Recycling Movement Fails: China Doesn’t Want US Garbage, Not Profitable Here

The Wall Street Journal reports Aluminum Makers Ditch Can Business.

Used cans are piling up at scrapyards because U.S. aluminum companies are turning fewer of them into new metal, another indication of the economic challenges facing recycling.

Arconic Inc. and other aluminum rollers are producing less sheet for beverage cans and more higher-margin, flat-rolled aluminum for automotive and industrial components. Prices for used aluminum cans in the U.S. have fallen about 30% since last summer. Old cans are less versatile than other scrap. The makers of airplane and car parts prefer not to use aluminum made from recycled cans. More new cans in the U.S. are made from imported aluminum.

We’d prefer to purchase domestic can sheet, but as of right now there is not enough to supply the domestic market,” said Jamie Westfahl, senior director of global packaging procurement for Denver-based brewer Molson Coors Brewing Co.

The glut of used cans shows how public calls for using more recyclable materials can fall short if companies decide it isn’t profitable enough to remake them into new products.

Drop in the Can

National Security

As a matter of “national security”, tariff man Trump put huge tariffs on steel and aluminum when, despite the tariffs, the US does not produce enough sheet aluminum to supply demand.

How stupid is that?

Consider the amusing result.

“Scrap paper and plastic prices have collapsed since China imposed higher standards on the purity of those products imported from the U.S. China implemented tariffs of 50% last year on aluminum scrap from the U.S. That has created a glut of shredded scrap from junked cars in the U.S. to mix with the growing stockpile of discarded cans.”

“About 70% of imports last year came from China despite the 10% tariff the Trump administration levied on imported aluminum last March.”

Success Not!

The Atlantic asks Is This the End of Recycling?

After decades of earnest public-information campaigns, Americans are finally recycling. Airports, malls, schools, and office buildings across the country have bins for plastic bottles and aluminum cans and newspapers. In some cities, you can be fined if inspectors discover that you haven’t recycled appropriately.

For decades, we were sending the bulk of our recycling to China—tons and tons of it, sent over on ships to be made into goods such as shoes and bags and new plastic products. But last year, the country restricted imports of certain recyclables, including mixed paper—magazines, office paper, junk mail—and most plastics. Waste-management companies across the country are telling towns, cities, and counties that there is no longer a market for their recycling. These municipalities have two choices: pay much higher rates to get rid of recycling, or throw it all away.

Notable Recycling Failures

  • “We are doing our best to be environmentally responsible, but we can’t afford it,” said Judie Milner, the city manager of Franklin, New Hampshire. Since 2010, Franklin has offered curbside recycling and encouraged residents to put paper, metal, and plastic in their green bins. When the program launched, Franklin could break even on recycling by selling it for $6 a ton. Now, Milner told me, the transfer station is charging the town $125 a ton to recycle, or $68 a ton to incinerate. One-fifth of Franklin’s residents live below the poverty line, and the city government didn’t want to ask them to pay more to recycle, so all those carefully sorted bottles and cans are being burned.
  • Broadway, Virginia, had a recycling program for 22 years, but recently suspended it after Waste Management told the town that prices would increase by 63 percent, and then stopped offering recycling pickup as a service. “It almost feels illegal, to throw plastic bottles away,” the town manager, Kyle O’Brien, told me.
  • Without a market for mixed paper, bales of the stuff started to pile up in Blaine County, Idaho; the county eventually stopped collecting it and took the 35 bales it had hoped to recycle to a landfill.
  • The town of Fort Edward, New York, suspended its recycling program in July and admitted it had actually been taking recycling to an incinerator for months.
  • Determined to hold out until the market turns around, the nonprofit Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful has collected 400,000 tons of plastic. But for now, it is piling the bales behind the facility where it collects plastic.

The Atlantic notes the same thing is happening all over the country at a time when the United States is creating more waste than ever.

In 2015, the most recent year for which national data are available, America generated 262.4 million tons of waste, up 4.5 percent from 2010 and 60 percent from 1985. That amounts to nearly five pounds per person a day. New York City collected 934 tons of metal, plastic, and glass a day from residents last year, a 33 percent increase from 2013.

