A pleasant Surprise from Trump on Green Cards for Graduates

Trump proposes automatic green cards for foreign students graduating from US colleges. The MAGA backlash was immediate.

Trump Green Lights More Green Cards

The Wall Street Journal notes Trump Green Lights More Green Cards

“Let me just tell you that it’s so sad when we lose people from Harvard, MIT, from the greatest schools and lesser schools that are phenomenal schools also,” Mr. Trump said on the All-In Podcast with Silicon Valley grandees last week.

“But what I want to do, and what I will do, is you graduate from a college I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma a green card to be able to stay in this country, and that includes junior colleges too,” Mr. Trump added. “Anybody graduates from a college, you go in there for two years or four years, if you graduate, or you get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in this country.”

Welcome Surprise

This is not just a surprise, but a welcome one. The US needs a comprehensive immigration policy that makes sense.

It’s hard to see this baby step getting where it needs to be, but at least it is a step in the right direction.

2023 Florida Flashback

In 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill that made it a third-degree felony for unauthorized people to knowingly use a false identification to obtain employment. And businesses that knowingly employ unauthorized workers could have their licenses suspended.

Construction Workers Headed for Indiana

The dirty little secret is the US needs migrant workers to pick crops, work on construction projects, clean hotels, etc.

What If We Sent Them All Back?

If we really sent them all back all the illegal immigrants as some propose, our economy would collapse.

But open borders are not the answer either. Cities are running out of resources to feed, shelter, and provide medical care for the immigrants.

A Trump Killed a Very Good Deal

President Trump had an offer from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for $25 billion to build a wall in return for amnesty for dreamers.

Trump turned it down and here we are. It’s not that a wall would be totally effective, because it wouldn’t. But it would be more effective than an open border.

It would be a huge mistake to send back immigrants who have been here for a long time and are productive members of the US economy. If we did, everyone could expect worse service than we had at at the height of the Covid pandemic.

Steve Banon Trashes Trump’s Idea

Newsweek reports Steve Bannon Comes Out Against Donald Trump’s New Idea

Bannon, among other supporters of Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement, disagrees with the ex-president’s proposal, telling Newsweek in a text message that non-U.S. citizen college students should “leave the country and go home immediately after graduation.”

In another text, the War Room podcast host added: “This is not a plan—President Trump tossed out an idea on a podcast—and his most fervent supporters tossed it back.”

Extreme Politics

Biden has things so loose it’s hard to deport criminals. And what does he propose to do about all of the income inequality the open border causes?

On the other side of the aisle, how do Republicans propose getting crops picked and construction projects staffed?

Banon thinks it OK to train skilled workers he then send then packing.

Why should the country have to choose between extreme nonsense on the left or extreme nonsense on the right?

Unfortunately, that is the choice.

Trump just made a sensible proposal. Fools trashed it. If Trump wants to win the election and win big, he needs more moves like this on.

Trump Reaches Out to Nikki Haley, Good Move!

On Mau 26, I commented Trump Reaches Out to Nikki Haley, Good Move!

Nikki Haley Will Be ‘On Our Team in Some Form’, says Trump.

Marco Rubio Suddenly Emerges on Trump’s Short VP List, Why?

On June 22, I commented Marco Rubio Suddenly Emerges on Trump’s Short VP List, Why?

Trump once belittled Rubio as “little Marco”. And Rubio once called Trump a “con artist”. However, the pair has mended, if not melded. What’s going on?

Other than being the youngest, Vance age 39, offers nothing. A white male who want to abolish abortion brings nothing but huge negatives to the ticket.

In addition, Vance is the biggest MAGA in the group. That’s a decided disadvantage, assuming Trump would rather win than get adulations from the base.

Tim Scott is black. But in contrast to Rubio and Gabbard, he is a poor speaker coupled with a very discrediting stance on abortion.

Tulsi Gabbard Rings All Six Bells

Tusli is a womanyoung, an amazing speakernot MAGA, a person of color, and a moderate on abortion. She’s also attractive which may matter to a lot of men.

She rings six of six bells.

I believe Trump would win in a landslide if he picked Gabbard. The base would not like that pick, but so what? Is Trump seeking adulation or does he want to win?

I seriously don’t know. But his move on immigration is a welcome step.

