The Trump Spotlight Shifts to Colin Powell

The spotlight is now on Colin Powell and George W. Bush. They are the latest to hop aboard the Bash Trump Bandwagon.

Former President George W. Bush won’t support the re-election of Mr. Trump, and Jeb Bush isn’t sure how he’ll vote, say people familiar with their thinking. Senator Mitt Romney of Utah won’t back Mr. Trump and is deliberating whether to again write in his wife, Ann, or cast another ballot this November. Cindy McCain, the widow of Senator John McCain, is almost certain to support Mr. Biden but is unsure how public to be about it because one of her sons is eying a run for office.

And former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced on Sunday that he will vote for Mr. Biden, telling CNN that Mr. Trump “lies about things” and Republicans in Congress won’t hold him accountable. Mr. Powell, who voted for former President Barack Obama as well as Hillary Clinton, said he was close to Mr. Biden politically and socially and had worked with him for more than 35 years. “I’ll be voting for him,” he said.

Today’s List of Fed Up With Trump

  1. Colin Powell
  2. George Bush
  3. Jeb Bush
  4. Cindy McCain
  5. Mitt Romney

Prior List Following Bible Photo-Op Incident

  1.  Mike Mullen , Seventeenth chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Millen wrote an Op-Ed: I Cannot Remain Silent.
  2. James N. Miller, Defense Science Board Member and former under secretary of defense for policy from 2012 to 2014 resigned in protest. Miller accused Trump and the current Secretary of Defense of “crossing a line”
  3. On June 4, a Retired Marine General John Allen Admonished Trump. Allen warns of ‘Beginning of the End’ for Democracy if troops are used against protests.
  4. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis denounced Trump as a Threat to the Constitution. Mattis accused Trump of “making mockery of our Constitution.”
  5. At least four senators have spoken out against Trump.

Colin Powell Right Today, Massively Wrong Then

I cannot forgive Powell for his absurd posturing to the UN that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

He lied and later admitted it. He is the “yes sir” general who stayed by Bush rather than resign.

Had he told the truth to the UN and resigned, or resigned then told the truth it is possible that disastrous War in Iraq might never have happened.

Also Powell would have positioned himself to become president of the United States. 

Powell now says what needs to be said but we also need to remember who and what this man is and what he did.

Trump No Longer the Odds-On Favorite to Win in November

In the wake of these photo-op defections, I noted Trump No Longer the Odds-On Favorite to Win in November.

A quick check on Predictit has Biden at 55:46 on Sunday.

Trump Crossed the Line

For this many people to speak out, Trump clearly crossed the line, so stop defending it!

I get not liking Biden. I do not get defending Trump no matter what foolish stunt he pulls. 

We need people who stand by ideals, not fake patriots who will never criticize their party just because they do not like the other guy.


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4 years ago

“We need people who stand by ideals” Especially on the supreme court! Which candidate will be the best for the court? This is where it really matters.

4 years ago

This only proves that the Never-Trumpers are still Never-Trumpers…

No new news….

Move along, move along…

4 years ago

George W. Bush is a war criminal. His rehabilitation shows the depths of depravity to which anti-Trumpers have sunk.

George Phillies
George Phillies
4 years ago

It depends where this all goes. At least some of these people were Trump opponents in 2016 and have not changed.

4 years ago

Trump should be criticized for blindly listening to Gates-funded “medical experts”, and not getting independent advice on Covid-19. His support of shutting down the economy was truly boneheaded.

However, listening to ESTABLISHMENT Republicans is equally boneheaded. They all want more of what ails us, simply because it has been good for them, not this country.

It’s always about the lesser of two evils, and Trump is far less evil than any of the establishment hacks who have no qualms selling this country down the river.

4 years ago

Seen at Axios today; Poll: 80% of voters think the U.S. is spiraling out of control

So, 80% of VOTING Americans believe the nation is or has spiraled OUT OF CONTROL.