Too Much Recycling

One problem is Americans attempt too much recycling. Because of all the recycling campaigns, people feel guilty about throwing away anything. Plastic bags that cannot easily be recycled get thrown the recycle bin. They jam sorters.

People don’t distinguish between aluminum and steel. People don’t distinguish between greasy pizza boxes and clean paper.

We now need a massive publicity effort to tell people if in doubt, don’t recycle.

Trump to Blame?

Is Trump to blame for the recycling failure?

It’s possible. The answer depends on whether or not China stopped importing sorted US garbage in response to Trump tariffs.

If so, perhaps China can be persuaded to once again take US garbage once a deal with China is worked out.

If In Doubt, Don’t Recycle

Regardless, we need a new recycling slogan. I propose “If In Doubt, Don’t Recycle.”

That’s the appropriate campaign whether or not China accepts US garbage or not. Perhaps they have stopped, not because of Trump, but because there is too much garbage in our supposedly sorted garbage.

Somehow I doubt my slogan will fly in California. Instead, they will seek higher taxes.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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Tanner D
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4 years ago

My city just switched recycling services. The new logo is “When in doubt, leave it out”.

5 years ago

I collected my own paper aluminum and a whole bunch of plastic bottles…Plastic cups… I already planted vegetables and herbs in the paper cups also the plastic cups.. My plastic bottles will be turned into water purifiers outside and all the paper and aluminum cans will be turned into a greenhouse… For this summer I CANT WAIT 😁😂😃

5 years ago

The take away is quality deteriorates and we need to find a market for that stuff and no Trump isn’t to blame.

5 years ago

The ocean is doing a good job of absorbing allot of trash! I say go for it!, and we are!, a great carbon sink too!, it will take unlimited plastic! only when the oceans really start to die off will we even begin to see the light. Until then slash/burn.

5 years ago
Reply to  everything

I don’t think plastic in the oceans causes much die off. Over fishing, fertilizer runoff, and acidification are far worse.

5 years ago

The simple fact of the matter is recycling cannot work without massive government regulation of industry.

China doesn’t want to accept our trash because of single-stream recycling. Most plastic and paper get corrupted by crushed glass and can no longer be recycled. China no longer has a desire to be a landfill for the US. So we will just build ours higher at higher costs to taxpayers. Suck it up, buttercup.

5 years ago

Only good news, for me, is I can convince the wife holding on to these stupid aluminum cans is a waste of time. I can’t wait to see the liberal meltdown when their recycling cans are replaced with 1 can. Tears shed for each piece of garbage they throw out. I life rural, I can burn my paper and throw out the cans. Or do what the older generation did and burn the paper and have a huge pile of cans etc somewhere on the property. Of course, the AOC+ types will probably throw me in jail for that. So now what? We can’t eat burgers, we can’t burn coal, is banning beer and pop next? This is getting out of hand.

5 years ago
Reply to  ksdude

Speaking of which, I Had one of those liberal intellectual types visit one time. We were outside and he finished his pop then walked over to my row of 3 trashcans. Looking from one to the next he realized they were all mixed trash. Then he asked why I didn’t recycle. I didn’t explain I just said throw it in any of them. It was quit the knee jerk reaction and he actually had problems choosing a can and then parting with it and had a guilty look on his face when he walked away. True story. I hadn’t known this guy was such a moron before I had invited him over.

5 years ago

I guarantee that if you post what this story says at a liberal newspaper web site like the WaPo, you’ll get bombarded with accusations of being a Russian troll or not knowing how recycling works.

I don’t know the solution, but burning plastic seems like a terrible idea. Why not find a place to pile it up away from everyone until someone figures out what to do with it?

5 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn


5 years ago

Trump to blame for recycling collapse? C’mon, you’re better than that.

5 years ago
Reply to  mpowerOR

Mish likes to show how smart he is by constantly pointing out how stupid Trump is from the wall to recycling . How are your S&P targets coming along Mish?