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4 days ago

“undocumented” vs “documented”
Green-card is “documented”
undocumented = Invader

4 days ago

A Green Card is NOT a citizenship credential, its just a legal permit. Simmer-down.

4 days ago

Send them all back to their country of origin or they’ll take jobs away from our frat bros.

5 days ago

I for one remember those horrible dark years when there weren’t massive amounts of immigration and no crops ever got produced, nothing ever got built and everything was dirty because no one could clean. If only we could have imported the best and brightest people instead of trying to be or produce that amongst our own selves.

Perplexed Pete
Perplexed Pete
5 days ago

College grads get a green card? Perhaps if they are studying something useful, like STEMS fields. Unfortunately, most college degrees are overpriced and often useless. I would imagine that many people will take advantage of this incentive by getting the cheapest, least-difficult college degree possible (like and online psychology bachelor’s degree). Trump is incentivizing illegal immigration AND propping up the inefficient and antiquated college system.

6 days ago

ALL illegals must be deported. We don’t need them. They can go back home and file the appropriate paperwork to come to the US legally. ONLY let in the ones that have a benefit to the US. (education/trades that we need) There are many people sitting at home collecting free welfare benefits. Cut off ALL welfare benefits and they will be forced to get a job.

6 days ago

Mish. I know you cant say it, allow me.
Tulsi is friggin hot……

5 days ago

tough crowd

Michael Engel
Michael Engel
6 days ago

Student loans debt peaked in Q1 2023. Q1 2024 is a higher low. Biden’s forgiveness plan before the Nov election is challenged in courts. Enrollment is down. Many STEM universities appeal to Chinese, ME and Indian students. They built fancy dorms, large stadiums, gyms and apartments for retirees. Foreign student are bring dollars home. Students are paying for CRE loans and obese administrations that reduce states unemployment. The shift to bloated colleges started in the 1980’s, after blue collar jobs were lost to China and NAFTA. That was the states business plan to reduce the high unemployment. They all did the same, imitating each other. Those states are losing grads, bc there are not enough REAL JOBs to keep grads in. State jobs aren’t REAL JOBS. They didn’t cure the cause. They are Band Aids that cover the symptoms. They inflate debt and unrealized obligation.

Last edited 6 days ago by Michael Engel
6 days ago

Academics are not always the brightest bulbs, or the most useful people. I think the US has enough of them send them home and make some room.

6 days ago

Will venture this is Trumps concession to his business round table buddies.
Getting Business to repatriate capital and production back to US Shores requires sufficient labor pool to draw upon.
It is sorta MAGA. He could have just said am pulling US military back and those areas of Globe where Business operate are on their own. There would be a mad scramble back to US and destabilize the globalists to no end.
For now it is the carrot strategy. He can of course get somewhat tougher if it falls on deaf ears. For the current time it is just some friendly advice unless as Banon views it he has already sold out.
Trump should have some real poison in his blood by now after all that has transpired so am in the camp that it is part of his MAGA strategy.

6 days ago
Reply to  RichardF

I don’t think Trump concedes on much, and when he does, it’s because he is getting something back. He is extremely strategic and has very keen self awareness! He typically knows what he wants in a given situation, before the other party has even considered many of the options.

This is totally MAGA (Diverse, Educated, Multicultural, Driven, Men & Woman), and just what this Country requires for and from, its future Leaders!

Banon has his back against the wall, and a deal has certainly been placed on the table. That’s why he is in the pickle to begin with, for leverage. I am not so sure he has already sold out, but perhaps. I am not sure how much they have on him, to force the issue.

Trump is not angry or looking to get anybody back for anything personal. Now if they broke the law, then they will be held accountable, like Trump has been. Trump has been way too busy putting in place a 4-Year Plan of Absolute Brilliance to thrust upon America as Promised!!!

Trump’s MAGA strategy says it ALL – “Make America Great Again” and He means it!!

6 days ago
Reply to  Stu

Still somewhat of a guessing game as to how he will act. Yet the underlying issues are large enough that a plan of action must take rough form.
For Trump to succeed he must reverse outbound capital to inbound. For that to happen he must engage Business community.
That is why I suggested what was posted as a reason for his announcement.

