EPA Awards $50 Million to Group that Says Palestine is a ‘Climate Justice Issue’

The Inflation Reduction Act strikes again. The beneficiary is a group of radical nut cases. The loser is you, the taxpayer.

The Wall Street Journal comments on The Radicals Getting Your Tax Money

The Biden Administration is showering far and wide more than $1 trillion in climate largesse from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Still, who could have thought that taxpayer funds would flow to a left-wing group that thinks “climate justice” involves everything from freeing Palestine to dismantling capitalism?

That’s the discovery made by West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito’s office. Democrats appropriated $3 billion in the IRA to the Environmental Protection Agency for “environmental justice” grants, including $600 million for a “national grantmaker” program. In December the EPA awarded $50 million to Climate Justice Alliance, a network of nearly 90 affiliates, which plans to use the money to “resource community-based organizations (CBOs) to address past, current, and future environmental health and justice challenges.”

What else does Climate Justice Alliance do? Last November it helped to coordinate a “March on Washington,” where protesters waved the banner “Free Palestine Is a Climate Justice Issue.” Other slogans included “Our Government Funds Palestinian Genocide” and “Only Socialist Revolution Can Stop World War III.”

Climate Justice Alliance’s website also offers a collection of anti-Israel art “that you are invited to use for Palestine solidarity protest actions.” One shows a bulldozer tearing down an Israeli fence. Another has a man waving a Palestinian flag standing atop a tank, with the quotation: “Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.” That line is attributed to Assata Shakur, who fled the U.S. to Cuba after being convicted of murdering a New Jersey state trooper in 1973. A third poster says: “Abolish Prisons Everywhere.”

Climate Justice Alliance’s website says that “more than $3 trillion will move through federal agencies” from the IRA and Congress’s 2021 infrastructure law, and “now is the time for grassroots organizations to influence the direction of, and step into governance of, these monies.” It’s no surprise that radicals are trying to get the money, but it’s disturbing that the Administration would give it to them.

Hoot of the Day: No One Wants Green Energy if It’s Too Cheap

On May 21, my Hoot of the Day was No One Wants Green Energy if It’s Too Cheap

Wind turbine manufacturers in the EU have protested that Chinese rivals are undercutting them by 50% in a move that is appealing to cash-strapped state and regional authorities facing targets in reductions of greenhouse gases.

In the effort to produce more clean energy from wind, the economic and energy illiterates would rather pay 100 percent more for wind turbines.


Despite the fact that China sells no cars in the US,  Biden Wants EVs so Badly That He Will Quadruple Tariffs on Them

Astute readers will immediately notice the title of this post makes no sense. It’s not supposed to. But it is exactly what President Biden is doing.

Cheaper Houses? Who Needs Em?

Question of the Day

Do you want four more years of inflationary and regulatory nonsense like this, at an accelerated pace?

If you do, then go ahead and vote for Biden. First, you may wish to seek medical attention because something is wrong with the functioning of your brain.

To be fair, Trump wants big tariffs too, but at least his energy policy will make sense. And he will not be giving away billions of dollars for “climate justice” when people are struggling to pay bills.

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This post originated on MishTalk.Com

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Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
24 days ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

How old is Pocahontas Warren? How old is Biden? How old are Trump, McConnell, Schumer, Pelosi, Bernie Sanders and Janet Yellen?

The answer is they are all at least twice the average age of the people who they fraudulently claim to “represent”. The answer is that few if any of them will still be around to even entertain the idea of paying the debts they are issuing.

Check out the average age of the zombies “serving” on the boards of directors of your favorite S&P500 company.

When (if?) today’s college graduates finish paying off their professor’s retirement for the coffee barista degree, they can get to work paying down Biden / Schumer / McConnell debts next!!!

Its a whole generation of degenerate spendthrift losers that refuse to let go because they know the history books will not be kind

Last edited 24 days ago by Willie Nelson II
23 days ago

Pointing out the obvious… Term Limits & Age Limits. A huge reason why are values, morals and ethics are in the tank.
How can the values of a rich, legally protected, over 80, with dementia setting in, and no clue how to live life at 25-35 in todays World, or what it’s like to grow up in this totally screwed up Country, of their doing, because they can’t even walk, talk, or do anything worthy of anything but question marks galore, as to WTF they are doing, and WHY…

Sky Wizard
Sky Wizard
23 days ago
Reply to  Stu

This is how you end up with Carousel from Logan’s Run. At some point the younglings are going to put an end to it.

23 days ago
Reply to  Sky Wizard

They are being taught to organize by the Left right now. Unfortunately for them, much like illegal immigration has backfired, so will teaching them skill sets to be used against them, when they catch on that is…

23 days ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

It’s the Neocons and mother WEFers. The rest are Useful Idiots, like Warren.

D. Heartland
D. Heartland
23 days ago

I want me a slice of that money. TIME TO FORM A LEFTY organization:
WWWCJ! Based in Portland, OR and affiliated with the “WLM” Movement.

