Are You Suffering from Climate Anxiety? Trump Anxiety? Biden Anxiety?

Mental health experts are reporting a rising number of patients experiencing high levels of stress over global warming and its impacts. Election anxiety is on the rise too.

A New Type of Anxiety

Bloomberg reports Climate Change Is Fueling a New Type of Anxiety, Therapists Say

When psychotherapist Caroline Hickman was asked to help a child overcome a fear of dogs, she introduced them to her Labradoodle, Murphy.

Climate anxiety is a different beast, Hickman says. “We don’t 100% know how to deal with it. And it would be a huge mistake to try and treat it like other anxieties that we are very familiar with that have been around for decades. This one is much, much worse.”

In the most critical cases, climate anxiety disrupts the ability to function day to day. Children and young people in this category feel alienation from friends and family, distress when thinking about the future and intrusive thoughts about who will survive, according to Hickman’s research. Patients obsessively check for extreme weather, read climate change studies and pursue radical activism. Some, devastatingly, consider suicide as the only solution. And Hickman isn’t the only expert seeing this. In her book A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety, Sarah Ray describes a student who had such severe “self-loathing eco-guilt” that she stopped consuming much at all, including food.

Therapists told Bloomberg Green that they typically see an uptick in patients struggling with climate anxiety when climate change is in the news; often around the time of a UN climate conference, a major scientific report or an episode of severe weather.

Indoctrination and Propaganda

The problem is indoctrination and propaganda in schools, by the UN, by president Biden, and by politicians in general.

AOC has proclaimed the world will end in 12 years. Fools take her seriously. Disaster reports come constantly from the UN.

Insurers blame climate change for rising insurance costs. The UN wants people to eat insects.

Ocasio-Cortez Says World Will End in 12 Years

On January 23, 2019 I noted Ocasio-Cortez Says World Will End in 12 Years: Here’s What to Do About It

Ocasio-Cortez called the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change her generation’s “World War II.”

“Millennials and Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up, and we’re like, ‘The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change, and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?’ ” she said.

That’s 5 years down and only 7 more to go.

On February 25, 2019, I noted AOC’s Green New Deal Pricetag of $51 to $93 Trillion vs. Cost of Doing Nothing

William Nordhaus was a co-recipient of the [2018 Nobel Prize in economics](Yale’s William Nordhaus wins 2018 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences) for his work climate change.

He compares AOC’s Green New Deal with the cost of doing nothing and various alternatives.

Assuming one believes climate change is worth dealing with, then it’s important to not only factor in the the benefit of halting climate change, but the cost of doing that as well.

Trump Anxiety Disorder

I have a friend in therapy with severe anxiety over Trump. Her therapist says it is very common.

“His presidency is over, but the trauma isn’t,” reports Vox: “People Are Not Okay”.

The Atlantic asks What Will Happen to the American Psyche if Trump Is Reelected?

Our bodies are not designed to handle chronic stress,” says Atlantic Writer Jennifer Senior.

UnHerd writer Adam Smith asks What really causes Trump Anxiety Disorder?

Donald Trump stops me sleeping, and I am not alone. The multiply indicted former president’s fans sneeringly call it “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. Psychologists, who since 2016 have seen a rise in people anxious about the state of the world, call it “Trump Anxiety Disorder”.

As someone afflicted, I think its essence is disorientation: Trump and his supporters appear to be living in an alternate reality. The Trump phenomenon has not only intensified partisan polarisation, but also highlighted the existence of two different fact-worlds.

In an important book published in 2020, the political scientists Suzanne Mettler and Robert Lieberman identified four recurrent threats to American democracy: political polarisation, excessive executive power, conflict over who belongs in the political community, and high levels of economic inequality.

I certainly agree with that last paragraph above, noting that Biden, more than any president in history is guilty of excessive political power having flouted the Supreme Court multiple times.

For example, please note Biden on Student Debt Cancellation: “The Supreme Court Didn’t Stop Me

What About Biden Anxiety?

The Wall Street Journal reports Democratic Donors Feel Resignation, Anxiety Over Biden

In private phone calls and quiet conversations, Democratic donors admit they have been rattled.