This is actually very scary, because when the population of a nation believe that their country is out of control they have always throughout history turned to authoritarians that usurp power and rights in order to re exert control. That was how Hitler became chancellor of Germany with just less than a third of all voters in the 1932 elections.

And I might point out that 80% means this is not a democrat v republican issue, it is four out of five people, so it is not partisan in it’s depth, the answers to solve it may however be very partisan. And as with the economy, it may or may not be the personal fault of the sitting president that four out of five think the nation is spiraling out of control, but he is still going to be the one to pay the price. I say deservedly so. His handling of the coronavirus and of race issues has been a disaster, an unmitigated shitshow. His entire time in office has been marked by race bating and dog whistling fascist white power nationalists.

4 years ago

Powell 2008: Obama
Powell 2012: Obama
Powell 2016: Clinton
Powell 2020: Biden

I’m trying to find the news story angle here where a guy who thought McCain and Romney were “too extreme” is now endorsing Biden.

4 years ago
Reply to  foolishcop

What strikes me is why if he is more aligned with Obama, Clinton, and Biden he still says he is a republican at all. Even I do not have his perfect dem voting record for that same period, I voted for McCain in 2008.

Anna 7
Anna 7
4 years ago

4 years ago

Never, ever underestimate the anti-society, anti-civilization instincts of America. Trump is both a protest vote and a vote for racism and division. The fact he’s even close to Biden means he has a fair chance of winning in November. He has a strong base in the Red states, and even in PN, strangely enough (Pittsburg must be racist, lol, never having been there). The orange Bozo (TM) show might continue for another four years, thank God for term limits if it does.

4 years ago

Of course Iraq had chemical weapons.

It’s certainly true that most of the Bush administration’s justification for war was that Iraq had active, post-1991 WMD programs. However, the administration also repeatedly claimed that Iraq was hiding elements of its pre-1991 chemical warfare program. In his State of the Union address two months before the invasion, Bush accused Iraq of concealing “30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents” from before the Gulf War. Colin Powell spoke of those munitions in his U.N. address, as well as “550 artillery shells with mustard” and “enough precursors to increase his stockpile to as much as 500 tons of chemical agents” — all from before 1991.

4 years ago

It’s a bit rich for Colin Powell to say that Mr. Trump “lies about things”, when Colin told barefaced lies about Iraqi WMDs

4 years ago

“We need people who stand by ideals, not fake patriots who will never criticize their party just because they do not like the other guy.“

…The party that nominated a man that groped 10’s of little girls on camera during the #MeToo era? I’ll take Red Immortality with a less regulations, less taxes, and less illegal immigration instead of the Blue Immorality that promises the opposite plus demented CreepyJoe. Your idealization of perpetually corrupt government is so darn cute, I guess the left side of The Street pays much better than the libertarian gold bugs.

4 years ago

This is what helps drive people to Trump, a rogue’s gallery of villains and miscreants breaking party lines to denounce him. In our binary world, this makes Trump look like a hero.

People should remember that Trump actually agrees with these people on the vast majority of issues (Fed policy, debt, focus on markets to enrich the top, military spending, etc) but because Trump is an “outsider” he is loathed by much of the establishment.

It really is a shame that a guy not under establishment control still usually acts like he is anyway. Trump doesn’t oppose these people, he’s at most a few degrees removed from them on major policy issues.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tengen

Trump hated that he was never in the same circles as Bloomberg and others in NYC finance circles. The real joke is on his supporters who think he will actually change anything.

4 years ago

He does change who sits on the supreme court for decades.

4 years ago
Reply to  TCW

Are we sure we have decades left? Doesn’t look that way from where I’m standing.

4 years ago
Reply to  TCW

The supporters that care about the supreme court nominees arent the ones I’m speaking of. They have the luxury of money and thinking about supreme court nominees when you dont need a job is a luxury.

