Fewer than 24 of 400 Graduates at All-Black Morehouse College Applaud Biden

Hoot of the day: The Democratic Republic of the Congo flag was behind Biden for the duration of his speech.

The Wall Street Journal reports Biden Renews Call for Gaza Cease-Fire at Morehouse Commencement

“I support peaceful, nonviolent protest. Your voices should be heard. I promise you I hear them,” Biden said.

A small number of graduates turned their seats away from the stage during Biden’s speech, and many listened with their heads down. Faculty members on the stage behind the president displayed a large flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the duration of his speech. Antiwar activists have in recent weeks called for international aid to support citizens of that country amid worsening violence.

Fewer than two dozen of the more than 400 graduating students stood to applaud his speech, as a bloc of alumni rose to whistle and cheer

Clip of Biden at Morehouse College

Correct and Correct

Please play the video in the Tweet above.

My first reaction was wow, what a dismal round of applause. And that’s still my reaction, now backed up by numbers. Fewer than 24 of 400 blacks applauded Biden.

I did not plan to do two political posts in a row, nor did I have any idea that Morehouse College graduates would have this reaction or that Biden was even speaking at Morehouse College.

Biden has serious issues with Black voters judging from recent polls. And judging from the reaction to Biden’s speech to the graduating class of Morehouse College on Sunday, his support may be less than the polls indicate.

Why Biden Is Desperate to Debate Trump

Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden according to Nate Cohn at the New York Times.

New York Times Swing State Poll Detail

Earlier this morning, I commented Two New Swing State Polls Show Why Biden Is Desperate to Debate Trump

The Shocker

18-29 year-olds turned out en masse for Biden four years ago. Trump now leads age groups 18-29 and 30-44.

And it’s not just the youth vote. According to Pew, Biden captured 92 percent of the black vote in 2020. Now it’s 49-14-11 (Biden, Trump, Kennedy).

People Who Rent Will Decide the 2024 Presidential Election

On April 20, before the latest polls, I commented People Who Rent Will Decide the 2024 Presidential Election

Immigration won’t decide the election. Polls have not yet captured what will. This may come as a surprise, but the top issue housing. More explicitly, it’s shelter costs.

Who Are the Renters?

The answer is younger voters and blacks.

The Apartment List 2023 Millennial Homeownership Report shows Millennial homeownership seriously lags other generations.

Generation Z homeownership is dramatically lower still.

And according to the National Association of Realtors, the homeownership rate among Black Americans is 44 percent whereas for White Americans it’s 72.7 percent.

That’s the largest Black-White homeownership rate gap in a decade.

Young voters are angry about rent, angry over home prices, and angry over mortgage rates. That is reflected in the polls.

Economists still don’t get it. They think the economy is doing great

If these percentages hold, Trump is going to win every swing state plus a few more not yet presumed to be in the ballpark.

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1 month ago

Why is the graduate in the top picture wearing a table cloth?

1 month ago

If we’re being really honest, he’s been insulting them for decades. They just didn’t get the joke.

1 month ago

I don’t know what people expect. The government needs to come up with the money to cover these deficits somehow and they get it by inflating the money supply. Sorry you can’t afford food and housing anymore.

1 month ago

The overriding issue of our time is the decline of the middle class, or at least, the perception of a decline. USA was tied in Vietnam, then lost every war since then. The pyschos in D.C. need to be replaced. Tulsi looks the best from the hinterlands (my opinion).

1 month ago

Tied in South Korea, lost in most (not all) wars since then.

But not for want of 850 US generals (at any one time) trying.

And still plenty piss poor for 15-30 trillion in cumulative US defense spending.

1 month ago

The vid in the tweet, Biden was trying to jin up race hatred among the audience for personal political benefit. Who is running the blue cities of Baltimore, Chicago, NYC? Democrats. Who is letting down the audience? Democrats. The Democrat mayor of Chicago, who is himself black, wants to shut down success academies, which are helping some black children get ahead in life. Black residents of Chicago are fed up with the influx of illegal aliens, which negatively affects city services for them, who are legal residents. Biden’s policy is hurting them.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
1 month ago

Starwood REIT quickly burning liquidity Barry Sternlicht’s real estate investment trust faces heavy redemption requests
link to therealdeal.com

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
1 month ago

Iran’s president Raisi helicopter crashed and burnt completely. No sign of life from Raisi and his foreign minister.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
1 month ago

The supreme court in Plessy vs Ferguson 1896 distinguished between legal equality
and social equality. Black people are biologically different with skin color and temperament. This was established by nature, not by law. The prejudice against black people is so deep no law can change it. The state cannot force white people to associate with black people, but could and should force “two cars solution” with equal
facilities. Jim Crow was enshrined by the supreme court.

