Ohio Gov. Restricts Weddings, Threatens to Close Businesses

Cases Top 100,000 for 9th Consecutive Day

The Wall Street Journal reports Covid-19 Surges to New Levels Across U.S., States Impose Flurry of Measures.

Governors in New York, Maryland, Minnesota, Iowa, Utah and other states have imposed measures as U.S. cases hit another high Wednesday, topping 100,000 for the ninth day in a row, while hospitalizations rose to a record 65,386, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

“It’s on fire. We’ve got to slow it down,” Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said in an interview Wednesday. “We’ve never seen anything like this. Our spring surge and summer surge were nowhere like this.”

Republican Governor Imposes Stricter Mask Order 

Mr. DeWine, a Republican, on Wednesday imposed a stricter mask order that allows authorities to briefly close businesses that are repeat violators, and put new restrictions on social gatherings such as wedding receptions and banquets. He said he might close bars, restaurants and fitness centers—places where it is difficult to maintain mask wearing—a week from Thursday if “the current trend continues.”

Mr. DeWine said several metrics have him very concerned. Daily cases in Ohio have more than quadrupled since late September, topping a record 6,500 on Tuesday, while testing hasn’t even doubled. The number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients is approaching 3,000, compared with a high of about 1,100 at any one time during the spring and summer surges, and a record number of intensive-care patients have the virus.

Mr. DeWine said the focus on fatalities, which are terrible, obscures the fact that many people who survive “really go through hell. We forget about them.”

65,000 Hospitalized

States reported 1.4M new tests and 144k cases, another all-time high. 65.4k people are hospitalized, 15k more than on election day. The death toll was 1,421, pushing the 7-day average over 1,000.

SOS in Germany

Nonsense About Masks 

Plenty of people actually believe those claims, offering fake science news as alleged proof.

At last count, over 248,000 people in the US have died of a scam. Is that amazing or what?


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3 years ago

What is amazing is that so many of these cases and fatalities could have been avoided if only the President had shown some real leadership right from the very start of the outbreak in the US. And for those that keep saying the economy can’t afford lockdowns the truth is that the majority of consumers won’t eat out, go into bars, attend concerts, sporting events, fly, stay in hotels etc while the virus rages out of control. So either which way the economy takes a hit. The only difference is that lockdowns save lives. As regards the line that lockdowns increase suicide rates, drug abuse etc – that the cure is worse than the disease – we don’t have 1,000 suicides a day. The bottom line is that the US completely whiffed on handling COVID.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Trump followed Fauci….. you got a problem with that?

3 years ago

Governors were wrong to wait until after the election to implement more controls. Mayhem is upon us.

3 years ago

One would think that by now, at least SOME people in the mainstream media would be asking if the lockdowns/masking/SD didn’t work originally, why does anyone think that locking down again is going to deliver a different result? Or as the old quote goes:

“Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results”
— In dispute as to the original source

This excerpt is from an article worth reading”

“We can argue, however, that lockdowns “suck” because everywhere they have been associated with a) Covid outcomes and general mortality outcomes no better than places that didn’t lock down; b) economic outcomes worse than places that didn’t lock down. In other words, no clear health benefit arises from lockdowns but clear costs, economic and non-Covid health costs, are palpable.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

I already responded to this once and my reply disappeared, maybe because I linked to the CDC, which yesterday issued an official statement based on a PREPONDERANCE of evidence collected since the pandemic began…that says decent masks, properly worn, CLEARLY offer significant protection to both the wearer and to others….

And at this point, saying otherwise is willful ignorance…..that potentially could endanger people’s lives, if they’re dumb enough to believe you.

Give that one a rest.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T

But if masking worked, then why is the virus rampant again???? I’m going to have to disagree with you and the CDC.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

you got5 that right. we had 80=% masking and stil spiked

3 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

You don’t even understand (because you are willfully ignorant) the role masks play in helping to control the virus.

As smart people like Chris Martenson and others have repeated ad nauseam for months, it’s about lowering viral loads. The CDC is finally getting it right….

Nobody is going to wave a magic wand……people are going to be sick…but the data is very clear now…that in areas where people are fastidious about wearing masks, fewer people are getting sick, and the ones who are getting sick are not getting AS sick.

Epidemiology is a numbers game. Keeping infection levels below certain thresholds is key to saving lives….Ignorant-ass people who spread bullshit are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T

Maybe true and maybe not. But what you don’t seem to get is that people all over are tired of being yelled at and shamed to force us into wearing masks (or wearing them correctly).

