Tories Reject Rules Change But Ask May to Clarify When She Will Stand Down

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5 years ago

The goal of the SNP is to achieve independence for Scotland by means of referendum. Should they win a vote, they would want everyone to respect that vote. Meanwhile they disrespect every referendum that they lose, be it for Scottish Independence or Brexit.

Further, they dont really want Scottish independence at all. They want to be in thrall to the EU. Scottish independence seems like a reasonable idea to me. The SNP proposal isnt independence at all though, it is subservience.

As for whether or not they will be able to win a second referendum, I have my doubts. The English, Welsh, Northern Irish and the Scots have fought and died for each other in wars over the years. The ties run deep. Would you abandon those ties and willingly supplicate yourself instead to those who have previously been your foe? The SNP may be willing to do that, but the Scottish people as a whole?

5 years ago

“The British people voted to leave the EU. The vote to do so would have been overwhelming were it not for Scottish citizens overwhelmingly voting remain.”

Yes, and this is the proverbial “fly in the ointment” for brexit. I believe the British government will avoid Scottish independence at any cost. They know if the UK goes full brexit, Scotland will demand another vote to leave the UK, and this time it will overwelmingly pass.

Perhaps the thought of some future UK consisting of England, Wales and a patch of ground in Ireland, surrounded by increasingly hostile EU nations is just too terrifying for them.

So, I think May really did/does want her plan to pass. Apparently, she believes it kicks enough brexit down the road that Scotland will delay an independence vote for now.

5 years ago

Of course they rejected it. May is doing her job- defeating Brexit.

5 years ago

Theresa May is the appropriate prime minister for a nation whose crown prince is a dunce whose son married a tattooed whore.

5 years ago
Reply to  Menaquinone

Is there proof he’s his son?

5 years ago
Reply to  caradoc-again

The English disease and artificial insemination came to bear?

5 years ago
Reply to  Menaquinone

No, just a Captain in what I think was the Royal Guard. Look it up. You decide.

5 years ago
Reply to  caradoc-again

Better than a Welsh Corgi.

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