Illinois Governor Wants to Hike Taxes: What Else Isn’t News?

The Illinois Policy Institute reports Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office is using a major capital bill as a vehicle to grease lawmakers for a progressive income tax amendment. But the tax hikes to pay for it would make Illinoisans’ gas tax burden the second highest in the nation.

  • Gas tax hike ($1.2 billion): The preliminary capital plan relies on doubling Illinois’ motor fuel tax to 38 cents from 19 cents per gallon, effective July 1. This would make Illinois’ total gas tax burden the second highest in the nation. Under the proposed gas tax hike, drivers filling up in Chicago would pay 96 cents in taxes and fees on a $2.46 gallon of gasoline – an effective tax burden of 39%.
  • Vehicle registration fee hike ($490 million): The preliminary capital plan would also hike vehicle registration fees, imposing a new cost structure based on the age of the car. The current annual fee of $101 would jump to $199 for vehicles 3 years old or newer, $169 for vehicles 4-6 years old, $139 for vehicles 7-11 years old, and $109 for vehicles 12 years and older. The $199 registration fee for newer vehicles would be higher than any neighboring state and third-highest in the nation, according to Ballotpedia research.
  • New $1 per ride tax on ridesharing ($214 million): The plan would enact a statewide $1 per ride tax on ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft. Chicago already levies a 72-cent per ride fee on ridesharing services.
  • New 7% tax on cable, satellite and streaming services ($150 million): Chicago’s “Netflix tax” would expand statewide, with the state charging a 7% tax on users of streaming services, as well as cable and satellite customers. None of these services are currently taxed at the state level. Chicago currently stretches the definition of its 9 percent citywide “amusement tax” to include online streaming services such as Netflix and Spotify, as well as Playstation rentals.
  • Tax hikes on beer, wine and liquor ($120 million): Taxes on booze would rise by up to 50%. The per-gallon tax on beer and cider would rise to 27.7 cents from 23.1 cents; the per-gallon tax on wine would rise to $2.05 from $1.39, and the per-gallon tax on distilled liquor would rise to $12.60 from $8.55. Bob Myers, president of the Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois, estimated Illinois loses out on up to $30 million per year to cross-border alcohol purchases.
  • New statewide parking garage tax ($60 million): Daily and hourly garage parking would be hit with a 6% tax while monthly and annual garage parking would come with a 9% tax. Chicagoans already pay among the highest parking rates in the country. The state does not currently tax garage parking.
  • Doubling the real estate transfer tax ($34 million): The proposal doubles the real estate transfer tax on non-residential real estate to $1 from 50 cents per $500 in value.
  • Hiking registration fees for electric vehicles ($4 million): The registration fee for electric vehicles would rise to $250 per year from $34 every other year.

Q: What do we call this?

A: A start!

This is ongoing and it will never stop.

Progressive Tax Push

Pritzker wants to amend the state constitution to allow for “progressive” graduated income taxes. He claims it will be a tax on the wealthy.

He is a blatant liar. It will be a tax on everyone. The wealthiest will leave. And even if they don’t, there is already a general exodus. Illinois is losing population while neighboring states are gaining.

The most important point is that pension benefits to public unions and other unfunded obligations total nearly 50% of Illinois budget!

For discussion, please see Warren Buffett Would Not Locate a Business in Illinois: Let’s Explore Why.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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5 years ago

Meanwhile directly north…

5 years ago

Chicago becomes first city to collect “Netflix tax”

5 years ago

“Q: What do we call this?
A: A start!
This is ongoing and it will never stop.”

That which cannot continue, won’t. A fuel tax was the final straw for the French Gilets Jaunes. The aggregate tax rate in France became 46%. At what rate will one more tax be the last straw for Illinois/Cook County/Chicago tax payers?

There was a story the other day, that French median disposable income was less than in any U.S. state except Louisiana. The more taxes Illinois piles on, the closer to poverty the residents will be driven.

5 years ago
Reply to  RonJ

Well, so far the Gillet Jaunes have been about as consequential as Occupy Wall Street…… Lots of look-at-me pr stunts. Very little else.

The guys changing France, and Europe, are the Muzzies. As opposed to Euro natives various clownish attempts at being as “counter culture” as the 68ers, Arab Spring actually had a measurable effect on something.

