The Rapid Spread of Omicron and What to Do About It: Nothing?!

Panic Covid-19 Testing Underway, Biden to Address the Nation on Tuesday

Yesterday, I noted Panic Covid-19 Testing Underway, Biden to Address the Nation on Tuesday

If you don’t have Covid, I suspect one of the best places to catch it is stand in line for hours with people who think they do. 

More Tests? Why?

If you stand in line to be tested, that very standing in line means you need to be retested because undoubtedly you have been in contact with someone who has it. 

The setup is of course lunacy.

NFL’s Surprising Reaction to Record Covid-19 Cases: Do Less Testing

Please note the NFL’s Surprising Reaction to Record Covid-19 Cases: Do Less Testing

95% of NFL players are vaccinated and 100% of the coaches are. That is amazingly high vs health care workers and the population at large.

Two-thirds of the players who have tested positive this week are asymptomatic, NFL chief medical officer Dr. Allen Sills. The other third, he said, are suffering very mild symptoms. In London, Omicron cases are doubling every 1.5 days. If that rate keeps up the whole city will have it in short order. That won’t happen of course, but assume it does. 

Two-thirds of the players with Covid have no symptoms. What the hell are we supposed to do? Test everyone, every day? 

Cases Doubling in London Every 1.5 Days

Cases in London and other parts of the UK are doubling every 1.5 days. At that rate, nearly everyone will have it in short order. 

Would that be a curse or a blessing? 

After a temporary flood of hospitalizations and deaths, primarily among the unvaccinated, everyone would then have omicron antibodies. 

Percentage of Population Vaccinated

Accurate But Misleading

  • The Chart From Mayo Clinic is presumably accurate but very misleading. 
  • It’s the entire population not adults and does not factor in age.
  • It does not at all factor in the number of people unvaccinated who have had Covid and thus have antibodies.

Tweet of the Day

New Rules

  • Testing the masses for Covid is worse than useless. Standing in line spreads it. 
  • The number of Omicron asymptomatic cases tells us that isolation is not the answer either. People not realizing they have it now spread Omicron like mad.
  • We need to accept a fair percentage of the people simply will not get vaccinated. 
  • Given the vast majority of severe complications happen in the unvaccinated group, we should not let them clog up the hospitals.
  • Hospital priority should go first to those with a booster, second to those with two shots, third to those with one shot, and last to the unvaccinated, with exceptions for those under the age of 12. 
  • If the unvaccinated don’t care, we should not care about them. Nor should insurance cover them. 
  • Finally, at long last, it makes sense to say “No worse than the Flu, at least for the vaccinated.” More accurately, for the vaccinated, it now appears to be “Nowhere near as bad as the flu“.

New Studies Raise Hopes That Vaccines Prevent Severe Disease From Omicron

In the lab, immune cells put up a strong fight against Omicron, suggesting that vaccines will be able to prevent the worst outcomes of the virus variant.

How Fast Will Omicron Burn Out?

Time for Normal Lives Again

If people are really sick then they should stay home. Otherwise, enough of this damn testing and isolation. 

We need to start living normal lives again. The unvaccinated can fend for themselves.

Other than promote vaccinations and let hospitals turn away the unvaccinated, the best thing to do now appears to be nothing. 

Thanks for Tuning In!