When last week’s special counsel report raised questions about President Biden’s memory, donors hit the phones, discussing their worries about his vulnerabilities in hushed tones. But conversations with more than a dozen fundraising bundlers revealed that even those who are worried about Biden are resigned to the idea that the 81-year-old incumbent will be the Democratic nominee—barring a serious health problem or an abrupt change of heart on his part—and there is no effort to try to push him aside.

Biden Is Too Senile to Stand Trial

Please note Special Council Concludes President Biden Is Too Senile to Stand Trial

Biden anxiety? You bet.

Curing Trump Anxiety

I suggest not watching Rachel Maddow or CNN, and not reading Vox, the Atlantic, the New York Times, or the UnHerd.

Curing Biden Anxiety

There is only one cure. The November election.

Wondering Out Loud

In addition to climate change and election anxiety, factor in DEI madness, ridiculous claims that sex is not biological, sex change operations, prosecutors letting criminals go, immigrants beating up police officers, and educators making people feel guilty because they are white, it’s a wonder more kids aren’t killing themselves.

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Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
2 months ago

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

-H. L Mencken

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 months ago

Not long ago the ignorant did not have a soapbox to stand on, now media uses it to sell newspapers and air time. shit stirring is very profitable

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago

I found Gordon Brown and Tony Blair to be the most depressing presidents.
The current idiots are even worse; and the prospect of yet another deranged Labour Party regime wrecking an already ravaged England, it’s like the Dark Ages again.

Last edited 2 months ago by Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago

If John Kerry and Al Gore believed what they say about climate change, etc., committing suicide would do more for the world than any blabbering or fear mongering ever.

2 months ago

70s in february here in kansas this week. Im going to go spray every aerosol can I can find into the air. If you live on the coastline not my problem. Been saying that was dumb for decades.

2 months ago

Anxiety? Stopped watching US news media 25 years ago. Moved out of California 4 years ago. Spent my whole career spending less than I earned and invested the rest. Never bought a new car or a fancy watch. Attend church regularly. Studied Stoic philosophy. Laugh regularly at the insane faddishness of the pronoun and DEI grifting. Appreciate my wife and children every day. Taking control of your mind and expressing gratitude every day for the good things in life are the best antidote to anxiety.

E Brown
E Brown
2 months ago
2 months ago

Anxiety, let me tell you about anxiety.
Although I received an assignment at birth, I have lately discovered that I am really a hermaphrodite.
The Government must pay for an operation and and a safe place and therapy immediately.

Last edited 2 months ago by Lisa_Hooker
Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
2 months ago

Dr Lustig : anxiety cause tummy fat. Tummy fat is the worst. Obese protesters with brittle bones. Gen Z suffer from Avascular Necrosis (thin bones). Within a few years their osteoporosis will bend their backbones. Their hips, knees and jaws are fragile. Their wisdom teeth will be extracted. Their stupid skulls will be thinner due their bs protests.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
2 months ago

From BLM and Antifa to climate change. The D troops are protesting in the street, sharpening their fangs to fight Trump.

2 months ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Let them be miserable. Half of them don’t even know which bathroom to use.

2 months ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Government must stop – – –

  1. Demonising policy such as to Climate, Trump, Russia, China, Iran etc.
  2. Bias news media
2 months ago

“And it would be a huge mistake to try and treat it like other anxieties that we are very familiar with that have been around for decades. This one is much, much worse.”

The mass formation propaganda is strong. It is a drum beat every day. Goebels fine tuned the playbook. From the official Covax propaganda, families were spit apart. Indoctrinated school children fear climate will kill them. Russia Russia Russia. To say that this one is “much much worse”, is like Dr. Fauci claiming “very, very rare.” More propaganda.

Last edited 2 months ago by RonJ
2 months ago
Reply to  RonJ

Mandated frontal lobotomies would fix this

2 months ago
Reply to  hmk

We did that in the 50s and it created a bunch of radical feminists. The cure did more damage than the disease. Learn from history…

Richard F.
Richard F.
2 months ago

As the US is living in an alternate reality from everything that made it great.
The following is my take on this situation.