4 years ago

One and all, members of the deep state. They didn’t vote for Trump the first time around, so no one expected them to support Trump this time. It’s an orchestrated effort—the bad advice on COVID 19, the pre-planned Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots, the denunciations by Deep State Republicans. What’s a pity is that Mish seems to prefer the Deep State over Trump. Forgetful Joe, now he’s a real jewel. Can’t hardly remember his name, and all the corruption in China, Ukraine, and everywhere a Biden relative can be found.

4 years ago

Too little to late for Colin Powelll, at one point he had credibility prior to the whole Iraq fiasco and he lost it all with the Iraq lie.

This however is not good news for Trump, again the bible/church picture did him in, there was something visceral in it, the complete loss of moral authority. I fully expect the elite and upper status of American political power to begin abandoning throughout the election, of whom Colin Powell is a member. It isn’t because they morally disagree but because that whole photo op probably did serious damage to American soft power abroad and damaged internal stability within the U.S. Hence, why you see the military leadership backing away from Trump vocally without raising his direct ire.

Trump is done, however lets be fair he is no doubt a morally bankrupt narcissist shell of a man, no doubt. However, he didn’t create the structure issues currently facing the nation, he has made them worse no doubt, but both parties are fully to blame.

4 years ago

The RNC/DNC/bilderburg coalition are all teaming up against the despised populist Trump just like they did in the last election.
I expect they will exude so much evil again that America will recoil in horror and reelect Trump just like last time too.
All the young folks I know have ZERO trust in ANY political party, or their media.
They will support Trump over any of these lying schemers.

4 years ago
Reply to  magoomba

It made sense to support him last time because he was an unknown quantity as opposed to the war criminal Hillary. There was a sense of power in electing an outsider and maybe wounding the two party duopoly.

This time, we know what Trump is, just like we know Biden. It’s an obvious lose/lose.

With Trump, you get a guy pounding the table for more ZIRP (maybe even NIRP?), widening deficits, and cozying up to the Israelis and Saudis. That’s who he is. He’s similar to the establishment types, except he speaks off the cuff and is much more bombastic than they are.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tengen

Do you think the US will ever be presented with anyone able to act on those beyond maintaining the quo, and do you think that the US would vote for the real immediate cost of changing the financial/budget subsidy that exists ? The state knows this, that the population will be asking for more, that token cuts here and slight increases there are all that will happen, are playable. Same in most countries nowadays, post modern efforts at moral discovery.

Anna 7
Anna 7
4 years ago
Reply to  magoomba

You don’t believe that kayfabe. Do you?

TPTB did not give so much free airtime to someone who wasn’t going to represent their interests.

Trump, Pelosi, and their subordinates have been doing everything TPTB want.

4 years ago

For those keeping count, as I type this, there have been 33 comments. The breakdown:

1/3rd – a dozen: “You stink”
6: The election.
6: Trump – evenly divided between Trump policies and just Trump.
A couple each of: “You stink too” and “We smell good”
And 4 refreshing, informative comments on other topics. 🙂
And, I lost one somewhere in the noise.

I there anyone here who didn’t know Powell, et al, were very much anti-Trump? Where’s the news in all this?

4 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish

Yep. On the same speaking circuit as others…. Simply put, way to much money being paid to hear people like Powell fart aloud. And then the money being paid for such flatuation is not within the span of control of ordinary citizens

4 years ago

None of those people are Republicans. Keep pounding the Biden drum Mish.

4 years ago

A list of 5 people no decent human being would take advice from. All insiders.

4 years ago

Put another way it doesnt matter if has beens like Powell say anything. We need senators from the GOP to speak up. The trump voters cant do anything if enough of their own party speak up.

Anna 7
Anna 7
4 years ago

True. Repeating what those mass murderers say today keeps them “relevant”.

4 years ago

What we really need are senators from both parties standing up to Trump. Mcconnel just cares about the judiciary. The GOP is in serious trouble.