Look at the Trump marches going on today. People crowded together with 80-90% not wearing masks.

WE DON’T CARE! WE DON’T BELIEVE! You can tsk, tsk all you want and it doesn’t make any difference to anyone at all. [shrug]

3 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Going to a Trump rally with no mask is very liable to be its own reward.

This complaint of yours…that somebody is yelling at you and/or pushing you around…..sounds like the whining of a petulant child, not a grown man with responsibilities to other people. Certain minor unpleasantries like wearing a mask…can save lives….and there is no maybe about that.

If it gets bad enough, you will believe…and wear your mask. Looks like we’re headed there soon enough. You’ll find out for yourself. I won’t have to say a word.

3 years ago

Mish, the Amish in Ohio should rent out their farms and barns for weddings and other special events, for barter or donations of course, not a “business”. I love Wooster this time of year!

The Illinois high school cross country runners ran their non-IHSA state meet over the weekend on private property at a venue which is superior to the regular course and organized by a cool racing event guy. Mayor Bug-eyes and Governor Fatso & Family were not around. Absolutely picture perfect days, too good to waste cowering for political pandering. A good time was had by all – wish you were there, Mish! See ya’s on the trails and Live for Today.

3 years ago
Reply to  Avery

RIGHT YOU ARE. BUG EYES AND FATSO were frolicking on their own…..

3 years ago

Australia and Covid Quick Summary:
-we locked down at the start and pretty much got rid of it with luck and passable management
-we opened up but one state (Victoria) mismanaged incoming quarantine and it got out of control
-Victoria fought a 120+ day battle with the virus. It was very restrictive and unpleasant for the population and business. Nobody said this is EASY.
-Victoria has essentially one the battle (to the surprise of many) and is now being looked at by internationally and one of the key success stories.

3 years ago
Reply to  humna909

It is what should have been done at the very beginning:

Quarantine at national border and between states/regions, further restrictions locality where virus outbreak occurs but otherwise caution in day to day.

Wait till testing capacity was reached and nature of virus better known.

Open up within nation but with random testing and some basic restrictions/traceability between states/regions so as to slow and catch outbreaks.

That said, I don’t think you can declare that method or Victoria a success. There are “bad actors” in the world and the virus might be re-introduced. Then Victoria would lock-down for another four months ? I don’t subscribe to wide imposed tracing, to heavy restriction of freedoms or rights, so that only leaves changing the manner of doing things enough to keep outbreaks to minimum ?

I don’t know, maybe OZ will prove different, and you have summer ahead, but I can almost guarantee you the virus will be back, and the asymptomatic spread makes containing and eliminating it very difficult, as Victoria found out. Let’s hope not.

3 years ago

What are the chances that school re-opening accelerated us to todays rates of infection?

Pretty high I would guess.

Israel’s spike WAS due to school re-opening, and was only brought under control by a general lock-down.

But hey, who are we to try and learn from other countries failures. We’d need some sort of effective leadership to do so.

3 years ago
Reply to  njbr

Almost all the press (and survey reports, and so official action) contradict this. Personally I think schooling is largely responsible, somehow. The only other factor which near fully coincides in various countries is the weather, but even that doesn’t seem accurate. I.E. say a surge starts in france because of weather at school opening, same in Portugal, but the weather in Portugal is actually like france in summer even if locally it seems to have got colder :/ . Lisbon is around 20 centigrade / 70 fahrenheit daytime temp at present.

Whatever is occuring I don’t think we are being presented a true picture.

3 years ago
Reply to  njbr

If you’re referring to primary (or elementary) school, then your guess would be incorrect. For older students there is a correlation, but not a direct causal relationship (i.e. is it because the older students are contracting in school or because they are more mobile independent outside of school and contracting in other settings?)

3 years ago


3 years ago

Many days for months, Michigan has reported more “vital statistics” death cases from records than from actual new covid 19 deaths. How do they determine a vital statistics death? Well, that’s beyond me and good luck finding any articles on the subject. It’s reported as such: “21 additional deaths including 14 from vital records”. If you know of a link, let me know.

3 years ago

Nov. 12: With 50% positivity rate, Iowa reports another 4,337 cases, 30 more deaths

3 years ago
Reply to  njbr

The leaders in positives/million are N. Dakota at 8%, S. Dakota at 7%, followed by Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nebraska at 5%.