Why earn it, when you can just steal it, would describe a Biden campaign statements summary.

Am first time poster and this might be my only one. Article topic calls for a post from myself.

2 months ago

Having read every comment currently available, I see the classic American problem of our team must win at all costs, even if it is at the cost of human life. Sad really. There is way more wrong with America than a choice between Biden or Trump. The world knows it. Biden is too old and Trump is mentally ill. Neither should run for office but with such an antiquated country as America, it doesn’t have any provision to stop candidates unfit for the duties of President from being voted into office.

Interestingly, very little comment has been made on Climate Change given it was a topic presented by Mish. It is the first time I have seen anything positive that the American people are reacting to Climate Change in an important and serious way. I am aware that many people do not believe in Climate Change. Trump doesn’t and this is a very important issue that should bar him from election. It will make America a serious CO2 emitter again. It is understood that he will be doing it for the American Oil and Gas industry.

Is Climate Change real? Yes, it is very real and it has been happening for a few years already. Other countries in the world are doing far more than America, even China! However, it is not a country problem it is a global problem. The weather is changing for the worse all around the earth. Every day the sun shines on our planet and dumps heat (energy) into the earth’s surface and it gets hotter. During the night, some heat is released into the atmosphere where it is trapped by the CO2 and other gases. so we end up with a hotter atmosphere and a hotter earth. When the CO2 was much less than it is today most of the heat added to the earth’s surface each day would escape through the atmosphere and into space. That is how it used to work and now it doesn’t. It is not a hoax.

The more the earth heats up and the heat the atmosphere retains, the more the earth’s weather will change. The amount of energy added to the earth’s system is going to be very substantial. It is this energy driving the weather today but in the future with greater energy, our weather will become very destructive and dangerous.

There is currently no way of going back to the way that it was.

However, it is better to prepare now as best we can against future destruction, while we have time.

2 months ago
Reply to  Martin

So, how much of the atmosphere is CO2? Since the earth’s climate has been different before, what is the “correct” climate for us at this time?
Has the CO2 amount changed before as the earths climate has changed? If so, what made the CO2 amount change?

2 months ago
Reply to  matt3

I already answered this for you, and yet you keep asking other commenters.

I will answer again. Then hopefully you can stop asking the same question over and over.

Over the last million years CO2 levels have repeatedly ranged from a low of 170 ppm to a high of 300 ppm.

There is a mile of ice over New York whenever CO2 gets down to 170 ppm. A process that takes many tens of thousands of years.

When CO2 gets back to 300 ppm, the ice has melted and retreated back to the poles and mountain tops. Again, this takes tens of thousands of years.

What causes the change in CO2 levels and temperatures are the Milankovitch cycles. Feel free to look them up.

In the last 10,000 years, which is the time of mankind’s written history, the CO2 levels have dropped from 300 ppm to around 280 because the Milankovitch cycles are in their next cooling phase.

The planet was on a path of naturally dropping CO2 and headed to a mile of ice over New York in another 80000 years.

But mankind interrupted this dropping CO2, with 200 years of fossil fuel use. In those 200 years, we have raised CO2 from 280 ppm to 420 ppm. This is not natural. Natural cycles could not raise CO2 levels over 300 ppm in the last million years. And even if they could, it would take many tens of thousands of years to do so. Not 200 years.

Plus we know that the CO2 we have added is from burning fossil fuels because of the carbon isotopes in the CO2.

Regarding what level of CO2 is ideal for humans and most other life on the planet. Scientists suggest 280 ppm to 320 ppm. After all, that is what it has been throughout mankind’s written history as we came to dominate the planet.