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Hansa Junchun
Hansa Junchun
2 years ago
Antibodies will never matter because they cannot be posted to an excel spreadsheet. Politicians cannot use them to gauge their policy success (and reelection). Therefore, they cannot be acknowledged.
2 years ago
Oh, so Mish, if you eat a lot of fatty red meats, and you suffer a heart attack, you should be turned away at the hospital????
Maybe you eat a lot of sweets, and get type 2 diabetes……….sorry, you can’t come into the hospital after you collapse in a diabetic coma…
I think you understand,  maybe…a little?????
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
If the ‘vaccines; are so great, why do we still have the PREP Act, over a year later? When, exactly, are the vaccine manufacturers going to stand behind their product and be responsible for its after effects?
2 years ago
Don’t forget reckless drivers and speeders.  If they can’t obey the traffic laws they should just die on the side of the road.
2 years ago
Dear Mr Shedlock,
I have enjoyed reading your economic analysis since about 2005 and have always valued your non mainstream opinions.
However, reading this post made me question your view of who is worthy of hospital care; you have clearly ignored incontrovertible evidence that it is the overweight and type 2 diabetics who represent the vast majority of the burden on our health service (not just from Covid) and, by your logic, they too should be excluded from care. They were given fair warning that their glutenous ways were contributing to their increased risk of severe disease and should be punished. 
By the same argument it would also be completely reasonably to exclude the vaccine injured from receiving insurance or hospital treatment. They knew the risks so should not be allowed to steal hospital treatment from someone more worthy. How about excluding alcohol users from treatment, or smokers, or those who eat cake/crisps etc?
Best regards 
2 years ago
Reply to  Davros
How about junkies and meth heads?
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Tomorrow, we’ll learn President Cluster Fudge’s NEW plan to defeat Covid. Does anyone know his first Covid plan–the one that got him elected?
2 years ago
Now that testing is being discussed again, why is the PCR technique still being misused as a diagnostic test? 
The NFL is getting results it doesn’t like, so they will do less testing – contrary to the drum that the PR campaign from the ‘health’ industry has been beating.  Well, if there’s enough money involved then that’s apparently permitted.
2 years ago
If those who say that the unvaccinated should not receive hospital treatment even if they have the legal and moral right why would you also prevent them from accessing alternative treatments either decided by themselves or by their doctor? What are the moral, legal and practical arguments against them? I would say none and if such a mandate, that is to refuse treatment to the unvaccinated and remove the means for them to be treated by other methods, is instituted then how could anyone justify that on any grounds?
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
I wouldn’t. Huff all the bleach you want.  Doctors have to worry about getting sued if they treat you with your preferred snake oil, so I can see the reluctance, especially since their Orange idol has turned conservatives into the most sue-happy people on the planet.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
No one is huffing bleach, Mr. comedian.
Doctors prescribe off label all the time. Dr. Kory and Dr Wagshul are doing so for Covid and are not worried about being sued by patients for doing so. Dr. Zelenko never worried about being sued for prescribing HCQ.
His concern was about keeping his patients out of the hospital.
If you are looking for snake oil, look no farther than Remdsivir, which is used in hospitals to treat Covid-19, even though it failed on safety. The hospital has no liability if they damage your liver or destroy your kidneys with it.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
By the same argument, smokers who get lung cancer should not receive hospital treatment.
2 years ago
The Covid vaccination hype, at one point will turn out to have been the biggest billions of $$ racket ever by Big Pharma and subsidiary racketeers , based of course on never seen before, mass induced psychosis by equally corrupt virologists, the msm mafia, pressurised arm twisted doctors,and medical staff in general… ….Nevertheless I d say Go for it ! … for your 3rd, 4th,5th etc, natural immunity destroying shot, that MAYBE,  but most likely NOT,  will protect you against Omicron, whatever the latter may be, apart from some kind of a cold… Fn scared, brainwashed, indoctrinated, obliging chickens … IDIOTS rather  !   
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
All pandemics magically disappear. The hope is to get so many people vaccinated that the jab gets all the credit. 
2 years ago
Martin Armstrong: “One of the more respected link to that called into question Pfizer’s questionable trial data had their
articles black-listed by Facebook. Anything that questions this agenda
is black-listed.”
The CDC has been suppressing release of the 450,000 pages of Pfizer data. Scientists say that they need access to the data. It took a FOIA to even get access to the first 500 pages so far. Plaintiff complains that they could produce the data within 12 weeks, not decades.
Pfizer withheld that Maddie De Garay was paralyzed after her second shot, recording only that she had abdominal pain. She also felt at one point as though her heart was being pulled out through her neck, as she put it.
Also, the CDC had requested certain documentation from Pfizer and they failed to provide it among other information they sent to the CDC. This failure prompted a letter from the CDC, warning that they needed the missing requested data in order for Pfizer to continue receiving an EUA.
2 years ago
“The unvaccinated can fend for themselves.”
Yes! No hospital treatment for them. Let them die with their nuttiness.
2 years ago
Reply to  davebarnes2
you are a moron
2 years ago
Reply to  hmk
Kook says what?
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Seriously, morons like you and the  above are just ignorant intolerant aholes.  Just STFU and quit making it obvious that your intellect is below ground level.  Hopefully someone in your unbranched family trees don’t succumb to covid lest you say “I told you so” and they respond by giving you what you deserve.
2 years ago
Reply to  hmk
Kook sounds mad!
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Also, btw I am vaccinated but am not intolerant of  others who don’t trust big brother.  
2 years ago
Reply to  davebarnes2
I don’t even want hospital treatment. I consider it to be dangerous, per my comment below.
Early treatment largely prevents hospitalization. Why is Fauci and company obstructing it? Why don’t they care about people’s lives?
I am not the problem, they are.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Reply to  davebarnes2
People who drive in excess of the speed limit, and have an ‘accident,’ should similarly not receive hospital treatment.
2 years ago
“If the unvaccinated don’t care, we should not care about them. Nor should insurance cover them.”
The unvaccinated care about access to early treatment. HCQ, Ivermectin, Fluvoxaimine are generally being denied to both the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. 552 vaxxed in Oregon have died of Covid. They didn’t get early treatment, either.
The unvaxxed shouldn’t be forced to buy horse paste in order to protect themselves against Covid. Any FDA approved drug should be allowed off label for Covid, as it is for any other purpose.
The problem is not the unvaxxed, the problem is a corrupt medical industrial complex, lead by corrupt public health agencies.
Remdesivir has a 23% SEVERE adverse reaction rate. It FAILED on safety. I consider hospitalization dangerous, with that as the PREP Act standard of care.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ

