Former ECB President Mario Draghi Discusses the Death of the Eurozone

Mario Draghi, former ECB head, delivers a near certain recession outlook. A current ECB governor sees stagflation. However, an agonizing death of the Eurozone is the real story.

Draghi Says Euro-Zone Recession Almost Sure to Happen

Bloomberg reports Draghi Says Euro-Zone Recession Almost Sure to Happen

The euro zone is nearly certain to experience a recession by the end of 2023, former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said, according to the Financial Times.

Speaking on Wednesday to a conference in Brussels organized by the newspaper, he said the slump probably won’t be “deep” or “destabilizing.”

“It is almost sure we are going to have a recession by the year-end,” the FT cited the ex-central banker and former prime minister of Italy as saying. “It is quite clear the first two quarters of next year will show that.”

Belgian Governor Pierre Wunsch, speaking earlier in Brussels, acknowledged the impact of tighter monetary policy and said that growth risks are “tilted to the downside.” The euro zone is “entering some weak form of stagflation,” he added.

Draghi Comments

  • “Either Europe acts together and becomes a deeper union, a union capable of expressing a foreign policy and a defence policy, aside from all the economic policies . . . or I am afraid the European Union will not survive other than being a single market.”
  • The European economy has been losing competitiveness in the last 20-plus years, with respect not just to the United States but Japan, South Korea and, of course, China.
  • In many, many technological areas, technological fields, we have lost presence, we have lost footprint.”

Draghi Presses for a Fiscal Union

Mario Draghi, is a former ECB head, former head of the Bank of Italy, and former technocrat (unelected) Italian Prime Minister.

I expect his recession comments will be repeated 100 times if not more by mainstream media. But his comments on a fiscal union is the real story here, not recession.

Draghi avoided the term fiscal union but he seeks a bailout of Southern Europe generally and Italy specifically. As ECB head, he pushed hard in monetary union direction and failed.

I have been commenting on this since 2004 or so.

The Euro is Fatally Flawed

The euro itself is fatally flawed because there is not a single interest rate that makes any sense for Germany, Greece, Italy, France, and Spain, let alone 19 countries.

It take a unanimous vote to change anything not specifically allowed by the Maastricht Treaty.

At the outset, France was allowed to force its agricultural policy on all the other nations to protect the family farm. Also at the outset, Germany demanded no fiscal union.

Every year, global trade policy fails due to France. And when Greece nearly blew up on Draghi’s watch, the EMU would neither let Greece sink nor bail it out.

Italy has needed bank reform and productivity reform for decades, but even while president Draghi made almost no progress on either front.

Single Market a Failure Too

The single market (EU) is a failure as well. There are 28 countries in the EU and to change anything important is nearly impossible.

It took decades to make a simple trade agreement with Canada, because a couple of tiny EU nations demanded changes that Canada would not accept.

Nannycrat Rules

The EU is governed collectively by a bunch of nannycrats who in the name of competitiveness, would break up every company before it even got started.

Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Nvidia could not exist in the EU because nannycrats would break them apart before they ever got big.

The US has the strongest, most free capital markets in the world. Chinese corporations get state support to aid exports.

In contrast, the EU has nannycrats who insist on fairness with no clear idea of what fair is.

Draghi laments ““In many, many technological areas, technological fields, we have lost presence, we have lost footprint.”

Indeed, and I just explained why.

Looking Backward, Not Ahead

Germany looks backward still attempting to protect its lead in diesel technology and analog phones. German infrastructure is pathetic due to lack of investment.

The EU is far behind the US and China on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The EU is guaranteed to drop further and further behind because instead of attempting to catch up, the EU seeks more regulation to stop everyone else.

Military and Foreign Policy

Draghi wants a” union capable of expressing a foreign policy and a defence policy, aside from all the economic policies.”

What a hoot. A single country can block any foreign policy action. Hungary and Poland both have done so, the former on Russia multiple times.

It’s as if Illinois could block whatever the President of the US wanted to do.

It is preposterous to moan about foreign policy and hint at an EU army when the EU cannot even get its act together on agricultural policy.

EU Won’t Fail, It Has Failed

Draghi laments “I am afraid the European Union will not survive other than being a single market.”

Already, the EU is nothing more than a “single market” led by dysfunctional nannycrats with endless regulatory madness and too little free market capitalism.