2 months ago
Reply to  Martin

You are either a BOT or so ignorant you are equally unhuman. I would almost guarantee that you’ve sadly had multiple Covid jabs and believe we should go to war with Russia over Ukraine. There is so much data out there I don’t know where to start, but since I assume you are a caring individual you at least deserve a chance. Do you realize there where two previous warming periods that where much warmer than the one that recently ended, and CO2 levels are at their lows? Have you ever heard of the mini ice age, which resulted in the River Thames and Niagara Falls completely freezing over? Maybe you recall the picture of George Washington crossing the Delaware River full of big chunks of ice. Well, after that mini ice age, which coincided with a low in sunspot activity (Maunder Minimum), the earth warmed – imagine that?!? Most of that warming took place before the discovery of oil and the invention of the internal combustion engine. How could the earth warm without soccer moms driving their SUV’s?

The reality is we are heading into another cooling period that could rival the last mini ice age, as sun spot activity is dropping faster than Biden’s popularity. We should be preparing for this cooling cycle, as it is during cooling cycles that we get crop failures, malnutrition and plagues. This is actually what eugenicists like Bill Gates want – population reduction, which occurs naturally and is a cycle like everything else in the universe.

I advise you start by searching Armstrong’s site. Below are just two post to get you started on you journey of enlightenment.

link to
link to

2 months ago
Reply to  Blacklisted

Lol! I thought that fast bear was the dumbest person here. But you take the dumbest person award.

Anyone who follows that convicted felon Martin Armstrong is a cult moron.

This site desperately needs an Ignore button so I don’t have to accidentally read the garbage you spew.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago
Reply to  Blacklisted

Martin is a bot… a troll bot… but Armstrong is also an imbecile, disregard.

2 months ago
Reply to  Martin

Quick synopsis of the bullshit during my lifetime

1) cold war nuke winter
2) new ice age
3) acid rain
4) global warming
5) ozone layer disappearing and the earth will combust
6) carbon monoxide air pollution
7) polar ice caps melting
8) human over population straining the earth beyond reversing
9) rising ocean levels will destroy coastal towns by 2010
10) climate change “never seen before”…. despite wicked storms being 10x more powerful and damaging 100 years ago
11) human existence will end by 2020 due to climate change
12) human ending virus or viruses

The charlatans WILL NEVER STOP because then the money flow stops

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago
Reply to  Hank

It’s a latter day doomsday cult, just like the Aztecs worshipping weather gods.

2 months ago
Reply to  Martin

Seriously get a grip. If the US went 100% green it would have a minuscule impact on climate. FACT is the rest of the world particularly third world countries where the top priority is trying to stay alive and feed their families is what is driving climate change. Instead of bankrupting the US with mandated green bs it would behoove the developed world to help develop nuclear energy instead of coal in the emerging markets. Green deluded liberal want expensive magic like solar, and wind to take over instead of looking at facts. Although facts have nothing to do when liberal greentards formulate opinions that they want to shove up our asses.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago
Reply to  Martin

Martin, I read your comment carefully, and by the time I reached the end, I realised that you are mentally ill, and not simply a non-scientist propagandist. Please go and get some help and leave the internert behind, it just isn’t helping your derangement.

2 months ago

Anxiety! Not a chance. I worry about very little.

I don’t pay much attention to politics unless it’s some policy or regulation that I can profit from.

I don’t vote and don’t care who wins.

I understand that anthropogenic global warming is a real problem, and that the resulting climate change is going to get worse. But I don’t worry about it because there is nothing I can do about it. Other than profit. And I am also aware that it likely won’t make that big a difference in my remaining lifetime.

I find it best to focus on my health, wealth, family and friends. I am an exercise junky and enjoy a lot of outdoor activities. I get a lot of enjoyment out of those things.

I often laugh at the angry cult morons here who seem to spend most of their time reading and then spewing cult conspiracy nonsense. Losers like that probably have a lot of anxiety.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago
Reply to  PapaDave

“global warming” and “climate change” are two different things.

“global warming” isn’t happening; and “climate change” always happens.

I don’t laugh at angry climate cult morons spewing science fiction, you’re boring.

2 months ago

We all have been duped, since before the military started the network news channels. Young people think they are more savvy because they know how to get live news feeds before they get pulled down by the internet security police. However, all one needs to do is look how many got unnecessarily jabbed and/or fall for the gloBull warming lunacy to understand the disinformation industrial complex is effective and powerful. 