The unvaxxed are rubes targeted by antivax quacks.  This is nature’s way… stupid is supposed to hurt.

Stupid will cry out to have its self inflicted medical bills paid. Stupid will blame god’s wrath about the gays.
In the end, there will be slightly less stupid in the world, and that’s a start.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Zardoz, you are not fooling me.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
Can’t fool a kook?
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Can’t fool someone who knows better than you.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
I think they’re mostly people who have little chance of being hospitalized because they either already got over covid, or they’re young and have no major medical issues.
But if you want to believe they’re all a bunch of bible thumpers, go ahead and be very wrong. White older republicans have a high vaccination rate compared to young minority democrats.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
And you’re trying to make what point with your ageism and racism, exactly? 
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
That you post a lot of Non sequiturs.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
So, a statement of fact is now racist/ageist? Therein lies the real problem. Once politicized, critical thinking stops, ON BOTH SIDES.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
…history shows that brainwashed  obliging fools are the most stupid ….Won t be different this time !
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
Up your game and give us a couple of paragraphs of analysis please. One-liners never have convinced anyone. You might get a following and plenty of upvotes which is what we all strive to attain.
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
I like being read of course… The likes? pffff, I do appreciate them, let s say…  don t remember having seen one by you though, so why should I elaborate ?  You of all people should know though I was referring to certain periods in history when the proles were being mislead by power hungry demagogic leaders and more  recently by money focused corporate cronies….       
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
History rhymes so update it to our time with names, events and feeling. Make it come alive again. Take the abstract and convert it to the actual.
2 years ago
A lot could be settled with antibody tests to see who has survived covid and already has natural immunity, and superior genetics. These are the people who not only get treatment first but also have a first place in line in the mineshaft nuclear shelters to breed prodigiously.
2 years ago
Reply to  Christoball
Breeding prodigiously is very attractive to me. I suppose that the female breeding candidates will have been chosen for their physical beauty in order to stimulate  the appropriate response from the males? We will also will need to protect our mines from those who want to take them.
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
That’s what I was thinking. My natural superior immunity from being a two time covid survivor will pay off in more ways than one.
2 years ago
“After a temporary flood of hospitalizations and deaths, primarily among the unvaccinated…”
Primarily among the untreated.
Dr.s Fared and ‘Tyson have treated 7,000 Covid patients with their early treatment protocol with ZERO deaths. Dr Wagshul has treated his patients with IVM and none have wound up in the hospital. It won’t work out that way for everyone, but would dramatically reduce hospitalization and death.
800,000 people have officially died of Covid-19 in the U.S. because the public health agencies obstructed early treatment by doctors. That number should be far less and would have been if early treatment therapies were not obstructed, for a mass vaccination agenda.
2 years ago
To quote one of Denninger’s posters, talking about what i mentioned yesterday:
“Dr. McCullough was on Joe Rogan’s podcast recently, and he really
emphasized the importance of “oral-nasal virucidal therapy”. He said 2
teaspoons of betadine into 6 oz of water, squirt it into the nose, snort
it all the way back to the throat and spit it out, then gargle with the
remainder of the solution, then finish off with either listerine or
cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwash. He seems to think that is the most
important thing to do for both early treatment and prevention; he urges
people to get in the habit of doing it as soon as you come home anytime
you’ve been in a crowd, or even just in a closed space with a few people
for any length of time. And of course do it immediately at first onset
of symptoms.”
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
Don’t forget the rectally inserted light bulb, or “trump treatment”. This is crucial!
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Your comedy routine needs to be thrown in the trash.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
The butt of the joke isn’t suppose to think it’s funny.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
You are the butt of your own joke.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Is that how you get off?
2 years ago
How did we go from omnicron probably isnt a big deal to overflowing hospitals, omnicrons going to kill us all and rampant lockdown talks in the span of 1 week?
2 years ago
Reply to  ohno
2 years ago
Reply to  ohno
