Biden Proposes Ankle Bracelets and Commands Will Solve the Immigration Problem

The Senate finally released details of the bipartisan border package. House speaker Mike Johnson immediately blasted the deal. McConnell tried to push it.

On Sunday, the Senate released details of the bipartisan immigration package that Democrats and Republicans worked on for months, in secret.

The bill is 370 pages long and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McCarthy wants a quick approval.

However, House Speaker Mike Johnson complained “This bill is even worse than we expected, and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival.”

The following points are from the WSJ and above Tweet.

20 Key Details

  1. The total package is $118 billion of which only $650 million is for the wall.
  2. Migrants will either be detained or released with monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, and given an initial screening interview within 90 days.
  3. A migrant must prove that they couldn’t first safely relocate somewhere else in their home country to be eligible for asylum.
  4. Those who pass the initial screening will receive a final decision within another 90 days.
  5. Under a new power, which is authorized for three years, the government can “shut down” the border to asylum seekers if crossings surpass a daily average of 4,000 a day.
  6.  The shutdown becomes mandatory at 5,000 a day.
  7. Free money: The Bill creates a fund to compensate cities such as New York and Chicago that have been sheltering large migrant populations.
  8. 50,000 additional Green Cards a year for five years
  9. A fix that would protect the children of long-term visa holders, sometimes called documented dreamers, who risk deportation when they become adults.
  10. Afghan Adjustment Act, a bill that would allow Afghan refugees evacuated to the U.S. to become permanent residents.
  11. A Fend Off Fentanyl Act
  12. $60 billion for Ukraine
  13. $14.1 billion for Israel security assistance
  14. $20 billion to implement the new border policies
  15. $2.4 billion for operations in the Red Sea
  16. $10 billion in humanitarian assistance for Gaza.
  17. 4.8 billion to address aggression by China in the Indo-Pacific.
  18. $400 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program.
  19. The total bill is $118 billion, so there’s a mystery $6.3 billion floating around somewhere.
  20. At 5,000 a day for 365 days, the bill will allow 1,825,000 more immigrants. Expect much more in practice.

Questions Abound

  • Ankle Bracelets? What is to stop someone from taking off the bracelet and vanishing forever in a sanctuary city?
  • How can anyone “prove” they could not relocate safely in their own country? Since they can’t, I suppose we just have to take their word for it.
  • 90 Days? Really? No, not really. 90 days is just a target not a firm mandate according to the WSJ.
  • New Authority? Biden issued 64 regulations to open the border and now says he needs congressional authority to reverse them.
  • The bill requires Biden has to shut down the border when the average hits 5,000 a day. But who’s doing the counting? And what does “shut down” mean? How? With what force?
  • Can Texas put back up razor wire?
  • What do Ukraine and Israel have to do with any of this?
  • $650 million for the wall? Well, no, not quite. It’s $0 for the wall until the next administration authorizes it.
  • Where’s the missing $6.3 billion?
  • How big is the New York and Chicago bailout fund?
  • What happens after three years? If Biden or a Democrat is president what will the cost be to renew the deal?
  • Did Republicans really negotiate this deal? What the heck?

Overriding Question

Why should anyone trust Biden to uphold his end of this deal?

Biden has flouted supreme court decisions on rent control and student debt cancellations. Senator Joe Manchin complained that Biden did not honor commitments in the Inflation Reduction Act.

The centerpiece of the border legislation is ankle bracelets coupled with the plea: sorry, please don’t come once we reach our 5,000 daily average limit.

The enforcement provisions are so nebulous there is no reason to believe Biden would actually manage to shut down the border. Yet, the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board is pushing the deal too: A Border Security Bill Worth Passing

The fundamental problem is free services and open borders don’t mix. Denver tried and look what happened: Denver Health at “Critical Point” as 8,000 Migrants Make 20,000 Emergency Visits

The bill does not address that fundamental issue, but it does spray $118 billion, almost all of it on unrelated issues.

Meanwhile national debt is over $34 trillion and rising rapidly.

Last Friday, in a 60 Minute interview, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said the US Fiscal Path is Unsustainable and it’s “urgent” to address the problem.

Neither Congress nor the White House has gotten the message.

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3 months ago

Its not about the border. The Republicans want money for Israel and the Dems want bucks for Ukraine. We get the bill.