His first administration was marred as he underestimated the amount of money aligned against him by Globalists. He will not make that mistake again.
People always poo poo his mind which then becomes a strength for him during negotiations.
This time he only has four years to get things moving so I’d expect him to be willing to push it along using his bully pulpit. Have my fingers crossed that Trump becomes another Teddy Roosevelt and shakes things to their foundations. That would be his Legacy to America.

6 days ago
Reply to  RichardF

add: As Bidens first term nears completion Business community must be having serious concerns about what another term of Chaos will do to them.
Hollywood will be put to pasture and some commonsense will prevail.
Business community has offspring and where this is headed, is not where sane people want to go.

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago
Reply to  RichardF

His first administration was marred because the most important position a new president can make (his Chief of Staff) went to Reince Preibus. Trump was terrible at hiring if his agenda was a top priority. Given that first term experience and his desire to remain wealthy and out of jail I doubt he will be so foolish a 2nd time.

6 days ago
Reply to  Mike 28

He needs to keep Jared Kushner the f*** away from the White House and not listen to a word he says. Anyone whose first loyalty is to another country has no place in the American government. No more Amos Hochsteins.

6 days ago

The first move we should make to get more construction workers is break the Academic Industrial Complex’s effort to get every HS grad into college and start encouraging trade schools (also bring back shop in HS)

If we still have both shortages AND good wages for trade jobs THEN we start opening up immigration to ppl with traded skills.

Michael Engel
Michael Engel
6 days ago
Reply to  Mike2112

There are more community colleges and tech schools than students. Triangle tech
closed its doors. Community colleges are competing for gen-Z students ==> deflation.

6 days ago
Reply to  Michael Engel

I had kids in HS recently.

It’s COLLEGE COLLEGE COLLEGE!!! all the time.

The trades are never mentioned nor is there any prep for the trades b/c WHICH COLLEGE DO YOU WANT TO GO TO!?

Many HS kids cant even read a tape measure.

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago
Reply to  Mike2112

I’ve always thought kids should be channeled into a trade school or academia at around 9th grade. Some are meant for crunching numbers and some are meant for fixing cars.

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
6 days ago

Can’t agree on Tulsi. She is not presidential material. When an attack happens on US soil in the next 4 years, would a pacifist do well ? The problem with the retreat that libertarians and liberals are on is they’ve forgotten history. Libertarians have joined liberals in becoming PACIFISTS.

6 days ago

She’s not a pacifist.
Blessed be the peace-makers.
The US is protected by the greatest moats possible — there isn’t another country with less to fear in the way of military offense by other parties.

6 days ago

What attack has not been ultimately traced to our conduct abroad? Even the 9/11 Cover-Up Commission admitted the attacks were due to our middle east policies.

6 days ago

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush Jr. just didn’t let a crisis go to waste. We also got the Patriot Act out of it, which is violating our Constitutional Rights. As Goering said, the people can be dragged into a war that they don’t want to be part of, and it works the same in any country. We just went through a period where the Covid unvaccinated were shamed for not patriotically taking the jab. Turned out we were right to say no. Also, the FBI ran that Witmer kidnapping plot. The J6 congressional hearing was a sham. The public is being played by the government.

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago

Tulsi has seen body parts (as have I). As you get older you learn that getting involved in wars means your neighbor kid is going to go someplace far away (my day was Vietnam her was Iraq) and either blow up some civilians or get blown up himself. It’s never about defending America, it’s always about more power for some politicians, somebody making money,and misery for a lot of completely innocent people. I got tired long ago of the chicken hawks that always want war but never could find the time to fight in those wars.

6 days ago

“It would be a huge mistake to send back immigrants who have been here for a long time and are PRODUCTIVE members of the US economy”

Only if they were receiving at least minimum wage (and all the other benefits and rights afforded to legal employees), and they paid taxes and they were not receiving any welfare benefits like food stamps or medicaid, ONLY then, can they ask the others waiting legally to get in, if they may skip the line.

6 days ago

The illegal immigration policy going forward will hopefully be that if you came here in the last 36 months illegally, you are removed from the US. Moreover, any state that deliberately blocks ICE from doing it’s job will see a funding cut commensurate with the additional cost it takes to have those illegal immigrants removed. Let’s call it 10k/illegal immigrant ICE has to track and remove. That should get places like CA to cut the nonsense and do their jobs. If not…. well, that’s a lot less revenue that will be returned. CA can ill afford that kind of hit right now.