Why is it so hard to connect the dots that the same people that started the wars in Gaza and Ukraine and caused inflation are the same globalist Nutjobs that sell Covid and Climate Change fear? I suppose it won’t dawn on them until they learn the draft has been reinstated or they are forced to pay taxes on their babysitting money because cash has been eliminated.

The war should not be with each other, but against the globalist Nutjobs who refuse to reform and choose totalitarianism instead because it’s the only way they can retain their perks and power.

The interview that Tucker did with Mike Benz is a must see – link to;.

George t
George t
2 months ago
Reply to  Blacklisted

Listened to the whole interview and I got grayer. Benz says some very scary things about the Cia. Fbi, State Department He has a website seek it out for more.

John CB
John CB
2 months ago

All those on top of clap anxiety.

2 months ago

The cure is to sell as many bubbled assets as possible (maybe even all), buy more ammo and go to the range for more training

2 months ago

Yes, we are all suffering from mental illness. The population of the US has been subjected to weapons grade propaganda since 2012 when Barack Obama signed the bill to gut the Smith-Mundt act that prohibited the Uncle Sam from using tax funds to propagandize his own citizens. We’re 12 years into a news and disinformation dystopia created by our elected representatives and their unelected appointees.

If we ever get to the cleanup phase of this travesty, it will take 1 or 2 generations to play out.

If you want to get some perspective on how this all works, look up Mike Benz on Tucker Carlson’s podcast. He lays out the interactive map of the shadow 3 letter agencies, private tech, public academics, and elected officials.

Woodsie Guy
Woodsie Guy
2 months ago
Reply to  Chris

I hate to break it to you, but you’ve been subjected to heavy propaganda long before 2012. Edward Bernays’s methods have been in constant use since 1920s by corporations and politicians alike.

2 months ago
Reply to  Woodsie Guy

Fair enough…..but certainly accelerated by multiples last 20 years of tech surveillance….freedom is over….young people today just hope those chains don’t hurt their wrists…..pathetic

Woodsie Guy
Woodsie Guy
2 months ago
Reply to  Sean

I disagree. The masses have always been heavily propagandized. Its always been this bad you just didn’t know it.

The reason it seems like it’s getting worse is because tech (the internet) has allowed people to shine a bright spotlight on areas where they otherwise could not.

2 months ago

Among climate activists, there is a growing feeling that it is already too late. We must agree with them, and indicate to them that the best attitude is to try to get by, yourself and your family, by doing what is necessary for survival. As it is no longer possible to prevent the boat from sinking, we might as well hurry to find a lifeboat before the others.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago
Reply to  Toutatis

…and what happens to all these Chicken Littles “when it’s too” late? Nothing… nothing happens again and again, and if “the world ends”, it will not be dramatic. It will just be a gradual return to pre-industrial life, and nothing to worry about.

2 months ago

link to

You need to watch this video if you think your vote still counts…

2 months ago

Thank you Mish! You plus a few other web sites provides a platform where I can come and rant and get out all my frustrations about our crazy leadership. I feel much better after a good rant about Biden, the Greenies, all the stupid wars and irresponsible spending.

The Western culture is sick and needs a good revamping. Politicians have sacrificed their citizens on various ill conceived notions, all to gain political power. DC’s war on the American people continues…

Edward R Brown
Edward R Brown
2 months ago

Mental health experts lie!!

Ockham's Razor
Ockham’s Razor
2 months ago

Welcome to the new Middle Age.
The end of the world is near , apocalipsys is coming, the Antichrist will reign…
Solution: turn off the internet a couple of days.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago

But you can make a few bucks building Noah’s Arks to sell the breathless activists…

The Dude Abides
The Dude Abides
2 months ago

Anxiety about the US getting involved in a hot war. Biden and his merry band of neocon asshats seem hellbent on escalating every conflict and starting new ones. As the parent of soldier-aged children, this is high on my radar.

2 months ago

My advice is to develop a get away plan. I would not turn over my kids to these psychopaths.