Liberals need something to deflect from their policy failures.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
Didn’t work for your obese godling.
2 years ago
Are the new rules your suggestions? I like it but it does not go far enough.
I think we should include for hospital priority several other categories now that we have learned a healthy discrimination to all.
First form when you arrive at the hospital will be a check list to see if you can even be admitted!
1. First US citizens should be given priority others wait outside till there is room
2. People obese should go to the back of the line
3. People with Type II diabetes should go to the back of the line( diabetes you develop from to much sugar)
4. If you smoke you will be last in line and can be displaced by other.
5. If you do not have insurance you will be moved to the end of the line or kicked out to make room for paying customers.
6. If you are in a car accident and not wearing seatbelt you will not be treated or at least moved to the back of the line till there is room.
I think they need to add a COVID opt out to the insurance.  You can opt out of COVID or any other flu and receive a reduced premium.
I am sure there are many more situations in which we should allocate hospital stays!
Items 2-3 should also pay much more for insurance since they are the ones that will most likely need it. Or the could opt out of any health issue related to their condition!
What a marvelous system.
Yes this exactly the type of society we want to promote thanks for bringing this to our attention!
2 years ago
Reply to  amigator
You could add that if you test positive for illegal drugs you also go back in the line. Why should I pay for your habit? 
2 years ago
Perhaps the best clap back to antivaxxers and antimaskers. THANK YOU!
2 years ago
Reply to  numike
By that definition you are having unprotected sex every time you are in a public place and in contact with people. I don’t like his sleeveless sweater with the bookcase behind him. It’s so staged like he is making a movie. He should change his media advisor. That look went out years ago.
2 years ago
  • Hospital priority should go first to those with a booster, second to those with two shots, third to those with one shot, and last to the unvaccinated, with exceptions for those under the age of 12. 
What ?   No yellow “Star Of David”  ?    
2 years ago
Reply to  WarpartySerf
Nope, just a Jeff Foxworthy sign.
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Bill Engvall is the “here’s your sign” comedian. 
2 years ago
Reply to  getMOTIVated
Well damn, now I get a sign too.
2 years ago
lets move on
The World’s Most Profitable Traffic JamClogging
up the ports is a $150 billion business, but a bipartisan bill to
re-regulate the sector is moving through Congress. Why is Congress about
to do the right thing?
2 years ago
Efficient mucosal antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is induced in previously infected individuals (preprint) (PDF) medRxiv. n = 30. From the Abstract:
    Our data indicate that vaccinated seropositive individuals were able to swiftly induce relatively high anti-spike SIgA responses by boosting pre existing mucosal immunity. In contrast, seronegative individuals did not have pre-existing anti SARS-CoV-2 or cross-reacting anti-HCoV SIgA antibodies prior to vaccination, and, thus, little or no anti-SARS-CoV-2 SIgA antibodies were induced by vaccination in these individuals.
SigA = Secretory IgA. IgA = immunoglobulin A*. And the Discussion:
    [V]accination strategies, such as intranasal vaccines like NDV-HXP-S [see here], that could successfully induce SIgA should be sought for the control of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic21–23 201 . Further studies are needed to reveal the detailed mechanism of mucosal antibody induction by mRNA vaccination, to determine SIgA titers that would provide sterilizing immunity, and to evaluate the SIgA antiviral function in comparison to monomeric IgA.
2 years ago
Reply to  numike
Enough with this natural immunity nonsense already.
The only way to to obtain it is by risking your life getting COVID in the first place which is silly given that the risk of serious adverse effects from the vaccine are way lower than from getting COVID.
2 years ago
Reply to  QTPie
Shhh… let them catch it.
2 years ago
Reply to  QTPie
You are risking your life by taking the Covax.
2 years ago
Reply to  QTPie
Not for everyone. If you’re young and in good health, catching covid is likely the safer option.
2 years ago
Covid is not small pox or polio. Everyone being vaccinated will not eradicate it. It’s like the flu or common cold. New mutations will appear every year that are resistant to vaccines.
We’re making a huge deal about one person in the UK dying with omicron. Omicron was clearly coincidental to their death because if it contributed in any way, it would be headline news.
2 years ago
(numerous old and new country bob’s here)
Late Stage Covid: It is a weird moment.
20 months into this pandemic, we’re entering a new phase with different
dynamics. Even the culture-warring around COVID is of a different
2 years ago
Reply to  numike
Anyone who is claiming that we’re 20 months into this thing is not paying attention.  This started in mid/late 2019 and wasn’t the arm-waving hysteria that we’ve seen for at least half a year.  The clock in the U.S. did not start with PCR being misused as a diagnostic test in the spring of 2020.  You, and the author, are need to take a look at things with fresh eyes.
2 years ago