If we don’t make a public showing of this in a very clear way, this problem will get worse.

6 days ago

There’s a problem with automatic green cards for graduates … and the problem has been with us for generations. Many of those graduates have received money from their own nation (for who it is 10× as expensive to fund US students) are needed badly in the country of origin, and encouraging a brain drain will foil efforts to bring social progress in countries where refugees often originate.

Apart from that, all of this illustrates how the rule of law is a completely hollow phrase. Jail any employer who does not use e-verify; jail anybody who abets illegal aliens, especially if they later commit felonies. How about just applying existing laws … it would bring about a revolution on many fronts.

David Olson
David Olson
6 days ago

Mish wrote “The dirty little secret is the US needs migrant workers to pick crops, work on construction projects, clean hotels, etc.

Rewind that a couple of steps. That we have that dirty little secret, plus we have large populations in our inner cities who are unemployed indicates that we have a problem and are failing to fix it.

6 days ago

I find it amazing how many people are against bringing in the best and brightest from everywhere else.

I wonder how many of them are sports fans and would be unhappy if suddenly the US could not import the best baseball players from Japan or the Caribbean or the best basketball players from Europe or Hockey players from Canada and so on. Or are fans of movies or music and suddenly could not import the best actors or musicians.

If you want to be the best and greatest country you need the best talent regardless of industry. It’s almost as if they are afraid to compete despite everyone here claiming they love free markets and competition.

Illegal immigration of unskilled people is one thing, but bringing in the best and brightest is something else entirely. Trump’s whole business motto has always been centered around hiring the ‘best’ or buying the ‘best of’ etc.

Woodsie Guy
Woodsie Guy
6 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

“…It’s almost as if they are afraid to compete despite everyone here claiming they love free markets and competition…”

You’re right they don’t want to compete. It’s the equivalent of a 100% tariff on skilled labor. That’s why many support tariffs and populism is on the rise. If people can cut out or severly limit the competition via the heavy hand of government or some other way (labor unions) they will most likely do it. It’s a short sighted view no doubt. By limiting thier competition the individual business owner generally makes out better than he/she would in a fully free market. The opposite holds true for socieity as a whole in such a setup, but the individual generally doesn’t think that far ahead nor does he/she care. His concern is on himself and in the here and now. Humans are like electricity. We chose the path of least resistance, often to our own detriment. Will we ever learn? Few will, most won’t.

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

Bringing in the best and brightest is a great idea if you are also going to use a big club to deport all the unskilled welfare people that came in illegally. The problem is there never seems to be the stomach for deporting people that come illegally. Why have a border law if it’s not going to be enforced? Just say “we’re open borders”so we aren’t a country because countries have borders.

6 days ago

Congratulations on Trump acknowledging that immigrants upon graduation can contribute to this economy. It is a step in the right direction. I am not sure green cards are the solution since they would be under the employer’s thumb and receive less compensation than a US citizen graduate with similar skills and education. Resident status for green card holders is dependent upon being employed, so why not advocate full citizenship if they want to stay, pass a naturalization course, etc. It would communicate to them and the rest of the world that US is open for business for those seeking employment upon graduation.

6 days ago
Reply to  FDR

A green card is permanent residency. What you’re talking about is a work visa, like an H1b or L4.

6 days ago
Reply to  Sentient

Thank you, Sentient. I stand corrected.

Ignatius Portabello
Ignatius Portabello
6 days ago

Trump will sell anybody out. Especially gullible white people.

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago

Is there a president somewhere in your lifetime that hasn’t sold out. To me it’s just a question of degrees. Biden has governed far more extreme than any president I’ve experienced in my lifetime. I sometimes wonder if it’s him or some behind curtains cabal making the decisions.

Steve in TN
Steve in TN
6 days ago

Approximately 1/3 of the CEOs of Silicon Valley companies have emigrated from other countries, mainly India. These individuals are highly skilled practitioners in scientific & engineering fields with superior management abilities. We need more of them in the U.S.

6 days ago
Reply to  Steve in TN

More than 1/3 of the CEOs of Silicon Valley companies much prefer to hire folks that have emigrated from other countries, preferably India.

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
6 days ago
Reply to  Lisa_Hooker

Great point.

