The Progressive Caucus Leader Moans Pelosi Owes Her a “F—ing Apology

Democrats Try to Heal Rifts

The WSJ reports Democrats Try to Heal Rifts, Pass $2 Trillion Spending Bill

The tensions ramped up this month as Democrats worked to pass their separate $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, which has been linked for months with the larger spending package. Party leaders emerged victorious on the infrastructure bill, but only because 13 Republicans brought it over the finish line after six Democrats voted no, protesting a decision to delay the social spending bill.

Both Mrs. Pelosi and the head of the progressive caucus, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.), said they expect to pass the bill this week. Centrist Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D., N.J.), one of the original holdouts who asked for the [CBO] data, also said he believes the legislation will be approved. Democrats can’t lose more than three votes, requiring near-unity.

 A White House official and lawmakers said the president told progressives at a meeting on the day of the vote on the infrastructure bill that if the infighting didn’t stop, he would have to drop the Build Back Better package and move on.

In public, Mrs. Pelosi has said differences of opinion are part of being a Democrat. But behind closed doors, she has expressed frustration that Ms. Jayapal, who leads roughly 100 House progressives, is making it difficult to pass the president’s agenda by making demands that run counter to the needs of centrists, some of whom are in vulnerable re-election campaigns.

Ms. Jayapal’s frustration with the speaker was evident on the day of the infrastructure vote, according to several people familiar with the matter. She complained to the Congressional Progressive Caucus that she had been left out of the end of the negotiating process and said that the speaker owed her a “f—ing apology.”

A spokesman for Ms. Jayapal called the account a “dramatic rumor” that he said was false.

I believe several people over one. Regardless, the infighting which lasted seven months shows just how fragile this has all been. 

Meanwhile, inflation is soaring and Build Back Better will add to the costs. 

Is Biden serious when he says he may drop BBB and move on if the infighting does not stop? 

I rather doubt it, but if Joe Manchin decides to drive a really hard bargain, we may find out.

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2 years ago
Personally i like the fact dems cant stand together as a group.  I wish the republicans were the same way.  Concentrates to much power in the hands of a few. Instead of each representative representing his/her district.  Maybe if that was the case we would not be in the mess were in now.   Or at least as much as.  
2 years ago
No mean tweets, no mean tweets, no mean tweets!
You get what you vote for.  People warned you but you were more concerned about personality than actual policy.
2 years ago
This is what I thought would happen. the democratic party is a collection of groups that have conflicting agendas. If we ever have a 3 party system, it will most likely be precipitated by a splinter group from current democrats.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
Someone said that there could be 5 parties in the US.   4 of them are in the current Democratic Party.
– Populist progressives e.g. Sanders
– Woke progressives e.g. AOC, Omar etc.
– Woke moderates e.g. Kamala Harris, Kristin Gillibrand etc.
– Mainstream moderates e.g. Biden etc.
– Republicans
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
The Republicans are far from unified themselves. Both parties have probably 5-6 distinctive factions. There’s the religious right, the neocons, the Trump nationalists, the libertarians, the gun nuts, etc.
2 years ago
Reply to  KyleW
Libertarians were run out of the GOP by Rance Priebus and then by Trump.
2 years ago
“… by making demands that run counter to the needs of centrists, some of whom are in vulnerable re-election campaigns.”
What a load of BS.    BBB has overwhelming support.  And in case of some of its aspects, Republicans rank them the most important even more than the Democrats do.×1168/920×0/filters:focal(0x0:1384×1168):format(webp):no_upscale()/link to

In addition, huge majorities of the people support raising taxes on the morbidly rich and on large corporations:

2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
You may be right, but I stopped believing polls years ago. They’re all based on sampling that can easily be biased to further an agenda.
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
Obviously anyone polled is going to support raising taxes on someone else to pay for something. Why bother even asking a question that boils down to “who should pay for BBB, you or some faceless rich person to be named later?”.
BBB does not have overwhelming support. It doesn’t even have 50% support or it would have already passed. The only thing with 60+ percent support was the initial 1 trillion dollar infrastructure bill. The first link you showed just asks people from a list of items in BBB which they consider important. It doesn’t ask whether they approve of such a bill or the spending.
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
No questions on a free car?  or free gas?  or $35/hour to not work?  Gee, I wonder how that would have polled?
2 years ago
Moons Pelosi?
2 years ago
Is Biden serious when he says he may drop BBB and move on if the infighting does not stop? 
Who do we mean when we say ‘Biden’?
Is there anybody who still thinks that Biden has any policy thoughts at all?
Business Man
Business Man
2 years ago
Ah, nothing like the class of a Progressive.  With their temper tantrums, trashy mouths and constant control-freak-a-thons, they are lovely to be around at parties.
Who hasn’t heard one of them–after a few too many glasses of Chardonnay–getting louder and louder, with their virtue signaling quickly morphing into scolding and smugness.
All Progressives should be shamed and bullied right back.  They are nothing but mentally ill malcontents.
2 years ago
Reply to  Business Man
“All Progressives should be shamed and bullied right back.”
Starting in 1870. And emphasis “All.”
2 years ago
Reply to  Business Man
The story is probably crap, and even if true, it is meaningless anyway.   The progressives ALWAYS have surrendered to the corporate DONORcrat establishment.   And that is exactly what they did a week ago: unconditional surrender.

I tell my progressive friends who think they can join that party and change it – you can’t change the DONORcrat Party; the DONORcrat Party changes you.

2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
If government is always corrupting, and corrupt, I have an answer for you:  reduce its size by 90% tomorrow.  Takers?
Business Man
Business Man
2 years ago
Reply to  threeblindmice
We can only dream.  Can you imagine what this would do for freedom and our economy?  All of those resources now freed up for private sector deployment?  Or, even for local government to create real infrastructure that communities need?
I recently read an article on how community colleges are basically being scammed by thousands of student “bots” getting financial aid and then quitting the course.  They keep the money, of course.  This is similar to the unemployment scams going on everywhere.  There is so much waste in government that I don’t think anyone has any idea how much is actually leaking out of our economy to support it.  Look at foreign aid, alone.  And, our blessed “intelligence agencies.”  I mean, how else would we keep tabs on conservative “domestic terrorists” at school board meetings?
I’m a firm believer that you could shrink government by 30%, and if structured correctly, no one would notice.  Of course, the bureaucrats would attempt to make our lives difficult, just like Obama did when he shut down the national parks during the government shutdown.  Remember that?  There was no actual savings or relationship to the debt, but he did it to send us a message.
If they keep this deficit spending up, there will come a day of reckoning where they will have no choice but to starve it.

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