But the main uncertainty that I’m now wondering about, that feels central, is how we will react.

will happen when the rice grains on the chessboard suddenly get fully
out of hand, stuff hits the fan and the hospitals overflow? Not if.
When. How will governments react? How will the people react?

2 years ago
Reply to  numike
I’m not sure how they will react exactly, but it will certainly be describable as stupid and selfish.
2 years ago
Good thing Mish is just a witless blogger.
2 years ago
Reply to  BaselineT
He’s hunting the kook klicks with these posts, and you kooks always oblige.
2 years ago

Accurate But Misleading

  • The link to is presumably accurate but very misleading. 
  • It’s the entire population not adults and does not factor in age.
  • It does not at all factor in the number of people unvaccinated who have had Covid and thus have antibodies.
Also misleading in the headlines is that the 80% has NOT been found to be scientifically accurate with this virus, with leaky vaccines, but the Mayo Clinic ALSO recognizes that natural immunity is very much a factor in reaching 80% (although definitely NOT the safest option).

“Herd immunity can be reached when enough people in the population have
recovered from a disease and have developed protective antibodies
against future infection.” 

ie, it’s not that we need to reach 80% vaccination rate, we need 80% of the population with an immune response.
2 years ago

Mish gave
his view and I understand why he thinks this way but I do contest the reasoning
and if instituted would bring about results that are exactly contrary to what
is intended.

First of
all we can agree that the goal of triage is to concentrate resources on those
who have the best chance of being saved and leaving those who are too far gone
to their fate.

If we take
Alberta’s statistics for covid mortality as a guide:  link to

We see that
covid severity and deaths are highly correlated with the number of
comorbidities. One comorbid is OK, two is bad at 14.4% mortality and three is 72.9%.
Clearly the determining factor is comorbidities. If you make vaccination status
as a principle criteria then you would then be admitting people with comorbidities
over those without. If insurance is denied then that trend would be reinforced
because now the triage would be on the ability to pay on top of it. Since covid
hits older people by far the most you would be admitting older retired people with
comorbidities over young ones with families to support. Frankly someone who
still gets very sick with covid even after three doses is probably not in good
shape to begin with and it would be a more moral and practical decision to save
the younger unvaccinated one and leave the older vaccinated one to fate.

Another aspect
is social and shouldn’t it be underestimated. Normally tirage is by the gravity
of the illness and not by what card you carry in your wallet. It could be quite
dangerous for the personnel of the hospital. Imagine how family members would
feel if a less sick person was admitted while their loved one was not based on
their vaccination status? Imagine if by chance it looks like one racial group
was being favored over another on who gets admitted and who does not simply by
looking at a card? I could easily see violence resulting. Triage by
vaccination would cause more problems and it wouldn’t result in saving lives even
if for some it would feel morally satisfying.