The EU fights over border policy, AI, G5, agriculture, trade, an EU army, and literally everything. One might say the same about the US, but it only takes a majority to change things in the US, not 50 of 50 (28 of 28 in the EU).

The EU won’t fail because it already has failed. But the cancerous death has been slow and agonizing. EU and EMU Rules make that impossible to change too.

Mish Flashbacks

Spotlight on Four Possibilities Noted in October 2014

  1. Somewhere along the line, Greece, Italy, or France, is going to have enough of recession and stagnation and leave the euro in a disorderly eurozone breakup.
  2. Germany and the Northern European states need to bail out the rest of Europe.
  3. Germany can leave the eurozone in an orderly eurozone breakup.
  4. Decades of stagnation if the nannycrats succeed in keeping the eurozone intact.

Option two sounds nice but is fatally flawed. Germany would never agree to bailouts of that nature, and constitutionally couldn’t if it wanted to. Besides, Italy and France are too big. Regardless of how unpalatable, there are no other options.

And a decade later, we are in exactly the same place, but with increased tensions, more loss competitiveness, more border issues, and a euro that has plunged vs the dollar.

I repeat, the EU won’t fail because it already has failed. But the cancerous death has been slow and agonizing.

Cancer will eventually consume the patient. Unfortunately, the slow agonizing death may still be decades away.

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6 months ago

Excellent points. I would only add the UN to your failure list, following in its League Of Nations pedigree. And what plays in Europe’s 28 won’t stay in Europe while migrating to those union of 50 states with a history of non-peaceful secessions and a successful rebellion thanks to French crown support.

6 months ago

Not decades – one at the most, but likely <5 years, as WWIII will once again drive capital from the continent.

6 months ago

I have always seen the EU more as a project of destroying what we had rather than bringing any improvement whatsoever: mainly destroying our sovereignty, we no longer have the right to decide what we want to do at our place. In addition to this, a continued refusal to define what Europe concretely is, what its roots are, and a desire to base this entire construction on abstract principles, hiding very poorly that the real objective is to integrate the entire planet.

6 months ago

So many saw the demise of the EU before it even became official, and even that has been warped further by whatever levers are still allowed to be pulled.
Never being a cohesive force, they apart fell on their collective faces, towards any long or short term energy requirements. Worse than that, they collectively refused to sit down and discuss solutions that would and could work for them all.
Egos for Money & Power was just too much, for too many to say “No” to, and the demise slowly began to occur. With rules that worked for some, but not all, were forced into play, the demise picked up steam. Then illegal, but semi-forced onto the EU, Members were basically made to accommodate people other than their own Citizens. With Covid, Inflation, Energy Woes, and shrinking tax revenue, to just name a few, the EU has started to crumble.
With nobody to look to for a Lifeline, the EU is probably toast. One way out now, if it would/could work, is to liquidate land. How much, and from each/which Country of course is the issue, and the reason nothing has been greatly discussed openly in public, or even speculated that I have heard or seen myself anyway, up to this point.
It will be a long road back at any rate, because this will obviously hurt all of Europe. With the looming recession, or some say current, the money will not flow freely into coffers to rebuild, restructure, and regroup. I am not seeing many paths that are brightly lit, but a lot of dim or even dark solutions could be in play and at hand soon, if something doesn’t change.
We shall see in the coming months, because Winter is coming, and with it lots of questions that still lay unanswered. They will have to be answered or chaos will begin to erupt, and some could/would say it already has started…

Bobba Fett
Bobba Fett
6 months ago

Without low cost energy from Russian gas (and legacy coal fired plants), Germany cannot afford its own welfare state, much less to prop up the loser Marxists in Brussels. The German manufacturing and export market was all that was keeping the EU out of the dust bin. …. AND ITS GONE…

NG from Qatar or Africa or Texas is going to have much higher transportation costs, and thus higher costs to German exporters. Russian gas was closer and pipelines were the cheapest transport method in the long term

Draghi messed up the ECB long ago, but one bad ECB president wouldn’t kill the EU by itsellf. Killing the golden goose that lays the EU’s prosperity was fatal.

If the EU wants to survive, they need to place a HUGE tax on Greta Thornberg, and a bigger tax on the WEF / Davos. Does anyone in Europe have the courage to do that??? Is it too late anyway?