Kevin Sears
Kevin Sears
3 months ago

It is an emergency when your border is being invaded by asylum scammers. Stop all entry now. President has the power. Remain in Mexico permanently . Mexico will seal their border. Crisis solved. This is nothing more than continuation of the Biden/Harris policy.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kevin Sears

Matter of geography, easier/less costly to pay Mexican government (more than it is bribed by cartels) to close Mexico’s southern border.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kevin Sears

Touchee, Kevin!! This Bill is insulting to everyone who cares for the U.S. it’s unreal. Insulting to taxpayers too, at least non-govt ‘ee folks.

3 months ago

“Where’s the missing $6.3 billion?”

That’s to build a 6 lane superhighway through the Darien Gap to make migrant crossings safer.

Karl Chalupa
Karl Chalupa
3 months ago

I read the comment about compromise and almost choked. The head of the Border Patrol union recently said that actual illegal immigration over the last three years was 13-14 million not the “official” 6.2 million. What, exactly, is the compromise? Just let 6-7 million more in instead of 13-14 million? It’s just insanity. Do the math. Even if the 5,000 a day limit is enforced (incidentally, who’s doing the counting?), that still translates into 1.8 million a year. I guess that’s supposed to count as an improvement compared to 2.1 million?

3 months ago
Reply to  Karl Chalupa

No, the 5,000 per day cap, does not mean 1.8 million per year. Once 5K is reached, then emergency measures are automatically deployed until this levels falls to 2,000 per day. It’s quite possible that it remains at 2K per day for an extended period of time. So we are mostly likely looking at around 750K per year. For a country of 330 million, this is quite small. Furthermore it funds border patrol agents to expedite asylum claims so that these cases can be resolved much more quickly.

3 months ago

Guess what I would do if I was a migrant with an ankle bracelet.

Last edited 3 months ago by Counter
3 months ago

I propose a Constitutional Amendment requiring that all Congressional bills be single focus. No more mixing dozens of unrelated items into a single bill!

Write/call your reps and demand this.

3 months ago

It might pass in the House if there are defections and that just might happen. There are limits to brinkmanship and maybe that limit has been reached. We will see.

3 months ago
  1. Migrants will either be detained or released with monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, and given an initial screening interview within 90 days.

An old SF book series had “criminals” wear an explosive band around their necks. If they left the area they were restricted to or otherwise caused problems, the device would be triggered and their head would be blown up.

This seems like a better solution than ankle monitors to me.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jojo

What about using Musk’s brain implants to give us a cheap, reliable and very passive labor?

3 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

How did you find this out??? This is supposed to be a secret!

Musk is really a secret agent working for the US government and this is the goal of the Neuralink project. It will be applied to all illegal immigrants and to prisoners and anyone who declares bankruptcy.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
3 months ago

“What do Ukraine and Israel have to do with any of this?”


But a very common symptom of being too stupid to think clearly, is the propensity to muddle everything together into hairballs. “You know the scary Chinese childlaborers jumping the border and,like, being antisemittic and climate deniers and, you know, women’s rights and, you know, like that Trump and, stuff supporting Hamas and, you know, the gun lobby and orange lives matter! Vaccines!! Yeah!!”

3 months ago
Reply to  Stuki Moi

I am surprised that there wasn’t money for Tawain in the Bill but I suppose that will come later. Their defenses need beefing up.

Ursel Doran
Ursel Doran
3 months ago

The destruction of the country is quite intentional.
Open border to import millions of new DemoRat voters to have a perpetual one-party government is quite obvious. Victor D. Hanson explains this in detail.
link to

3 months ago

No solution to this problem. At least not until the printer breaks. No money no funny. When does the printer break? Likely before 2050. At that point the problem solves itself. It did in 09′ when the flow started going the opposite direction after the crash and burn.

Daniel Bartsch
Daniel Bartsch
3 months ago

Given increases in technology population could be infinite but the absolute amount and rate of increase is bounded by increasing risk of disaster. I hear the far left say we are a nation of immigrants so bring on more. Hmm… did anyone ask the original natives if that turned out fair for them? Will it be fair for us and them to have any amount of immigration? There are cultural and physical limits to what the rate and amount of population can safely be. Somewhat adjusted for by technology and cultural manipulations but limited nonetheless. link to
On the supply side of the equation. Maybe the monopolistic businesses that seize huge tracts of land to grow cheaper bananas and other tropical crops for export should stop using our politicians and our government to force people off their land in central America leaving them desperate to go El Norte.

Last edited 3 months ago by Daniel Bartsch
3 months ago

DOA per the Speaker! LMAO.

Follow the money.

$118B in contractor services is a lot of money to bribe the most corrupt Congress in the world!

Legislation is not passed unless the contractor, ABA, NAM, Chamber of Commerce, in short special interests want it done.