We are all
pissed off that this pandemic keeps hanging on and some people who are
vaccinated feel that since they did it everyone should do it. By now we know
that vaccination helps the individual  but not the collective since even the
vaccinated still shed viable virons so covid will circulate no matter what we
do. Eventually everyone will be exposed and if you get sick depends solely upon
your body’s immune system. Helping it out by whatever means is your job and is
your decision.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
So what if there are co-morbidities? A vaccine is an easily implemented way to greatly reduces one’s chance of being hospitalized for COVID regardless. It is fully within the control of the patient, not dependent on their genetic life lottery, and doesn’t take months or great difficulty to effect (as opposed to say losing weight which can be a months-long or years-long process). If an non-comorbid unvaccinated person presents to the ICU then that trip almost assuredly could have been avoided by having made the personal choice of getting vaccinated. In case of limited hospital capacity, why shouldn’t we consider the patient’s personal choice. It was that choice specifically which resulted in them ending up in the ICU.
2 years ago
Reply to  QTPie
Then we shouldn’t accept to treat people for harming themselves in stupid accidents or STDs for that matter because it was their own fault. Where do you draw the line when you can draw it in a thousand different ways?
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
You’re assuming hospitals will have to make a decision on who to treat. If hospitals are indeed being over run, we would see images all over the news of it. We don’t. And if there are some being over run, it’s most likely by people freaking out over having a runny nose who think they may be dyeing of omicron, so , no need to treat them for anything.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
We don’t… yet.
If there is hospital capacity then treat everyone. We’re talking about what would happen if ICUs fill up.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
Myself I haven’t heard of any hospital having to resort to triage although I have looked. In my opinion it probably hasn’t happened at least not formally so we are talking about a hypothetical situation that probably won’t happen. I don’t work in hospitals so I don’t know the protocols. It would be nice to talk to someone familiar with them to pick his brain.
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
If I shoot a young guy and an old sick guy, and the young guy lives but the old guy dies, what killed the old guy?
2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
In some jurisdictions, If the old guy recently tested positive for covid, then covid killed him.
It’s funny how the WHO had to change their literature to give numerous examples not to count automobile deaths as covid deaths, because they were being counted as covid deaths.
2 years ago
If in the future they are serious bad consequences of vaccines that could not be seriously tested, will the unvaxxed have to pay for them ?
2 years ago
I really stress, people should take some time and listen to this Joe Rogan interview from last week, listen to the entire interview not just part of it. The doctor he interviewed is very knowledgeable, arguably one of the most knowledgeable doctors on this planet when it comes to treating Covid. He’s not anti vaccine, he himself is vaccinated but you most likely will hear information that you have never heard before,
On a more controversial note, here is a video from a German graphene expert that talks about the dangers of the vaccine and what happens specifically when they accidentally hit a blood vessel during vaccination. I don’t know his credentials or who he is. He apparently died 4 days after he posted this video and the claim is he was murdered? Near the end of one of his livestreams you can hear the police knocking down his door and than arresting him. Like I said I don’t know the credibility of the person or his information so take it with a grain of salt.
2 years ago
Reply to  zimminy
I don t trust this one… ,  I am unvaxxed, nevertheless sceptic about certain stories out there….  
2 years ago
2 years ago
“If the unvaccinated don’t care, we should not care about them. Nor should insurance cover them.”
Um, I say, old sport, it’s rather a long jump from not being vaccinated to not caring.
2 years ago
South Africa ministers announced the country is moving to stop contact tracing and quarantining of Omicron contacts. Healthcare experts discovered the Omicron is so weak that they do not need to trace the Omicron variant among the people.
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
And yet good old Neil Ferguson with the Imperial College in Britain, who started this whole scamdemic with predictions of multi-million deaths in the first year of Covid is back at it in an article I read today claiming that no one really knows how dangerous Omicron is and we need be prepared for severe illness!  Here’s the article:
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
Fake conclusions. If you read the actual article that the article you attached quoted, this recommendation is not related to Omicron but to other factors. Moreover, additional “conclusions” in the linked article are misleading, like implying this recommendation (NOT decision) is ‘bad news’ for those ‘pushing vaccinations’. Well, the complete opposite is true. The recommendation is based mostly on the fact that so much of the population has already acquired immunity (naturally or by vaccine). Since in the US the level of natural immunity is much smaller than in South Africa then if anything the real conclusions to drawn from the original article is that we should stress vaccines even more, not less.
This is a perfect example of where politically-motivated individuals use a morsel of truth to completely twist facts in order to spew out fake conclusions.
2 years ago
It would be even better if the unvaccinated get a part of the hospitals (corresponding to their population), a part of the assurance companies, and why not also a part of the whole country. You would end with two countries : the UVSA (United vaccinated states of America) and the UUVV (United Unvaccinated States of America).
2 years ago
Mish, Carl Quintallia is showing an IHME graph of current worst case covid predictions PRIOR to including anything from the new variant. This is clearly indicated on both their website and twitter. Mr. Quintallia and Mish, way to check your source and very your information prior to publishing.
2 years ago
Can’t wait to see what our straw man “President” has to say Tuesday, but the narrative in the last 2 weeks has changed into Boosters every 3 months and J&J BAD.   Where’s Waldo has changed into Where’s the Goal Post.
2 years ago
“If you stand in line to be tested, that very standing in line means you need to be retested because undoubtedly you have been in contact with someone who has it.    The setup is of course lunacy.”
Such lunacy is par for the course in a for-profit health insurance system.  
2 years ago
Based on the experience of other countries, the US will peak at one million cases per day with about 25,000 deaths a day. Most of the deaths will be among the unvaccinated thereby eliminating many anti vaxxers and Trump Death Cult members. No one will miss them!
2 years ago
As long as Triage suggestions are becoming narrowly defined such as vaccinated, non-vaccinated….. How about first come first served. Imagine if we let people cut in line at restaurants just because they are hungriest.
2 years ago
This has got to be the most ignorant post I have ever read. 
2 years ago
  • If the unvaccinated don’t care, we should not care about them. Nor should insurance cover them.
So… Same for obesity and diabetes, right? Wouldn’t that be logically consistent? Or is denying the unvaccinated an emotional decision?
2 years ago
Reply to  JeffD
They should pay for their own care.That’s the problem with spreading risk.  Anytime you do it you open the door to lack of responsibility.