1 month ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

I’m not a lawyer, but didn’t Brown vs board of Education overturn “separate but equal” ? The act of separating, ferments inequality, hence voiding the prior precedent. Theory of USA’s bill of rights determines ALL humans as Same VALUE, regardless of any individual’s inherit flaws. This is consistent with the idea of each of us having an eternal soul, of equal importance in GOD’s eyes. Simple Shit

1 month ago

Steiner decribed an age old mythological demon, called Ahriman. Have you seen the resemblance? images.google.com search Ahriman Steiner. Have you seen the resemblance? link to ibb.co

1 month ago

“Economists still don’t get it. They think the economy is doing great”

The way our current economists evaluate the economy, growth was off the charts in Weimar Germany. An increases in nominal dollars does not currently indicate real “growth in GDP”, and in some ways, indicates exactly the opposite. A growth in debt-to-GDP is not a boon to the economy, but rather a serious drag.

Last edited 1 month ago by JeffD
1 month ago

The DRC flag reflects the recently attempted coup.

1 month ago

We may see a repeat in which rallies for Biden were feeble but he won anyway. It’s really sad to witness this once great nation decline into this. It suggests to me that there are no real patriots holding the levers of power – otherwise Trump vs Biden wouldn’t happen.

1 month ago

Immigration, supports the demand side of renting, and drives up the cost of housing for everyone: The cadre of people who think that everyone aught to own an illegal, makes matters even worse. This they accomplished in the form of undermining the wages of people who work with both their hands and minds, when the cheapskates hire illegals they can exploit for less than true market wages. Teenagers, and college students should be outraged that they have to compete with illegals for jobs that used to be entry level jobs, or part time jobs, and now make up a lot of jobs considered just normal adult jobs in a financialized service sector economy.

The open border policies now being exercised, takes the equivalent of constructing two Reno Nevada sized cities every year just to house, feed, transport, educate, and provide utilities etc: for this mass influx. This figure is for the average 3.1 persons per house hold size. Of course if we just pack ’em 8 to a one bedroom apartment like progressives and passive income landlord types support. We would then only have to build one extra metropolis a year.

1 month ago
Reply to  Christoball

Entry level jobs are beneath the dignity of our current American snowflake workforce. That’s why immigrants fill those jobs. Ask any employer.

1 month ago
Reply to  HMK

What you call an entry level job needs to pay a sufficient amount to attract talent. It is the same in any industry. These jobs that fail to attract talent need to pay more to make it worth the employees desire to participate. Many business models are not profitable unless they pay low wages. I think it is the business model that needs to change or disappear. Flooding the nation with illegals in order to prop up unprofitable businesses is not free market capitalism.

1 month ago
Reply to  Christoball

Apprentice work has always been low wage. You put in the time to earn your spurs.

1 month ago
Reply to  Christoball

no talent is required for entry level jobs. that’s why they are entry level. also: nobody is flooding the nation with immigrants to prop up the supply of entry level jobs. those two issues are not connected in any way.

1 month ago

Is there a full moon? Even for this comment section, there seem to be a lot of loose, creaky hinges. LOL

D. Heartland
D. Heartland
1 month ago

One of our family friends, a retired Black Man from the SF Bay Area, called Biden a “White Potato head with Mashed Potatoes for Brains.”

J. Sallinto
J. Sallinto
1 month ago

He is far exceeding Trump in unpresidential divisive campaigning. It’s almost as if he wants some kind of civil war.

1 month ago
Reply to  J. Sallinto

Project much???
The Angry Orange Mussolini wannabe is the most divisive person ever elected as president previously. While he’ll probably be conducting the Jan 6th Traitor Choir from Inside the clink…he’s going to lose on Abortion and general scum baggy-ness. People are simply sick of his lies and his rants. What gets a bunch of Angry hillbillies riled up just makes independents shake our heads.
The Republicans could have won if they nominated ANY Adult Acting Person.