6 days ago

Absolute madness. This country doesn’t belong to Trump to throw away. Nor to you. Hopefully Trump was just full of gas, which isn’t unusual.

6 days ago
Reply to  onetwothree

If they do this via legislation rather than some bogus Obamaesque “deferred action” or executive order, then it’s a legitimate way to enact such a policy.

6 days ago
Reply to  onetwothree

He doesn’t seem to be throwing it away, but rather building it up, by adding educated and skilled college graduates to the mix of other educated, and skilled college graduates.

Would you prefer uneducated, unskilled non-college graduates that are Only American? How does that help? Trump would never entertain such a ridiculous notion! To the best of my recollection, He always chased after the “Best & Brightest”

Appears to be a no brainer, no pun intended…

Michael Engel
Michael Engel
6 days ago

Certain co cannot hire STEM grad from the best universities who aren’t US citizens, or US born whose parents came from countries hostile to our national security. Most of them do not return home. Many find work or start new business. We have great doctors from Egypt and India.
Kicking out 10 million illegal immigrant is DOA. Let them deflate plumbers, electricians, car mechanics, construction workers…so the cost of food, labor and rent will be down

Last edited 6 days ago by Michael Engel
6 days ago
Reply to  Michael Engel

Anything that touches defense needs special permission to hire non-citizens.

6 days ago

Disagree Mish. I’m more in the yearly work permit. After a period of time, could be bi-yearly. You got to apply for a permit, pay a fee (which should go towards our debt and social security with laws created to protect that money for those two causes). You can even include Medicare as a beneficiary of that money.

If after 10 years, you want to be a citizen, you pay 100 grand. Yep. That money too will go towards Social Security, Medicare, and our debt. 100 grand per adult!!! Wifey gotta pay too. Same with grand parents. You cannot be getting Medicaid or your family members for 10 years or you go back to losing your citizenship.

What I’m saying is simplistic and can be redefined in a more succinct manner, but just giving people citizenship is not wise. You’re just allowing people to come into the country with no skin in the game and I’m mostly including the mental awareness of what it means to be an American. The politicians are the furthest of being American and term limits are a step forward there.

6 days ago
Reply to  J K

A green card isn’t citizenship. It still takes years afterward before you can apply to be a citizen. Plus these are college students, not married couples with kids dragging in their extended families.

Everything you outlined in your 1st paragraph already exists (H1B for example) so there is nothing changing there.

6 days ago

Trump has been consistent in his position that he wants the best and brightest. This is a great move and hopefully a movement towards selective immigration.

6 days ago

Trump’s proposal for automatic green cards is ridiculous. Tech hiring is down sharply. Many, highly qualified individuals cannot find work in information technology and other professional areas. Foreign students already have large advantages in the USA in STEM fields. Democrats extended optional training to 3 years, providing substantial financial benefits for employers to reduce labor costs with a highly compliant labor force and no payroll taxes. Ridiculous policy against citizen and legal residents. There is no shortage of tech workers in the USA. The shortage is opportunity (in many areas) as well as cost advantages for new, immigrant workers.

6 days ago
Reply to  MichaelM

You know everyone who graduates isn’t in STEM. It’s also Doctors, Scientists, Accountants etc.

Given the number of older experienced workers retiring in the next few years, the US should be doing everything in it’s power to cherry pick the best and brightest from other countries. That’s how you remain the greatest country in the world.

6 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

I have been a university professor for 41 years so I have lots of background on foreign enrollment in STEM including at the doctoral level. Science is an integral part of STEM. Ph.D. level has always been treated differently than professional level. Medical fields are a different issue than STEM due to limited slots in medical programs. Trump’s proposal is a non starter for professional degrees. There is no shortage of citizens and legal residents. The hiring situation in many areas covering professional programs is uncertain and difficult. Expansion of H1B at the professional level drives down compensation and reduces motivation of citizens and permanent residents to obtain necessary skills and training.

6 days ago
Reply to  MichaelM

There is no shortage of good home-grown STEM candidates and graduates, and many of them can’t find work in their fields. Importing more in mass would not increase productivity except by decreasing salaries of those in STEM.

6 days ago

I am all for controlled immigration and not only of the high-end type. We also need regular workers. My sol caveat is that they be able to assimilate into American culture. All others need not apply.

6 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

What qualifies a assimilating in your mind? That’s the part no one is going to agree on.

