US Weapons Accuracy Drops to 10 Percent in Ukraine Due to Jamming

Many high-tech US weapons systems in Ukraine are now useless due to jamming signals by Russia.

Useless Weapons

Please consider Russian Jamming Leaves Some High-Tech U.S. Weapons Ineffective in Ukraine

Russia’s jamming of the guidance systems of modern Western weapons, including Excalibur GPS-guided artillery shells and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, which can fire some U.S.-made rockets with a range of up to 50 miles, has eroded Ukraine’s ability to defend its territory and has left officials in Kyiv urgently seeking help from the Pentagon to obtain upgrades from arms manufacturers.

The success rate for the U.S.-designed Excalibur shells, for example, fell sharply over a period of months — to less than 10 percent hitting their targets — before Ukraine’s military abandoned them last year, according to the confidential Ukrainian assessments.

Six months ago, after Ukrainians reported the problem, Washington simply stopped providing Excalibur shells because of the high failure rate, the Ukrainian officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive security matter. In other cases, such as aircraft-dropped bombs called JDAMs, the manufacturer provided a patch and Ukraine continues to use them.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine created a modern testing ground for Western arms that had never been used against a foe with Moscow’s ability to jam GPS navigation.

But even before the United States ceased deliveries, Ukrainian artillerymen had largely stopped using Excalibur, the assessments said, because the shells are harder to use compared with standard howitzer rounds, requiring time-consuming special calculations and programming. Now they are shunned altogether, military personnel in the field said.

Dense web of jamming
A web of Russian electronic warfare systems and air defenses menace Ukrainian pilots, the documents said, adding that some Russian jammers also scramble the navigation system of planes. The Russian defense is so dense, the assessment found, that there are “no open windows for the Ukrainian pilots where they feel that they are not at gunpoint.”

HIMARS launchers were celebrated during the first year of Russia’s invasion for their success in striking ammunition depots and command points behind enemy lines.

But by the second year, “everything ended: the Russians deployed electronic warfare, disabled satellite signals, and HIMARS became completely ineffective,” a second senior Ukrainian military official said. “This ineffectiveness led to the point where a very expensive shell was used” increasingly to strike lower-priority targets.

Another US Precision-Guided weapon Fails

Defense One reports Another US Precision-Guided Weapon Falls Prey to Russian Electronic Warfare

A new ground-launched version of an air-to-ground weapon developed for Ukraine on a rapid timeline failed to hit targets in part because of Russian electro-magnetic warfare, Bill LaPlante, the Pentagon’s acquisition chief, said at an event held by think tank CSIS.

LaPlante suggested that Ukraine may no longer be interested in the weapon. “When you send something to people in the fight of their lives that just doesn’t work, they’ll try it three times and they’ll just throw it aside,” said LaPlante.

The weapon LaPlante is referring to is very likely the Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) based on his description, according to Bryan Clark, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.

A Boeing spokesperson did not confirm that LaPlante was referring to GLSDB, but said the company is “working closely with the [Defense Department] on spiral capability improvements to the ground-launch SDB system.” Spiral capability improvements refers to an iterative software development process.

The GLDSB boasts a range of 90 miles—double the range of the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMRLS) missiles Ukraine previously used to wreak havoc on Russia’s logistic centers. Funding for the weapon was approved in February 2023, and Ukraine was reportedly using the weapon by February 2024.

GPS spoofers work by sending false location data to GPS navigation devices. Because GPS signals are weak, a stronger, false signal can be sent to override the correct inputs. Russia has used GPS spoofing in Ukraine since at least 2018. But advancements in technology mean spoofers can be created cheaply with just a software-defined radio and open-source software.

The weapons the spoofers are working against, meanwhile, are anything but cheap. A GMLRS missile costs around $160,000, while an Excalibur round can cost as much as $100,000. The GLDSB costs around $40,000.

Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson on Sullivan’s words about Russia’s plans to use nuclear weapons: “His statement sounds like he had a meeting with Zelensky, where he was given some of Zelensky’s cocaine. Russia will not use nuclear weapons unless there is a real threat. If the US deploys F-16s in Poland, then Russia will destroy them “with conventional weapons, because they do pose a nuclear threat. The Taurus missiles are the same situation. If they are deployed, then you know – Russia has admitted that they can be used to launch a nuclear strike.”

Use Nukes First

Would You Mind Not Shooting at the Thermonuclear Weapons?

Get Russia to Strike First

Using Nukes First Is a Risk/Reward Setup

Is Nuclear War Bullish?

What’s the Real Background Story Behind Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine?

On February 24, 2022 I asked, and answered the question What’s the Real Background Story Behind Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine?

What Happened in Ukraine?

The mess today in Ukraine has its roots in the 2014 when democratically elected Ukrainian President Yanukovych was toppled in a US-backed coup. 

Q: Why did the US want to get rid of Yanukovych? 

A: Because he was against Ukraine joining NATO.

The current comedian president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, repeated two days ago his desire to join NATO.

I use the term comedian because he literally is a comedian who ran for office and won.

McCain dined with Svoboda Party leader Oleg Tyagnibok. The Svoboda Party is a group of neo-Nazis. 

The citizens of Ukraine were used as pawns in yet another US mission that backfired. 

Well who cares about Neo-Nazis as long as they want Ukraine in NATO.

And that’s the rest of the story US media will not discuss. 

This no way absolves Putin, but US meddling backfires again, and again, and again.

Sometimes the Best Thing to Do Is Nothing At All

Please consider Sometimes the Best Thing to Do Is Nothing At All

After pointing out how much US and EU sanctions have backfired, someone asked me what I would do.

I responded, why do I have to do anything? 

The urge to do something should not be so intense that it overpowers analysis as to whether any actions can possibly work.

President Biden on Putin

On March 26, President Biden proclaimed “For God’s Sake, this Man Cannot Remain in Power”

The Wall Street Journal and perpetual warmongers agreed. But Biden’s staff quickly backtracked on his controversial statement.

On March 29 I pointed out all the loopholes in  sanctions on Russia, For discussion, please see Misguided Souls Still Do Not Understand This Simple Truth: Sanctions Don’t Work

I wrote that on April 8, 2022.

Also in 2022, I said the war would end in a negotiated settlement and nobody would win.

What did I get wrong?

It’s Time for a New Strategy

On March 16, I wrote Ukraine Won’t Win the War, It’s Time for a New Strategy

The sad thing is US meddling precipitated this whole sorry affair.

It’s time for a new strategy and a goal: Negotiated settlement.

If we supply Ukraine with anything, we should only do so if it aids that goal. For now, we still have no goals.

What’s the Goal?

On November 7, 2023, I asked If the US Has a Goal in Ukraine or Israel, What the Hell Is It?

We still don’t have a clearly defined goal or a clearly defined amount of money we are willing to spend.

Any Questions?

I have one:

Given US meddling in Ukraine precipitated this war, are we obliged to start a nuclear war to stop it, or is the lesson to just stop meddling?

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Thanks for Tuning In!


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20 days ago

Ukraine will need missiles guided by accelerometers with RF hardening.

Kevin Sears
Kevin Sears
20 days ago

Where did you dig up this Rudy. Character? Reminds me of that Colonel character that you featured in the first Russian invasion of Crimea.

Eli Dumitru
Eli Dumitru
21 days ago

Are Russia’s weapons also being blocked by jamming? If not, why not? Can you do a report on that subject for balance? Thank You.

Eli Dumitru
Eli Dumitru
20 days ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

Hey Mike, Thanks for the explanation. Also, it was a request, not a demand, and a reasonable request at that. Your explanation satisfies my request. Thank you.

Mitchell Bupp
Mitchell Bupp
21 days ago

Howdy Mike and Everyone Else, Ukraine and the Russian invasion happened only after the USA committed a diplomatic backstabbing when the US attempted another color revolution in Kazakstan. The timeline goes;

Nov 2021 Russia announces it has a framework agreement with the US on NATO moves east

Dec 2021 The US diplomatic core led by Victoria Nuland says there is no “framework” agreement

Jan 2022 The us attempts a color revolution in Kazakstan using veterans of the Maiden Revolution of Ukraine

Feb 2022 Russia invades

Russia is now running the hardline since negotiations with the USA are not genuine and have become part of a war strategy by the neo-controlled government

fast bear
fast bear
22 days ago

I have RF patents, all over the world and spent 7 years working with RF software developers in (Elbonia) Belarus, India. Germany, China and the US.
I have some bad news…

Until very recently, China was playing 3rd or 4th fiddle in the RF arena.