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

Even Colonel Klink was smart enough to stay away from the Russian Front.

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

TDS on full display.

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

It is obvious you are projecting.

1 month ago

That “graduate” turning his back in the picture looks more professor than graduate.

D. Heartland
D. Heartland
1 month ago
Reply to  Felix

Many college Students are in their 40’s and 50’s. LATE GRADS…….

1 month ago

Since I have no expectation of dirt nap joey even being here in November
the fix is in
September surprise followed by bellowing

1 month ago
Reply to  joedidee

The Big Reveal.

1 month ago

I’m not enamored with Biden or Trump but I look at the Biden performance over the past 3 years and it’s sickening. Do we want to go down the same path or switch horses?

D. Heartland
D. Heartland
1 month ago
Reply to  Jake

One lame horse for another? NO WAY. I am not voting.
I am withdrawing and looking at Houses in Uruguay and Columbia.

1 month ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

Mr Ed should join the debate.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jake

Unfortunately the other choice is a Rat…not a horse. He’s going to get put in the clink and will find it harder to campaign from there. It will at least relieve a lot of the Republicans who were planning on voting against him and pretending to be “surprised” when he does worse than he polled.

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

“He’s going to get put in the clink and will find it harder to campaign from there.”

Which everyone knows is the only reason for these show trials. People see exactly what you are now though, so thanks for that at least.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
1 month ago

Graduation is supposed to be about the graduates. Regardless of how one feels about academic indoctrinations and cult behavior … graduation is supposed to be a day to celebrate the students’ (now grads) achievement.

Why the #%^ would anyone want to hear more endless bullsh!t about Palestine? Is there someone who doesn’t get enough in news, blogs, tv, radio, and Soros’ paid agitators in major cities? Not everything is about politics, not every occasion should be used to push marxist policies, and it is highly unlikely that any of those graduates worked their tails off for four years so they could be a background prop for someone else’s an election campaign.

Biden acted like a selfish, senile jackass. This was not a campaign stop.

The speech should have been focused on the graduates, their accomplishments, their dreams for a better future.

1 month ago

Just what I would want to hear for my graduation — a bunch of racist bullshit.

Last edited 1 month ago by JeffD
1 month ago

Willie Nelson II for POTUS! You got my vote

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
1 month ago

Raisi and Iran foreign minister helicopter crashed.

1 month ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Helicopters are dangerous, they should have stuck with riding camels, goats, and horses…..

David Rowan
David Rowan
1 month ago

Biden supports oeaceful protest and he hears their protest.

Do you have to protest to be heard. There are issues where 80% of those polled do not support his policies but he continues down the 20% path. Do you have to burn down a building for the wax to get out of his ears?

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
1 month ago

Morehouse grad studied Jim Crow. The supreme court defined whiteness as property.
The privileged white could travel in a segregated car. Homer Plessy, 85% white, was
tossed out because he was contaminated. He had no white property under Jim Crow.
Ida wells reported about black lynching. Most lynching were not a rape case. Lynching moved from the wild wild west to the south as a racial weapon. Between 80 and 160 black people were lynched every year. In most cases the mob intercepted migrant black. It wasn’t about rape.The lynching cont after WWII. The public execution was entertainment. Black men were dismembered, castrated and burnt. Biden is hooked
to Jim Crow. Trump to Tim Scott.

1 month ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Biden loves/loved lifelong democrat Robert C. Byrd.
He was the grand kleagle of the KKK. That dude has schools and streets and statues all over the place and his legacy has never been cancelled or shit torn down or vandalized or school boards demanding a re-naming. The true racists are utter retards too and don’t believe anyone can see through their grift n ruse

1 month ago

From Chicago Slum-Times:

link to chicago.suntimes.com

1 month ago
Reply to  Avery

Just wait until Memorial Day, the traditional beginning of Chicago murder season.

1 month ago

Biden has serious issues with Black voters judging from recent polls”

Then they should vote for Trump. [shrug]

It’s just another election horserace at this time and the lead will change back and forth depending on events. Why waste bits on silly posts like this?

