Signs of Overheating: McDonalds Rations Food Bags, Record Prices at Uber and Lyft

Record Rideshare Prices

The WSJ reports Uber, Lyft Prices at Records Even as Drivers Return

The average Uber and Lyft fare in the U.S. rose month-to-month from February through July, touching new highs every time, according to data from Rakuten Intelligence, a market-research firm that based its analysis on e-receipts from more than one million consumers. While the average fare in July edged up slightly from June, it meant consumers paid over 50% more for a ride last month compared with January 2020, before the pandemic.

The sky-high prices, which the companies say are driven by the continuing labor shortage, come despite a recent influx of drivers. Uber said Wednesday that 30% more drivers signed up in July compared with the month before. Lyft said Tuesday that 50% more drivers signed up in the three-month period that ended in June compared with the preceding three months.

“The data is clear: Driver supply has not kept pace with the surge of demand from riders, throwing the ride-share market out of balance,” a Lyft spokeswoman said, adding that the company would continue to invest in driver incentives to ease the shortage.

In New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles—Uber’s top domestic markets—“demand continues to outplay supply, and prices and wait times remain above our comfort levels,” Chief Executive Dara Khosrowshahi told analysts Wednesday after the company reported quarterly results.

Shortage of Bags at McDonalds

In another sign of the times Bags Run Tight at McDonalds.

McDonald’s Corp. is facing tight supplies of some of its paper to-go bags, the latest supply challenge affecting U.S. restaurants. The chain recently told restaurant owners that they needed to limit orders of bags from suppliers as usage is running ahead of already high numbers last year, McDonald’s said in an internal message.

Restaurant sales have risen from the depths of the pandemic, but operations are far from normal for even big chains like McDonald’s. Supply-chain hurdles remain, labor continues to be scarce and costs are rising. McDonald’s said prices at its U.S. restaurants are up around 6% from the same time last year as it handles labor and food cost pressures.

To-go orders accounted for nearly 81% of restaurant business in the 12 months ended June 30, up 18% compared with the prior year’s period, according to consumer-research firm the NPD Group. Carryout, drive-through and delivery orders were all up, NPD data shows.

Mexican quick-service chain Del Taco Restaurants Inc. told investors late last month that it was trying to manage packaging shortages, which executives said stemmed from U.S. suppliers’ short-handed production plants.

Nearly every  aspect of American life is getting more expensive, especially rent.

Democrats want more stimulus and the Fed clings to monetary policies clearly too loose.

For discussion please see A “Welcome” Rise in Inflation Comes Sooner than Expected, Now Rate Hikes?

Fed’s Preferred Measure of Inflation is Only 4.0%, Anyone Believe That?

For discussion of the above charts please see Fed’s Preferred Measure of Inflation is Only 4.0%, Anyone Believe That?

Also see “Inflation is Half Our Mandate” and Other Amusing Quotes of the Day

What’s Going On?

  • The Fed does not want to hike, so it won’t.
  • Meanwhile, the Fed mostly pulls numbers out of its rear orifice to justify the policies it wants to take.
  • By the time the Fed gets around to hiking, an economic bust is overdue.

A shortage of bags is just the latest sign of many.


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This post originated on MishTalk.Com

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2 years ago
Where are the driverless cars that were supposedly take away the need for drivers? where are the robots that were supposed to replace the hamburger flipper’s jobs? Where are the driveless trucks that were going to sweep away the truck drivers? Inquiring minds want to know. 
2 years ago
any still in the deflation camp?  expect shortages and prices increases in everything, not simultaneously, but in a rolling fashion.  get used to seeing empty shelves.  i have no idea how we got here, but i do know there is only one way from here, and that is downhill.  that’s because we are way past the point of no return.  i have this fear, perhaps irrational, that the next war will be fought on the us mainland.  which is why all the billionaires are building safe havens in nz.
2 years ago
Seems like you’re coming around to the inflation point of view.  High demand + low supply = inflation.
2 years ago
I see help wanted signs everywhere I go. Walmart (Jersey shore) has in store help wanted sign $18.50. Weren’t we fighting over $10 min wages in SF ,NY & DC a little while ago. How moot is that!
2 years ago
It also semiconductors. I noticed supplies running low from several vendors more than a month ago. Last week I talked to a national distributor rep who told me grab what you think you need because the 26 week lead time is going to get even longer.
Basically companies with cash and willingness to hedge by ordering well before a production run will knock their competition out even if the product being sold is inferior.
2 years ago
McDonald’s here about still don’t allow you to eat in.  So everything gets bagged.  Drive thru and take out are the only two options they offer.
2 years ago
My NYC-dwelling daughter and her husband, who pretty much embody typical Millenial Uber-users, came down for a visit several weeks back. Their overwhelming perceived need coming out of COVID hibernation is for a car….even in Queens. Nobody wants to ride the train if they can avoid it, and the allure of ride-shares seems to have lost some of its luster.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Public transportation is dead and may stay that way for a decade or more.
Thats why all the calls for infrastructure money to be spent on it are a colossal waste of money at this time. 
2 years ago
Higher USD prices are also apparent in the The Big Mac index. 🙂 

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