China recently grabbed the RF ball from everyone else and blew through the goal posts, out the stadium exit and is streaking down the interstate. A $199 Singapore RF module can be had for $22.00 from China (with an increase in stability.)

The complexity and stability of Chinese products have, in the last 6 months quintupled. Unprecedented progress. Since the future is RF drones and Jamming – we are shit out of luck.

Spoofing and jamming technology developed by the Russians, is no doubt being turbo charged by the Chinese while you read this. If you can get to 10% you can get to 1%.

Standoff warfare is done. Brute artillery and WW1 trench warfare returns.
The US model of bombing Rag Heads is done.

Russias AA batteries are second to none. This F 16’s will be blown out of the sky.

Kevin Sears
Kevin Sears
20 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

Nice piece of Russian propaganda.

Kevin Sears
Kevin Sears
20 days ago
Reply to  Kevin Sears

It appears that Ukrainians are hitting Russian targets on a regular basis. What a mystery?

22 days ago

“Thirteen days before Pearl Harbor, secretary of war Henry Stimson recorded in his diary a meeting with Roosevelt: “The question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves.””

Isn’t that called a provocation?

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
22 days ago
Reply to  RonJ

Henry Morgenthau asked FDR : why do u block Japan. They will have to attack. FDR: shut up. The British ruled the waves in Asia. They spot admiral Yamamoto
fleet. FDR needed a “Day of Infamy”, a legal cause to enter the war. He didn’t. Hitler
declared a war against the US.

22 days ago
Reply to  RonJ

In 1938 only 15% of Americans thought war was coming to the US. In 1940 70% were convinced of it. What happened in the meantime? The Axis powers had conquered most of Europe and the Japanese were deep into China. People are not fools. They know danger when they see it. It is the job of propagandists of the revisionist powers to try to convince the others that they are not a threat but eventually that becomes impossible as reality hits you with a club. Propagandist is a temporary job.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

Sure by 1940 it was clear to everyone Britain and France were paper tigers when they were knocked out in 6 weeks by Germany. In 1938 people still believed in those countries because of their performance in WWI.

22 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

It suddenly became very serious for most people, even the isolationists, when France fell and the UK just holding on.

22 days ago

“To be an enemy of the United States can be dangerous. To be its friend is fatal.”
— Henry Kissinger

22 days ago

Putin moved some nukes into Belarusse last year. He would launch a nuke or two from there onto Ukraine and logically the retaliation would fall on Belarusse and not Russia proper. That follows the Russian way of war which is to use peripheral peoples to take the brunt of the fighting. It would be another one of his very bad miscalculations.

Last edited 22 days ago by Doug78
22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

Ironically that’s also the US doctrine. Otherwise why would the US have nukes all over Europe on American bases?

It’s just good common sense to allow your allies to die before your own citizens.

Last edited 22 days ago by TexasTim65
22 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

Some 800 bases and black sites spread throughout the world. But like NATO “they are only defensive in nature”


22 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

The closest is in Western Germany. We never put nukes in the countries formerly controlled by the USSR.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

We’ve never admitted to putting them on former Soviet territories. The American missiles in Romania and Poland – ostensibly to defend against Iranian missiles (lol) – can carry nuclear warheads.

22 days ago

Pretty sure Joe Biden has been ‘jammed’ as well.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
22 days ago

After Iraq’s pm Muhammed Shia Al Sudani promised Biden to stop attacking US bases Hezbollah intensified their attacks against Israel and the US. Hamas Berlin cell
planned to attack US bases in Germany and the Israeli embassy. Hezbollah, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad are a global force. They are supported by countries in ME. They infiltrated the US and the west many decades ago. The US and the west cannot leave the world in a vacuum for the bad guys who assassinate, kidnap, rape and enslave their captives, but cannot cure the growing cancer. inside us. The Hague ICC prevents it.

22 days ago

Good thing we have time to work all the bugs out before we have to turn our weapons towards protecting our rock solid allies in Taiwan. Oh wait, didn’t we waste all our ammo defending the corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine?

22 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

Relax. We have plenty of ammo. It’s what we do. Ukraine is a practice run.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
22 days ago
Reply to  Norbert

“Ukraine is a practice run.”

For the Russians. Who can now sell “proven effective against overpriced US hype” to all comers.

22 days ago
Reply to  Stuki Moi

No one is lining up to buy Russian military equipment. In the trade shows now they don’t get not even one order.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

SU-35 and S-400 to Iran and China

22 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

The S-400 is a pre-Ukraine war contract and the SU-35 for Iran is because no one else will sell to them. Since the war started there are zilch contracts.

22 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

With no replacement parts because they don’t have access to western technology that they used to build most of their weapons.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
21 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

I know. That’s why even NATO Turkey “had to” be threatened with darned near expulsion to not start installing 90%+- as good, 1/3rdthe price, Russian air defenses.

In practice, the only ones who are not BUYING Russian kit, are those who reckon they by promising to abstain from doing so, can rely on US taxpayers to GIVE them US stuff.

Russian stuff is good. Probably not always AS good as the very best that the US and Israel (and increasingly China) builds (but mostly keeps to themselves…). But for most buyers; who are of the Libyan warlord A wanting to fight Libyan warlord B variety: The differences are mostly academic. In case you’ve lived under a rock for the past few years: Darned near the entire West Africa effectively dropped France/The West for Russia, as their favored partner-in-arms. And that’s just a start: Now that China is what matters for all things non-military, being cozy with The West; always an expensive proposition; is no longer viewed as nearly as important as it was in the aftermath of the Cold War.

And this was already set in motion before the giant weapons testing lab previously known as Ukraine, became operational. Now, others are waiting to line up even for much smaller Ukrainian MIC production; should they ever get in a position to export any. Both Russia and Ukraine is rapidly iterating weapons to one-up each other. And for both sides, it is; by necessity; weapons which are far more relevant than US top-of-the-line kit; for all those buyers who do not have the luxury of defense budgets larger than the rest of the world combined.

21 days ago
Reply to  Stuki Moi

We are not sending the most advanced tech. We are sending Abram’s for god’s sake. Nothing we are sending them are new tech. Even Patriot missiles are not new tech. Can’t compare the two

22 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

Do you not understand that if the U.S. massed troops or engaged in a hostile action that China would just launch missiles and sink all of the U.S. ships?

All China has to do is blockade Taiwan, and then hit any targets that present themselves with stand off attacks via satellite.

It is not possible with out a nuclear exchange.

You really need to educate yourself

21 days ago

Then what happens in space? All that debris goes somewhere.They win the satellite war. For a moment and risk all their own satellites. What will China gain from a nuclear exchange? Total annihilation of their country? Do some real research

22 days ago

Are “tactical” nukes not fired from the same weapons systems that Russian is jaming?

21 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

Are they?

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
21 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

All these highly mobile precision munitions; carry a very light payload: Unless they hit very precisely, the result is pretty much that of missing a deer’s vitals by five feet with a 30-06.

OTOH, if you started lobbing nukes at Bambi, “missing” by five feet may not mean so much.

22 days ago


GEROMAN: “I was always opposed to the uses of nukes…BUT”

Biden Administration: Cluster bombs are not to be used per the Convention On Cluster Bomb Munitions…“BUT”

Those neocons sure have a way of justifying anything and everything when it comes to losing to Russia.

22 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

Is it fun being a traitorous weasel? Stand with your country, or GTFO.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
22 days ago
Reply to  Norbert

Yes, stand with your country. Don’t stand with a senile marxist and a bunch of corrupt unelected bureaucrats demanding bribes.

When the dust has settled, will the Biden’s give all of us $20 million tax free? Even if they did, is that “patriotism”?

Last edited 22 days ago by Willie Nelson II
Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
22 days ago

stop singing. u lost your voice.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
22 days ago
Reply to  Norbert

“Standing with your country”, nearly always means “standing against the totalitarian junta” currently ruling it.

Jefferson’s American _may_ have been an exception. But if so, that was surely the last such thing.

There is nothing more un-patriotic, than weaseling around shilling for some Vichy junta. Which is doing nothing other than oppressing Americans and ruining once-was America.

21 days ago
Reply to  Stuki Moi

That sounds like it comes from an American…not we don’t use Junta even semi commonly

22 days ago
Reply to  Norbert

He is standing with his country but it is not ours.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

If you wanted to stand with your country, U.S. You would protect your own border instead of allowing it to be flooded with third worlders.

Why are you worried about Russia protecting its interests?