Cherry picking the best and brightest is exactly what the US needs to do so Trumps proposal makes a ton of sense because it’s raising the level of talent in America.

We have plenty of people who *can* work. Problem is most of they are too lazy because welfare pays too well for them to bother working. That’s why we don’t need tons of illegals, we just need the welfare crowd working (even if they need subsidies on their wages to get them up to the welfare amount).

6 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

We don’t need everyone to agree to it, just the majority. It sounds nice to want to import only the top talent but to do so would be counter-productive because you need all types of people to make an economy. As we said back in the time, when you have too many chiefs and not enough Indians, you are in trouble because in the end the work will not get done.

If we take an example such as Canada which imports lots of highly-qualified people. Economically speaking, it hasn’t worked out that well since Canada’s growth rate and company formation rate is abysmal compared to those of the US which imports all classes legally and illegally. What is important is that the people coming in are hungry to work and get ahead. If you have people like that then everything else falls in place.

6 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

In order for them to fit in, we’ll have to pay for their tattoos, blue hair dye and sex changes. If they’re Christians, they’ll have to undergo a formal federal apostasy program, culminating by bathing in bull’s blood.

6 days ago

I dispute Mish’s assertion about the deal with Schumer. My recollection is just the opposite. Trump offered amnesty for dreamers (perhaps not citizenship), but Democrats refused. Reuters has a January 25, 2018 article about Trump’s offer. I ask Mish to support his assertion.
I disagree with Mish about his assessment of Gabbard. Her selection may make a difference on the margins. VP selections have never had much impact beyond the margins. Her selection would alienate some of Trump’s base.

6 days ago
Reply to  MichaelM

Mish does the lefty-righty, flip-flop the batting order, pitcher bats eighth better than Tony LaRussa.

6 days ago
Reply to  MichaelM

Democrats need to keep that carrot

6 days ago
Reply to  MichaelM

Schumer’s deal was a joke. Trump was right to hold out for better. If he trades this “green card for diploma” for serious border enforcement – including enabling legislation for a complete wall – and radical modifications to the asylum process (like requiring applicants to seek asylum in the nearest country to their home country), it could be a good trade.

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago
Reply to  MichaelM

Gabbart hits all the targets if you are MAGA. So does J.D. Vance. His best pick would be Glenn Younkin the Republican governor of Virginia though I doubt the guy was interested. Nice thought though, the panic in the media and in the Democratic Party would definitely give me some laughs.

Michael Engel
Michael Engel
6 days ago

The IMF forced Kenya to cut the budget deficit from 5.5% to 3%. Inflation is raging. Kenya president promised to help the poor. The parliament decided to raise taxes. Today thousands of poor protestors raided the parliament during the debate. Police using live ammunition killed 15. Member of parliament escaped through a tunnel. The parliament is burning.

6 days ago
Reply to  Michael Engel

More proof that austerity is never well received by the population.

It’s why forced climate initiatives will never work.

6 days ago

Trumps proposal is good only if it is used to deflect any “racist” claims when he cracks down HARD in illegals and deports 10 million plus.
As for needing migrants to do the dirty jobs then issue a few million work permits for vetted applicants that allows them to work for a set time (from a season for fruit pickers to a year or 2 for skilled workers). Those who work hard, pay their taxes and keep their noses clean can have permits renewed. Then the option of them getting citizenship is on offer.
As for “dreamers” there should be no blanket amnesty as those with bad records, no education and leeching off welfare are taking slots in the population pool that decent migrants should get.

hot air
hot air
4 days ago
Reply to  Neal

10 million? I don’t think he will deport 1% of that or 100,000. I think this deportation rhetoric is just to pander to the xenophobic fears and prejudices of people.

Steve Heath
Steve Heath
6 days ago

Agree with Tulsi as best VP choice. I was for RFK Jr, but he’s gone off the deep end. I would never vote for Trump again-never-unless he picked a good VP. Tulsi is not perfect. She’s shown she can be a politician like the rest of the crowd, but she is the best of the rest for VP consideration. That being said, I think Trump blows it by picking some Zio-Neocon Globalist like Niki Haley. We’ll find out soon.

