House Speaker Pelosi Seeks Price Controls and a Ban on ‘Excessive’ Gasoline Prices

Gas Price Chart courtesy of the AAA 

Ban on ‘Excessive’ Gasoline Prices Heads for House Vote

As gas prices hit a fresh high according to the AAA, Bloomberg reports Ban on ‘Excessive’ Gasoline Prices Is Heading for House Vote

The US president would have the authority to declare an emergency that would make the sale of gasoline at “excessive” prices illegal under legislation House Democrats plan to bring to the floor next week.

The effort, announced Thursday by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, comes as Democrats seek to blame record high gasoline prices on the oil industry amid fears that angry voters could punish Democrats in the midterm elections in November.

“Price gouging needs to be stopped,” Pelosi said at a press conference Thursday. “This is a major exploitation of the consumer.” 

Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act

The name of the proposed bill is Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act.  CFPGPA?

The bill would give the federal Trade Commission ability to penalize price gougers, but would prioritize larger companies while protecting independent gas stations.  

Facts of the Matter 

  • Refiners own less than 5% of the 145,000 retail stations. When a station bears a particular refiner’s brand, it does not mean that the refiner owns or operates the station. 
  • The vast majority of branded stations are owned and operated by independent retailers licensed to represent that brand. 
  • According to the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), more than 60% of the retail stations in the US are owned by an individual or family that owns a single store. Through various branding agreements, approximately 36% of the retail stations in the US sell fuel under API members’ brands.

The above from the American Petroleum Institute FAQs

What Would Happen If This Passed? 

  • The refiners will not sell gas at a loss. 
  • Supply would shrink
  • Independents, not covered by the bill would raise prices (assuming they could even get the gas)

More Questions

Q: Are the Democrats really this stupid?
A: Obviously

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has embraced the proposal as well.

Can it get any Stupider?

Of course. 

Last week Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi floated creation of an Oil Consumer ‘Cartel’ after talks with president Biden.

Under the plan, buyers of oil would demand lower prices and more production. 

“The idea is to create a cartel of buyers and to convince, the favorite way, to increase production,” Draghi told reporters in Washington.

I am sure things can and will get dumber because they always do. But this pair of ideas is my Hoot of the Day. 

Checking in on Diesel

Food, Rent, and Energy Prices are Totally Outside the Fed’s Control

Meanwhile, please note Food, Rent, and Energy Prices are Totally Outside the Fed’s Control

So hey, let’s stop the price gougers and demand lower diesel prices. All we need is a truckers cartel to demand lower prices coupled with gouging controls.

This post originated at MishTalk.Com.

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2 years ago
There is a far simpler solution to elevated fuel prices. The US and Canada have to start buying Russian oil and gas. (in rubles of course LOL)
Sanctions imposed on other countries, always hurt consumers in the country that initiated the sanctions.
2 years ago
There was a time during the Arab Embargo, in the 70’s.
We reduced the Speed limit to 55mph, encouraged all Americans to save energy by turning off lights and unneeded appliances.
We created the SPR to hold Oil, A 90 Day National Supply for National Emergency’s. (Which Brandon is rapidly depleting to a 10 day National Supply) There are a lot of wealthy car drivers out there, because they have not changed their driving habits…With the Record high price of Gas.
With the Democrats in Charge, We can expect Gas prices to shoot up to $8-12 Diesel to $15. Especially since they passed the NOPEC Bill to sue
OPEC for not producing enough Oil and Gas. They will completely cut off Oil to the US in revolt.
2 years ago
Reply to  Green_Squirrel
If you think gas prices are high now…..just think about how high they would go if the US tries to supply Europe with natural gas to try and replace volumes that were supposed to be delivered via the Nordstream 2 pipeline to Europe from…Russia.
Pesonally, I think the Democrats in the US and the Liberals/NDP in Canada are happy to see sky high fuel prices. Why? Because they want consumers to switch to electric cars. It will of course be a total disaster as our infrastructure on both sides of the border is not capable of supplying the electricity to charge these vehicles.
2 years ago
Speaking of gouging, the base pay for a US Representative to Congress is $174,000.
Folks are spending millions of dollars to try to get one of those jobs.
I am certain a few of them are willing to do the work for less money.
It is a racket at the expense of taxpayers.
2 years ago
Methinks something should be done immediately about the ongoing gouging in fixed income securities.
Prices have been forced up by the Cartel resulting in lower investment returns.
2 years ago
Another fascist idea from supposed liberals.
Business Man
Business Man
2 years ago
Whenever I hear someone say “price gouging” I am on alert that this person does not understand markets.
In my view there is no such thing as price gouging. If something is so scarce that someone can charge much higher for it, then that is just the market value of that item. Yes, it may have happened quickly, but that’s the market at work.
Price gouging can perform a useful function. For example, if sellers were “allowed” to “price gouge” then people would ration themselves, rather than hoard these items. If gas were $20 a gallon, you can bet I would probably only buy 3 gallons, and then find alternatives like a bus or riding my bike. Or, I would take some time off from work while the situation works itself out and prices come down.
It would also eliminate the arbitragers from the market, who buy up the supply at a cheap price and then inefficiently distribute it for the very same price gouging amounts. It forces people to spend wisely and to limit their purchases, rather than buy as much as possible, thus freezing out others who need it just as much. It would also get people to use alternatives, thus relieving pressure on the market.
But I get that it is a useful tool for democrats to demagogue business owners and free marketeers. God, I really do hate that party.
2 years ago
Reply to  Business Man
PRice gouging is always the result of a shortage.