Lets not kid ourselves, Europe shot itself in the private parts.

6 months ago
Reply to  Bobba Fett

I agree, this is brought on by policyfailure after policyfailure.
Because the wrong people came into power.
However, there is so much death and suffering that slowly but surely, the majority is starting to realize this.
I guess that’s the 4th turning happening right in front of our eyes.
But I tell you, these are by far the worst years I’ve experienced in about half a century.
Because realizing that we’re being governed by absolute psychopats is truly a nightmare.

Bobba Fett
Bobba Fett
6 months ago
Reply to  Harry

If you peruse the history section of your library, you will see the best and brightest do not go into politics. In any society, in any culture. There are some exceptions to the rule – leaders that get statues built in their honor, but most leaders build their own statues that get torn down later.

Sooner or later, the political class in every single empire was run by psychopaths. Every single one that made it into the history books.

Every empire follows the same script. Smart guys establish limited government with limited objectives. Corrupt self serving psychopaths continuously expand government until it destroys itself. They always start off doing it “for the people” and eventually do it “to the people”.

We should burn all the history books, since no one learns from them (sarcastic, not serious)

6 months ago
Reply to  Bobba Fett

Read recently that Bloomberg is investing 500 million to get rid of the remaining U.S. coal fired plants. Et Tu Brute? California is looking into socialized electric rates, based on income. It is infectious.

Bobba Fett
Bobba Fett
6 months ago
Reply to  RonJ

Partially true @RonJ… he is actually spending $500 million “more” (above what he already spent) hiring lobbyists and consultants in Washington DC to ban coal plants.

No money will go to current coal miners to help change careers. No money will go toward WV communities that will be financially ruined by Bloomberg. No money will go toward laid off employees at coal fired plants.

No money will go to common Americans buried under their electricity bills.

In addition to paying the corrupt lobbyists in DC, Bloomberg will also spend money for fuel for his private jet to fly between his home on Bermuda, his home in NYC, and his lobbyists in DC.

Fossil fuel in Bloomberg’s private jet doesn’t count, because it benefits him.

6 months ago

“In contrast, the EU has nannycrats who insist on fairness with no clear idea of what fair is.”

EU will soon realize that life isn’t fair.

6 months ago

One could add the fiasco in Ukraine as the final nail in the coffin. The one thing Germany had going for it was cheap Russian gas. But these bozos went along with Brandon, and then Brandon blew the Nordstream… Poor saps.

6 months ago
Reply to  Alex

You know what’s funny? US has put sanctions on Russian oil & gas, but the US still imports approx. 20% of its uranium needs from Russia. The US is the most hypocritical nation on the planet.

6 months ago
Reply to  rjd1955

Didn’t Hillary sell our uranium to Russia?

6 months ago

Hillary would sell her grandmother for a donation to her “ charity”

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
6 months ago

The garbage zone is heading to religious wars. US & Putin cannot save u.
You brought it on yourself. UK cannot escape it too. The question is : when/ where
it will start.

6 months ago

Our EU clowns should show their middle finger to the US of A and make up with Putin , THAT is the ONLY way forward ! We really don t need fc kn, corrupt to the bone Whorekraine becoming yet another fc kn EU member, we don t ! …But what to expect from a EU circus and its worthless clowns ? Corrupt clowns on top of that !

6 months ago
Reply to  FromBrussels

Yep! You guys were played for saps. But it’s not the US of A, we have the same set of elites screwing us.

link to

6 months ago
Reply to  FromBrussels

Agreed but will Putin want you back is the question

6 months ago

It will be decades. Job security. While the general population turns to dust. Provided a big war doesnt break out then who knows. Dust anyways.

6 months ago
Reply to  Rjohnson

With the sound of all the rhetoric regarding Iran a big war is looking very likely

6 months ago

I guess “anything is takes” is not enough.

6 months ago

It’s a burden always being right…

link to

craig steele
craig steele
6 months ago

I am a loyal follower, Mish, but characterizing the EU’s attempt to reign in the large tech companies is a poor example of over regulation. Given the opportunity these monolithic beasts would destroy all competition. They have no regard for the consumer and trample smaller companies at will. Or, if they view you as a threat, they simply acquire you. They are dangerous in so many ways. Not to mention what they may be willing to subject our society to in the name of AI progress.