22 days ago

Russia’s interests are incompatible with ours.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

You shouldn’t post your I.Q. next to your name.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
21 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

Not with mine… Ergo, not with “ours.”

The interests of the Washington theft cabal; which seems to consist primarily of robbing and harassing me, otoh…

For the average Russian; things may well be opposite.

It’s not a Putin-the-FSB-killer being “nicer” than Senile&Crazy thing. But instead a near universal truism: Just as with other burglars and gangsters: For far and away most people on the planet: The burglars, gangsters and governments (redundant, I know, I know…) with the best access to rob and harass them, are the ones closest to them. Not some, always imaginary, hobgoblins halfway around the world.

fast bear
fast bear
22 days ago
Reply to  Norbert

It’s irrefutable; people like you would never be attracted to a site like this, it goes against everything you believe in. Being incapable of original thought, you can only parrot ignorant tropes.

You started out as a worthless cretin then adopted a toxic systems philosophy”to become all you can be.” The bad news is, you’re still the same worthless piece of sh– you started as. The only thing that changed about you is believing a toxic system’s bullshit, “that you now posses worth.”
You don’t.
70 million Gen Z’s see you and the system that made you for what you are; worthless. They’ll never join.

Support the troops? I hate enlisted people, standing in their measly presence makes me ill. Only a NON MAN, a 1/4 of a man would choose a career that uses HUMILIATION RITUALS to break him down into nothing and then rebuilds him.
No person with a shred of dignity or self respect would allow this.

Just like a horse, everyone who goes through this brainwashing process is permanently broken. It doesn’t make you better it makes you worse.

Why do you think foreigners flood into the US? America is still the land of financial opportunity, schools, trades, entrepreneurism and a vibrant economy with opportunity everywhere. I have an illiterate 65 yr old Mexican friend who grew up a fatherless Mexican peasant. He snuck into the US 50 years ago and applied himself, worked hard raised a bunch of kids (many not his own) and is now a millionaire. He can’t read or add? He’s a total Chad.

I would not trade one Lupe for an entire aircraft carrier of enlisted troops.

The only good thing about the massive war just getting started, it may well kill off all the worthless military, state dependent socialist, state loving idiots like you. The dead wood has done the productive class a huge favor by aggregating itself into a single place where it will be swept away. A draft will never be implemented.

For anyone confused about this?
“America is not the state!”

22 days ago
Reply to  Norbert

What years did you serve Rambo?

22 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

Russia uses them in Ukraine and has so from the beginning. Ours are very effective at stopping human wave attacks and the Ukrainians are very happy with them.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
22 days ago

Fatso Bensouda Hague criminal court DA launched an attack on the US. Trump threatened to use a 2002 law : “Invade Hague”. Bensouda and ICC judges bank accounts were frozen. Trump threatened to arrest them and use force against any country that arrests US or US allies soldiers. The ICC court ordered its 123 member nations to arrest Putin. When S. Africa threatened to arrest him he threatened to declare a war against them. The ICC court failed to issue an arrest warrant against Assad or Nasrallah. The ICC sentences a Congolese warlord ,Darfure and Uganda mass murderers to jail.
The US wanted the court to sentence Saddam Hussein, Osama Ben Laden, Milosovic and Islamic Jihad leaders. The Palestinian Authority (not a state) became ICC member.
ICC DA makes a name for themselves. Rouge DAs are totally immune from prosecution or punishment.
Karim Kahn filed “applications” for arrest warrant for Bibi, Galant, Haniya, Deif and Sinwar. They ordered the IDF to stop Rafa “mass murder and starvation”. But they didn’t order Israel to stop the war. The ICC adopted Biden’s policies. They tagged Israel as a war criminal. It can get worse. Israel is in a state of shock. Bibi popularity is rising. Benny Gantz, the spineless opposition leader, is falling.

Last edited 22 days ago by Micheal Engel
22 days ago

Consider the positives here. Nuclear war would likely end industrial CO2 emissions and worries about national debts or crime in major US cities. I’m surprised we don’t witness lobbying for Armageddon, given current reasonng.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
22 days ago

Suicidal drones cost $20K/$30K, They have a small propeller engine that leaves a
low heat signature. They are small and fly low, which is hard for a radar to detect. Most of the body is a fuel tank. They can have fuel in the wings to increase range. They can fly hundreds/ a thousand miles. They might have a small jet booster for an easy launch. They have antennas connecting them to satellites for GPS and the pilot. They have a camera for terrain recognition and the pilot to navigate. They attack targets at 30/40 degrees. They are an ideal weapons for terrorists groups.

fast bear
fast bear
22 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

When the war gets going, do your really think China and Russia does not have teams of insurgents capable of using gasoline tankers to flood the sewer systems in LA with gasoline or burn the bridges and tunnels. Imagine 100′ flames coming out of every manhole cover in East LA during a Santa Ana wind.

Transmission lines anyone.

Good god, I found last year, by accident an apparent Chinese national in the Olympic National Forest with a huge telephoto lens apparently filming our Sub Base from the middle of nowhere. There was literally nothing else to film from there. He very nervously hauled ass and disappeared.

They’re here and there’s a lot of them. Thousands and thousands of them.

Get ready. It’s coming.

Idiots in our government molest and harass its citizens, while shit like this is going on. Trust me, complete effing idiots are in charge.
Your life is 100% in peril.

Last edited 22 days ago by fast bear
Ockham's Razor
Ockham’s Razor
22 days ago

Good morning, Mish. I remember two years ago you wrote that Russia invading Ukraine was a fake news of crazy western politicians. Three days before the war, Putin had said he didn’t invade his neighbour… and that was all.
It seems it was an error. Maybe Putin wants also invade Poland, Romania or Germany, Who knows? Believing in Putin’s good faith and rationality seems a risky bet.

fast bear
fast bear
22 days ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

I would not necessarily portray Russia as struggling. Grinding down your enemy with far less losses, is how wars are won. Putin doesn’t want to police a huge region like all of Ukraine. He just wants to wear them down through demoralizing attrition, impose the terms of surrender, and get rid of that rat faced tool of the Western banker MIC.

It’s like why would anyone want to invade the US. Our only remaining redeeming quality is our National Parks. Why would anyone want Germany, Romania or Poland?

In fact the opposite is true.

The colonial greed theft model – that basically sucks money out of other countries Sea, Earth and Soil now focuses on Russias resources. Without them they are finished.

22 days ago

Ukraine managed to sink almost all of the Russian Black Sea fleet using guided missiles so the Russian anti-missile umbrella is not very good and the Ukrainian missiles didn’t have a problem finding the targets. It’s less of a problem of targeting and more of a problem of not having enough missiles. That is being rectified now but it takes time.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

Doug, you hurt the feelings of our Russian trolls. Never rub a trolls nose in his own vomit or he will vote you down. Every day Moscow sends a thousand slaves to slaughter in Ukraine. The Moscow Empire is running low on slaves, tanks, howitzers, Diesel fuel, pilots, and foreign reserves while NATO is gearing for ten years of war. American anti missile technology neutralized Russia’s 6,000 nuclear warheads. Moscow cannot shoot down a Piper Cub much less a nuclear missile.

22 days ago
Reply to  KGB

But it is fun to draw them out and see them lose it.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

So Ukraine managed to nearly wipe out Russia’s black sea fleet but they are still getting their ass kicked. It just does not add up.

22 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

It negates the idea that Western weapons can’t hit targets because Russia is so good at jamming GPS when those weapons don’t use GPS anymore but uses other guidance systems. GPS went out 20 years ago but we have a lot of shells from that era to use up. ATACMs use internal guidance and the US just sent Ukraine tons of them. We can give them all they need because they are being phased out and replaced by a new system that is even better.

Russia’s air defense is subpar and getting thinner as Ukraine takes them out. Russia. Generally we have not seen Russia stepping up in military technology.

Cees from the Netherlands
Cees from the Netherlands
18 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

You have much to learn; may be it’s not to late
Anyway all you posts are based on your opinion, not facts; likely the result of MSM brainwashing. I don’t blame you, but there is more to learn if you are willing to. To know the truth, it’s a good practise to hear both sides.

I will help you on your journey; here are some links, with the latest info out of Ukriane. Follow Military Summary on Youtube every day; see latest link
link to

And read soms news from the other side
link to

Or link to
and then google-translate

You may find it propaganda, but you may read much highly detailed information, which is missing in the west, a clear sign to know which source is trustworthy for actual news.

Give it a try; greetings and wishing you all the best from Holland

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

It takes an awful lot more than some “guided” field missile to sink as ship. The Ukranians hammered those things. Increasingly with much more efficient, purpose home-built ordnance.