3 years ago

JUST IN: The ship’s captain announces 5 people have tested positive for #COVID19 on SeaDream 1, the first cruise ship to embark on a voyage in the Caribbean since the #coronavirus shut down the cruise industry.

3 years ago
Reply to  njbr

Shocked! I’m shocked, I tell you!

Who knew that congregating in small indoor spaces with lots of other people might lead to the spread of this virus? Other than doctors – they knew. And nurses. And people with IQs greater than their shoe size. And…well, everyone.

3 years ago
Reply to  njbr

Freedom to take cruises is an inalienable right guaranteed by the US Constitution!

It’s not? Are you sure?

People used to take cruises because they liked to gamble…..now they can gamble their life just by getting onboard ship…it doesn’t get much better than that.

3 years ago

This is a threat where democracy clearly does not have an advantage over authoritarian governments. We have 100,000 new cases per day. China has not reached 100,000 in total.

3 years ago
Reply to  Curious-Cat

Solution: everyone in the U.S. who is fearful of it should move to China.

3 years ago
Reply to  Curious-Cat

We have no idea what’s going on in China. The mere suggestion that a country with 1.4Billion people in it could fully control the pandemic and not be at the level of other countries, like Europe, is ridiculous. They must be fudging the numbers. I live in California, locked down and WFH as a software engineer. I get my daily dose of news from CNN typically. If CNN told me that 2 million died in CA or 20k , I probably would be able to easily verify that in either case. I just have to trust that it’s a reputable network. China has way more control over the information, so regular citizens or anyone outside the central CCP power probably doesn’t have the information.

3 years ago
Reply to  Curious-Cat

you can believe that if you like…..but it is nothing more than another CCP lie

3 years ago

My daughter and her partner were tested last Sunday. Her partner came back positive & my daughter and their 18 month son tested negative. Within hours of the tests my daughter, despite a negative test began to show symptoms. She’s 36, very fit, goes running and to the gym regularly. Her partner has no symptoms.

By Tuesday she was having waves of hot and cold sweats, her bed sheets and clothes were soaked, temperature was 103.5f, the cough was getting worse. Today the cough is much more continuous, and she hears and feels this bubbling sensation in her chest afterwards.
Needless to say we’re quite worried about her, and our grandson, in case he gets it. She’s young and fit so hopefully will be able to fight it.

It’s not very nice, even if you survive it. Hearing about it first hand is very sobering.
I’m pleased the UK are attempting to stop it’s spread with restrictions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

The cough is also extremely painful I forgot to say. (Can’t edit).

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

She needs to contact a hospital. Sounds absolutely like pneumonia

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

Good luck to her. She was probably tested a day to early. I hope she recovers with no ill effects.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

I would also add that she might consider getting a pulse oximeter to measure her blood oxygen levels. People with Covid don’t always realize they have a problem, but if she falls under 93, and certainly if under 90, she should contact a doctor.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

The problem is that viruses cannot be “stopped”.
We do not have the means.

3 years ago
Reply to  Webej

The weapons we can control….

physical distance
stay home if sick
hand hygeine
avoid touching face
if crowded limit your time there
good ventilation
air filtration
outdoors, if possible
vaccine, when it arrives

3 years ago
Reply to  njbr

There are many stories of people who followed all the rules religiously and STILL got sick. If you are susceptible (and not everyone is), you are going to get it, sooner or later.

3 years ago
Reply to  Webej

And yet it appears that in the process of trying to stop Covid, we have stopped the flu, which is less transmissive. I suspect we have dramatically slowed the spread of the cold as well. While this may seem trivial at the moment, it may pay dividends in years ahead of people are more careful about spreading cold/flu viruses in the future.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

Like Carl_R says, an oximeter if possible and be in continuous contact for change of condition with a doctor you trust. If you are unsure about being able to care for her insist she be placed under observation in hospital. It’s tough. I would not self dose apart non prescription, i.e. you should somehow be able to get the treatment you want in a supervised manner. Either-way, keep a clear record of what is taken.

Dexamethadose read link below, it is not a panacea but if you choose it then via prescription it should be available (I’m not recommending it by saying this)

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

With 103.5°F fever and gurgling in her chest, she should get to the hospital. What are you waiting for???