For some things, like diabetes that is preventable, absolutely, the person with it should bear the cost, or at least some of it.

If you eat healthy and take care of your body you should be rewarded with lower premiums.  If you smoke you pay higher rates so why not if you eat tons of sugar and soda?  How do you keep track of that????  Easily.  By a doctor.  EBT benefits should absolutely come with restrictions.  EBT recipients are the most likely to buy garbage.  And don’t mention food desserts.  They are real but are easily overcome these days with food delivery.

My tenants receive 835 a month in food stamps, or 2x as much as I spend for my family of 5, that’s ridiculous.

Cut it in half if they buy soda and potato chips.  It’s high time personal responsibility was worth something in this country.

2 years ago
Reply to  JeffD
I’m good with any plan that is fair and consistent. A “prioritization plan” for hospital treatment of Covid is fair and makes sense.
2 years ago
Reply to  JeffD
Obesity, diabetes, hypertension etc., could have hereditary and metabolic components to them.  So, one person could be without those issues even if they made no special effort to avoid them, and another person could be afflicted in spite of their best efforts.   
With the COVID vaccine, there are no such complicating factors (except in the cases where a person can’t be vaccinated for specific medical reasons, which should and must be documented by a doctor).   So, it not only makes sense but is also fair to everyone else to put the unvaccinated at the end of the line.   And when the ICU capacity reaches a critical threshold, those unvaccinated without valid reason, should simply be turned away.   
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
the obese and over 75 would be the majority In ICU, no need to throw the unjabbed in the back with those demographics….natural selection is best here
2 years ago
Elizabeth Warren Tests Positive 
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
So did Cory Booker.  
2 years ago
Reply to  Greggg
And I’m sure they are both double vaxxed and probably boosted.  
Meanwhile, here I am not shot-up at all 22 months into this farce and no sign yet of Covid contamination.
2 years ago
Most people in the hospital are just sitting in bed with oxygen tanks and no other treatment. Oxygen requires a medical prescription ( no idea why). Mish, are you suggesting that doctors should not write prescriptions for oxygen for the unvaccinated, preventing them from buying it themselves for home use? What does “turn away” mean?
2 years ago
Reply to  JeffD
Turn away = Refuse admission 
Happens all the time when hospitals at capacity
I propose keeping some spare capacity and refusing admission before capacity
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
Thanks for clarifying. I can agree with that.
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
Under what condition would you allow a hospital to reach capacity?
Prior to Covid, hospitals reached 100% ICU capacity all the time (one hospital quoted they were at 100% roughly 70% of the time which is 5 days in 7). If you don’t allow hospitals to reach 100% then what’s the point of having that much capacity?
Can you imagine the lawsuits if someone was refused and died because of the refusal and later found out the hospital had spare capacity they never used (ie they could have saved them and never had to turn away anyone)? It would bankrupt the hospital system.
It should be 1st come, 1st served till they reach capacity. Then at capacity, they start kicking out people on a needs based basis (ie a 30 something father of 3 causes 75 year old granny to be kicked out of ICU).
2 years ago
Triage, according to Mish…if you won’t comply, you deserve to die.🤣
2 years ago
Reply to  cienfuegos
An idiotic comment. I never said “deserve to die”.
But for the record and as I have stated many times, I do believe in the right to die. I do not want unreasonable means to keep me alive, and I resent the massive amount of money we spend to keep people alive for another 2-6 months. It is one of the huge problems with our medical system.
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
“If the unvaccinated don’t care, we should not care about them. Nor should insurance cover them.” Pretty callous though.
Just because someone doesn’t get vaccinated, doesn’t mean they don’t care.
I’m vaccinated and know plenty of unvaccinated co workers, friends and family. 
The reason the polo shot was so successful was you had hundreds of thousand of volunteers and field trails.
