LOL, George would be proud of you!
2 years ago
Head of the central bank of central banks says Central banks will have total control of how you spend your money. link to
2 years ago
For each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
A political party fictionalized  a need for a government backed student loan program, so everyone could go to college. This created a problem, as colleges increased the cost of college in response to the increased demand that could be met, leaving students horribly in debt. The same political party is fictionalizing that there is a need to tax to provide deferred payment college for everyone. There will be an equal and opposite reaction to that, which will result in the same political party fictionalizing the need for a government solution to the problem that will be created by the previous “solution.”
2 years ago
Off-topic: Mish, there’s been a change in behavior to the email notifications when you publish a new article. Before yesterday, receiving them in Gmail, they’d properly route to the inbox.  Yesterday & today, Gmail is routing them straight to the spam folder.
2 years ago
Reply to  ajc1970
2 years ago

I’m a bit uncertain why the proposed “new” home buying and college benefits are receiving so much criticism, yet few complaints about other government subsidies reaped by nearly everyone in America. Tax credits and deductions for homeowners, investors, corporations, both large & small. Depreciation, depletion, interest, capital gains, wealthy estates, the list is nearly endless. Clearly the game is heavily tilted toward certain activities i.e. specific industries, degree of wealth, income levels and source of income. Looks like government is tilting the playing field just slightly in the other direction.     

2 years ago
To access the  “First-Time Homebuyer Act” tax credit, you won’t necessarily need to be a “first-time” buyer
Nope. You can decide yourself nowadays whether to identify as a virgin.
And you don’t need to be over the moon with your honey either!
2 years ago
Politics seems to be all about bribing voters with taxpayer money. I don’t have a solution. It gets people elected.
2 years ago
We give serious money to corporations and the 1 percent.  Given that, why should anyone go bankrupt over medical expenses going to health insurance companies and administrators? We keep the stock market going up which is owned primarily by those who don’t need it.  The amount of money the past 3 years given to farmers is a huge amount of free money going to families already protected so they never have to sell ever value increasing land.  Child care is a huge problem.  Basic job training is needed at community college.  Instead we send young people away at immense expense for fancy bricks and mortar along with high paid bureaucrats.
People need to wake up.  We have a huge class of people who largely happen to be black.  If we don’t invest in opportunities for the young, we will have to spend it on military and police presence to keep the country from a low level civil war/unrest situation.  Like it or not, policies have helped to create the situation. Every mid city and larger paper anymore has news in it that reads like a war casualty list with shootings.
Not sure what the answers are, but we are heading the wrong way fast and this isn’t the same USA anymore (degrading) and the old USA wasn’t exactly what we pretend it was for all Americans.
Am I a Biden fan?  For sure not.  Republican’s have had time to address medical care and the plight of the lower class and did little except transfer wealth the other direction.  Now we pay the consequences.
2 years ago
Reply to  ILHawk
We spend way more on education for each black kid per capita than any other race. And they have, by far, the highest drop out rate. It’s not lack of opportunity that’s the issue. it’s not willing to make the effort to take advantage of the opportunity.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
Show me those numbers?  Black HS’s are equal and better than white?  Prove it.  Opportunity comes in a lot of packages including family wealth and health.
2 years ago
Reply to  ILHawk
The spending on black majority public schools is well reported.  The cause is arguable, but it is absolutely unarguable that black majority schools are by and large have the largest spending per pupil.
When family status is accounted for, the only variable that matters is whether or not the student has parents that are married.  Single parent households are 3x more common in black families than white or Hispanic which means spending there is affected more.
2 years ago
Reply to  ILHawk
I didn’t say black high schools are better than white. The opposite is true. What I said is more money is spent per student on black high schools than white high schools.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
Wow.  That’s not even a dogwhistle.
Tell us about your black friend now.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
The dirty little secret that no one wants to address is the profound difference in IQ distributions by race. Any researcher who  dares to address it is immediately labelled racist. So we continue along the fallacy road, going from equal opportunity to equal outcome.
2 years ago
Reply to  ILHawk
It’s an urban culture issue.  Throwing incremental money at the problem isn’t going to solve it.
The parents need to be involved in the solution. If they’re not, it’s futile, no matter how sad that is to you.
If they are then fine — lets have plenty of programs to help, but the first requisite of each program needs to be involvement by the kid’s guardian(s).
2 years ago
Dear Voters, You Need an Education, Starting With the Meaning of “Free”
“Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves.”  Herbert Marcuse
Are you or your “representatives” threatening someone with an initiation of violence today?
Rulers are the shadow cast by the willful ignorance of the people.
2 years ago
Elections have consequences.  Alas sometomes they are quite negative
2 years ago
Reply to  Karlmarx
This last one was a bitch.  Nuclear armed tantrum toddler vs greasy lifetime politician.  It’s not democracy if you don’t have any good choices.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
It isn’t democracy to begin with. People don’t vote on the laws, with a few exceptions for ballot propositions.
No one has a vote on any law that comes out of congress. No one i know is clamoring for a digital dollar, yet the government plans to impose one on us.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
Planning?  The dollar is already mostly digital. The 200 bucks cash in my wallet has been there for over a year.  I don’t even get the card out much anymore… just wave the phone at some box and it’s all done.
It’s pretty cool actually.
Hansa Junchun
Hansa Junchun
2 years ago
Biden has had 47 years of free money coming to him for his “public service” courtesy of the taxpayer, and you really imagine being able to teach him the true meaning of “free”? Good one, Mish!
Of course, we all know why he and his handlers say the word “free”. Its not that they truly don’t understand the meaning of the word. Its because the voter doesn’t. And an elected official’s second job is to buy those votes — right after the first job: servicing the corporate donors who bribed them through their PACs.
2 years ago
Mish is correct, of course.  One inherent problem with democracy is that some voters will vote themselves the incomes of others, with an election-minded political class happy to serve as the intermediary.  I recall being driven in a taxi in a developing nation and having the taxi driver point out hospitals, schools, parks, etc.. that ‘the president gave us’.  That’s why the taxi driver would vote for the president again. It struck me then that the taxi driver had no idea who was paying for this presidential largesse.  This ignorance seems to have spread to the US.  Biden’s programs seem designed to make Biden/Dems seems as compassionate and generous as possible, while ignoring the financial and liberty tradeoffs entirely.  (Framing is everything.)  We seem to have lost the thread of what this country is about.
2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice
Well, do you realize in that developing nation example, the alternative could well be some other president who gobbles up all the money and the people get nothing in return??!!    In the land of 100% corrupt leaders, a leader who is “only” 98% corrupt, is a saint!!
2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice
Somehow a very small percentage of voters has ended up with the the vast majority of the wealth, so I don’t think that’s happening in our democracy.
2 years ago
It’s all about providing equity for those who have been shut out of the American Dream by way of white privilege. All it really means is that now we will have a bubble guaranteed to pop within 3 years, as former renters get in over their heads and then bail, just like in 2008. Predictable.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
The 15K tax credit is actually a Wall Street giveaway.   The real estate folks are salivating about it.   For the average Joe, it is really a 50K or 100K price increase as the housing bubble keeps inflating.
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
Home sellers end up with the windfall, if you’re correct.  Buyers lose, bankers lose and taxpayers lose.
2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice

