Real Wages Decline 12 Times in the Last 14 Months

Real Hourly Wages data from BLS chart by Mish

Key Points

  • For all workers, real (inflation-adjusted) wages declined nearly 0.8 percent in February.
  • For all workers,  real  wages declined for the 12th time in 14 months.
  • For production and nonsupervisory workers, real wages declined nearly 0.6 percent in February.
  • For production and nonsupervisory workers, real wages declined for the 10th time in the last 14 months.   

Consumer Price Index Month-Over-Month

CPI data from BLS chart by Mish

The CPI has been on a tear. It is rising faster than wages for over a year accountingfor the drop in real wages.

Consumer Price Index Year-Over-Year

CPI data from BLS chart by Mish

Year-over-year the CPI is up 7.9%. 

Real Wages Year-Over-Year Percent Change

Real Wages Year-Over-Year data from BLS chart and calculations by Mish

Real Wage Key Points 

  • Real year-over-year wages have fallen 11 times in the past year. 
  • For all employees, real wages are down 2.58% in the past year.
  • For production and nonsupervisory workers, real wages are down 1.86% in the past year.

Hourly Earnings and Real Hourly Earnings Since 1964

Hourly Earnings and Real Hourly Earnings Since 1964 – Data BLS – Chart and Calculations by Mish

Key Hourly Earnings Points 

  • In February of 1973 real hourly earnings for production and nonsupervisory workers were $9.38 per hour. 
  • In February of 2022 real hourly earnings for production and nonsupervisory workers were $9.63 per hour. 
  • In the last 49 years, real hourly wages have risen by a grand total of 25 cents per hour. 

In the last 49 years wages have risen about half of a penny per hour per year, and that assumes you believe the CPI is accurate. 

The Benefits of Running the CPI Hot

Meanwhile, Fed jackasses, especially Chicago Fed President Praises the “Benefits of Running the Economy Hot”

Inflation benefits those who hold assets and those with first access to money. 

The rest benefit by a half-penny per hour for 49 years. The upcoming demand destruction from this policy and the pending stock market crash will be massive.

No one will be praising the Fed after this debacle. 

This post originated on MishTalk.Com.

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This post originated on MishTalk.Com

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2 years ago
Things can get much worse if countries decide to move away from USD reserves in mass. At that point, our government will have no choice but to reduce entitlement spending. Rises prices are bad, but reduced welfare checks will cause riots.
2 years ago
Wage and Price spiral will start in earnest in the next few months (by early summer at the latest) especially with the rate at which gas is increasing (last week I paid 3.99 a gallon in Florida for regular and yesterday on my drive I looked at several stations and none were under 4.30 and a month ago I was probably paying 3 dollars) and what that’s going to do to delivery costs in the next couple months for literally everything.
At some point VERY soon Amazon Prime is going to stop free delivery, reprice their monthly Prime service by quite a bit or add a ‘fuel surcharge’ to free delivery. When that happens, it’s when you’ll really see things take a turn for the worse.
By the time Joe Sixpack goes to negotiate a raise (or unions do or social security etc) they are going to be asking for at least 10% minimum and hope that lets them tread water.
2 years ago
Well part of low wages is probably due to globalization.  Part is probably due to clintons effort to cap ceo pay.  Which got looped holed in congress.  Allowing stock options as compensation.  Leading to choosing higher stock value over actual profits and worker compensation.  
Throw in some tech also.  
2 years ago
A hard recession is the only solution to man’s folly.
It has been said that God gives us storms because the enemy can’t swim.
Guess what, Inflation can’t swim.
2 years ago
Persistent wage declines, is a necessary ingredient of becoming a poorer and poorer country. We’re well on the way to third world status now. Just some years behind similarly governed Argentina and Venezuela. That won’t change anytime soon.
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett
2 years ago
“The upcoming demand destruction from this policy and the pending stock market crash will be massive.”
Massive debt overhang + tightening credit = VICIOUS cycle.
2 years ago
Reply to  Tony Bennett
No rate hikes plus increase balance sheet by Fed? 
There is some irony in a central bank taking more control to try and overthrow a government that is fully controlled by its central bank (Russia).
2 years ago
“You will own nothing, and be happy.”

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