Doly Garcia
Doly Garcia
23 days ago

>What else does Climate Justice Alliance do? Last November it helped to coordinate a “March on Washington,” where protesters waved the banner “Free Palestine Is a Climate Justice Issue.”

And well, what did you expect, people?

First, you teach activists not to bother elected officials, because, well, elected officials are busy meeting with rich people. Because that looks bad for “democracy”, you try to divert them somewhere safe, for example, to protesting, which makes them feel less alone and helps them vent. After a while, those activists that remain rational quickly realise that protests are futile and achieve nothing and stop getting involved. The ones that keep getting involved feel too alone so they start hanging around each other to feel safety in numbers, and get into the habit of going to every protest that is even vaguely related to their favourite issue. Eventually, the people are divided into so-called “apathetic” that don’t get involved in protests unless something happens that’s so button-pressing that they do (but in reality, they are the most rational), and “activist” that start thinking that mixing every issue with every other issue is the right thing to do.

And then, when you see “Free Palestine is Climate Justice”, you act all surprised. It happens because by now every single organisation gets involved in a whole bunch of issues. Because so-called “democracy” never, ever listens. Never, ever listens. Never, ever listens. Never, ever listens. Never, ever listens. Never, ever listens. Never, ever listens. Did I repeat it enough times? Never, ever listens. Never, ever listens. Never, ever listens.

When did so-called “democracy” listen to environmentalists? I mean, not even now “democracy” accepts that we’re reaching the limits to growth. Now that we are.

23 days ago


Congress and all politicians at every level of government are now openly looting the treasury and coffers. The end is nigh

23 days ago

““Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.” That line is attributed to Assata Shakur, who fled the U.S. to Cuba after being convicted of murdering a New Jersey state trooper in 1973.”

Ironic that he went to a country where oppression was a way of life for the populace. A former next door neighbor escaped from Cuba as a teenager. His wife’s family had also escaped from Cuba. They left California, as they saw what Democrats are doing to the state.

23 days ago

Of course the majority does not want 4 more years of sleezy Joe – the real polls show his approval is close to 10%. You are naively acting like voting will solve the problem, when we know the establishment will rig the election again – link to armstrongeconomics.com.

Even if Trump got in, which they will NEVER allow, even if it takes assassination, the damage done already and through the rest of the year is irreversible. Writing and wining about the injustices means NOTHING to these people, who have no morals and ethics, and will do WHATEVER it takes to hold on to their perks and power. The nutjobs know the silent majority will stay silent too long, until it will no longer matter.

John Overington
John Overington
23 days ago

No surprise here. Government agencies at every level look to expand their influence and increase their power. There is no incentive to stay within their mandate.

Ockham's Razor
Ockham’s Razor
24 days ago

It’s not China, nor Putin. The US and european goverments finance with billions radical groups who work 24 hours a day in our destruction. So many people hate themselves in democratic countries, very sad. I don’t know why.

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
24 days ago

Climate forecast says the highest number of hurricanes in gulf and Atlantic history this year .Biden is a lucky SOB so it will probably happen and the country will feel sorry enough for him and it will neuter Trump’s attacks.

24 days ago

Climate forecasts also said the arctic would be ice free by now. Give me 5 million dollars and I’ll predict anything your political agenda requires too.

23 days ago
Reply to  Ryan

Money talks for certain, but what it states, certainly is determined by whom gets the money.
Soros DA’s for example, get paid boatloads of money to provide chaos.
Joe’s children get boatloads of Money for Nothing, but what they are bought and paid to say, and do.
Illegals, by the millions pour into our Country, as nothing but hopeful Democrat voters.
Our Veterans money goes to illegals.
Our School system goes to illegals.
Our housing for Americans in need, go to illegals.
Our food goes to illegals.

It’s all a giant scam of fraud, enrichment, power and massive egos that need to be constantly fed…

23 days ago

2005 was a big hurricane year in which climate alarmists claimed it was a new normal. For the next 12 years, the U.S. set a new record for no major hurricanes. The exact opposite.

The Dirty Mac
The Dirty Mac
23 days ago
Reply to  RonJ

They had fewer hurricanes to fool us.

23 days ago
Reply to  RonJ

You wouldn’t know it based on insurance industry talk, but “severe” hail reports have trended down too over the past 14 years-

link to spc.noaa.gov

Sky Wizard
Sky Wizard
23 days ago

Lot’s of rugged conservative governors will be begging for that FEMA cash again. Same as it ever was… cry victim, grift, repeat.

Ockham's Razor
Ockham’s Razor
23 days ago

Can you tell me how many hurricanes Florida had in 1036 a.d.? And in 4346 b.c?

fast bear
fast bear
24 days ago

I have 3 friends who work at the EPA. They literally do nothing. I ask them, “tell me exactly what you did today at work?” its a joke every time. Whatever they reply with I have to respond “that’s nothing you literally do nothing.”
Typical answer involves using the Fed credit card for lunch at a fancy restaurant, with their boss and visiting EPA employees; in other words, nothing.”