5 years ago

HA HA. Here we would pay $ 116.89 for those 15 gallons.

5 years ago

Q: What do we call this?
A: A modest beginning.

5 years ago

TAXES WILL ALWAYS GO UP.Soaring costs,soaring prices driving all states to raise taxes,every single one, I say again every single state raising taxes.raising fees.Federal Gov’t running 2 plus trillion in red ink YOY (at least),so you’re complaining bout high taxes now lol……………ain’t seen nothin yet!

5 years ago

Illinois needs to tax all the pensions of government even when they move out of State.
If you’re not a government employee, get out of Illinois before they figure out an exit tax system. It has to be coming!!

5 years ago

Q: What is the first that is done when a Chicago public union goon retires after only 20 years on the job with a $100,000+ , OT spiked, tax free on disability pension with free medical for life after voting for democrats his/her entire life?

A: Moves to a low tax, right to work, red state.

5 years ago

Illinois will collapse a lot quicker than other high tax states. Why ? Because they were mediocre to begin with and never a desirable place for anyone outside of the midwest.

5 years ago

The Income Tax is Destroying the World Economy

5 years ago
Reply to  Cecil1

Well, in deciding the best method of raising taxes, always remember that you should tax what you want less of. If you want less production/productivity, you should tax income.

5 years ago

The last time I went to Chicago was in 2006… a week after that UFO. After the 3 day weekend trip and being relieved of a considerable amount of money, I figured the aliens were smarter than I, as they left after hovering long enough to figure out it was too expensive to stay there.

5 years ago

How about imposing a $1,000,000,000,000 tax on each every Republican and Democrat who supported the Iraq war or voted for Bush or Obama and their 7 plus Forever Wars?

That would solve it’s problem.

I am SSSOOOO tired of people saying we can’t afford MediareForAll when those same people never that about all the eternal wars they never say we can’t afford. The fact is every single dollar spent on MedicarForAll results a 2 dollar reduction in other government spending. Why does anyone think we can’t afford to save $trillions$ with MedicareForAll ????

5 years ago

Illinois is a real time example of ‘Atlas Shrugged’. The population flight out of Illinois may seem insignificant but those thousands who leave are the taxpayers, and employers. For every 10,000 who leave there are a half million added to the welfare rolls.

The next shoe to drop is the federal government will stop paying welfare, EBT, section 8, and WIC. Banks that lend to Illinois will be audited and denied access to federal reserve funds. Farmers will stop growing crops and put their land into the soil bank. One or more Illinois universities will lose all federal grants because of freedom of speech violations. CAT will move out of Peoria to a right to work state. Federal contributions to public i.e. union schools will come to a dead stop. Some cow will kick over a space heater under the Christmas tree and start another Chicago fire.

5 years ago
Reply to  Menaquinone

Don’t get me wrong. Some good business opportunities exist in Chicago. All you need is two dobermans and a shotgun to open a Korean grocery store. Chicago pays premium prices for watermelon, fried chicken, hair conk, and black wigs. Purple hair dye is a niche market. You don’t even need a business license to sell legal ammunition on the street corner. Wear a flak jacket.

5 years ago
Reply to  Menaquinone

Nah, they’ll just get a federal bail out.

5 years ago

You didn’t mention the proposed $1000/vehicle per year tax on the registration of electric vehicles. Note that I believe electric vehicles SHOULD pay a high registration tax. They use roads. Roads are paid for via tax on gasoline. Therefore non-gas vehicles should pay the tax in some other way. Nevertheless, $1000/year is crazy. $2-300 per year is a much more realistic amount.

5 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R

I did mention that.
Apparently, they backed off $1000 to this

Hiking registration fees for electric vehicles ($4 million): The registration fee for electric vehicles would rise to $250 per year from $34 every other year.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mish

Ah, I missed that in your article. I was looking for the $1000 figure. $250 is perfectly reasonable, and I actually support that tax. All states need to implement something similar. As it stands now, if there were to be a mass switch to electric vehicles, there were be no taxes paid to maintain the roads.

5 years ago

The proposed taxes on booze are enough to drive a man to drink.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gasmire

I would say drugs. A higher high and no taxes!

5 years ago

I guess Governor Pritzker is out to prove that he can squeeze blood out of a turnip.

5 years ago

And yet some people insist anonymity preserving crypto currencies serve no purpose…..

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