The sellers end up buying maybe a smaller house in a less desirable area, and keep a few bucks.  It is the middlemen that rake it in.  And not all buyers will lose.  If it is a private equity firm like Blackrock, they are always protected no matter what.

2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice
Not all home sellers will end up with a windfall. For long time owners of their homes, the windfall will mean a higher capital gains tax in the year they sell and a higher purchase price for the home they are buying.   
2 years ago
Reply to  Anon1970
Don’t forget the $500,000 exemption.  I sold two houses in the last three years, one I owned for 35 years and one I owned for 2 years – $800,000 gain $0.00 tax
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
The real estate people I know are not salivating about it….maybe listing agents are. The housing bubble is inflated plenty already, and it’s creating issues for investors with our cash flow models as taxes go up and maintenance has suddenly jumped appreciably.
Let’s be clear. This is primarily about getting votes for Biden, and not making business for banks.  If it is good for Wall Street, then that makes it a win/win from the POV of a politician like Joe.
2 years ago
Silly.  “Free” means free at the point of service.   The walk in your neighborhood park is free whenever you decide to take a walk.   That doesn’t mean people don’t pay for the maintenance and upkeep of the park.  
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
If only ‘point of service’ free is considered, why is every human need not provided for free?  You make Mish’s point for him.
2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice
Basic needs like healthcare and housing must have a floor beyond which nobody can fall.   Or else, we will have to stop calling this the world’s richest and most advanced country at least.
2 years ago
Biden voters don’t understand math. They think it’s racist. They can’t fathom the idea that someone somewhere has to be paying for the free stuff.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
link to

But of course, we are the richest country in the world so we can’t afford it.