1 month ago
Reply to  Jojo

The perplexing thing about this whole “blacks will vote for Trump” is that Trump isn’t a champion of blacks or anyone for that matter other than himself.

I ask again, how is Trump going to fix all of the blacks issues? Trump wants more tariffs (inflationary), Trump wants interest rates at zero (inflationary), Trump will want to extend tax cuts (inflationary), Trump says he won’t cut social security (inflationary).

The inflationary list is endless so all blacks can vote for him but I don’t see how their predicament gets any better under Trump.

i do think those Morehouse protests were more about Palestine/Israel conflict than housing though which again, is another topic where Trump will overwhelmingly favor Israel and probably load them up with weapons and let them have at it with Iran and perhaps join in.

This whole election cycle is a lose-lose proposition for every voter.

1 month ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

Calvin Coolidge for my write-in. More on the ball these days than Biden.

1 month ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

Black people are the prime victims of the big city crime wave, and of uncontrolled illegal immigration. Biden will still get a majority of that vote, but it will be a good deal smaller than it has been.

1 month ago
Reply to  JakeJ

Crime? Try again.

link to npr.org

1 month ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

One third of cities no longer send their stats to the FBI for the national compilation. Want to guess which cities those are?

Woodsie Guy
Woodsie Guy
1 month ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

I was looking at crime stats from the past roughly 60 years in a few major cities to see if all of the hype and ancedotal social media videos paint an accurate picture. Here’s what I found, murders in NYC were close to triple (both on an absolute and on a per capita basis) from the late sixties to the late nineties compared to now. The same thing applies for violent crime rates in general. From 1968 to 1997 murders were well over 1,000+ each year with the high of 2,605 murders occuring in 1990. Murders were 386 in NYC in 2023 (do a Google search yourself). Violent crime has seen a mild up tick in the past four years in NYC (last year murders dropped from the prior year), but nothing compared to how things were in NYC decades ago. The one crime stat that is up, comparitively speaking, is rape (both on an absolute and per capita basis). Again, overall violent crime is down in the city. Keep in mind that many folks now claim things were much better in the 80s and 90s, generally speaking. The economy may have been, but crime sure wasn’t, at least in NYC.

Crime rates NYC 1960-2019

link to disastercenter.com

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
1 month ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

Woke educated elite associate Israel with Jim Crow. After Hamas raped and mutilated Bibi is lynching innocent Palestinians.
Col Micky and Scott Ritter predict WW III. Gen Z don’t want to fight and die for a Jim Crow state. They protest in the streets protecting themselves
Black people hate white people and Jews.

Last edited 1 month ago by Micheal Engel
1 month ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Are you going to sing “Daisy, Daisy…” soon?

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
1 month ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

Biden sent Jake Sullivan to MBS to finalize a two state deal.

1 month ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Better off sending the board of the I-294 Tri-State Tollway.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jojo

The winner will be forecast by the trend in unemployment in the second quarter, as it has been in 16 of the 19 elections since WW2, with two of the three where the forecast didn’t work being artifacts of statistical anomalies. From reading Mish’s careful, thorough, and outstanding analysis of econometric data, I think the economy is rapidly weakening. We will know for sure in early July, when the June UE (U3) data are released.

Full-time employment has declined in absolute terms in the past year, and the share of part-time employment has risen significantly in the last several years. Inflation is 22% in four years, and is being experienced most dramatically in gas and grocery prices that everyone sees day in and day out. No one can send the S&P 500. They spend what’s in their wallet, and for the Democrats to tout the stock market is a real insult on Main Street.

Housing starts are crashing, and retail sales are negative when gas station numbers (an artifact of rising gas prices) are excluded. Anecdotally speaking, where I live we are seeing no reduction of rents, fewer help wanted signs, and more unsolicited job applications this spring. The margin of victory will be decided by the campaigns, but not the result itself.

So I think Biden is in trouble on the front the matters most, the economy. His debate gambit is, to me, a sign of desperation. That said, the tepid response at Morehouse truly spoke volumes in a way that the intrepid media will not discuss. That college is at the very top of black higher education. Their students are the creme de la creme of black America. For Biden to get that response truly amazes me.