2 months ago

Except for funding Israel, RFK Jr. Stances on all this stuff is generally rational and fair to the average Joe. The other 2 parties are getting gaslit into manipulating trauma for monetary gains for their overlords. He is also polling at 22% and visibility went parabolic as he had a Superbowl ad. He aligns with various Libertarian views including vaccine mandates, war spending, corruption and agency capture

Last edited 2 months ago by Cocoa
2 months ago
Reply to  Cocoa

Perhaps we can cut him some slack on Israel since no politician can get elected if they go against the tribe. The fact that the Israeli Lobby has such a hold on US elections should make all Americans angry.

I know RFK is wise to the culprits who killed his dad and uncle. Yes its the CIA and the mob, but most asssume it was the Italian mob. It was actually the Jewish mob. Myers Lansky formed a relationship with the OSS (the precursor to the CIA) in WW2 by protecting the NY docks. Israel didn’t like JFK because he wanted the Israeli Lobby to register as foreign agents. He was also against Israel’s nuke program and wanted to stop it. Of course Dulles was sacked by Kennedy and had an ax to grind. I think RFK’s Israel policy might change once elected. However, h÷ might also follow I his father’s foot steps.

2 months ago

In-Person Shopping anxiety should also be on the list, given how many times I see Fed Ex, UPS, and Amazon go up and down my street. Certainly causes anxiety amongst the dogs, which is also a great concern.

Point is, we are being conditioned to stay in our houses via fear.

2 months ago
Reply to  Sunriver

I stay in my house for safety and quiet. I also stay in my house to save money. I cook in my house every night. I entertain family and guest in my home. I have deliveries to my home, to save money, time, and wear and tear on my own vehicles. I leave my home for appointments and to go out occasionally to enjoy the world around me.

I guess you could call it self conditioning for a host of reasons, of which none are due to any conditioning by me Government, that’s for damn sure!!!

2 months ago
Reply to  Stu

A functional efficient plan.

2 months ago

Climate, not in the least. I worry our Government might change that worry by continuing to screw around with things they shouldn’t be.

Trump, not in the least. I worry for his personal safety though.

Biden, I worry all the time, and about everything he says and
does, but he is easy to ignore, other than his total incompetence.

2 months ago

I have anxiety that the deep state will win the next election. And the open border doesn’t help.

2 months ago
Reply to  MiTurn

The deep state is making an example of Donald Trump by giving him a deep spanking to the tune of $500 million.  It’s a lesson to any other Trump like clown that decides to run for office that they will lose it all.

To answer Mish’s question, I have no anxiety, the stock market is booming, unemployment is at all time lows and inflation is coming down from all time highs.  Democrats tried to do a border deal and Republicans shot it down so take the border crisis off the board because no one wants to fix it.

How are republicans going to improve on all of this?  Biden wins easily in November.

Richard S.
Richard S.
2 months ago

It’s nothing short of total insanity to be discussing another term for Biden. He doesn’t even have the stamina or mental fortitude to finish the next ten months. He’s a weak vegetable that his handlers are terrified to put in the public eye.

2 months ago
Reply to  Richard S.

Here’s more evidence of the Deep State: we got Kamala Harris in the wings ready to step in to serve her country! What country it is, I do not know…

2 months ago
Reply to  Richard S.

So the only thing left is “he’s too old”…lol. I suspect when he wins, he’ll resign and let the VP take over.

2 months ago
Reply to  Richard S.

But Trump is clearly showing a mental breakdown.

2 months ago

Democrats tried to do a border deal and Republicans shot it down” You really believe that?

2 months ago

Government spending trillions in borrowed money to prop up government / NGO social services jobs and pretending that economy is doing great is not viable. Inflation is not going down, in fact it is going up if you measure it properly. Your fake narrative of ” inflation is going down” will unravel in the coming months & years. Are per your thesis on stock market booming, take a look at Argentine stock index (MERVAL) from 2019, it is skyrocketed, it is not due to good economy or not due to better governance, it is due to runaway inflation.

