Trump Demands CNN Apologize for a Poll Showing Biden in the Lead

Just when you thought things could not get any stupider politically, they just did. 

CNN reports the Trump campaign is demanding CNN retract and apologize for a recent poll that showed him well behind Joe Biden.

The Trump campaign claims that the CNN poll is “designed to mislead American voters through a biased questionnaire and skewed sampling.”

It’s a stunt and a phony poll to cause voter suppression, stifle momentum and enthusiasm for the President, and present a false view generally of the actual support across America for the President,” read the letter, signed by the Trump campaign’s senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis and chief operating officer Michael Glassner.

Trump Tweet 

Two days ago Trump says he “hired respected pollster, McLaughlin & Associates, to analyze today’s CNN Poll”

Suppression Polls

Trump blames Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulos and others at NBC, ABC, and CNN for bias to suppress voters.

The above Tweets were from June 8. 

Unusual Cease and Desist Order

The demand for a retraction and a very unusual cease-and-desist order came out today.

CNN’s Reply

Totally Amusing Response

“To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media,” said CNN executive vice president David Vigilante.

“CNN is well aware of the reputation of McLaughlin and Associates. In 2014 his firm famously reported Eric Cantor was leading his primary challenger by 34 points only to lose by 11 – a 45 point swing. The firm has a C/D rating from FiveThirtyEight”

CNN then goes on to give Trump a lecture on “How Free Speech Works”.


The poll was not even conducted by CNN. Rather, SSRS Conducted the Poll.

Poll Results

  • Q1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?
  • A1: Approve 38%, Disapprove 57%
  • Q2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling Race Relation
  • A2: Approve: 31%, Disapprove 63%
  • Q3. Suppose that the presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Joe Biden as the
    Democratic Party’s candidate, and Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s candidate. Who would you be more likely to vote for? P1a. As of today, do you lean more toward… [NAMES ROTATED IN ORDER FOR HALF/IN REVERSE ORDER FOR HALF]
  • A3: Jo Biden 55%, Donald Trump 41%
  • Q4: (Respondents who are registered to vote and would vote for Biden, N=701)
    . Is that more a vote FOR Joe Biden or more a vote AGAINST Donald Trump?
  • A4: 37% for Biden, 60% against Trump 

By Party 

 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?

The Independents Will Sink Trump

This will come down to what I said way back in December: The independents have had enough of Trump.

Battleground States

Will Trump Sue Predictit?

Predictit betters have nearly the same percentages as SSRS.

For details, please see Trump is Losing His Grip in More Battleground States.


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This post originated on MishTalk.Com

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3 years ago

Perhaps Republicans are being “under-polled” because they are becoming fewer and fewer.

3 years ago

Everybody knows CNN is like The Soviet “Pravda” ( means “Truth”) – except demolishing guys …

Russell J
Russell J
3 years ago

Go to YouTube and type in “CNN Charles Jaco” it’s all you need to see to understand CNN is fake journalism and has been for a long time, it’s not an actual news source.

Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
3 years ago
Reply to  Russell J

Kind like how “lock her up” was a fake promise… right?

3 years ago

Not in their pocket…lol! Have you seen who’s in his cabinet? He should have to wear all their corporate logos.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz

There’s an apt saying . . . keep you friends close and your enemies closer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz

You’re on to something. At least during the debates, presidential candidates should have to dress like Nascar drivers with their top 20 donors plastered, in various sizes based on the amounts donated, all over their suit. I would watch just to see that.

3 years ago

If you favor Western civilization over a Marxist oligarchy and the dictatorship of the proletariat, you’re cheering for the wrong side. We just saw the deep state and its minions attempt to take out a duly elected president with the Russiagate hoax. They failed, so now the oligarchs are raising their game. What we’re witnessing is an attempted ‘color revolution’ of the sort that US intell inflicts on regimes that don’t act in ‘US interests’. The US Generals’ comments and all the coordinated blather about Trump being a dictator were preparation for the military to arrest him if he commanded them to intercede in the riots. Ultimately, he didn’t take the bait (he might understand more of the threat to himself than he lets on). But the oligarchs are not going to stop – Trump is not in their pocket, so he has to go.