3 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Thank you. I’m trying. I don’t know her temperature at the moment, that was Tuesday, the fever isn’t as bad now, but I agree she should see a doctor.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Thanks for the helpful comments everyone, I’ll report back.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

Every parents nightmare. My best wishes for a speedy recovery.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

I said I’d report back.
Symptoms began on the Sunday, high temperature and fever Tuesday. A bad continuous cough and a bubbling sound was prevalent by Thursday. However the temperature and fever had subsided, and I did finally manage to get her to speak to a doctor on the Saturday. Since then, which is now 10 days from symptoms, the cough has remained and she gets very breathless with the slightest exertion. @Carl_R
I did get an Oxymeter and her oxygen levels are normal, around 98 which is good. She’s spoken to Doctors a couple of times since and it’s now just a waiting game for things to improve, the time for which varies from person to person. She’s concerned she might never be able to exercise again because of the breathlessness but we’re hoping it’ll improve with time. They’ve given her some antibiotics as well in case she has a chest infection as well. I guess it could’ve been worse.

3 years ago
Reply to  Scooot

Thanks for the report. I’m glad her oxygen levels are normal, and that she is over the worst of it. As far as the breathlessness, at this point I don’t think anyone knows to what extent that will clear up over time. Good luck, and I hope she gets back to normal. At the very least, though, I’d expect that to take a few months.

3 years ago

Of all the awful things Trump did in 4 years, the very worst was politicizing the pandemic. I think the numbers of sick and dying this winter are going to shock us all.

3 years ago
Reply to  LM2022

NY gov Andrew Cuomo was worse. He sent sick old people to retirement homes and many more died died who may have been safe.

3 years ago
Reply to  LM2022

A pandemic is a health crisis, and should never have been politicized. Trump would have been re-elected easily had he not politicized it. By politicizing it, and putting himself at the epicenter, he took a win-win position and turned it into a position where he lost if the virus spread, and it did spread.

3 years ago
Reply to  LM2022

….EXCUSE ME ?! The democrats and their CNN channel , THEY are the only ones that politicized the pandemic, unscrupulously so !

3 years ago
Reply to  LM2022

All things covidy are skewed political or sensationalized by someone seeking to hold the public’s attention, stimulate an emotional response, and/or generate clicks. Denigrating ‘the others’ and signaling your virtue at the same time is a ubiquitous characteristic these days.

Reminiscent of the subject of anthropogenic climate change, where any study , statement, or action that affirms your beliefs is clearly ‘right’ and those that contradict your understanding and perspective are clearly ‘wrong’. In the meantime, society loses the forest for the trees and an issue with potentially profound implications is turned into a political football that gets fumbled from one election cycle to the next.

3 years ago
Reply to  LM2022

so it’s ILLEGITIMATE JOE and his OBAMA minions again
sad sad day for former ONCE GREAT COUNTRY

3 years ago

So close to a million a week filing new claims since the first lockdown what destruction will the 2nd lockdown cause? If the virus doesn’t kill us starvation might. I find it all fishy that this came about with all the great reset talk among other things. Conspiracies aside, you talk about saving grandma how are we going to save the business that closes, the people that now have no income and cant get thru to unemployment for weeks and that ones that say screw it and go jump off a bridge? I understand the ideas behind lockdowns but let’s just pretend covid didn’t exist and discuss what would happen to the US if we totally lockdowned the economy for weeks at a time and see if we don’t come to the conclusion we’d destroy ourselves. We could very well be finished. Gr

3 years ago
Reply to  ohno

Granted I worked 12 hours on 3rd shift last night(or I should say the entire 2nd half of the day not 3rd shift), running on 5 hours sleep and doing it again here shortly tonight and tommorow(for me there is no tommorow it’s the next 12 hours) so pardon me for a being a bit pessimistic. Just trying to keep health insurance for as long as possible and remain in an essential position while trying to not catch this crap. My best friend is a nurse practitioner and drops the mask every chance she gets saying it’s so out of hand it no longer matters and that we’re all going to get it. I was sicker than hell last December and January before this all came about for almost 6 weeks. It does little for my conscious as it’s now been confirmed you can get it more than once. The ONLY good thing about another lockdown (for me) is the fact other than work I rarely go out in winter. Thank god for fedex.

3 years ago
Reply to  ohno

At the one extreme, lockdowns hurt business for the time of the lockdown. At the other extreme, if you just let it spread, people don’t go out, and that kills business every bit as much.

3 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R

Yeah quit the conundrum. I’ve already been intubated once for 10 days if I get it and it requires that i’ll be one to go jump off the bridge before I go thru that again. Worst crap ever. Sadly at that point you probably wouldn’t be able to off yourself due to your physical inability.