The fastest way to eliminate the shortage is to allow price gouging, or even encourage it.

For instance: Let’s say gouging was allowed during a hurricane that destroyed a large swath of the coastline and plywood was now selling for 300 bucks a sheet. I, living within 2 miles of a coastline and being extremely motivated to make money would immediately rent a Uhaul, fill it to the brim with local plywood and drive to the coast and charge 200 a sheet.

I’d earn a ton of money really quickly, people would get the plywood they need and prices for plywood would fall rapidly.

However, since the government would naturally prohibit gouging there would be no plywood for anyone for a long time and everyone would suffer, even the ones with the money to pay for it.

2 years ago
Einstein said “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits”
People like Pelosi prove it again and again.
2 years ago
Reducing Federal taxes on gasoline would be a good help.
2 years ago
How much “price gouging” did Pelosi take advantage of, to become worth over $300 million?
2 years ago
“Price gouging needs to be stopped,” Pelosi said at a press conference
Translation: anything that hurts the Democrat’s chances of winning the election needs to be stopped, even if it increases the existential threat of climate change.
2 years ago
What’s excessive?
Compared to Europe or Canada the US prices look like a bargain with a lot of room to increase before they become excessive.
I wonder if we are going to get gas lines this summer like we got in the 70s with the odd/even plate numbers determining which days you could buy gas. Biden was very active in getting Jimmy Carter elected (he’s the one who came from the party to ask Jimmy to run for President) so what’s left of his mind should remember those days well and what it portends (absolute rout in the election with Reagan).
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
The US was a mess under Carter, but most of it wasn’t his fault. Inflation was caused by Nixon removing the gold peg. OPEC caused oil shortages and he did nothing to cause the hostage crisis. He had bad timing more than anything else. The current administration is directly responsible for most of our current problems.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
That’s one way to look at it. Another is that Carter was WAY in over his head (he bungled the hostage negotiations, never got the gas shortage fixed, let inflation run rampant, couldn’t handle the unions etc).
US politics tends to widely over correct. Carter was elected primarily because he was seen as honest and forthcoming (probably last guy like that) and so he was elected because the US was coming off Nixon (hugely dishonest / liar). History has repeated with Biden (affable) following Trump (bombastic) . Both choices are wide over corrections that are turning out to be very bad ones.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
I can agree with that and needs to be said more.
2 years ago
Actual text of bill: “If Biden’s poll numbers drop below 40, price will be set at $3/gallon, if poll numbers drop below 30, price will be $2/gallon. If poll numbers drop below 20, gas will be free.”
2 years ago
What happened to free markets Nancy P ?
2 years ago
We have people in leadership that have never actually done anything! Additionally, they are so old and senile (Pelosi and Biden) that we should expect no effective solutions. They just repeat what their incompetent staff and the corrupt lobbyists tell them to say.
We are governed by fools.
2 years ago
Reply to  Matt3
Legacy (old style) politics that is not effective in today’s global environment . Oh you can give McConnell /Trump the boot also .
2 years ago
Reply to  thimk
Don’t kid yourself. We have a young guy up here in Canada with all kinds of bright new ideas.

Turns out he’s the biggest fool of them all.

2 years ago
Plant, property and equipment -does any one invest in this category anymore ??
2 years ago
Reply to  thimk
There’s gotta be a new app for that.
2 years ago
ha ha ha. price controls. she’s taking a page out of the rummy cheney 1970s price control board playbook. don’t know who is a bigger idiot, pelosi or the corpse rummy.
2 years ago
Is there anyone that can explain why Western leaders seem to have fallen into a collective sort of psychosis? I don’t know how to articulate the matter any more correctly than that.
I grew up with leaders in office who – made mistakes and were sometimes evil (Nixon, LBJ) but they generally showed great ability and rational thought (like Eisenhower or FDR, earlier).
Now, the EU and US are run by people who should be an embarrassment – IF THERE WAS ANY SENSE of shame about it. So, Trump was denounced as a lying, elderly man with mental problems, who touched women inappropriately. There was near hysteria about this but the nation elected Biden – who is all of that but just toned down a little. What ever happened to the ‘best and the brightest’?
I’m serious. At this rate, Putin and Xi will dominate the world simply by behaving rationally.
I have considered that the mass use of legal psychoactive drugs – together with illict ones – is dangerously distorting common thinking. I have no other way to explain this. If the whole West goes insane just a little at a time, no one will notice ( except China/Russia)
2 years ago
Reply to  Eighthman
history is littered with episodes of great insanity. especially in empires that are collapsing. it all moves very slowly and usually takes a few lifetimes to play all the way out. plan on much crazier times for the next 20 to 50 years in pax dumbf**kistan. it’s almost organic what happens to empires.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Reply to  Eighthman
American IQ has been declining since the 1980s…
2 years ago
Reply to  Eighthman
There’s no rationality in Russia or China. Stupidity is global these days.
2 years ago
They will pass so many things, but they will actually DO nothing anyway. So the actual situation doesn’t change in either direction.