The story is much as in Afghanistan: Million dollar munitions are too complex and expensive to quickly adapt. The enemy quickly learns lessons by early hits, and finds workarounds. Russian “software-defined radios” operate so far inside the ooda loop of million-dollar-a-shot “weapons systems,” they will always quickly iterate to render the latter less and less effective rather quickly. Similarly flexible Ukrainian drone developments, is far less of a sitting duck.

Stupid-expensive firecrackers only ever provides some veneer of being effective; against such doozies as captive Gaza civilian populations (Actual Hamas guys and their hostages, not so much…). As well as, for a while, when being dropped in truly overwhelming quantities (First Iraq war.) The latter is only sustainable for a short while. Hence “we” leave, and everything goes back to far worse than before “we” intervened in the first place. It does look good enough, for long enough, on TeeVee; to allow third rate, illiterate, flatfooted fatsos to feel strong and tough and giddy about their daddy beating up another daddy on TeeVee, though. At least until the next round of the revolving chad-dimpling ritual the dimbulbs have been told to cheer for, has been held.

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
22 days ago

After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, U.S. president George W. Bush and Putin forged a close, cooperative relationship to fight a common enemy: terrorism. At the time, Putin was focused on cooperation with NATO, not confrontation. The only time the alliance has ever invoked Article 5 on collective defense was to support a NATO intervention in Afghanistan, an action that Putin supported at the UN Security Council. He then followed up this diplomatic support with concrete military assistance for the alliance, including helping the United States to establish military bases in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. If NATO was always a threat to Russia and its “sphere of influence,” why did Putin facilitate the opening of these bases in the former Soviet Union?


Compared to Serbia in 2000 or Georgia in 2003, Ukraine’s Orange Revolution was a much larger threat to Putin. First, the Orange Revolution occurred suddenly and in a much bigger and more strategic country on Russia’s border. The abrupt pivot to the West by Yushchenko and his allies left Putin facing the prospect that he had “lost” a country on which he placed tremendous symbolic and strategic importance.

To Putin, the Orange Revolution undermined a core objective of his grand strategy: to establish a privileged and exclusive sphere of influence across the territory that once comprised the Soviet Union.13 Putin believes in spheres of influence—that as a great power, Russia has a right to veto the sovereign political decisions of its neighbors. Putin also demands exclusivity in his neighborhood: Russia can be the only great power to exercise such privilege (or even to develop close ties) with these countries. This position has hardened significantly since Putin’s conciliatory stance of 2002 as Russia’s influence in Ukraine has waned and Ukraine’s citizens have repeatedly signaled their desire to escape Moscow’s grasp. Subservience is now required. As Putin explained in a recent article, in his view Ukrainians and Russians are “one people” whom he is seeking to reunite, even if through coercion.14 For Putin, therefore, the 2004 “loss” of Ukraine to the West marked a major negative turning point in U.S.-Russian relations that was far more salient than the second wave of NATO expansion that was completed the same year.

Second, those Ukrainians who rose up in defense of their freedom were, in Putin’s own assessment, Slavic brethren with close historical, religious, and cultural ties to Russia. If it could happen in Kyiv, why not in Moscow? Several years later, it almost did occur in Russia when a series of mass protests erupted in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities in the wake of fraudulent parliamentary elections in December 2011.15 They were the largest protests in Russia since 1991, the year the Soviet Union collapsed. For the first time in Putin’s decade-plus in power, ordinary Russians showed themselves to have both the will and the capability to threaten his grip on power.16 That popular uprising in Russia occurred the same year as the Arab Spring and was followed by Putin’s return to the Kremlin as president for a third term in 2012. The combination of these mass protests and Putin’s reelection as president caused another major negative turn in U.S.-Russian relations and ended the “reset” launched by Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitri Medvedev in 2009.17 Democratic mobilization, first in the Middle East and then across Russia—not NATO expansion—ended this last chapter of U.S.-Russian cooperation. There have been no new chapters of cooperation since.

U.S.-Russian relations deteriorated even further in 2014, again because of new democratic expansion, not NATO expansion. The next democratic mobilization to threaten Putin happened again in Ukraine in 2013–14. After the Orange Revolution in 2004, Putin did not invade Ukraine, but wielded other instruments of influence to help his protégé, Viktor Yanukovych, narrowly win the Ukrainian presidency six years later. Yanukovych, however, turned out not to be a loyal Kremlin servant, but tried to cultivate ties with both Russia and the West. Putin finally compelled Yanukovych to make a choice, and the Ukrainian president chose Russia in November 2013 when he reneged on signing an EU association agreement in favor of pursing membership in Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union.

To the surprise of everyone in Moscow, Kyiv, Brussels, and Washington, Yanukovych’s decision to scuttle this agreement with the EU triggered mass demonstrations in Ukraine again, with hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians pouring into the streets in what would become known as the EuroMaidan or “Revolution of Dignity” to protest Yanukovych’s turn away from the democratic West. The street protests lasted several weeks, punctuated tragically by the killing of dozens of peaceful protestors by Yanukovych’s government, the eventual collapse of that government and Yanukovych’s flight to Russia in February 2014, and a new pro-Western government taking power in Kyiv. Putin had “lost” Ukraine for the second time in a decade, again because of democratic regime change.

But this time, Putin struck back with military force to punish the alleged U.S.-backed, neo-Nazi usurpers in Kyiv. Russian armed forces seized Crimea; Moscow later annexed the Ukrainian peninsula. Putin also provided money, equipment, and soldiers to back separatists in eastern Ukraine, fueling a simmering eight-year war in Donbas that claimed the lives of approximately fourteen-thousand people. After invading—not before—Putin amped up his criticisms of NATO expansion to justify his belligerent actions.

In response to this second Ukrainian democratic revolution, Putin concluded that cooptation through elections and other nonmilitary means had to be augmented with greater coercive pressure, including military intervention. Since the Revolution of Dignity, Putin has waged an unprecedented assault against Ukraine’s democracy using a full spectrum of military, political, informational, social, and economic weapons in an attempt to destabilize and eventually topple Ukraine’s democratically elected government.18 Ukraine’s relationship with NATO and the United States was just a symptom of what Putin believes is the underlying disease: a sovereign, democratic Ukraine

link to

22 days ago

Interesting narrative that leaves out U.S. meddling in Ukraine.

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
22 days ago
Reply to  RonJ

Ukraine was a democracy before Putin fixed the election..this is why the US meddled

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
22 days ago

In May 2002 he said Ukraine was entitled to decide on its own whether to join NATO and that he did not see such a decision as one that would “cloud” Russian-Ukrainian relations. But by late 2004—the year Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia joined NATO, and when Ukraine’s Orange Revolution had hoisted to power the pro-Western Viktor Yushchenko—Putin’s mood had changed: “If Ukraine were to join the EU this would be a positive factor that, unlike NATO expansion, would help strengthen the system of international relations,” the Kremlin paraphrased him as saying.

Since then, Putin has grown increasingly convinced that NATO expansion undermines Russian security while delivering no meaningful security benefit for the alliance—particularly after Ukraine had begun to lobby in earnest for a NATO membership action plan during the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko. By 2014, discussing Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Putin linked it directly to his concerns about NATO expansion. “We wanted to support the residents of Crimea, but we also followed a certain logic: If we don’t do anything, Ukraine will be drawn into NATO sometime in the future. We’ll be told: ‘This doesn’t concern you,’ and NATO ships will dock in Sevastopol, the city of Russia’s naval glory. … If NATO troops walk in, they will immediately deploy these forces there. Such a move would be geopolitically sensitive for us because, in this case, Russia would be practically ousted from the Black Sea area.” In 2021, Putin expressed concern about the “deployment of NATO infrastructure” on Ukrainian territory. By February 2022, days before ordering his troops to invade Ukraine, Putin said the threat of Ukraine being accepted into NATO was ultimately a threat against Russia.

link to

22 days ago

You and your hurtful facts. Can’t you see we have professional victims in here?

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
22 days ago

Ukraine problems with Russia began in the 2000s when Putin interfere in a burgeoning Democracy. Putin doesn’t want democracy to take hold on his borders. So he installed his own puppet regime there. To think this all started in 2014 with the US is simply ignorant and shows an infantile understanding of Russian interference in Ukraine.

Last edited 22 days ago by Casual Observer
22 days ago

He doesn’t want nukes & NATO on his border. Is that so difficult to understand?