3 years ago

….allowing communists to take over large cities…

You might want to note the convergence of both ends of the political spectrum with increasing distrust in governmental power structures.

With Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich and Grover Norquist beating the drum for the past four decades”government is the enemy” and “drowning government in a bathtub” it is entirely logical that we end up here.

3 years ago

Not a Trump fan…but CNN stands for ClintonNN, don t it ?

Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
3 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels

Wasn’t Hillary supposed to be locked up by now?

3 years ago

Trumpster is headed for the dumpster. Time to take out the trash.

3 years ago


3 years ago

The best way is to vote for tRump again, because he will sink the USA to the abyss quicker, thus allow a fresh reboot of this country. This country really needs a reboot.

3 years ago
Reply to  Augustthegreat

I disagree. If Biden wins we will see an Iranian war in May-June and then it is the end.

3 years ago

Vote for whoever will destroy America the fastest. Why? Because we can’t build a new and better America until the current system crumbles. Every monkey who thinks there’s still hope in this country the way it is, is being delusional.

At the rate things are going, most of us will be keep getting poorer until we will volunteer to be participants in the Hunger Games.

3 years ago
Reply to  tokidoki

Both of these guys are pedal-to-the-metal on the road to ruin, so potential destruction doesn’t really narrow down the choice much.

3 years ago
Reply to  tokidoki

Keep in mind what the Founding Fathers said about Democracies, they always end badly. History shows that they are normally followed by dictatorships of one form or another. The US will end, but when it does, it will end for the worse, not for the better. In time a new country with freedoms may spring up to replace it, but how far into the future that will be, I can’t guess.

3 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R

Well, @Carl_R in that case, Trump and Biden are the perfect candidates. They don’t even have terrific odds of making it to November, let alone being pronounced “Dictator for Life”.


I wonder whether the US presidential race has become some variant of the modern tendency to honor the worst of us? But, in this case, it’s making the worst of anyone who should be honored. Are any of these guys really the horrible people their opponents make them out to be?

3 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish

Interesting that Biden, when referring to his potential VP pick, said:

“I want someone strong, and someone who can — who is ready to be president on day one.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R

Yes Carl, but will our dictator be someone like Trump? God I hope not.

3 years ago
Reply to  Herkie

Historically the result is one of two extremes, and this is based on a wide variety of countries. Once you have a “revolution”, there are two possible outcomes. One is that the military takes over, and a general is in charge, or a general supports the current “President”. Sometimes a general takes over, temporarily, and then after a period of time, reinstates the Democracy, which is the best possible outcome. At the other extreme, sometimes the insurgents take over, and in which case they often kill many of the people with property and confiscate it.

As I said, it gets far worse before it get better, if it ever does. Think about the many South American democracies, such as Argentina or Venezuela, that have gone through this. Chile is a country that fared better than those two.

The biggest mistake is assuming that a Democracy will last forever. It will only last so long as we appreciate the value of what we have, and are willing to sacrifice to preserve it.

3 years ago

The CNN effect, though other msm are no better for some reason CNN bagged the title. To call network media “free and independent” though, well I guess they mean that the press is supposed to be allowed to be, not that it is. It would have been more honest if they just said “we are allowed to reach the conclusions we do”.
A random example that stood out because it was studied more deeply than other topics:

“In an investigation of the news coverage of Colin Powell’s 2003 U.N. address, rhetorical scholar John Oddo found that mainstream journalists “strengthened Powell’s credibility, predisposed audiences to respond favorably to his discourse, and subtly altered his claims to make them seem more certain and warranted.”[19] In 2003, a study released by Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting stated the network news disproportionately focused on pro-war sources and left out many anti-war sources. According to the study, 64% of total sources were in favor of the Iraq War while total anti-war sources made up 10% of the media (only 3% of US sources were anti-war). The study stated that “viewers were more than six times as likely to see a pro-war source as one who was anti-war; with U.S. guests alone, the ratio increases to 25 to 1.” Wiki

Sounds quite “regime-ish” to me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anda

The news guys were badly burnt by Gulf War 1. Going in, they drooled at their predictions of 100’s of thousands of body bags. Vietnam 2 on steroids. Yippee!