These are just “show” votes in prep for the Nov election.

Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Pelosi is corrupt and a moron, like Biden. What does that say about American voters?
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett
2 years ago
Reply to  Captain Ahab
When TARP passed, Nancy – surrounded by a phalanx of Democrat leaders – could not turn press question over to Barney Frank quick enough.
She had not a clue.
2 years ago
Reply to  Tony Bennett
What was there to say? The banking industry feasted like pigs and screwed up. Now, on top of that they need your money to live another day, or you the people are screwed.
The regulators basked in their glory of eternal wisdom.
The elected representatives are dumb and corrupt, and slept at the switch.
2 years ago
Buyer’s cartel? The lunatics are in charge of the asylum
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett
2 years ago
Well, the only thing that makes sense … Nancy’s husband now short the market.
2 years ago
I have several friends who are for this.

I’ve lost all hope of reasoning with them. When I ask them if they know what the futures market is and what that has to do with oil prices all I get are blank stares. I’ve tried explaining to no avail.

Education is an actual thing that matters before you craft an opinion on a subject.

2 years ago
The only people dumber than Nancy Pelosi are those who continue to vote for her!
2 years ago
How much oil could Iran and Venezuela produce if they weren’t under US sanction?
2 years ago
Price controls never work; they ultimately dissuade producers from expanding capacity to meet demand, which puts further upward pricing pressure on the commodity by restricting supply below equilibrium levels.
Remember “Drill Baby Drill” slogan in 2008 presidential race? Consumers knew intuitively that the problem was underinvestment in the supply-side. Unleashing U.S. exploration & production incentives drove prices down, and when combined with the elimination of the oil export ban allowed market stabilization which ultimately resulted in country becoming a net exporter for the first time in over 50 years!
2 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Novaxx
Fracking for american energy independence was a slogan i remember. Followed by a dropping of the export ban a year or two later. Seems to me dropping the ban might be part of the problem.
2 years ago
Reply to  Rbm
I disagree that dropping the ban was part of the problem — that’s just another form of price manipulation that further constrains free market activity. Since lifting the ban, LNG exports have been a tremendous boon to other nations by providing them with a lifeline, enabling them to avoid having to rely solely on obtaining supplies from nefarious actors, and has contributed mightily to evening out our trade deficits.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Novaxx
You are right in ‘price controls never work.’ However, demand and supply are always in equilibrium.
Increasing the quantity supplied (with constant demand) will decrease price, and vice versa. The more important factor is shifting the actual supply curve. What Trump did was to proactively shift the supply curve outward, bringing more oilfields/wells online. Biden (and Covid) shifted the supply curve inward, with fewer leases actually approved and pumping.
2 years ago
Reply to  Captain Ahab
I would just say supply & demand are always trending toward equilibrium, but never quite get there. Anything that throws them out of balance, especially artificial constraints like this, will create a distorted response, so that’s my point. Otherwise I agree with your analysis.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Novaxx
Whenever money changes hands there is equilibrium of demand and supply. Numerous factors affect demand and supply, including expectations of prices. You fill your tank when you think prices are increasing,…
Price and/or quantity interventions (by government) in the economic ‘model’ are inherently disruptive, particularly when the Interventions are punitive.
2 years ago
How about making wealth caps on all of our representatives? Their overall wealth would not be allowed to increase by more than double their pay per year.
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy
yer being very generous, if you ask me …
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy
I’d like to say that politicians’ wealth should NEVER increase more the annual growth in GNP; however, that would penalize intelligence. Instead, a few simple trading rules that make their actual purchases public knowledge say 30 seconds prior to making the trade would prevent insider trading.
2 years ago
….it s becoming more than obvious ; the US of A does envy China ! Fck democracy and capitalism, abolish the constitution for once and for fn all, …let the unelected government(s) rule….in a increasingly authoritarian way that is. Democracy as we have enjoyed it, let s say for half a century, is a goner, we(the West in general) are heading for outright communism, no doubt about it ….You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy….only a matter of time ….except for the Nomenklatura , of course….
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
According to Biden’s Information Ministry, the US Constitution was never legal in the first place. Anything else is misinformation.
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
Thanks a lot Klaus, do I detect a hint of sarcasm?
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
Almost all the democrats and many republicans hope we become a fascist society. Then they don’t have to worry about honest elections.
2 years ago
And simultaneously Biden Adm quashes new oil and gas leases . welcome to import nation – we can import all our nasty stuff , but not from Russia, Venezuela, Iran et al . No pipeline to Canada either . I don’t like where this is headed . Florida unleaded hit 4.50/gal _Got Trump !
2 years ago
Argentina here we come.

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