22 days ago
Reply to  danaceve

Nukes are coming over the North Pole and nothing Putin can do will stop them.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
22 days ago
Reply to  KGB

Russia controls the north pole. They rule the ice between Greenland and Alaska.

22 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

What ice?

22 days ago
Reply to  danaceve

Nobody wants russia on their border. Should they all invade?

22 days ago
Reply to  danaceve

There were no nukes on his border and there are none now.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

Not from NATO.

But ironically there are from North Korea and China 🙂

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
22 days ago
Reply to  danaceve

He has no sovereign right to anything Ukraine does.

22 days ago

Sure, and Fidel’s Cuba had a sovereign right to have Soviet nukes based on Cuba.

22 days ago
Reply to  danaceve

Poland has offered to host nukes and they have a border with Russia and Belarus (effectively Russia). Will Putin attack Poland if they follow through on this?

22 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

Hopefully he’ll nuke the gay away.

22 days ago

But these American missiles still work fine!

Ukraine Hits Base In Crimea With US Long-Range Missiles In Further Escalation

Saturday, May 25, 2024 – 03:20 AM

The Ukrainians aren’t waiting for ‘permission’ from the US despite the Biden administration’s official prohibition on using American-supplied weaponry to strike inside Russian territory. But perhaps Kiev’s argument is that Crimea is not ‘Russian territory’…

“Ukraine hit a Russian military complex in Crimea with U.S.-provided long-range missiles Thursday night, the latest in a mounting series of strikes aimed at slowing the Russian war machine,” The Wall Street Journal reports Friday.

MAXAR technologies/Reuters satellite image showing a destroyed aircraft Crimea last week.

link to

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
22 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

They hit Engels air base.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
23 days ago

What’s the US goalkeeper doing in Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, Japan, Poland Germany
and the UK. The goalkeeper defends his own goal line. He is the last line of defense. The team’s defenders, midfielders and the strikers deny opponent possession. They gang together and stop their offense. The strikers are the first line of the defense. They steal the ball and score. Turnover is high. Lots of attempts. Lots of mistakes. Passion is high. Crazy fans fly all over the world to support their team.
2) Missiles have programmed. They have GPS, gyro and face recognition. Any tilt ==> they adjust. Targets are painted from above or from the ground.
3) Jamming devices have transmitters and antennas. Once they operate they become a target to blowup.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago

When (not if) NATO is formally defeated in Ukraine, it won’t matter to the people in Ohio who’s homes were destroyed in a train derailment (thank you Buttigieg!). It won’t make any difference to the people in Florida who’s homes were destroyed in a hurricane. The people in the path of Newsome’s wildfires in California. The people in Hawaii who’s homes mysteriously burned down after they refused to sell to Oprah.

The people that will be effected by NATO’s loss are western weapons manufacturers and those they bribe. These very expensive wiz-bang weapons systems were “proven” invincible against Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria and … countries with no air power and little or no missile systems. The expensive NATO weapons were flying off the shelf as every president and every dictator wanted one … or two or ten.

But admitting that the weapons are only useful against adversaries who do not have an airforce and don’t have meaningful missile systems… that is going to seriously hurt sales, and therefor it is going to hurt bribes.

That is why Washington DC (both parties) and their wicked mouthpiece WaPo are scrambling for excuses, more funding, more weapons, and more research grants. If the current weapons are not invincible, surely the US taxpayer should ignore the smoldering wreckage of his home, pay higher taxes and fund more weapons grants!!!

Because isn’t that what the WaPo article is really about? F#ck the public and their stupid houses and families — if we aren’t supporting more weapons, than we “need” more weapons R&D .. that way the bribes keep flowing

22 days ago

The Empire strikes back … dun dun dun, duh duh dun,duh duh dun …

23 days ago

Another probable consequence of the great Western underestimation of Russian capabilities: the knowledge acquired by the Russians about Western weapons will be transmitted to Russia’s allies, who currently have problems with the USA, I am thinking of China and to Iran. It is likely that in the event of a direct conflict with the USA, China would have been capable of achieving the same result as Russia, that is to say the neutralization of Western weapons. The difference is that now this neutralization will be immediate.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago
Reply to  Toutatis

We the people invented all that stuff, and if we gave two farts about the Biden / Nuland / Soros war in Ukraine… we would invent some more new stuff.

Its not our war, its Washington DC’s war. Washington DC doesn’t care about America outside the DC beltway, and once we saw how they mistreated us on covid lockdowns and post disaster clean-up… we don’t care about them or their war. These people claim to be our “leaders”, but their actions say they view John and Jane Q Public as expendable. Right back at you Washington DC.

Russia’s people support “Putin” or whatever Russian strongman / czar who proves capable of keeping Russia safe. Russia needs to control Crimea and Sevetspol to be safe. Attacking Russia from the south has worked historically, but attacking Russia from the west doesn’t work but gets millions killed (ask Hitler and Napoleon). Putin is looking out for the common Russian, even if he is taking a bit off the top for himself and his cronies. He is not neglecting the Russian people.

Ultimately, that is why NATO and Washington DC (not America) is losing in Ukraine. America is not in the fight.

23 days ago

The lessons being learned in Ukraine by both side and by the rest of the world watching this conflict are that a lot of the technologies that were being counted on aren’t anywhere near as reliable as thought. In many cases they are already obsolete (drones especially proving this).

Of course the MIC is going to use this to get funding for whole new generations of weapons since probably half or greater of what they have isn’t useful except for mop up duty.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

They are going to *ASK* for more funding for more weapons and more research.

Much like the people of the USA asked our public servants for some of our money to fix our homes and businesses after various hurricanes and fires and train wrecks. We paid good money for the NIH to protect us against the sorts of viruses that those needle d!cks created and released against us. Technically, China released the virus, but Fauci put the virus in a lab known for leaks and then acted surprised when it happened. Washington DC has let us down again and again and again.

So when the crooks in DC ask for their next bribe / weapons idea, we tell them no.


Meanwhile, Janet Yellen (age 83) is asking China to lend Washington DC $billions to build more aircraft carriers to be used against China. A low interest rate please…. She seems mystified why China isn’t jumping on this opportunity.

Time for America to take a page out of China’s book, even if its an obvious one

Last edited 23 days ago by Willie Nelson II
Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
22 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

“Of course the MIC is going to use this to get funding for whole new generations of weapons”

It’s America. In the fully financialized #DumbAge:

“They” ‘re going to use this to get “funding” they will then hand out to the hardly even literate connected welfare queens who “owns” the once-impressive-sounding defense contractors. Nothing useful will come of it, since noone more intelligent than a chimpanzee will ever even see any of the funds handed out. Some braindead leech gets richer; productive Americans, and productive enterprise, poorer. And a whole lot of young Americans, as well as foreign “allies” youngsters, get killed. That’s all.

Adam Tencent
Adam Tencent
23 days ago

Do US weapons not contain anti-electronic warfare tech such as the:

Enhanced GNSS Receivers:Kometa-M

Kometa-M: The enhanced Kometa-M system adds five more receivers (totaling eight). This increase in receivers allows for better detection and discrimination of legitimate PNT signals versus jamming signals. The additional receivers enhance the system’s ability to handle multiple jamming sources and improve the overall noise immunity.Although I understand many of our weapon’s tech was designed for neo-colonial necessity, I doubt Afghanistan/Iraq had effective electronic warfare capabilities, let alone a decent air force…

Last edited 23 days ago by Adam Tencent
23 days ago

For decades the US Military owned GPS accuracy. The civilian market never got the goods on that level or anyone else. I learned this as an engineer officer in the early 2000’s.

Well times have changed. Everyone has it now and there is something in tech called leap frogging, specifically for countries where they skip intervals of tech and latch on to the latest to include jamming tech. Something the US never had to bother with. I recall in Afghanistan our drones could be easily jammed but the Taliban didn’t have the ability to do it so the threat was ignored.

This presents another problem for the US. Can’t make money making cheap drones and bombs. The margin of profit is pennies on the dollar. They have to have fat contracts for super high tech stuff to survive. The other way will not work. I don’t think people really understand this problem. You have to make cheap stuff to win. We are not built to do that. We will continue to lose until it is faced head on. The old way is over with.

23 days ago

On November 7, 2023, I asked If the US Has a Goal in Ukraine or Israel, What the Hell Is It?

We still don’t have a clearly defined goal or a clearly defined amount of money we are willing to spend.

I don’t understand what is not clear. In Russia, the goal is to beat Putin back to at least the pre-2022 Ukrainian borders, if not the 2014 borders. The amount we are willing to spend is undefined but is essentially unlimited as long as Biden stays in office because Putin is a clear and present danger to the world.