2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
My wife had relatives in France. When their kids became college aged, they sent them to the US. Which I had to pay for along with other relatives. Apparently colleges in France don’t prepare you to get a job.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
Colleges in France are highly specific to the major. In college they learn only things that pertain to their major and nothing else. To be a lawyer you go to law school right out of high school. The same for doctors and dentists. To become a judge you go to judge school after high school. Virtually every profession is like that. It’s really weird for Americans whose higher education is modelled on 19th century German higher education system. It makes  people who know very well their job but are sort of ignorant outside their specialty although the classic French arrogance is an attempt to cover it up. My kids went to school here in France but in a bilingual one. All their friends went to American or British schools. A few came back but most didn’t. I told my kids not to worry about cost but just get good grades. They did and got into good schools and refused the ones that offered scholarships so I ended up paying full price. They had not a though for their old man’s finances.
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
“It makes  people who know very well their job but are sort of ignorant outside their specialty…”
Yep. Like I always say, smart enough to do the job but dumb enough not to know what’s going on around them.
Geez, look at American universities and colleges who off “degrees” in religious studies (various colleges), surfing studies (Plymouth/Melbourne, UK), philosophy (various colleges), queer musicology (UCLA), Star Trek (Georgetown University, D.C.), Art History (various colleges).
Yeah, how stupid can one be to take one of these courses, and expect a decent paying career.
One would be better off in the HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical professions, as a skilled trade, or in the medical profession as a MD or a nurse. A law degree you say? Are you kidding?  Since LA Law appeared on TV in the eighties, there’s been an explosion of lawyers in the U.S… way too many imho. 
Oh well. sigh. 
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
You may have overlooked 1. that we run a government deficit, 2. that we have the most progressive tax system among OECD nations.  Either tell the middle class to pay 50% in tax for their free stuff (now THAT would be electorally popular!) or stop politicos from lying that only Gates and Bezos will pay for your college.
2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice
You have overlooked that 1. tax cuts for the rich since Reagan have added tens of trillions to the debt (with the rest coming from the endless wars), 2. if you take ALL taxes into account, not just the Federal income taxes, we have a more-or-less flat tax system.

And oooooh,  50% taxes!  Scary, ja!   The average family pays about $18000 in health care premiums annually.  That’s about a 30% cut right there.   

2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
Many of those countries in that list have requirements for free college such as doctorate program only or maintaining high marks etc. You can often get that here in the US too, it’s called a scholarship 😉
The biggest problem in the US is that too many kids are going to college / university for programs that don’t need college / university. So we have the ‘useless degrees’ issue. In truth there are only a few professions that need university degrees (medical, sciences, engineering, accounting etc) and the rest should just be 2 year apprenticeship programs or not even programs to begin with (ie just get hired and learn directly from the business).
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
It’s not so much that they don’t need the degree… you pretty much do now for any kind of middle class life.  The problem is that a lot of them are simply incapable of meeting the intellectual requirements of a useful degree.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
You mean you need a university degree (4 year) or just 2 years general college? You can get a very nice middle class life via trades (electrician, plumber, carpenter, etc) and those are just apprenticeships and if you open your own shop can reach upper middle class. Those jobs have added benefit that they can’t be outsourced.
A big part of the problem is that more and more jobs kept listing higher and higher educational requirements for something that didn’t need it. You don’t need a 4 year degree to be a librarian or a hair dresser etc and yet these jobs keep listing secondary education as a job requirement. So instead of going right from high school into an apprenticeship program and learning while being paid, kids waste 3-4 years in school taking on debt AND losing out on years of income that could speed their process towards buying a home / saving for retirement etc. If you figure they spend 40K in college (4 years expenses) and forgo say 80K earnings (10 hr*2000 hrs*4 years) they are 120K behind before they even start work so that even if they earn 10K more with the college degree it takes more than a decade to catch up (mid 30’s). And that’s a conservative estimate on college expense and job earnings.
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
I would guess at least 30% of the population is too dumb for the trades.  It’s generally not low skill work.

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