Zombie Brexit Ideas Refuse to Die: Irony of the Day

Financial Times author Martin Wolf discusses Zombie Ideas About Brexit That Refuse to Die.

In his rant Wolf states “We need to understand the zombie ideas that hold so many Brexiters in their grip.”

Irony of the Day

Wolf’s lead in story idea is “It is fanciful to suppose the UK could survive without a favourable deal with the EU.”

Those looking for zombie ideas need look no further. For the UK, there is no such thing as a “favourable deal with the EU.”

Brexit Realities

  • The EU demands an absurd divorce payment.
  • The EU insists the UK bow down to the European Court of Justice
  • Leaders from every EU country insist that the UK must accept an inferior deal.

With that backdrop, a deal favorable to the UK is impossible.

Some of those demands may be negotiating tactics, but here’s the central EU reality: There is no agreement on anything until there is agreement on everything!

Any nation can sink the deal. The EU is unworkable. Significant treaty changes will never happen because the 28 (soon to be 27) member states will never agree.

Trade negotiations are next to impossible.

Wolf concludes, “The saboteurs are those whose zombie ideas have brought the UK to a ruinous break with its neighbours and natural partners.”

Curiously, Martin Wolf seeks favorable terms with a group hell bent on punishing the UK, no matter what it costs the EU.

In his search for zombies, Wolf needs to look in the mirror.

If by some miracle the EU comes to its senses and negotiates a reasonable deal, it will certainly not be from the likes of those who insist any deal is better than no deal.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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6 years ago

semoga artikel yang anda post menjadi prioritas pembaca artikel sangat bagus dan mantap kunjungi juga website di bawah ini link to vimaxmedan.xyz

6 years ago

David Davis and his compatriots are the joke here. What a mess. The UK needs to either stand down and return to the EU status quo, or go full tilt and leave the EU now, letting the chips fall where they may. This pantomime is doing nobody any favours.

6 years ago

The Financial Times has become a left-wing, Marxist joke.

6 years ago

Nope… there will be no smilleys on themaven I guess

6 years ago

@Carl_R …. tried to put a smiley to indicate I was making fun of the FT, not being angry… apparently the new blog editing doesn’t handle smileys the same way. Try these maybe? 🙂 🙂

6 years ago

@Carl_R — 🙂 reducing them, we get: “A crackpot op/ed writer for what used to be a good newspaper but is no longer has confused his own opinions with facts. The crackpot who is opposed to self rule, and thinks democracy is submitting to unelected bureaucrats in Brusels, now wants his readership to think that England cannot survive — all actual real world evidence to the contrary” The whole story is an embarrassment to what the FT used to be.

6 years ago

Let’s take his lead in “It is fanciful to suppose the UK could survive without a favourable deal with the EU.”, and accept it as true. Let us also accept Mish’s statement, which is clearly true, that “a deal favorable to the UK is impossible.” Reducing them, we get to what Wolf is actually saying: “It is fanciful to suppose that the UK could survive after Brexit”.

6 years ago

The Financial Times had some credibility years ago when its writers weren’t allowed to publish complete nonsense. This Wolf thing barely qualifies as an uneducated opinion. Shame on the FT for thinking click bait is going to save their failing publication.

6 years ago

Want to see the catalyst of meltdown? This is it.

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