As to Israel, the goal is to get the hostages back and eliminate Hamas and their ideology. But since an ideology is difficult to eradicate, all the people that support that ideology need to be eliminated, which effectively kills the ideology. Again, spending to do this is unlimited.

23 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

So then you support a genocide of all the Palestinian people who support Hamas? Just come out and state it clearly for us.

23 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

Sure. If that is the only way to eliminate the ideology. This is how the process has worked throughout history. It’s no different that Hamas ideology, which is to kill all Jews.

What is Israel supposed to do? Conduct a Clockwork Orange intervention on all Palestinians to wipe out their belief in Hamas ideology?

Last edited 23 days ago by Jojo
22 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

A Clockwork Orange intervention is exactly what was performed on the populations of Japan and Germany after WWII.

Hamas ideology is not to kill all Jews. It’s simply to wipe out Israel as a country. Even Iran which wants to destroy Israel doesn’t want to wipe out all Jews because there is a thriving Jewish population living in Iran that is not being wiped out.

A 2 state solution of some kind is going to have to happen and both sides will have to learn to live with the other. Whether its now or 20 years or 100 years from now and whether there are multiple more invasions / terrorist attacks.

Last edited 22 days ago by TexasTim65
22 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

Do you support the genocide of the Jews? Be clear.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

Definitely not any more than I support genocide of the Palestinian people. They are going to have to learn to live together even if it takes 100 years and multiple more attacks.

Jojo stated he wanted to eliminate anyone who supported Hamas. Eliminating means killing, surely you understand that. What he wants do is entirely different that just killing actual Hamas fighters / disarming them.

Doug78, are you also advocating genocide too like Jojo? Be clear.

22 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

Don’t put words in my mouth. This is what I wrote:

“As to Israel, the goal is to get the hostages back and eliminate Hamas and their ideology. But since an ideology is difficult to eradicate, all the people that support that ideology need to be eliminated, which effectively kills the ideology.”

My reference to Hamas means their FIGHTERS.

However, if the ideology reboots itself, then the only other solution is to eliminate all who believe in that ideology. And this applies to other ideologies proffered by ISIS and similar terrorist groups.

This is the reality that you won’t hear politicians speak out loud but that doesn’t mean they don’t believe it in their hearts. Which may be why no one is working very hard to stop Israel from eliminating as many Palestinians in Gaza as possible. They are taking heed of the famous saying: “Never waste the opportunity offered by a good crisis.”

22 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

You are advocating genocide. You can’t kill an idea. And the more people you kill trying to, the more you perpetuate that idea.

The goal of Israel is to eradicate by direct killing, starving or actually forcing the people elsewhere.

Believing you can kill enough people to stop them from thinking is a sadistic excuse in order to justify some temporary emotion the opposing party feels at some point in time.

The world is filled with group thinkers like yourself that have no real direction in your thinking or understanding of fundamental human drivers, or the world at large.

This will go on for thousands of more years due to the masses like yourself.

22 days ago
Reply to  TexasTim65

So you see Hamas and Israel as equal.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

Yes, they are both religious zealots. Zionism is basically Jewish supremacy akin to any other racial supremacy ideology. Hamas is just another Muslim ideology that they interrupt to fit whatever narrative they are trying to manifest.

The reality is that they are both basically Arabic. Jewish people are not chosen and they are not special.

That being said, the Israeli’s have terrorized the people in that area ever since they took it over. When you do that you will always have a counter insurgency. And the only way you will hold your land is by force.

23 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

Wesley Clark: “We are going to take out 7 countries in 5 years”.
link to
Then there is Victoria Nuland…

23 days ago
Reply to  drodyssey

War isn’t a game. It should not be governed by any rules. The goal is to win, as quickly as possible.

Human suffering, death and destruction is part and parcel of war. Why do so many forget this?

There is no place for humanitarianism in war.  Humanitarianism only serves to prolong wars and gets more people killed and wounded.

In war, we “Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead!”

22 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

It’s funny how only the losing side gets convicted of war crimes…

22 days ago
Reply to  Norbert

I’m sure your parents told you that “Life is not fair”.

22 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

Yeah those Palestinians have an ideology that includes living where their grandfather and grandmother lived. Horrible idea, Jojo. Can so understand your wish to kill them all.

22 days ago
Reply to  Democritus

Same with the 800k Jews that were evicted from Arab countries and lost all their land holdings after 1948.

And how about the American Indians in the USA who surely would like back the land where THEIR grandfather and grandmother lived.

What’s your position on these issues? Should they be able to go back also?

I don’t think so. That isn’t the way that the world works..

22 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

The only time some of the hostages were returned was during a temporary ceasefire which led to negotiations.

The only time a few Israeli hostages came back, they were killed – by Israel.

23 days ago

You ABSOLUTELY nailed this one Mish!!!! Well done and much respect!!!!

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago
Reply to  Hank

100% yes!
Mish has always been a stalwart anti interventionist.
Big kudos for speaking up.

Never underestimate, saying the right thing at the right time and its ability to change peoples minds and the world. If you don’t speak up, it will not change.

23 days ago

Ukraine does not really have the means to deliver JDAMs.
In a lot of commentary, the JDAMs are confused with the GLSDB.
Both are repurposed ordinance using new technical kits for precision delivery.
Neither have had much impact on the battlefield for Ukraine.
The Russian FABs however have been devastating to hardened defensive positions.

Last edited 23 days ago by Webej
Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
22 days ago
Reply to  Webej

“Neither have had much impact on the battlefield for Ukraine.
The Russian FABs however have been devastating to hardened defensive positions.”

Round for round, size for size, it’s not that the Russian stuff works any better. As in every other competitive field; it’s largely all the same. It’s Pogacar winning by a record breaking 10 minutes ahead of the next guy. After cycling around the entire Italy. Impressive within the artificial context of a bike stage race. But in practice, they’re all largely cycling at the same speed.

Instead, what wins fixed-front wars, is mainly quantity. Russia is a massive country, with near infinite raw materials, a huge MIC and; these days, few other industries which can compete for talent with them. Ergo, Russia can produce enormous, and rapidly ramping, amounts of whatever ordnance is required. And since they are literally at the front; they can transport it there in equally enormous quantities. America “won” against Germany by producing a warship a day and sending it over. Not by finally deciding to send one “supership.”

In the beginning, Russia also tried to pull such a “fast American”: Hyping up silly $10mill “supermissiles” etc. They seem to increasingly have learned. Hence are having more success these days. While the poor Ukranians, are still stuck with “allies” whose main objective seem to be photo-ops with Ukranian personell being “trained” on “our” supposedly “so advanced they need a Ph.D. to operate” “superweapons.” None of which have ever been proven against any adversary able to muster meaningful resistance.

There’s enough bomb making materials and MIC capacity in Russia, to meticulously flatten their way westwards, one mile at a time, for the next century or more. And, not having much in the way of other industry, it doesn’t even effectively cost them much in foregone opportunities to continue doing so: For every two rounds lobbed Westwards, sell one Eastwards or Southwards. Rinse and repeat…

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago

These weapons systems have been wildly successful at their true purpose – delivering kickbacks and bribes to lobbyists, consultants, Pentagon “experts” and of course politicians. Its only when you look at them as weapons of war that they fall short.

This war will *NOT* end in a negotiated settlement, unless you admit that the Russians will be doing all the negotiating and NATO will be saying “yes sir Mr Putin, right away Mr Putin”.

Russia will put the border at the Dniper River, and NATO will accept this because it has no choice.

Russia will decree that western Ukraine will remain politically and militarily neutral and with the bare minimum of military capabilities – like Germany and France but not as much as Switzerland. NATO will “agree”, in the sense they don’t have a choice.

NATO will remain an entity on paper, fulfilling its primary purpose of a cushy and financially lucrative post for western bureaucrats and corrupt military leaders. When defense manufacturers look to hire a “consultant”, its important to have contacts at NATO headquarters to get the most profitable contracts.

Sweden will regret joining NATO, seeing how expensive but absolutely useless it is.

The are only two good things to come out of this nonsense

  • NATO is formally declared the useless organization it has been since 1995; its bad when NATO loses in Afghanistan or Libya where it was not intended to fight, but now NATO lost a war in the very location it was designed for, against the very adversary NATO supposedly exists to counter.
  • The world also knows that Russia doesn’t have the ability to invade western Europe.
23 days ago

The US does have a clearly defined goal in Ukraine: The strategic defeat of Russia.

