NJ Senate President Who Loses to Truck Driver Claims to Have Found 12,000 Ballots

Republican Truck Driver Beats NJ Senate President

New Jersey’s longest-running state Senate president has lost his seat to a truck driver who spent only $153 on Dunkin and paper fliers over the course of his campaign.

Refusal to Concede 

MSN reports Senate Democrat Says ‘12,000 Ballots Recently Found’

The defiant incumbent released a statement to the Philadelphia Inquirer on Thursday that explained why he is not ready to admit defeat to his Republican challenger.

“The results from Tuesday’s election continue to come in, for instance there were 12,000 ballots recently found in one county,” Sweeney said in an email, not naming the county.

Sweeney has held the seat for 20 years and has served as the state Senate’s president since 2010. New Jersey’s 3rd state Senate District, which he represents, covers parts of Gloucester, Cumberland, and Salem counties. The district has been solidly blue in both the state Senate and General Assembly since Sweeney took office in 2003.

12,000 Ballots Where?

Might I suggest looking in Sweeney’s closet?

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2 years ago
Sweeney may have done us all a great favor, actually. He may become the poster child that leads to broad election reform. Democracy can not exist without broad faith in elections. Trump damaged that faith with specious claims that were demonstrably false. He did damage in two ways. First, obviously, he cut the faith in elections among his most loyal followers who actually believed his claims. Less obvious, but much worse, since his claims were so blatantly false, he was like the boy who cried wolf, and he made the majority of the rest of people not believe that election fraud was even a real issue anymore. Thus, calls for election reform were met with claims of partisan  bias, and became more difficult to implement.
Now comes Sweeney, with a open and obvious demonstration that election fraud is real problem that needs to be addressed. Thanks to Sweeney,  I suddenly have new hope that the sane people from both sides will be able to come together and meet in the middle and agree on badly needed reforms that restore the faith of all Americans in a fair election.
Mike 2112
Mike 2112
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
Sweeney’s demonstration is “obvious” but the water pipe break that ended with Trump’s lead being erased is totally not suspicious???
Ask yourself this: why do all the newfound ballots always seem to benefit the democrats?
Is that not suspicious?
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike 2112
If Sweeney’s late ballots are investigated and confirmed three times by Republican investigation, I certainly will not question the validity of the late ballots. As for Trump, the elections were investigated and verified at the state level, mostly by Republican administrations, by Homeland Security, under a Republican administration, and by the DOJ, under Barr. None found any large scale fraud. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
So months after Trump said the same thing (you claim never happened. Now you acknowledge it did? Sure
2 years ago
To restore vote integrity with 20 million illegal aliens in the USA–one day in person voting with a picture ID and paper ballots —as we use to do
2 years ago
The Greeks had democracy right, a lottery.  A lottery of land owners (skin in the game), who would go kicking and screaming as they were dragged into the Senate.  I never vote for anyone who wants the job.
2 years ago
I guess after 20 years, he figures he owns the seat.
2 years ago

I can’t believe he would subvert democracy like that. 

2 years ago
“Forget it Jake. It’s New Jersey.”
2 years ago
Is anyone even remotely surprised?  The only surprise would be if ballots weren’t ‘found’ days late for some candidate who lost. The only question is will they be counted or not (hopefully not).
There is no reason in this day and age that every ballot can’t be counted or at least accounted for on election day. I understand they may not all be counted on the actual day but the uncounted ones should at the very least be accounted for (ie locked in a room waiting for counting on the following days).  Whatever isn’t accounted for on election day should be tossed out. Both parties would then have incentive to have enough people on hand to at least account for the votes (even if counting finishes on the next day or so).
Mike 2112
Mike 2112
2 years ago
Alas, they are democrats, so they cheat.
2 years ago
hilarious, you could create a series made for tv on the democrat mafia……so many sheep in the US, both parties are bad but the liberals are insanity done large
2 years ago
No problem, I will just dip into my stash . /s
2 years ago
Why are these votes always found:
1) after the dem loses
2) by the dem who lost
3) massively in favor of the dem who lost
Importantly, if these people are so blatantly cheating in these smaller elections, what confidence can we have now that they didn’t cheat in the trump election as well?  The pattern for trump in several states was the same.  The dem was losing and then magically a new source of ballots was found and they were magically all in favor of the dem.
2 years ago
Reply to  TheCaptain

Because trump taught them that BS works in their dumber constituents.

Mike 2112
Mike 2112
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
The dems have been cheating since long before Trump came along.
But nice try…
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett
2 years ago
Hhmm, from that picture he looks legit … for The Sopranos …
2 years ago
Reply to  Tony Bennett
Has that New Jersey truck driver been shirking on his Teamsters dues or something?
2 years ago
Another so-called moderate fiscally conservative DONORcrat bites the dust.   Well, if the choice is between a wannabe Republican and an actual Republican…  
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Of course, they were misplaced. Democraps would never cheat.

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