5 years ago

“People don’t distinguish between greasy pizza boxes and clean paper.”

Greasy pizza boxes go in the trash.

Recycling is wasteful. It’s a waste of valuable time and, as we measure our lives in quality time, recycling is a waste of human life.

5 years ago

Dump the trash down a volcano.

5 years ago

If we cannot accomplish it with simple aluminum cans, how TF are we going to recycle batteries from electric vehicles? It’s an environmental time bomb.

We are phucked. Even the most totalitarian green deals are not going to right this ship.

5 years ago
Reply to  Aaaal

Since the Model T I suspect car batteries have been recycled? Can electric car batteries be handled the same way?

5 years ago

The slogan is “when in doubt throw it out”. At least in my counties recycling program.

5 years ago

It’s really sad but fit in with our disposable style society we have today. I’m embarrassed by the amount of packaging products come with today, we need to incentivize companies to reduce packaging and take it back. We need changes at the front end and not the back end.

5 years ago
Reply to  MtnMan

Recycling is less friendly to the planet than just conserving in the first place.While there are many new and exciting ways to recycle and cut energy waste it seems public officials are almost afraid to talk about conservation. It is as if they will offend someone or that big business and their lobbyist have made this subject taboo.

The fact is a lot could be done at little cost. While it could be argued that cutting back on waste would lower the GDP it would have many positive benefits such as improving our standing in the world community. The article below delves deeper into the dreaded “C” word, conserve!

5 years ago

Some back of the envelope thinking.

The production of secondary (recycled) aluminum saves more than 90 percent of the energy costs associated with primary production. There has GOT to be a savings in recycling. Aluminum producing required YUGE amounts of energy.

From 03/07/2019 Prices – Recycled Aluminum Cans $0.40/lb (purchase scrap price)

Aluminum density = 168.5 pounds per cubic foot.

Those blocks of crushed aluminum look to be about 4ft x 6ft x 4ft or 96 ft^3

Assume crushed cans density is about 25% of solid aluminum.

Value of blocks of aluminum in the photo = 0.40 x 168.5 x 96 x 0.25

At least – $1,616 per block. There are at least 20 blocks there…

And that the drop off at the recycling center low price that the homeless man gets. Recycling centers make much more that when selling to wholesaler.

These folks can’t make any money???

5 years ago
Reply to  2banana

You’re forgetting the processing costs of the recycled aluminum. You have to pick it up, sort it multiple times, distribute, then clean it, etc.

5 years ago
Reply to  SMF

The cleaning, and verification of purity, parts are big issues for end users. Doubly so in ambulancechasertopias. Inflation has rendered prices for aluminum contained goods high enough to where the cost of raw materials are a small part of their final cost. Probably lower than the assessed risk, of having one in a million failures “deemed,” by some halfwit, to be due to being a greedy capitalist who tried to save a few bucks by using “scrap metal” in an old lady’s walking chair.

Upside is, the lower demand is for recycled vs virgin, the bigger the cost differential gets. Eventually, the recycled product will find it’s way to places where the cost difference matter more.

5 years ago
Reply to  2banana

typical trump troll reply , i guess trolling in Wolf’s blog is harder and you prefer to troll here

5 years ago

This is why we need to get into space. We can’t keep dumping everything just anywhere. The planet won’t tolerate much more. Even a dog knows not to shit where it sleeps. Toxic chemicals, plastics and nuclear waste should be first. I know most of you will shake your head at the unfeasability but if natives can cross the damn oceans on rafts we can develop a permanent presence in space. I understand the daunting technicalities and the cost but it needs to be done. Hell just developing an economy based on space travel would make a shitload of jobs and open a whole new economy. And we could just shoot the trash at the sun- or out of the solar system. THIS is a solution. Finding a problem to every solution is for whiney bitches who can’t think.

5 years ago
Reply to  Seb

Nuclear waste can be dumped in the ocean. When I was in college there was a nuclear reactor and the exposed fuel rods were placed beneath 30′ of water. We used a giger counter and no radiation made it through that.

5 years ago

Even recycling fails to costs. Now tell me about GND…

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