McCarthy’s House Bill Goes Down in Embarrassing 198-232 Vote, Shutdown Looms

21 GOP lawmakers joined all the Democrats in voting against McCarthy’s bill to avoid a government shutdown.

McCarthy’s bill would have gone down the tubes in the Senate anyway, but the House margin was an embarrassing defeat as Bill to Avoid Government Shutdown goes down in flames.

Congress headed into the weekend with no resolution in sight for averting a partial government shutdown, with House Republican dissidents sinking a short-term spending bill designed to unite the party in talks with Democrats.

McCarthy’s bill “went down in flames,” boasted Rep. Matt Gaetz (R., Fla.), who has clashed with the speaker all year and has threatened to call a vote to remove him as speaker.

“I’m just tired of all these circus clowns,” said Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Ala.). “They’ve got to create a circus so they can perform—that’s all this is about.”

The McCarthy proposal would have extended government funding through Oct. 31, but at a $1.471 trillion annual rate, down from $1.6 trillion in fiscal 2023. The bill also included strict new border-security measures and the creation of a fiscal commission charged with coming up with ways to balance the budget and improve the country’s fiscal outlook.

One and Only Winner

The only winner in this battle is the Democrats. The idea that 10-12 holdouts are going to swing this puppy is nonsensical.

You may or may not agree with what Matt Gaetz wants, but that is irrelevant. Gaetz does not have the votes to replace McCarthy and 10 cannot tell 212 what to do.

As a practical If Gaetz wanted a symbolic act, he could have sided with McCarthy to find the bill shot down in the Senate.

The last vote for House Speaker went 15 rounds and if McCarthy is ousted, the next vote might go 30 or 100 rounds. Along the way, the top Democrat will get more votes than anyone Gaetz wants.

Gaetz is gleeful over handing a talking point to Democrats. No good can possibly come from it.

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7 months ago

You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs! Meaning that sometimes, when we want to create or achieve something, we must sacrifice or destroy another thing to do it. Ridding of the immense machine might be worth some sacrifice, especially if a small and disarmed government rises!

7 months ago

The US Congress and the Senate repeatedly continue to demonstrate, over and over, why a parliament is superior to the US System. Just think. Parliaments can get rid of incompetents easily. No need to wait. Just get rid of the idiot(s) and choose another.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lisa_Hooker

I recall the October crisis under the Canadian parliament with military deployed and war measures act in place! No thanks – parliament is as corrupt as any out of control huge political machine. Check out how the Liberals in Canada maintaining themselves thanks to a deal with the NDP – Look at the Brits revolving PM door! Superior to our system, I think not!

7 months ago
Reply to  sm

My favorite is the Italians.
But the Spanish came close, they went without a government for over 6 months.

7 months ago

God forbid anyone place constraints on irresponsible government spending or stop the funding of a stupid, reckless war. And the dumbass American voter will punish anyone who cuts off their freebies. I think that the cruxes of it.

7 months ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock


Micheal Engel
7 months ago

SPX 3M is a trigger. July (3M) had the lowest red vol since 2009. It’s the smallest bar in the last 7. It’s an UpThrust, a trigger. Oct bar, the next bar, might close above July bar high. It might also close below July low. We don’t know.
1) A bullish option : SPX 1Y, at this point, is an inside bar. In order to move up there must be a close above 2022 high. SPX might rise in the next 3/5 years, before the
big plunge.
2) A bearish option. SPX 1Y, a close below 2022 low : SPX might test 2020 low, bounce back up, before retracing the big one : 2009 low.

7 months ago

One way to fix this ridiculous circus of Democrat vs Republican is for Bobby Kennedy to run as an independent.
Because maintaining this Status Quo won’t bring any chance or real leadership.
This uni-party *because that’s what this is* needs to be challenged by real adults in the room. And with the US media being the absolute cesspit that it is….I suggest to not participate in even watching this sickening spectacle.
I’m preparing for a complete withdrawal from the internet next year.
I’ve got hundreds of magnificent books and movies *physical media* to entertain me.
At some point you have to ask yourself:
Why would I even continue to watch these insane despots lie, cheat and manipulate?

7 months ago
Reply to  Harry

I am dimly aware of the shit show and never pay attention to the details but they matter NOT.

7 months ago
Reply to  Harry

He Is!!!

7 months ago

I see one Winner in all of this, and it’s NOT the American Citizens. It’s the Political Establishment, or Biden Inc.

The absolutely absurd notion that McCarthy (A RINO) would get anything passed by the Republicans, that was worthy of any Republican Vote was ridiculous to begin with. The mere fact that McCarthy is even in his position is quite telling in of itself.