This has been repeated many times. Lloyd Austin has repeated that the goal was to weaken Russia. The people writing the think tank papers that inform US policy want the Russians to rise up, overthrow Putin, leading to Western lead devolvement of Russia into smaller constituent states amenable to the neo-liberal order.

Ukraine is simply the means. The US has gone out of its way to bait Russia into a war that it simply could not evade.

The US could have avoided the whole thing by simply saying No NATO in 2007.
Just two words. The consequences of not doing so were predicted by ambassador Burns, including the loss of Crimea and civil war in the Donbas.

The people leading this ship of state are convinced that Destiny is calling them to precipitate the strategic defeat of Russia and then China. Crystal clear.

Last edited 23 days ago by Webej
23 days ago
Reply to  Webej

Well if that’s the clearly defined goal then it’s going to fail. So is equally clear it will never be stated in public because of the humiliation when that doesn’t happen.

I wonder if these same people have a plan for how to prevent 6000+ nuclear weapons from being ‘lost’ during this break up of Russia time period. The world was incredibly lucky in the original breakup of the Soviet Union that no nukes fell into the wrong hands. I wouldn’t want to risk it twice.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago


Last edited 23 days ago by Willie Nelson II
23 days ago

An intelligent adversary in the laboratory of war can accomplish remarkable advances in countermeasures. The Russians are growing stronger. The US is growing weaker. I am 75 and new PHDs arrive at my company and are completely blown away when I can derive a few equations quickly to show how something will not work. They can, however, school me in what is wrong with this country and its failure to address the climate crisis.

23 days ago
Reply to  Naphtali

Agree with all, except the last sentence.
The fact is, the US cannot do anything around “climate change” because 85% of all the greenhouse gasses are from Asia. Out of out control.
We should, though, concentrate on things we can control – local efforts to clean up the environment and replant forests

23 days ago
Reply to  YP_Yooper


We are not doing much about climate change.


Slightly less than 60% of global emissions come from Asia. North America is 18%, Europe is 17%. The rest of the world is the last 5%.

On a per capita basis:

North America: 10.3 tons per person
Oceania: 10 tons per person
Europe: 7.1 tons per person
ASIA: 4.6 tons per person
South America: 2.5 tons per person
Africa: 1 ton per person

So we still put out a lot more emissions per person than Asia.

Plus, we in North America have been pumping out GHGs for a hundred years now, using the atmosphere as our sewer, while Asia is just getting started. And many countries in Asia are telling us that we should clean up our act first; rather than telling them “don’t do what we did for the last hundred years, because you will only make things worse.” It’s hard to tell someone in Asia to not use cars, air conditioners and refrigerators when we already do.

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

How can you be so erudite and so ignorant at the same time.
Tell me Dave?
Why do plants grow best at 1000 – 1400 PPM Co2
And start to wither and die 350 PPM Co2
We are at 400 PPM Co2

And the problem for the plants is?
And the problem for plant eating humans is?

Read about the Deccan and Siberian traps and the carbon signature left in layers in the earth from coal seams that burnt in the eruptions far in excess of all the coal burnt in the last 200 years. It took 100,000 years of massive basaltic out pouring, acidic gasses and carbon release to finally raise the temperature.

If you want to worry about something worry about global incineration – an issue not lost on Russia who suggested just today to set up a global space watch system to detect incoming space rocks.

The earth gets hit with great regularity.
Just not recently and we are beyond due.

  1. Sodom and Gomorrah was vitrified by an impact.
  2. Chinese and Egyptian dynasties were terminated by impacts.
  3. The Australasian strewn field event covered 1/3 of the earth with burning molten projectiles, cave dwelling Cro Magnons survived?
  4. Look at the Burckle Crater in the Indian Ocean as recounted in the Epic Of Gilgamesh and its responsible for the flood story in the Bible.
  5. Or the Holocene Impact Group study that refutes the periodicity of impacts.
  6. It wasn’t Mrs. O Leary’s cow that burnt Chicago and started the Peshtigo fire, millions of acres – (the largest forest fire in history) even the river boats were on fire and whole towns were instantly incinerated killing everyone in Wisconsin.
  7. Australian aborigines documented a comet that split apart in their cave paintings whose craters were found offshore and whose ensuing tidal waves washed rocks the size of house inland 20 miles and when the water flowed out back to sea scoured massive pits from the whirlpools in solid rock along the coast.

Why do you think the ancients were completely obsessed with the stars and planets?

You’re worrying about propaganda planted in your head while a massive space rock is hurtling towards the earth. It only needs to be 100 meters across 30,000 mph to devastate the planet.

The little ice age in Europe or the double winter in the northwest US in the later 1800’s or the the climate disaster that drove the starving Viking out of their homeland to ravage Europe? All caused by impacts.

Our luck will run out.
We are so overdue….

22 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

The  Australasian strewn field event occurred 788,000 ago so it was Homos Erectus that survived it and not Cro-Magnons. Large enough asteroids to destroy a continent are fairly common in Earth’s history and we are overdue for one now. Hopefully we will be able to detect and deter the next one before it gets us.

22 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

PD can’t make another dollar on a cosmic impact yet. If he could, you can bet he would be all for it and promoting a new grift

But the climate grift is stronger than ever and massive public funds are flowing in to it, so PD is “all in”

22 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

It was aliens, wasn’t it?

22 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

I’m sorry to tell you that YOU are the ignorant one.

You keep posting the same incorrect sh*t over and over again. And no matter how many times I prove you wrong, you just keep doing it. THAT is ignorance.

Tell me Fastbear:

Why do to you keep posting that plants begin to wither and die at CO2 levels 350 ppm and below? This is clearly garbage. Plants have done very well for the last 3 million years when CO2 levels ranged between 170 ppm and 300 ppm. Shouldn’t all the plants be dead? 3 million years of CO2 way below 350 ppm.

10,000 years ago, man changed from hunter-gatherer to agrarian. We learned to grow crops and the human population grew from 5 million to 1.5 billion in 1880 as a result. And during that entire 10,000 year period CO2 was stable at 280 ppm. How did those crops do so well? Shouldn’t that have been impossible at 280 ppm?

And why are you worried about CO2 levels dropping below 350 ppm anyway? Mankind has increased CO2 levels from 280 ppm in 1880 to 425 ppm today. And because of our emissions, CO2 levels are going up by 2.8 ppm per year on average. CO2 will be 500 ppm by 2050.

Even if we could stop emissions today it would take hundreds of years to get back below 350 ppm. And the plants would still be fine at those levels.

Why should I believe anything you say when you are clearly full of crap?

22 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

Oh great multialias fraud troll gaslighter republican hater extraordinaire ,(mposhit, realist, makra, jeffgreen, imgreen, papascam)

-House in Chicago?
-Multiple houses across the country and the world
-Numerous rental houses & condos across the country
-$350 custom made royal oxford shirts
-Millions in t bills
-Millions in stocks (selling into strength)

Wondering minds want to know, please explain to us how you make your calls from work and check look at another condo in a nice are

“I looked at a condo today and another one a few days ago in a nice area and may put in a low ball offer to see how desperate people are to get out.”

22 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

To the point, the US is too small with the rest of the world pumping CO2 out at an ever increasing rate, so no, we can’t stop things.

I may add, the global environment doesn’t care AT ALL about per capita emission – it has no bearing except as a political ploy to guilt the US and Western Europe into the discussion and to justify payments to everyone else.

Even if the US would drop CO2 per capita emissions to the global average, it would STILL not prevent the rest of the world from driving temps higher because it’s total emissions, not per capita, that count.

22 days ago
Reply to  YP_Yooper

Agree 100%

To make any significant difference in global warming will take ALL countries to do their part. One country by itself is futile.

Currently, the country adding the most renewables each year, is China. But no matter how much they add, it won’t make much of a difference if other countries don’t follow their lead.

23 days ago

The M712 Copperhead 155mm round is laser guided and it hits moving tanks, trucks, boats, artillery every time. The laser is mounted on a drone. The howitzer range is 16 km. The inventory of 16,000 is greater than Russia’s inventory of tanks and howitzers combined.
Copperhead was designed by USArmy and MartinMarietta. The duds you reference were designed and manufactured by Boeing. Boeing engineers cannot build an airplane much less an artillery round

23 days ago
Reply to  KGB

You have to have the men to operate the weapons. Russia already destroyed 3 NATO armies. 600k dead Ukrainians, over a million wounded or missing one or more arms or legs.

23 days ago

Hold that thought. Russia has a hard twenty year slog ahead. Europe hasn’t even warmed up.