This is shaping up to be Donald Trumps election to lose. If the economy is weakening as I think it is, and if he can rein it in on the insult monkey front, he could win in a landslide.

Last edited 1 month ago by JakeJ
1 month ago
Reply to  JakeJ

Furthering your point, while nonfarm payrolls look good (til they are revised later), the QCEW (actual census data from millions of real people rather than surveys and estimations like payroll data) is showing a much weaker job picture.

I recently looked up nominal weekly wage charts on FRED and was surprised to see that some segments (the data is broken down by decile or quartile) of the labor force are seeing wage declines (not inflation-adjusted, we’re talking wages paid actually going down in nominal terms!). The other segments are seeing smaller gains or flatlines. Note that nominal wage declines are rare and often don’t occur even in recessions! Also, across most segments, nominal wages have underperformed even CPI (which itself is rigged to understate true inflation).

However, the Republican party rarely misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Even if Trump somehow wins the election (should be a landslide for him or RFK), there is a real possibility that Congress ends up under Democrat control. And it doesn’t really seem to matter who the President is: when problems arise (usually because of too much government intervention), Congress’ solution is more government intervention, and this is enthusiastically signed by the puppet in the White House.

I think “bipartisanship” is a latin word for “watch the debt chart turn into a hockey stick.”

1 month ago
Reply to  Tater

I do not think that the CPI is rigged. Its a national average and has conceptual issues, but that’s all. Some components actually overstate inflation by ignoring substitution, and Social Security’s CPI escalator overcompensates people (raising hand) whose mortgages are paid off. It works both ways.

1 month ago
Reply to  JakeJ

He is an insult monkey and couldn’t stop himself or his mouth to save his life, much less win an election.
Lots of people sick of his shite are going to hold their nose and cast a vote for the Dems. Nobody wants a Dictator wannabe.

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

Are you terrified yet, soy boy? LOL

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

Interesting that Democrats keep projecting what they they are.

1 month ago
Reply to  RonJ

Projection is one of the key tenants in the Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” demon bible of the communist democrats.

1 month ago
Reply to  JakeJ

If Biden isn’t drugged out of his mind, he’ll need help getting to and exiting the stage, will need to be redirected to face Trump instead of whoever he is imagining is there and will need a few wipe downs as his undergarments overlfow.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jojo

Nobody should vote for the Angry Orange Mussolini wannabe. He’s a joke and will probably be in the clink before long.

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

Nobody is voting *for* Trump, we’re voting against you.

Ockham's Razor
Ockham’s Razor
1 month ago

These students want free college, their debts erased. They praise Cuba and communism.
Now they are lawyers, dentists, etc. They will work for free? I’m afraid they will not pardon one cent of their fees.

1 month ago

Those are the twenty four who have job offers.

1 month ago

His agreeing to a debate with Trump reeks of desperation. Break out the popcorn.

1 month ago
Reply to  rjd1955

And Biden’s performance will be so poor, polls will drop further, to avoid humiliation, he’ll bow out for a replacement at the (virtual) convention.

We may even get to test: “Can the president can pardon himself?” (hint: he can …as well as his family)

1 month ago
Reply to  notaname

It is far too late for Biden to bow out. If he does that, the Democrats will be crushed as thoroughly as McGovern was crushed in 1972, Goldwater was crushed in 1964, and Landon was crushed in 1936. It will be a historic landslide. I’m afraid that the Dems are stuck with their senile leader.

Steve in TN
Steve in TN
1 month ago
Reply to  JakeJ

Would it help if Biden replaced Kamala?
The question is who. Does anyone have an idea who the Democrats could come up with?
I think they have a leadership shortage.

1 month ago
Reply to  Steve in TN

Only one VP candidate has been replaced since WW2: Tom Eagleton in 1972. Didn’t work out so well for McGovern. In 1944, FDR replaced the crypto-communist Henry Wallace with Harry Truman (thank God) and won anyway, but that was a wartime election.

If Biden were to bow out, and the Dems didn’t pick Kamalatoe as their presidential candidate, all hell would break loose and they would lose the black vote. And the one time the Dems passed over a sitting VP, 1952, they lost in a landslide. Nope, I really think they are stuck with Senile Joe.