6 days ago
Reply to  Steve Heath

I am most likely voting for Trump. I don’t see anyone with any sense. Not crazy about Trump any more, but RFK has shown he’s crazy in some ways: reparations, VP choice, Israeli butt kisser (like all of them) and other things.

If Trump picks Haley as VP, honest to God, I will not vote for anyone. Biggest mistake he could make.

6 days ago
Reply to  J K

Haley, Rubio, Scott, anyone who would be gleefully accepted by Hugh Hewitt or Mike Pompeo will cause me to vote 3rd party.

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago
Reply to  Steve Heath

Nikki Haley would mean Trump has learned nothing.

6 days ago

Chuck was never going to let that wall be completed. We tried that in the 80’s. No. Build it first with improved security and tech. At that point amnesty. Not before.

6 days ago
Reply to  babelthuap

Schumer tried the good old bait and switch.

Bill Meyer
Bill Meyer
6 days ago

Mike, funny how we still have a large contingent of IT folks and engineers who can’t catch a break from Silicon Valley and high tech types because they wouldn’t work for Bangalore status wages. Maybe we have a real shortage, open to possibly being wrong. Trump’s proposal will not be well-received until actual Americans are no longer training their foreign replacements. Additionally, re Tulsi, I’m not sure how voting for a non-Republican VP on the Republican ticket helps move the political football. Especially given that VP will be the GOP 2028 nominee) It reminds me of the battle here in Oregon where to be a Republican means (according to the agenda-based GOP plugged into the moneyed lobbies) “Just win, say what you need to say to get elected by the conservative rubes and then vote to pass Democrat legislation”. In this case, putting a democrat on the ticket.

6 days ago
Reply to  Bill Meyer

Tulsi is a Democrat and would be a very bad pick. Even now she is an Independent and not a Republican.

Bill Meyer
Bill Meyer
6 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

I wouldn’t vote for her as President…why should I automatically slobber over her in order to drag Trump over the finish line?

Ron Springer
Ron Springer
6 days ago

I like Tulsi but expect Byron to be VP.

Maximus Minimus
Maximus Minimus
6 days ago

There will be 0.01% difference between Trump and Biden. Most people won’t notice any. The H1B visa program kills the prospects for Americans who want to study for STEM degrees with a prospect of getting a well-paying job. The recruitment companies hire their own, and you guess where they are coming from.
Trump is fully in on this scam. The only MAGA is on his cap.

Bill Meyer
Bill Meyer
6 days ago

Unfortunately all true…Full Marxism is too much, here, vote for Marxism Lite and feel good about your choice. Washington Generals win, hooray!! /sarc

6 days ago

Trump will trim H!B on the margins such as limits to optional training programs. Democrats want expansions of H1B. In his first term, Trump limited the ability of H1B spouses to find employment. Democrats relaxed his limitations.

On the southern border, Trump and Biden are miles apart. Biden effectively wants open southern borders. He has created a parallel immigration system on the southern border with no applications, background checks, fees, medical exams, and other requirements. Biden has allowed 12M+ to flow from the southern border. He has also stopped interior enforcement except for very hardened criminals.

Trump will place large restrictions on flows from the southern border although he will face fierce resistance from Democrats and their allies in the media and courts. Trump will need at least 2 years to stem the flow because of the resistance.

6 days ago

There are only 65000 H1B visas issued a year. That’s a drop in the bucket compared to the 2 million college students who graduate per year.

So it does not kill prospects for those wanting to study STEM.

Maximus Minimus
Maximus Minimus
6 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

Just 20% of US graduates are in STEM.
Statistics about STEM graduates:

link to cset.georgetown.edu

Steve Heath
Steve Heath
6 days ago

Great post Mish. Yes, let’s make America Great Again by replacing all the Christian, white Americans. Bring in the best and the brightest of billions around the world so we can have the best minds for Ivy league colleges and Stanford to help us send brilliant people to work for Boeing, Lockheed martin and all the defense contractors to make bigger and better bombs and missiles for our upcoming wars against Russia and China. Trump is a genius.

6 days ago

– Trump proposes automatic green cards for foreign students graduating from US colleges.

> Smart Man as usual, and right on Target too!

– The MAGA backlash was immediate.

> Stealing their supposed voters must hurt, as reality often does!

– “Let me just tell you that it’s so sad when we lose people from Harvard, MIT, from the greatest schools and lesser schools that are phenomenal schools also,” Mr. Trump said on the All-In Podcast with Silicon Valley grandees last week.