3 months ago

Omnibus bills should be unconstitutional.

3 months ago

The big picture is that US border security would be improved with passage of this act, even the conservative Border Patrol union agrees with this. It’s easy to pick individual items out of 370 pages and find fault with them, any compromise measure has items that disappoint supporters with differing opinions. Adults compromise. GOP would rather bitch about the border than fix it.

3 months ago
Reply to  jeco

Hahaha, even the Union agrees! Well then if a union agrees then it must be an excellent deal for the union and their leaders and of course our Governm… Oh, wait we were talking about a deal for American Citizens were we not? Got lost in the Billions we were giving up there for a minute… my bad!

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
3 months ago
Reply to  Stu

Leave it to America in the #DumbAge to reckon that $118 BILLION is any sort of reasonable amount to spend, just to make some border guard union dude happy……..

Seriously: Washington had a $7MILLION dollar total budget. And his government was several infinities better than Biden’s will ever be.

3 months ago

Hilarious. The bill contains hardline measures that Republicans demanded in return for their support and are now killing the bill because the orange stain told them to. Now they’ll turn around and blame Biden for a problem they’re doing nothing to address. You can really fool some of the people all of the time.

3 months ago
Reply to  LM2020

We’ve seen time and time again the Democrats have no interest in following through with any of the restrictions.

3 months ago

Then the Democrats out-foxed the GOP with an ultimate bluff, that’s what you’re saying.

T. Wil
T. Wil
3 months ago

Simple, Biden can use the same executive orders to reinstate Trump policies that Biden used to erased them the moment he was in office.

3 months ago

“The total package is $118 billion of which only $650 million is for the wall.”

In other words, it is another inflationary supplemental spending program that the FED is going to have to deal with.

3 months ago

“New Authority? Biden issued 64 regulations to open the border and now says he needs congressional authority to reverse them.”

It is commonly called Gaslighting. Biden has a phone and a pen, just as Obama did.

3 months ago
Reply to  RonJ

Biden believe being nice to terrorists and criminals will result in them returning the favor. Unfortunately, the real world doesn’t work like this as can be seen with the Houthis, UNRWA, HAMAS, Iran, etc.

3 months ago

The GOP led by the House has been all about obstructionism since they squeaked in, bipatisanship is anethema to them. Hyping up border issues is the only card left in their deck. Now onstructionism has mutated to sabotage.

The. anti-Catholic “Know Nothingism” of the 1900s has been juiced up with racism and become a mainstay of the current GOP which has lost it’s mind & soul serving a morally bankrupt false messiah

3 months ago

Castrate and deport. Works. Every. Time.

3 months ago
Reply to  KGB

You belong over at Zerohedge

Paul Johns
Paul Johns
3 months ago

We have lost the border and can NOT fix it. My question is: How do we non-Spanish speaking, working people survive?

3 months ago
Reply to  Paul Johns

Learn Spanish? Lowes and Home Depot have multi-language signs to help.

Ockham's Razor
Ockham’s Razor
3 months ago

5000 dollars for each habitant of Gaza. A medium family of that zone, with four children, will get 30.000 dollars. Nice sum, a lot of dollars to buy and burn American flags.
Altough I suppose the reality will be worse. Families will get 0 dollars and Hamas 10 billions. Arms traffickers will be delighted.

3 months ago

Prior to Oct 7th, the daily income of the average Gazan was $13. They should not get any more than this amount.

Will the goat farmer
Will the goat farmer
3 months ago

11+ million ankle bracelets. we will need traffic cobtrol towers all over the USA like we do for our air planes!

3 months ago

You could probably find 1/2 of them, within a mile of where they were attached. In fact if they put some trash bins out in a 1 mile radius, it would cut down on the pollution and money it will cost for the clean-up.
I’m just so damn tired of our country taking good productive money earned, and tossing into the wind, and wasted on absolutely nothing of value…

3 months ago

Which companies fabricate ankle bracelets? Are they quoted? Who are the pure players?

3 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

You beat me to this. My thoughts exactly.

3 months ago

It’s maddening. Republicans actually negotiated this? Biden is actually claiming that he needs congress to act to give him the authority to solve the border crisis? I really have to stop reading the news for the sake of my blood pressure.

3 months ago

Nothing to see here –

link to

Let the red stars be your tourism guide, better than Michelin ratings. Cubs Opening Day 2 months away. Make sure you visit way-kewl upscale Lincoln Park area, too.

3 months ago

Great article by Alastair Crooke. He is an ex-British diplomat who has been in negotiations in the Middle East.