If he keels over or babbles uncontrollably on stage (a possibility) and Kamalatoe takes over under the 25th amendment, she will get absolutely crushed in November. One way or another, I think their goose is cooked if the economy weakens, and even if it doesn’t and Joe is incapacitated.

To me, the June debate won’t be about any issues (they never are), but in this case will be about whether Joe is compis mentis and whether Trump can keep from launching a tirade or four. This will really be a test of Trump’s self discipline. I watched his outrageously long speech to the NRA yesterday, and I think he can keep it together, but we shall see.

If the economy is weakening as I think it is, all Trump has to do is not scare the shit out of people. It’s a tall order for the Rodeo Clown From Queens. Ought to be a fun evening. LOL

Last edited 1 month ago by JakeJ
David Olson
David Olson
1 month ago
Reply to  JakeJ

Maybe stretching a bit on the switching VP candidates = 1976 Gerald Ford dumped Nelson Rockefeller and chose Bob Dole for his VP in the 1976 election. = The Democrats nominated Adlai Stevenson for both the 1952 and 1956 elections. Adlai chose John Sparkman as his running mate in 1952, and Estes Kefauver as his running mate in 1956 (, passing over Sen. John F. Kennedy).
This is in addition to what JakeJ listed.

1 month ago
Reply to  David Olson

Rockefeller had removed himself from consideration in 1975, so he bumped himself off the ticket. You did kinda sorta get me on Stevenson in ’56, but it really wouldn’t be comparable to replacing Kamalatoe because she’s a sitting VP while Sparkman wasn’t.

Neither was Tom “Electroshock” Eagleton, but he had already been nominated at the D convention, so his replacement with Sargent Shriver, courtesy of the Kennedys, really was a one-off. That whole saga is sadly amusing, because Eagleton only got picked after four others had turned McGovern down for a spot on the ticket.

In any case, I think bumping Kamalatoe from the ticket this year would be the sort of political disaster that would seal Joe’s doom (or his successor’s if he kicks off or goes comatose), at least if the economy is doing what I think it is doing. By the way, every time I run across the name Estes Kefauver, I think of a kangaroo. I don’t know why, but I do. Kill me now. LOL

p.s.: I wonder if Kamalatoe’s celebrated incoherent word salads have been artifacts of alcoholism. I have seen it suggested out there, but who knows what to believe? I hope not. If Biden gets re-elected, I don’t relish a senile prez and a drunken backup. But that’s just me, I guess.

Last edited 1 month ago by JakeJ
1 month ago
Reply to  JakeJ

Who in the hell told Nixon that Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. was a good idea?

1 month ago
Reply to  Avery

I dunno. I figure he picked Spiro Agnew for the same reason Bush Sr. picked Quayle and Biden picked Kamalatoe: impeachment insurance. LOL

1 month ago
Reply to  JakeJ

Dream on Drump’s a loser and has been losing in Elections and in court for the last four years.
There are soooo many people who simply WON’T vote for the Angry Orange Mussolini Wannabe and then act “Surprised” when less people vote for him than the polls claimed would.

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

You are foaming at the mouth now. Plonk.

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

David Hogg is that you?

Dr Funkenstein
Dr Funkenstein
1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

Vladimir Putin endorsed Biden. He knows a fellow dictator who imprisons and murders opponents when he sees one.

1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC


1 month ago
Reply to  DavidC

It is Democrats who are the Mussolini wannabies. Democrats pile on regulations, Trump cut regulations, hardly the actions of a Mussolini.

1 month ago
Reply to  JakeJ

as it stands now, it’s unlikely biden will get even 40% of the vote.

1 month ago
Reply to  rjd1955

Trump is bizarre, erratic and naive. Americas’ adversaries and allies love the naive part because he can be manipulated. But don’t like the erratic and bizarre because his view can change between dinner and breakfast.

A brain dead Biden who talks and does according to the playbook is preferred.

Like wise the voters have no good choice due to a two party, first past the post system.

The current system doesn’t give a real choice of candidates. US needs proportional voting for the Legislature and preferential for the Executive.

Last edited 1 month ago by gwp
1 month ago
Reply to  gwp

Another liberal who thinks a bullshit political science change will somehow cure anything. Go back to high school, kid.

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