Right NOW the Republicans have a RINO Leading the Republican Senate. Right NOW the Republicans have a RINO Leading the House. Right NOW the Republicans have the Votes to make changes, but because we have RINO’s Leading The Republican Party in Both Chambers, we can’t get anything done!!
If the Republicans want to do anything to change things in this Country for the better, then they best Prioritize the Removal of McConnell & McCarthy ASAP. With both of these RINO’s in Leadership Roles for the Republican Party, we are left with no Leadership, and no way to change a damn thing!!!
Oust them BOTH immediately and I don’t care, and neither do Most Republicans, if it takes 500 Rounds. If we can’t place Republicans in Republican Leadership Positions, then we might as well ALL Switch to Democrats and just say goodbye to our Country. That is an option…

I heard somewhere that No Democrat is a Republican, but
Many Republicans are Democrats, and I can believe that to be whole heartedly TRUE! Look at our so called Party Leaders. Nearly half of them are RINO’s and the other half are being pressured to switch over as well. Right now we have a Republican Citizenry, and a strong desire for change from what’s going on, but we can’t get the RINO Leadership to ALLOW VOTES for most issues the Party Desires.
Republicans NEED to Replace Leadership Immediately and start acting like Republicans and NOT have the RINO’s that have been playing Republicans in name only.

Unless OR Until Leadership Changes AT THE TOP, The Republican Party is Void of Leadership in a Republican Fashion. We will stay beaten down with hacks, plants, phony’s and Con Artist in Our Party.
I am starting to think that if the Democrat Party had AOC run as a Republican, that she might just Win! She probably will get ousted in NY next go around, but that’s due to incompetence, which is not acceptable in the Democrat Party, BUT in the Republican Party, incompetence is their Middle Name. They thrive on it with the Phony Leadership Pushing the Crap every single day. They are doing a fantastic job running the Party right into the ground, and our Republican Establishment is watching and helping it occur, while the True Republicans are left to sit and watch it happen, and no way to stop it so far. We shall see if they can get Kevin the heck out of there and put a Real and True Republican Leader in his awful place… then immediately start working on the Phony Senate Non-Leader and send Mitch packing.

7 months ago

On the bright side Fetterman is now wearing a suit when he is in the Senate Chamber. Bipartisanism is alive and working!

7 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

That was THE ONLY THING that got done this week: a VOTE ON what to wear when they “work.”

At the same time, it was decided that they importation of Cuban Cigars directly into the Senate Chamber, along with the Finest Scotch on earth, will be done in time the next time the Chamber meets.

It was a travesty, as well, that they ran out of Ice too early in session.

Micheal Engel
7 months ago

SPX 1M : Sept 2023 is DM #9. SPX 3M : July 2023 is a trigger.
SPX 1Y : 2012 flipped up. 2020 is DM #9. 2022 is a trigger. // A deep recession ==>
there must be an annual close below 2022 low, which is Oct 2022 low. Otherwise it’s a correction. Breaching it isn’t good enough. We don’t know what will happen next.

7 months ago

It’s all just a bread-and-circuses show, isn’t it?
Knowing a little bit about human nature, D’s and R’s and lobbyists are doing the real negotiations behind closed doors. And in the end, after oh-so-difficult negotiations, having spend oh-so-much overtime, some compromise deal gets passed. And that compromise makes the lobbyists very happy, while the masses are told to be content.
My prediction: the masses will not protest at all.

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
7 months ago

Looking forward to the next deflationary spiral. What could possibly go wrong with an economic system that’s been broken since 2000 when derivatives were deregulated. Only a matter of time before unemployment spikes. I predict Biden comes to his senses and cuts a deal with thr Republicans which a handful of Dems go along with.

7 months ago

I’m still not clear what Goetz should have done? Vote for this? If so why? Because what he wants can’t pass? Turns out what McCarthy wanted couldn’t pass either. It is not his job to help pass a bill he disagrees with. If McCarthy wants his vote he can earn it.

7 months ago

Fed workers just got paid a couple days ago. No real impact for several weeks for them. The furlough would have to go on for 3-4 weeks before the lower level GS employees head to the food banks which they will because they live paycheck to paycheck like most of the population.

This shutdown won’t do anything until it hits 3 weeks which it won’t. They will agree to some flimsy BS to appease conservatives but not enough to secure the border or stop the war. That is NEVER going to happen.

7 months ago
Reply to  babelthuap

Yes, it is assured mutual destruction, but then they bring out the “smoke and mirrors.”

It is a shit show.

Raymond Flagstaff
Raymond Flagstaff
7 months ago

Shut it down… accelerates the demise. The longer its shut down the better.

7 months ago

My point exactly. And, people STILL imagine a Republic that has the word, “REPRESENTATIVE” attached to it.

THAT is naive. So, they resort to using the misnomer, “Our Democracy.” It is laughable how uninformed people truly are about our Country.

NO! I am not saying that they are “stupid” but rather there is a laziness in how people see things.

IT’S easier to cope, so people remain LAZY about their continuing education.

I am always surprised how Little I know, every single day.
Today’s educational snippet: “Bear Steepener.”

Look it up. Wealtheon just ran a great show by a guy names Al Peccitiello. IT WOULD BE WORTH YOUR TIME to listen to that Podcast, and no I am not an advertiser.