22 days ago
Reply to  KGB

It is just starting to get warmed up.

Hounddog Vigilante
Hounddog Vigilante
22 days ago
Reply to  KGB


You MUST be kidding… any credible point you may have been making just evaporated.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
22 days ago
Reply to  KGB

“Europe hasn’t even warmed up.”

The Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys? Their cheese will melt long before they warm up to any meaningful degree. Then they’ll surrender.

By the time you’re down to counting on those guys…. It’s over.

22 days ago

Which Nato armies has Russia destroyed?

23 days ago
Reply to  KGB

Actually, Russia is using drones with laser designators to “paint” targets and launch krasnopol shells ([gps] guided rounds) at them. To great effect.

23 days ago

The urge to do something should not be so intense that it overpowers analysis as to whether any actions can possibly work.”

This. Electrical operators in the Navy are taught that if things suddenly start going wrong do not try to anticipate the next breaker trip and get ahead of it. Hold on to the grab rail and wait, the system will fail to a safe configuration. Then see what you have left and begin recovery.

The Navy and OSHA both agree that if you see someone unconscious in a confined space you do not run in to rescue them, lest the number of funerals increase even further.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
22 days ago
Reply to  Siliconguy

Such “Freeze and Cease” is protocol for automated anything whose wrong action can have unacceptable consequences as well. Which is a fundamental barrier to such things ever coexisting with people; who evolved specifically to game any such “weakness.”

Directed Energy
Directed Energy
23 days ago

Ukraine is a perfect field test for viability and reliability, while lining the MIC pockets and their employees like me. The industry is feast or famine and the last 5 years have been an epic feast.

But at the end of the day, there comes a point you must annihilate your enemy. We were the kings after WW2. If we keep f’king around with everybody and not actually knocking them down, we are doomed as a nation. When you are ganged up on there is no hope. Americans must have the gumption to kick the world’s ass again if we want to reap the same spoils of war that we did from the 50’s until 9/11. The world is coming for us.

23 days ago

Eisenhower and Gen Smedley Butler warned us of guys like you. Psychopath with raw blood and power lust

Last edited 23 days ago by Hank
23 days ago

It’s not possible now. Any peer level military has everything the U.S. has. Microchips, Micro circuitry, satellites etc and so on.

Russia and China have weapons 20 years more advanced than the U.S., and can mass produce them with cheap energy for magnitudes less money

The U.S. is filled with corrupt people like you stealing all the citizens tax money for stuff that doesn’t actually work in real life. Not some camel farmers in a dessert with out an air force and air defense. And mass bombing civilians like the American proxy IDF in Gaza.

You probably live in some sort of drug induced fantasy world.

23 days ago

NINEXNINE wrote “Russia and China have weapons 20 years more advanced than the U.S”

Stop being stupid. YOU have no idea what weapons the US or any country has. Sounds like you are a new Russia troll here. Is this your new ID Brussels?

22 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

Stupidity is innate so you can’t stop them from being stupid.

22 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

Shame they managed to learn to type though.

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago

Getting a man to to see the fallacy in his endeavor is impossible if his economic well being depends upon it.

My brother was one of those fanatic industrial MIC WMD leaders and he taught Sunday School.

There’s a number of posters on here that are shills for the various agencies. They only reveal their stripes when its touches on their directive, making them readily observable. Those types of people would never organically be attracted to this site, with its non interventionist leaning.

The only good thing is that along with the good people who will die is; the evil ones will die as well. Like Tyson says “everyones has a plan until they get hit in the face.” Assholian bluster will evaporate when your skin sloughs off in sheets.

Like Mish I’m strident anti war/anti interventionist. Anyone who does not share that view is complicit in their own death by psychopaths. Keeping your mouth shut is a bad policy when Nuclear War is mentioned daily by all sides.

I began charting nuke “mentioning” in the press by the various parties when Russia went into Ukraine, ie. how frequent Nukes were mentioned. It went from monthly to weeks to per week to per day and now it’s multiple times day.

22 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

“Getting a man to to see the fallacy in his endeavor is impossible if his economic well being depends upon it.”


I am ANTI war and against human murder and sacrifice as pawns on a chessboard. I am PRO peace and life. Be desperate and unrelenting in finding a peaceful solution.

I am not so much anti interventionist as I am PRO diplomacy. If any of these voracious warmongers were your neighbor, they wouldn’t come knock and tell you the leaves and pods from your tree were falling in to their pool. They would just come over at night, throw a Willie Pete and burn your house down as step #1. That is how insane they are. Rather than take 472 diplomatic and “golden rule” steps to resolve a dispute or point of concern, they simply send America’s war fighters and youth to go impose whatever bullshit they want imposed as the 1st step.

Hell must be getting awfully full with these murderous demons 😈

23 days ago

The last 40 years the U.S. has been bombing, starving civilians and killing rag tag third world insurgents rather than preparing for a peer level adversary. And all the while calling everyone else the terrorist.

But that being said, Russia will use tactical nuclear weapons if NATO started to mass troops or start launching air strikes from inside of which ever country it originates. On military and decision making centers.

They wouldn’t even be allowed to cross the border

If there is a nuclear response to that they will launch all of their nuclear warheads on the world.

23 days ago

Russia does not believe in “tactical” nukes.
Once you cross the threshold, it’s full-scale nuclear war.
The term “non-strategic” nuclear is misinterpreted as “tactical”. A misnomer.

America has always refused to enunciate a no first use doctrine, and continues to believe in winnable nuclear confrontation, first strikes, pre-emptive strikes, escalate to de-escalate, low threshold low yield nuclear weapons, etc etc.

23 days ago
Reply to  Webej

Ok. It was my understanding that they re-evaluated all of that and made changes in the Duma. I could be wrong.

Yes, I agree and understand the American mentality also. Very well put.

22 days ago
Reply to  Webej

That’s because our nukes actually work.

23 days ago

You have no idea what Russia would do at any time and for any event.

22 days ago

First hypersonic will be delivered to 10 Downing St.

23 days ago

I saw an interesting quote not long ago “The US builds military equipment to profit, Russia builds military equipment to kill”

Arthur Fully
Arthur Fully
23 days ago

Suppose that a country, hypothetically speaking, had systems in place to counter GPS jamming. Do you think that country would be stupid enough to reveal that technology in support of a rag tag army in a non-vital conflict?

23 days ago
Reply to  Arthur Fully

And hypothetically speaking the country using the spoof jamming might already have the technology to overcome any system that might be used to counter the jamming. So when WW3 or a Taiwan invasion starts the US might just find that their secret anti spoofing technology just doesn’t work.
In a real war all the aircraft carriers will be reefs within hours, all the stealth aircraft will be shot down and then the last line of action available is nuclear missiles. But they might not work as can there be a guarantee that the launch system hasn’t been hacked?

23 days ago
Reply to  Neal

The launch systems aren’t ‘online’ and they aren’t using computers than can be hacked. They are all mechanical.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
22 days ago
Reply to  Arthur Fully

“Do you think that country would be stupid enough to reveal that technology in support of a rag tag army in a non-vital conflict?”

Problem is: Their stuff doesn’t work, until it has been tried, has failed, and the failure fixed, over and over again. Against a real adversary. Not one of Krugman’s models.

Believing you can beat up peak-shape Mike Tyson, doesn’t mean much, until you’ve faced him in the ring.

Rando Comment Guy
Rando Comment Guy
23 days ago

Washington DC is obsessed with every border on planet Earth…..except its own.

23 days ago

The solution then is to eliminate all borders and implement one world government, as in Star Trek.

22 days ago
Reply to  Jojo

Reductio ad absurdum idiotico

23 days ago

After a couple of hundred thousand casualties on both side those pesky little glitches will be worked out. That will be a big payday for our malevolent leaders and the MIC.

23 days ago

As a follower of the Drs Paul (Ron and Rand) … I do not think we should be so intimately involved in Ukraine. That said, if we’re going to be there … this jamming of weapons systems is good info to have.

23 days ago
Reply to  MikeC711

“So intimately?” The entire Ukraine conflict only exists because we are there, and because we created the stew. If we leave (which we never will) then the war ends immediately (and Ukraine loses a few Russian-speaking provinces in the process)

23 days ago
Reply to  CaptainCaveman

Wherever there is war, US is there.
Wherever there is US, war is there.
Coincidence remarkably.

Last edited 23 days ago by Peace
22 days ago
Reply to  Peace

It’s always good for the stock market / 401Ks, so there’s that.

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