Are you referring to the “H.R.2 – Secure the Border Act of 2023” bill passed by Republicans in the congress in 2023 but the Democrats in the senate did want to vote on it without sending sending billions of dollars to Ukraine so deep state can get the kickbacks through defense contracts. Don’t forget the 10% for the big guy. Illegal immigration will consequences you liberals are not immune to it, by the time you pull you head out sand, it will be too late.

Now, who is going to get the real spanking? we can leave that to the future to decide.

2 months ago

Is there an ignore or block button? I don’t come here to hear MSM talking points.

2 months ago
Reply to  Bayleaf

Have you tried just skipping over them?

2 months ago

You have serious cognition issues maybe that is why you like FJB

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago

You sound like the melting witch in Wizard of Oz…

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
2 months ago
Reply to  MiTurn

“I have anxiety that the deep state will win the next election. And the open border doesn’t help.”

Welllll….: They have won every other election going back to at least 1860 or so……

While “the border” has been at least as open as today; going back to somewhere shortly after the lava cooled…..

So yes: Statistically, another few years of the same, is not altogether unlikely…..

D. Heartland
D. Heartland
2 months ago

What is it, exactly, that TRUMP ACTUALLY DID in his term that causes this anxiety? OR, is it simply REPEATED ATTACKS via a compliant Propaganda machinery?
WHAT WAS IT THAT HE DID…. that some many are afraid of ?

2 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland
2 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

People are mainly appalled by his pompous Tweets and egotism, but didn’t realize checks and balances would never let him have his way. Unfortunately those with TDS won’t admit Trump understood that Nordstream 2 pipeline symbolized the resurrection of the geopolitical alliance of Germany and Russia. Also at the time, TDS sufferers didn’t realize the harm massive entry of immigrants would cause the country, and fought Trump’s effort to protect the country.

2 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

He orchestrated an attack on the Capitol, refused to leave office after losing an election, tried to install fake electors to subvert the electoral college vote and attempted to coerce Georgia election officials to “find 11,000 votes” , singing praises for a ruthless dictator in Russia etc. other than that he’s just a charming fellow.

This country has never had such a dangerous person at such high office. Oh, and for the religious nuts, how about them high priced prostitutes and all the hush money? This country has completely lost it’s moral compass.

2 months ago
Reply to  Bombillo

You are correct. Some day Xi and Vlad are going to put down the rabid dog for the sake of the whole neighborhood.

2 months ago
Reply to  Bombillo

I suggest you go watch the 1000s of hours of Russia collusion reruns bought to you by the Government establishment and their agencies and the MSM. A real live attempt at insurrection and to bring down a siiting president created by them. A narrative that was created by them for the purpose to subvert the vote and the will of the people .

2 months ago
Reply to  Bombillo

“He orchestrated an attack on the Capitol”

That is false. Trump requested a large contingent of National Guard to control the crowd.

Democrats subverted an election with their impeachment of Trump over a legal phone call. Google, Facebook, Twitter, interfered with the 2020 election. 51 U.S. intelligence officials interfered with the election. Matt Taibi just exposed that in 2016, the CIA/Intelligence Community were illegally spying on 26 Trump associates before the corrupt FBI FISA spying occurred. None of it was justified. It was an attack on our democracy.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago
Reply to  Bombillo

The FBI and democrats orchestrated a hoax non-attack on the capitol, and spread lies about him refusing to leave office, and ignored Ms Clinton’s election denialism from losing to Trump previously. Biden is truly dangerous.

2 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

I’ll take a shot at answering your question. Trump is the representation and manifestation of his boomer base. A group of people that are thought of as selfish, self-absorbed, condescending, resistant to any change, and unaccountable for the mess created the past 50 years (wars, climate change, pollution, plastic trash, hate, etc).

The people suffering from anxiety aren’t other boomers, they are the millennials and they loath trump, only question is will they show up in force to vote Biden. I think yes.

2 months ago

Looks like you are brainwashed beyond repair by the mainstream media and academic cabal. Anxiety due to climate LOL… give me a beak. Grow up! will you?