Maximus Minimus
Maximus Minimus
6 months ago

I noticed one significant omission in this champagne politician speech as well as the article. The failed migration policies of Western Europe. The East will fight to give up its veto because without it, the West would flood it with unwanted migrants. In addition to all the mentioned failures, in a generation the the Western part will look like Middle East without oil.
Encouragingly, the Eastern part has recognized that the centre of gravity is moving to East Asia.

6 months ago

Mass-immigration has completely transformed societies within the EU.
Violence, deteriorating social cohesion, astonishing levels of inequality, housingcrises, censorship and unsustainable levels of debt.
The authorities are arresting citizens when they express criticism of these policies online. Rather than directing resources to solve actual crimes, they’re monitoring social media for anyone having a contrarian opinion.
This is what you get when you elect authoritarian psychopats to govern you.

6 months ago

It didn’t help the EU when the U.S. decided to push for Ukraine to join NATO and the whole Nuland-hatched scheme backfired. The coup de grace was when the U.S. blew up the Nordstream pipeline – sabotaging Germany and Russia at the same time.

6 months ago
Reply to  dtj

This is an unprecedented level of corruption, even for the European elites.
They decided to become the lapdog of an empire in decline.
And I’m not saying this with glee, but not just the EU is in decline.
A shifting in global powers has been set in motion because the rest of the world got sick and tired of US dominance. There was a time where the USA was the stabilizing power in the world, but that time has passed.
Every institution is captured and it feels like the foundations of our society are crumbling.
Debt, war, chaos and a decline in livingstandards seem to be our future.
I’ve never been more pessimistic.

Last edited 6 months ago by Harry
Bobba Fett
Bobba Fett
6 months ago
Reply to  dtj

Excuse you @dtj, but the US did not blow up Nordstream. There is substantial evidence that some combination of Biden / Blinken / Nuland / Sullivan (collectively Obama puppets) may have blown up the pipeline…. probably blew up the pipeline.

I defy you to name someone outside of Washington DC that was even asked for their opinion, never mind voted one way or the other.

Europe has a similar problem. The EU has zero democratic legitimacy. No one in Europe elects the idiots in Brussels.

All these so-called “democracies” that have zero representation of the populace they claim to speak for.

Biden is not our president, and it has nothing to do with election counts. It has everything to do with Washington DC not giving a fig about the rest of America.

6 months ago
Reply to  Bobba Fett

Time to do something about it ehh ?

6 months ago

As a disillusioned EU citizen, I wholeheartedly welcome the total collapse of this corrupt political vanity-project. The sooner, the better.
Nobody voted for this and nobody wants unelected bureaucrats gaining increasingly more power.
This is a failure, no amount of BS wars, no amount of media propaganda and no amount of moneyprinting can revive this failed project.

6 months ago
Reply to  Harry

Are you crazy? I agree with your opinion, but I do not welcome collapse.

6 months ago
Reply to  Webej

I’m not Harry so I can’t speak for him, but I read his comment as he want’s the collapse of the Eurozone mess, not the collapse of society itself.

6 months ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

I’ve voted against these European overlords.
It’s a monstrous creation and it’s a powergrab, nothing more.
Before the EU we had decades of peace and prosperity.
Peace is gone and prosperity as well.
Housing is an absolute nightmare, there’s a shortage of millions of homes and nothing is affordable.
Greed because of central planning is now the default mindset of people. It’s truly horrific to witness the sheer greed that motives people.
So yeah, I welcome the end of this political project as it does NOT represent the will of the people. It’s the European elites that control politics, finance, the media and the educational system that benefit from it, not the average citizen.

6 months ago
Reply to  Webej

I love Europe. I’ve seen the decline of the last 25 years and it coincided with the EU coming into existence.
Powerhungry, selfserving politicians eager to create a political superstate is NOT what the average citizen has asked for.
What I’m hoping for is sovereign countries working together while serving and protecting their citizens.
This monstrosity with all its flaws and failures is destined to fail and that’s what I want to see collapse.
All these beautiful cultures will work together like they did in the past, but not at the behest of unelected authoritarians seeking total control and power.

6 months ago
Reply to  Harry

And with all the negativity Polish voters just elected a pro EU candidate, Donald Tusk go figure

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