3 years ago
Reply to  ohno

It’s all well and good to say that the lockdowns cost people jobs and livelihoods – and they do. But (and I see Carl has said similar above) I am seeing wildly increasing infection numbers here and I am certainly not going to go out any more than ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. No bars/restaurants/dining. No shopping/stores. We’ll be moving back to ordering online or not getting things.

Not everyone would make the same decision – fair enough. But if the spread is unchecked because some of us make decisions that allow that spread and others make decisions to avoid that risk – you will be stuck in economic purgatory for a very long time.

3 years ago
Reply to  jfpersona1

That is exactly what people should be doing if they are fearful of catching CV-19. Then the rest of us can drop our face diapers and go about our business.

As for the workers who have to service us, we can solve that problem by automating their jobs away faster.

3 years ago


3 years ago

In France we are seeing a fairly rapid drop in new cases. R0 is under 1 in all regions. We are in lock down but many people are out and around without masks.

Lance Manly
Lance Manly
3 years ago
Reply to  Doug78

There always going to be self important morons. The question is how to limit them so they don’t threaten the population in general.

3 years ago
Reply to  Doug78

Wow that is good news. Is your takeaway that Macron’s measures brought R0 under 1.0?

3 years ago
Reply to  Doug78

But just wait until everything reopens and I’d wager that Covid will again rear its head. It will peter out on its own (or until/if a viable vaccine is developed and distributed).

Rocky Raccoon
Rocky Raccoon
3 years ago

But Biden…

What’s funny is the guys at Zero Hedge is already calling it the Biden Lockdown. Funny how everyone forgets Trump took credit for the first lockdowns in attacks against Sweden and Pence backed it up on Twitter.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rocky Raccoon

I’m in Trump country. I didn’t vote the last election for the first time ever nor this election. I am continually baffled by people raising hell about Biden is going to lock us down i’m like didn’t Trump do that already? I think the destruction from the first lockdown have people up in arms.

Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
3 years ago
Reply to  Rocky Raccoon

The problem is Trump has conditioned his base to shout “fake news” if the news dare reports such facts.

3 years ago

Dying due to a scam is the logical conclusion if the scammer wants to get away. When that happens, there is no one to complain any more…

3 years ago
Reply to  jfpersona1

…it is too confusing for most people to differentiate a position for the virus being purposefully released, mistakenly released or natural event, combined with those who take known advantage (i.e. also knowing the cause as well as benefiting ), those who take advantage (not knowing the cause but purposefully furthering their own agenda), those who unwittingly help any of those, vs. those who are actually victim. It is a chaos, and those who call scam know the part they are looking at, but not the whole. Equally the whole is mass genocide, or human incompetence/corruption , or natural challenge, possibly all at the same time.

We so love our absolute definitions because we then don’t have to think anymore, and feel we have the answers to everything. Maybe that is the only security left in a world that has become increasingly unpleasant or unstable ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anda

“We so love our absolute definitions because we then don’t have to think anymore, and feel we have the answers to everything. Maybe that is the only security left in a world that has become increasingly unpleasant or unstable ?”

A depressing – but interesting – thought. Absolutes exist in the far reaches of the political/belief spectrums – the middle has the overlapping grey area, but it also represents ‘work’ to come to a compromise.

Along the same lines, I keep hoping for a ‘reversion to mean’ in many things in life: stock/bond markets – losing a good percentage would mean value was back, work/life balance, labor vs. capital – inequality here leads to instability in many ways, normal social life – maybe different from pre-Covid, but at least ‘in person’, etc.

Lance Manly
Lance Manly
3 years ago

Could be the US is on a 15 day doubling, pushing us closer to 300k per day after Thanksgiving. Maybe 3k dead per day as December gets going… Stupid scam. I am no Boris Johnson fan, but his UK plan does seem to have arrested exponential growth.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lance Manly

I’m going to write a Christmas song titled “I Hope Gramma Makes it to Christmas”

3 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz

I laughed. Yes, i’m going to hell.

3 years ago

A global black market for negative COVID-19 test results has emerged, with fakes starting around $200 link to businessinsider.com

3 years ago
Reply to  numike

Just when you think humans couldn’t sink any lower…

3 years ago
Reply to  numike

Unbelievably irresponsible.

3 years ago
Reply to  numike

You can add this to fake urine to help people pass drug tests, fake diplomas, fake ID, including drivers licenses and so on. Humans are nothing if not creative.

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