4 years ago

There is that moment late in a poker tournament where both players are trying to make it further in the game, but they know this is the moment to immediately shove all your chips into the middle. This smelling blood by Dems and wounded prey Trump have set the stage for both sides to go all-in. I think Trump did last week. The Dems are on the clock. Let’s make this a battle for the ages, whoever loses in November might lose momentum for a long time. A battle royale. Let’s bring back Celebrity Deathmatch, they can make the claymation even during lockdown.

4 years ago

Where are the rallies from Trump ? The longer he goes without going full campaign mode the more likely he will try to coopt departments in the US government for a Putin-type takeover of the system. Expect the unexpected this fall. We may have to fight for the right to have free and fair elections as well everything else we take for granted.

4 years ago

Trump was elected by a protest vote for his positions, not his personality. He remains the same narcissistic megalomaniac that drove me to vote for Gary Johnson…in protest, but events of the past ten days are strengthening his chances.

4 years ago
Reply to  abend237-04

re: “…events of the past ten days are strengthening his chances”

Whose? Johnson isn’t running again, and Trump’s support is sharply down in the last ten days. He had 44% favorable rating ten days ago, and now is at 41.4%.

4 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R

I think the polls are next to worthless at this point. I had to laugh at some guy reporting he’d been polled earlier with a question structured roughly: Do you plan to vote for Biden, our obvious last hope, or the scum-sucking incumbent? He answered for Biden…both he and his wife to avoid any hassle.

4 years ago

With so many Republicans against Trump, someone should stand up and announce his / her candidacy for the US President. I didn’t vote for Trump; I voted against Hillary / Democrats. I still feel Trump is the lesser of two evils. Political gridlock is better than bad legislation. I would REALLY like to vote for a fiscal conservative (Austrian Economics) / socially liberal candidate.

4 years ago
Reply to  Six000mileyear

“I would REALLY like to vote for a fiscal conservative (Austrian Economics) / socially liberal candidate.”

Wouldn’t that be nice for a change! Unfortunately, 2020 is like every other election year, not in the cards. I hope it happens someday soon.

4 years ago
Reply to  Six000mileyear

How about Jo Jorgensen?

4 years ago

Amazing how many pro Trump supporters get out and defend him no matter what. Trumpster for the dumpster time.

4 years ago

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― Buckminster Fuller

4 years ago
Reply to  numike

Minneapolis is trying this with their police force. It will be interesting.

4 years ago

It would be funny except for the amount of misery visited on others to get to this point:

“Stand against Trump and you are redeemed”

Various of those characters distancing themselves from a person would be considered a badge of honour for some.

4 years ago

Regarding economics, will the corporations now kow-towing on bended knee be using their government handouts to make those Tax-deductible, Woke, Virtue-Signalling multi-million dollar “contributions” to Black Lives Matter, Inc. ? Will they ask BLM to help re-build their broken, looted, burned-out stores?

Will somebody explain this to me, please. If someone breaks into your house, loots all your property, then sets it ablaze, will you ask them to just wait while you go to the ATM machine and withdraw your money, give it to them and say “thank you”?

Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple
4 years ago
Reply to  Irondoor

BLM was looting and burning? Links, please.

Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple
4 years ago

“For this many people to speak out, Trump clearly crossed the line, so stop defending it!”

Ahh, being a cult member means NEVER admitting you’re wrong.

4 years ago

Ha Ha. Trump is a liar.
So say Bush, Powell, Cheney, and Mittens!

4 years ago

Powell is an incompetent war criminal that should have been tried at Nurenberg along with Bush,Cheney ,Wolfowitz and that sorry ass crew should have been hung like Hess Goring.

4 years ago

Here we go again. Unable to defend Trump it’s throw mud at everyone else time. Time to put your toys back in the crib.

4 years ago

The only way he really is an incompetent war criminal is if the people who were supposed to mete out justice are even more incompetent, so basically channelstuffing is alleging that our entire government is run by idiots. I think we’ve seen that argument made before, it doesn’t sound all that original. /laying it on thick

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