You didn’t get this with Covid 19, you were mandated right off the bat (no pun intended) without volunteers or field trails.
I was hesitant in the beginning and waited until the summer of 2021 to get my shot. Hopeful by me waiting so long and not getting sick, I have developed antibodies against anything this will throw at me.
2 years ago
Reply to  williamuber
In fairness, Mish only suggested that policy when the ICU was at capacity. Once you reach the point at which some are going to be denied care, how do you suggest deciding, and why?
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
1. stop the mandates.
2. those that are most vulnerable, option to opt out and stay home.
3. mobilize the military for support.
4. there will be covid 19 camps for the severely ill.
This could have been done from the start. if we followed the science.
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
ICUs can easily reach capacity during normal times. My wife had lobectomy surgery in 2014 and was supposed to spend the day after surgery in the ICU. It was full, so they put her in the heart attack part of the hospital. If everyone spent a day in the heart attack section of the hospital, people would eat a lot better and exercise more. Never heard such misery in my life.
2 years ago
Reply to  cienfuegos
DNR, baby!
2 years ago
OT….I recently made a comment about the number two copper producing country in the world going socialist…Peru….Today the number one copper producer, Chile, also elected a leftist President. Neither of these new guys is a friend of the mining companies that dig the stuff out of the ground…
Number three is China, and they aren’t going to export what they dig up.
Number four is the US….maybe US copper producers will get some love out of this. I own FCX…and there are some interesting copper/gold plays in Canada I’ve been looking at.  I’d love to hear anybody’s picks on copper.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T

Barrick Gold is developing quite a few copper plays.Their CEO is fully a believer in the coming copper revolution and is diversifying Barrick towards not just gold, but gold and copper.  A significant part of their revenues now comes from copper, and that will greatly increase in the next 5 years with new projects coming online.So if you like miners and copper, Barricks a good play.  Severely undervalued at the moment too.

2 years ago
  • Hospital priority should go first to those with a booster, second to those with two shots, third to those with one shot, and last to the unvaccinated, with exceptions for those under the age of 12. 
  • If the unvaccinated don’t care, we should not care about them. Nor should insurance cover them. 
Unfortunately, our modern  system of medical ethics is completely opposed to this kind of approach, and there is exactly zero chance of this kind of screening of sick people happening in order to deny treatment to the unvaccinated. 
But I’m guessing from the data you linked, and from what I’m hearing from the UK, the actual onslaught of medical facilities will be less than the predicted worse case, by quite a large number.
I heard yesterday, for instance, that Omicron had become the dominant strain in the UK, but that of 7500 sick COVID patients total in hospital in the entire country, that only 85 of those were Omicron. 
It is winter and I expect the Delta variant to make some people sick this winter. We could have some Omicron cases piled on top of what we were going to have anyway…but maybe we will get to herd immunity too, and pretty quickly. I hope so, for the sake of the people who have refused vaccination for whatever reason, and are at higher risk now, by FAR, for serious illness than vaccinated people. This included ALL cases, and all variants.
Dr. Odyssey
Dr. Odyssey
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
From the horse’s mouth.
Omicron cases in the hospital 10. Intubations 0. Deaths 1.
UK health minister from 5:42 for about 45 seconds.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Odyssey
The single death was with omicron. Not due to omicron.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
The same approach needs to be taken with smokers and over weight people with diabetes too then.
You can’t just pick one disease to order people by how the prepared themselves against it. Either it’s all or nothing.
If anything treatment should be age based. If there is someone 75+ and someone 20+ who need the ICU bed, it should go to the 20 something because they have a lot longer a life left.

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