While people are wrapped up in the shit show called “Congress” we are heading straight into an economic abyss.

Raymond Flagstaff
Raymond Flagstaff
7 months ago
Reply to  DJ

I enjoyed wealthion before it was clear the system was on the verge of imminent collapse. Certainly not a normie show but like Peter Schiff still a little to normal based on what I see coming… I’ll look for it though. Frankly I see very few sources which synthesize all the problems into a cohesive outlook. Most of the “doomer” economists don’t address the energy cliff in any way. They assume it’s all the ‘malthusian cult’s’ lies with no evidence to back up how growth can be limitless on a finite planet.

7 months ago

Fuckin’ A

7 months ago

Democracy is ugly. If you want smooth with no arguments then go to a monarchy. Otherwise quit complaining and embrace the chaos since arguments, stalemates, games of chicken, and brinksmanship is what happens when lots of people negotiate to an imperfect solution.

Of course it will all implode eventually. Republics only last so long and we’re long in the tooth.

7 months ago
Reply to  whatever

A very smart and logical comment. This is exactly how I am thinking and I will add that I never expect much of anything to change and THAT quickens the demise of Republics.

7 months ago
Reply to  whatever

I don’t want arguments, but rather discussions. Nothing ever gets solved with arguments, as they breed more of the same. Discussions lead to solutions that can be agreed upon eventually, as people are civil in discussions. I don’t see much civility in our Politicians Arguments.

I am not complaining at all, but looking for solutions. I do not want to embrace Chaos and never will. That is why nothing is getting done. Chaos causes people to take sides, rather than to look for solutions. Discussions lead to solutions and that leads to agreements. Right Now we need to come together with agreements.
If you are or have ever been married, then you know what I speak off. You must sit down with the other side, and quit crying about what YOU want, and Listen to the other side and what THEY want too. Now you have a starting point to work from. Eventually as Adults in the room, you should be able to come to a conclusion that will meet some needs and requirements of both sides. It’s called “Compromise” and works wonderfully when put into play!

7 months ago
Reply to  Stu

I think the problem is that all these politician are desperately afraid of loosing.
But they don’t know what it is.
Do they Mr. Jones.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lisa_Hooker

And afraid of losing too!

7 months ago
Reply to  Lisa_Hooker

Tulsi Gabbard said that she was told in Democrat congressional orientation, that it was about winning.

7 months ago
Reply to  Stu

Once a Republic becomes an Empire and you concurrently lose any sense of a common Culture or a National Homogeneity then it’s all over but the cryin’

7 months ago

– Schumer, on Friday blasted McCarthy for trying to placate conservatives in his caucus, rather than working with Democrats on a bill that could pass the Senate.

What the heck is Schumer Talking About? So McCarthy is “Lock Step” with His Party The Conservatives? GOOD! Rather than working with the Opposing Party Of Spending? GOOD AGAIN!!
Schumer says, I hope the speaker snaps out of the vice grip he’s “Put Himself In” Would That Be Running for the Speakership and with “Clear Rules” in place to be followed, or forfeit your position immediately. That would be VERY ODD for McCarthy to do something so Foolish, and maybe make millions wonder what his “Agenda Truly Is” if he was ever that Malicious and Arrogant…

7 months ago

The whole idea of America was a most-limited government… and so, for a few precious days, let it be so.

7 months ago

There should be a taxpayers strike.
Congress has plenty of time to pass the 12 separate bills needed to fund the government. Neither Republicans or Democrats actually want to do that. They would rather create a “crisis” and then pass one huge piece of crap bill that no one is responsible for.
Parties may change but our low life legislators are the same. They just keep getting rich by grifting and selling out the citizens.

7 months ago

The non essential federal workers are laughing their asses off. More free vacation courtesy of Congress

7 months ago
Reply to  Shamrockva

People who get paid and are not working tend to spend money. This will juice the economy, count on it.

7 months ago
Reply to  Shamrockva

They get paid no matter what happens. That is the laughing point.

Micheal Engel
7 months ago

1) The biggest strike will start on Oct first. Millions will get IOU, or be out
of work.
2) The strikes bubble is getting stronger. The unions herd together, imitating
each other, testing their power, for the first time after 50 years.
3) The republican unleashed their total weakness. Both parties are deeply divided.
There is no real strong leader on both sides.
4) Biden will lead us in the next recession. He is perfect for the job.

7 months ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

You mean, “Biden will lead us INTO the next recession”?

7 months ago

Does this mean the national parks will close and there will be no new mish moments? sad.

7 months ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

There will be no guards also so Mish can jump over the barriers and take his pictures.

7 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

If something is closed and you trespass, it’s a federal trespass…
but that’s not the biggest problem, if someone were to get lost or injured out there there would be no one to help. And people have been known to get lost out there….

7 months ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

Grand Canyon – open
Arizona to take over operation
I love this – Gaetz is right – they had entire year to create 12 separate bills. but they want 1 huge bloated piggy bill instead

time to pass 12 bills one at time
no more CR

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