Different aspects, of government/corporatocracy are allowed to gorge in rotation on human chi (assets) depending upon what cohort is in need of bolstering at the time. The democrats grow the government social engineering industry, the republicans grow oil and defense industries. They both grow the surveillance state to keep the ass raped plebs in line.

In order to keep the spice flowing they manipulate the economy and intermittently wash all the accumulated wealth into their banker/corporate funders pockets like in 2010.

They produce nothing and steal everything. Its quite the racket.

This all it is.
There is nothing more

Last edited 24 days ago by fast bear
24 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

Cleaning-up the government agencies and those who receive federal grants in return for low productivity is an excellent idea. Since government resists doing anything other than making matters worse, the idea will also never get old.

Sky Wizard
Sky Wizard
23 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

Was the same at a military contractor I worked for. I was bored so I built fun things out of all the crazy tech toys they’d bought with no plan what to use them for. Somebody got upset about that, because nobody was allowed to play with those toys, and we parted ways. Was a fun little gig though.

24 days ago

A nice church lady told me this the other day:
“There are so many new arrivals in hell every day now that they have to keep scraping it out, closer and closer to the surface, just to make room for them all! And that’s why it’s getting so hot up here.”
I am starting to think maybe she is right…..

Sky Wizard
Sky Wizard
23 days ago
Reply to  steve

You should alert NOAA

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
24 days ago

The Biden regime and Trudeau and the EU know they have lost, and they are going scorched Earth.

Remember at the end of the Iraq war when the Iraqi government was about to collapse and Saddam Hussein’s final act as president was to order all the oil wells to be lit on fire on purpose? Pundits called it scorched earth policy. Deliberately destroying assets.

That is what Biden, Trudeau and the EU are up to now.

Last edited 24 days ago by Willie Nelson II
23 days ago

Climate change hysteria, and malinvestment is” The Mother of all Scorched Earth”

Planting trees, maintaining existing forests, and restoring the biosphere is a more practical, beautiful solution.

Last edited 23 days ago by Christoball
24 days ago

I must rewrite this properly: Yet another Governmental Agency, deceptively steals Taxpayer $$, to enrich a bunch of Climate Social Justice Warriors (aka Activist, Useful Idiots, Misguided Ideologist etc.), where Climate is not measurably changed, Warriors are not social, and from the Government on down, are hidden agendas, now paid for by the unwitting Taxpayers of America.

Whew… I feel so much better!

Rando Comment Guy
Rando Comment Guy
24 days ago

The “Inflation Reduction Act” was just the rebranded and poorly disguised, “Green New Deal,” which was itself just another pathetic euphemism for a continuous runaway pork barrel marxist spending spree. Unacceptable. Unforgivable.

24 days ago

Who the Hell is running this country? The Biden Administration is a total shit show spending our tax dollars on things that the MAJORITY of Americans do not want. The country is swirling down the drain. God help us.

Hounddog Vigilante
Hounddog Vigilante
24 days ago
Reply to  Roto1711

RINO swampGOPers facilitated (and voted for) the IRA, ignoring the objections of the entire conservative base.

We expect the full-frontal assault from the Left.

But it’s the collection of knives plunged into our back that are killing us.

Rando Comment Guy
Rando Comment Guy
24 days ago

The most ignored Washington DC phenomenon of all time; regime media will never address this. Why exactly are more than half of the Republicans actually Democrats in disguise?

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
23 days ago
Reply to  Roto1711

“Who the Hell is running this country?”

Rank retards. In fact, the very rankest of retards. And only them.

Enriched, hence empowered, by Fed transfers. And Nothing other than that.

They are now running every department. Not just the EPA.
As well as EVERY company. Even Google by now.

They also “own” everything in America.

Just retards. Full stop. Not a single competent being anywhere. The falling-down-stairs guy has the top job because he is, literally, the least incompetent one among all of America’s self-anointed “elite.” All the rest, every single one of them, are even less able.

24 days ago

It’s the sun. It is 30 percent hotter now than when the dinosuars ruled. Like all nuclear furnaces it gets hotter as it burns heavier and heavier elements. Yes, Canada will grow more wheat than the US. Yes, the Artic has everyone exploring it. Yes, the Vikings were frozen in during the 1600s and lost Greenland and Canada. It is normal for colder and warmer times. The English invented Champagne but grapes don’t grow there anymore, too cold.

Hounddog Vigilante
Hounddog Vigilante
24 days ago

the Climate Agenda was, is & always will be about money & control… nothing else.

wake me up when progressive idols sell their beachfront property & private jets.

Rando Comment Guy
Rando Comment Guy
24 days ago

What’s the going conversion rate for all the Fauci Fanboys to redeem their booster shots and Ukranian flags for carbon credits to boost their social credit score?

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