So, come Gulf 2, they were very, very, very careful. Sort of like when the Worker’s Paradise broke up.

3 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish

A mood which synchronised with the very careful preparation of evidence to justify the invasion of Iraq, the very careful precision strikes that were very careful not to cause collateral damage to a country that would be carefully rebuilt, all of which the press were then very careful not to criticise or question even.

3 years ago

With the democrats turning into the Bolsheviks, Trump will have no problem winning.

3 years ago
Reply to  TCW

How can you still tell red/blue apart? They’re the same on all major issues like economy, banking, and war.

The only way to differentiate them is on wedge issues like abortion, flag waving etiquette, political correctness, and other stuff that elites don’t care about.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tengen

Republicrats and Demolicans

3 years ago
Reply to  TCW

Yes? And if there as many who felt the way you do as who think Trump is insane and dangerous then you would be right. But there are not, and I will go further and say the senate will change hands as well, 54 to 46 for the democrats.

Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
3 years ago
Reply to  TCW

How does one make the case now after the socialist bailouts and Bernie Sanders socialist free checks with Trump’s signature on them Trump is any less of a socialist than the Democrats?

3 years ago

I voted for Trump for only one reason in 2016 … that jobs are all that really matter and Hillary had shown us she couldnt care less. I bet several million democrat/independents voted the same way and likely because they are scared to death for their CHILDREN whose chance of getting a real job in their lives is slim and none now. This time I will hold my nose and vote for Joe. I cant let this failed opera go on any longer. Next question is .. will Trump and his grifters ever get prosecuted once out of office …

3 years ago
Reply to  jivefive99

How odd, because they said the same thing about Bill when he was running and the American economy PEAKED for the most people in history under his presidency. It was also the last time we had a balanced budget. And mind you that Trump has added $6 TRILLION in new debt in 3.5 years. If you are concerned about the prospect of the very young and yet to be born you should be outraged by that. By the way we just hit $26 trillion in total debt while you slept last night.

3 years ago
Reply to  jivefive99

Yep, I’ve got a 25 year old, and his existence these last few months have sucked. Friend kills self, then he loses job, sells car just before pandemic causes him to need it again, philosophy BA is no good any more. He used to wait tables. Welp, back to school for you, bub. Try again in a few years. Ugliness.

3 years ago

“Don’t Trust the Fed” Mish trusts CNN 100%. Let that sink in.

3 years ago

Your choice is between a delusional clueless incumbent or a career govt grifter con man,I said Obama/Romney was the bottom of the barrel.then Obama/Trump was scraping the shiit underneath the barrel,but this sorry ass duo is opening the septic tank then sucking the chit out and scraping the bottom of the septic tank!

3 years ago

Thanks for the best laugh today, except for Scott Adam’s WHO critique via Dilbert.

3 years ago

About 20 years ago Roger Ebert reviewed the movie Freddie Got Fingered and said something similar. Like that movie, this election isn’t the bottom of the barrel, it isn’t below the bottom of the barrel. In fact, it doesn’t deserve to mentioned in the same sentence as barrels!

3 years ago

That’s what permanent, unbroken, decay looks like.

Welcome to Fed era America.

3 years ago

“say your sorry… say it” rolls eyes

3 years ago

There are some questionable decisions made in this poll. 20% black sample? No matter, polls saying it’s no contest would suppress votes on both sides.

3 years ago

The month before the election is where 80% of elections are won or lost. Most statistics are made up.

This early it’s just noise. For all we know one of them could die of a virus before the election.

It’s been a weird year and I have no expectation of it getting less weird.

3 years ago
Reply to  TimeToTest

That was certainly true last time with Clinton having a solid lead two weeks before the polling, then Comey put out that letter and boom weare stuck with the orange Jaba the debt Hutt. for four years. I am not thrilled to vote for Biden myself and I don’t know ANYONE that thinks he is really presidential in his own right, but when you compare him to Trump really it is like saying there will be only one name on the ballot this year so why even bother doing polls?

3 years ago
Reply to  TimeToTest

Don’t sell it short, it’s been a weird CENTURY.

3 years ago
Reply to  LouMannheim

I will agree with that. Remember the largest merger in history?

When AOL purchased Time Warner. Went down hill from there.

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