> Trump right on Target again!

– This is not just a surprise,

> Yes it is, as the Dems are up in arms over it.

– But open borders are not the answer either.

> Then Close The Border!

– Cities are running out of resources to feed, shelter, and provide medical care for the immigrants.

> Then Close The Border!

– President Trump had an offer from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for $25 billion to build a wall.

> That’s called Blackmail! It’s the President and His Parties Job to have a Safe & Secure Border. Their Job!

– Trump just made a sensible proposal. Fools trashed it. If Trump wants to win the election and win big, he needs more moves like this on.

> Spot On! Hence why the Media will hate it…

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago

Trumps recent proposal may be a reasonable proposal but it’s politically tone deaf. The public is in a deportation mood after 3 1/2 years of Biden’s open borders, between 8 – 10 million illegal immigrants, over 200,000 fentanyl deaths, competition for jobs, higher rents, higher welfare payments, and immigrants being first in line when it comes to services.

Yes educated LEGAL immigrants are important but Trump needs to take a sledge hammer to the current system and deport in Eisenhower numbers. Being Mr. Nice Guy on this issue is politically stupid. He will get no credit from the left and hate from his base. Tulsi Gabbard is a great pick and so is J.D. Vance. One comes out of the diversity box and the other comes from poverty. Both put American interest first. The mainstream suggestions like Tim Scott and Marco Rubio are horrid and will lead to his defeat. I think the mail in ballot fraud is going to be huge with the illegal immigrant influx and automatic registration at government services centers but we’ll see how tough Trump’s team is on this issue. The media and administration will look the other way regarding illegal ballots.

Bill Meyer
Bill Meyer
6 days ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

Mike, it’s not whether the Maga folks would flip and vote for Biden, (no) it is whether a move like this alienates or discourages a good percentage from voting in that contest.

6 days ago
Reply to  Bill Meyer

Pretty sure it won’t. The MAGA people despise Biden and will vote in numbers to get him out in the same way that the left despised Trump four years ago and voted in numbers to get him out.

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago
Reply to  Bill Meyer


Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

Mish, you must be aware that recent polls show over 60% of the general public favoring mass deportation. That’s not just Trumps base, that is how the overall American public looks at immigration. You are right regarding some of the MAGA base issues. Some can be ignored to widen his appeal but immigration is not only a red hot issue to the MAGA base but also a very ripe issue to put to the American public. If I were advising Trump I’d be as tough nails prior to the election. I’d put out Willie Horton style commercials 24/7 constantly showing the countless murders committed by illegal immigrants. I’d show other ads showing all of the fentanyl addiction on the streets and how we are enriching the cartels (we both know cartel money is going to be used to buy American politicians, judges, police and legitimate businesses). Biden’s weakness is wide open and only an incompetent political team won’t milk the open borders issue for all it’s worth. I’m not arguing the merits of your position regarding education and immigration. It’s a reasonable argument but I am arguing the timing.

6 days ago
Reply to  Mike 28

The public will get there fill of deportation, but it’s not going to start with College Students. He has millions he can start with, and allow that to tamper down.

I find it absolutely acceptable! Hope they stay and use the Education they received, if they wish to, and are smart enough.

Being a “Nice Guy” is certainly OK under the proper circumstances. This would be one of them IMO.

Mike 28
Mike 28
6 days ago
Reply to  Stu

I don’t have an issue with educated immigrants. My problem is the timing. I see this as foolish since Biden’s open borders stance is blowing up. To everything there is a season and getting people angry about immigration will bring far more voters to the polls than showing a reasoned evenhanded position.

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
6 days ago

There is a movement to not nominate Trump. It is coming from the MAGA electors in multiple states. They are upset about the greencard issue and other issues like deep state people suddenly becoming advisors to Trump. They are not happy.

Last edited 6 days ago by Casual Observer
Richard Rosso
Richard Rosso
6 days ago

Absolutely agree with you Mish, especially on Tulsi Gabbard. She’s my fav selection and would be perfect.

6 days ago
Reply to  Richard Rosso

Tulsi has it all. Her speech was pro Trump, pro peace, pro gun, pro God, pro prosperity and pro border. She is ringing my bells too. Hope he picks her.

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