In sum, patience has run out over the U.S. weaponising the Kurds and attempting to revitalise ISIS in order to disrupt the tripartite plans for a Syria settlement. The trio want the U.S. out. (The trio is Turkey, Iran and Russia)

link to

3 months ago
Reply to  Alex

Oops, wrong link. The link above is an excellent documentary about war propaganda. The link to Alastairs article is

link to

3 months ago

Well they better take this deal because the next one will cost twice as much and do half as much and we all know republicans will cave anyway so get on with it.

3 months ago

Hopefully the Republican House will fight! They will demand changes that will never be acceptable enough to pass and ensure that this remains an issue for decades! That’ll teach those commie democrats! We’ll replace white liberal democrats with Republican voting brown Pentecostals! God is answering our prayers!

Woodsie Guy
Woodsie Guy
3 months ago

Just like with the debt and deficit neither party wants to fix this issue. So it won’t be fixed.

3 months ago
Reply to  Woodsie Guy

Keeping the borders open is mission critical for both parties electoral chances, especially Republicans. Fixing it would be political suicide.

JI'm P
JI’m P
3 months ago

The bill is just smoke and mirrors to deceive the American public so that Democrats can bluster that they are working in behalf of the taxpayers. It is a blatant abuse of power and manipulation. MSM is supporting this fiasco to support Biden’s failed administration. Illegal immigration will cost the US hundreds of billions of dollars to support these illegals for the next 10 years. In reality by increasing the population in various city and state enclaves the result is to increase the number of US representatives that will be required in Congress to support the Democrat party and usurp and take full political voting control of Congress. This is a criminal activity by the Democrats and does nothing for democracy. It steals the birthright of citizens to have a say in how their government operates by abusing the law to make the country into a socialist form of government with only the elites in control and the taxpayers at the mercy of an oppressive totalitarian government.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
3 months ago

Is this a joke?! Why do they even think it’s going anywhere? Are they just playing a game where they cause a problem, refuse to fix it, and blame the GOP? Maybe now the Dems are realising that this is playing well for Trump in the polls: what a quandary for them!

3 months ago

Perhaps neck collars like tge film Wedlock will be the next proposal. How about closing the border, go back to stay in Mexico plan? Stop social media from enticing them to come because they will get free stuff and 40k starting salary for sweeping floors?

3 months ago

My idiot politions in MN are now proposing the STATE becomes a sanctuary STATE , that’s just been proposed, they have no clue about NY,CA, CO, having major problems? These people are sick, how can they be so stupid and destructive?

Ankle bracelets is a stock play for Biden, they have already invested in startups they plan to subsidize to make billions.

3 months ago
Reply to  Mark

Why did you elect them?

John Overington
John Overington
3 months ago

No one seems to care about anything anymore. When I was a lad, a millionaire was a very rich person, now they live next door. A billion dollars used to be a vast amount of money, now it’s a billion here, a billion there and a trillion is not worth talking about. Same thing seems to be happening about our culture(I’m Canadian but the same everywhere in the west), and with it, our freedoms.
If you don’t have an enforced border, you don’t have a country.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
3 months ago

“a millionaire was a very rich person, now they live next door. A billion dollars used to be a vast amount of money, now it’s a billion here, a billion there and a trillion is not worth talking about.”

Same story as in Zimbabwe. Why would you expect things be any different here, when the policies enacted are, exactly, to a tee, the same?

“If you don’t have an enforced border, you don’t have a country.”

Now wouldn’t that be great? Once your country sinks so far into illiteracy it enacts a central bank, you’re; always and everywhere; infinitely better off if it ceases to be a country at all.

Don Jones
Don Jones
3 months ago

$6.3 Billion is going to: 1) $1 Billion to Hunter for Hookers and Blow. 2) $1 For Nancy Pelosi for a much-needed Face Transplant. 3) $1 Billion for Mitch McConnell’s Chin Tuck. 4) $2 Billion for Pres. Biden’s Sinus Reconstruction surgery because his Hair Smelling Capabilities have diminished. 5) $1.3 Billion — one hundred thousand dollars paid for each Article that includes the words, “Orange Man bad.”

3 months ago
Reply to  Don Jones

LOL – The 6.3 Billion is clearly the bailout for Chicago, NY and other sanctuary cities.

3 months ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

The new money will attract the illegals to those cities and states. They are already Democrat anyway.

3 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

All for the electoral votes…

Ronald Roth
Ronald Roth
3 months ago
Reply to  Don Jones


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