2 months ago

I am a millennial and will vote Trump for a third time. The anxiety I have is due to our country failing, and oh is it failing rapidly. It’s happened so rapidly you can actually feel the decay, rot, and failure.

2 months ago

They will only show up if their student debt is forgiven and they are promised a safe space if anyone offends them about anything.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago

“selfish, self-absorbed, condescending, resistant to any change, and unaccountable for the mess created the past few years (wars, climate change, pollution, plastic trash, hate, etc”

Nothing like millennials then…

Isn’t Biden a boomer?

Last edited 2 months ago by Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

Time Magazine, a ‘trusted source’ in their own words –

link to

2 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

Mean tweets.

2 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

Trump is clearly unhinged and very ill. If some people cannot see that, then they are also unhinged and very ill. This makes a lot of normal people very fearful that America is going to be a very dangerous place to live particularly with climate change getting worse.

2 months ago
Reply to  Martin

climate change getting worse.”

That made my day! I needed chuckle. Thank you Martin.

2 months ago
Reply to  Martin

Yup, I’m sure it’s temperature that will push it over the edge.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
2 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

I think it was “The Apprentice”, he used to be quite popular in the 80s and 90s, but when he did that show, he just coincided with the latter stages of the Gramscian march through the institutions and reminded people of bosses they used to hate.

2 months ago

It appears that this is entirely a result of the fact that most people, and certainly those afflicted with this issue, are very unlikely to be able to think for themselves and simply parrot tropes from people they like. Perhaps if we go back to educating children (and many adults) in the art of thinking, this epidemic will dissipate

Woodsie Guy
Woodsie Guy
2 months ago
Reply to  Andy

You are correct, but replace climate change, Trump, etc with God. It’s not that people having gotten less educated or dumber. They’ve simply changed thier object of future tense focus. Now climate change and one’s political philosophy are the new religions. So instead of having anxiety about burning in a lake of sulfur, a great many people have anxiety about buring in an actual lake here on earth due to climate change. I’m not endorsing any specifc religion, or religion in general. Just calling it like I see it.

2 months ago
Reply to  Woodsie Guy

And yet “burning in hell” did not cause anywhere near the mental health disorders as these new religions do.

Woodsie Guy
Woodsie Guy
2 months ago
Reply to  MikeC711

You are correct.

2 months ago
Reply to  MikeC711

That’s because most people believe in their hearts, regardless of their deeds, that they are going to the other place.

2 months ago
Reply to  Woodsie Guy

I call ’em like I see ’em and they are invisible.

2 months ago
Reply to  Andy

frankly, for most of these, I blame the parents. When I was quite young, the Vietnam War was going on. Huge protests in the streets. I didn’t know anything about it. I just knew I had to be home for meals, had to do well in school, and had to come in when the street lights went on (and I couldn’t watch cartoons on Saturday morning as I had to go outside). These are the concerns that kids should grow up with. We have 9 year old freaking out about issues they cannot possibly understand and it just carries with them to the K-12 and university-level indoctrination centers.

2 months ago

All of these are just screwed up people that have lost the ability to think for themselves. Our government and media promote all of this and then an industry is created to service them. The therapy and psychology business is the same as Pharma. Create the problem and then promote a therapy or drug treatment – not a cure. There isn’t an ongoing revenue stream in cures.

2 months ago

Government doesn’t need to spend more. It needs to spend less. Vote out all incumbents. We need candidates that want to end lobbying. Nothing gets fixed until lobbying is illegal

2 months ago
Reply to  Dennis

You do recognize that lobbying includes lobbying against insanity as well as for it right?

2 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

Everyone is a member of a lobbying group. Aarp. A lobby, aaa a lobby. The body parts groups. Lobbying orgs. The largest lobby is the federal government itself. Lobbying is an essential part of the government which is why it protected by the constitution. Lobbying is not the problem. Uneducated voters are.

Last edited 2 months ago by Karlmarx
2 months ago

The high price of 00 buck shotgun shells is disturbing.

2 months ago
Reply to  KGB

I prefer 2 3/4″ #1 buckshot and it’s very hard to find.

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