Wall Street Journal Fake News: “Voters Want Impeachment”

A WSJ op-ed by Cenk Uygurs claims Democrats Should Unify Behind AOC, Not Pelosi.

Despite AOC’s preposterous $78 trillion proposal to save the world from global warming in 12 years claim, one can arguably make a demographic case for it.

However, the subtitle has a pure fake news quality.

Fake News: “Voters Want Impeachment and a Progressive Policy Agenda”.

That’s the WSJ’s actual subtitle.

Mueller’s Testimony

Hello Uygurs. Can you read?

Even that bastion of liberalism known as the Washington Post understands Mueller’s Testimony Crystallized Public Opinion Against Impeachment.

​WSJ Poll on Impeachment

Only 39% of Democrats Support Impeachment

Not Even Progressives Support Impeachment

The above images from Support for impeachment falls as 2020 heats up.

Who’s to Blame?

Does one blame the writer or does one blame the WSJ for publishing obvious manure under the guise of opinions?

Uygurs is entitled to his preposterous opinions. Opinions are just that.

But the subtitle “Voters Want Impeachment and a Progressive Policy Agenda” is fake news the WSJ is willing to publish for whatever reason.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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4 years ago

How many years are the Dems going to waste trying to litigate the 2016 election? If they were serious about getting rid of Trump (they are not) — they would need a more viable candidate. AOC the socialist? Pelosi the briber?

Years ago, people joked that Dan Quayle was George Bush’s insurance policy. Anyone who even thought about charging Bush with something was asked what they thought about the phrase “President Quayle”. The same joke was applied to Bill Clinton’s impeachment proceedings. Al Gore? You can’t be serious.

While she had plenty of help from both parties, Nancy Pelosi is part of the corrupt and useless political class that bankrupted the country in the first place. We can’t solve a problem by repeating the mistakes of the past.

Socialism causes economic suffering, always and everywhere it has been tried. Each con artist promises this time will be different, but it never is. Bernie and AOC will cause economic suffering, especially if they promise otherwise.

Trump can’t be removed unless there is a viable alternative. There isn’t and we all know it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tater-Man

Trump wasn’t a viable alternative to anything. When becoming president is a binary choice anyone can become president. See Trump, Obama, GWB and Clinton. At some point we will stop having winners that are elected with only half of eligible voters voting.

4 years ago

@Casual_Observer — You suffer from Trump derangement syndrome

“At some point we will stop having winners that are elected with only half of eligible voters voting.” Like I said and you argued with… Trump can’t be removed unless there is a viable alternative… like someone who can win by more than a handful of votes

4 years ago
Reply to  Tater-Man

LOL. I voted for the guy. How can a Trump voter have TDS ? Trump is in the process of being neutered even if he does get re-elected. He can put loyalists in every appointed position but even the loyalists get tired of him. This means even the supporters get tired of the shitshow.

4 years ago

@Casual_Observer – Trump seems to be slowly wearing down his opponents, not getting neutered. He just got the courts to approve his wall.

Trump has lots of experience arguing with corrupt NYC officials to get his buildings approved. Sometimes he digs up dirt on the corrupt officials (see Clinton, Hillary). Sometimes he points out that constituents will benefit, even if the corrupt official doesn’t get a bribe (eg Wollman skating rink).

And when he gets his way (he usually does) — sometimes he builds the ugliest building you ever saw. Other times he builds something really nice. The corrupt NYC officials lose, and too bad for them.

Trump is exposing the corruption that is Washington DC. Its not one party or the other, its all of them. He’s breaking a few eggs in the process, but no human is perfect.

meanwhile, the attempted coup by Brennan and Comey is inexcusable. The government cannot expect citizens to obey the law if unelected officials can stage a coup without being held accountable.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tater-Man

@Casual_Observer I wish Trump would stop spending money we don’t have and will never pay back (it doesn’t matter if our parents generation “always” paid their bills, the current generation definitely does not). I wish he would tell the war-mongers to go pound sand instead of toying with them (and us) for weeks or months. I don’t like the tweeting, but I know the losers on TV / radio will not let him speak so he has to go around them. Infantile behavior by the media makes tweeting a necessary evil, but its still annoying.

But the corruption in Washington is so bad that it needs to be addressed first. No president can fix DC when there is so much corruption.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tater-Man

You can wish a lot of things but Trump is showing his spots as time goes by. He isnt the insurgent anymore and doesn’t get to blame the swamp. The irony is people thought a guy that was corrupt most of his life thought he could not be corrupt after he got to Washington and fix things. Becoming President may have been his biggest trick but being president is a different matter.

4 years ago

We have all been waiting for years for you Trump haters to prove a single charge. All you have done is guarantee him a victory in 2020 by making absurd accusations.

I’m still waiting for a someone I would tell my kids to emulate or look to as a role model — but I haven’t seen a candidate in either party I would even let my kids near.

It is funny to watch Trump get into your head!

4 years ago
Reply to  Tater-Man

You posted this 10 minutes and hes in my head? Yeah ok.

4 years ago

By the way, I’m not an AOC supporter but didn’t Trump want to burn the house down a few years ago ? Maybe eventually we will get someone that does unseal and unredact everything and make it public. But Trump isn’t that guy.

4 years ago

As I previously posted, let’s let Congress see the unredacted Muller report and grand jury testimony. Trump would probably be toast if the Republicans actually had a viable candidate but the truth is there are links to Russian oligarchs with McConnell and other Republican leaders too. The money trail leads to not a good place for Clinton, Trump or other long -standing leaders. This is why the only people clamoring for impeachment are the new Democrats. They have no clue how dirty the system is in Washington and how compromised by Russia and Saudi Arabia long standing political leaders are. Ehud Barak traveled with Clinton to Epstein’s island. If the leaders of countries are pedophiles, it isn’t a stretch to think that Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama (less so) weren’t compromised at some level. Trump is no different. Until we get a leader that reveals the level of transgressions that have occurred, we won’t have transparency. But then there is that saying about power corrupting. Trump isn’t who he claims to be and is/was hated by many mainstream politicians but that doesn’t make him any better.

4 years ago

My theory is that Pelosi is saving impeachment for Trump’s 2nd term in the off chance he gets reelected (currently, he’s trailing badly behind Biden in the polls). The House could easily impeach today, but there’s a 0.001% probability that the Senate would actually remove him from office. Until then, just run the clock out. No need to waste the big ammo yet. Besides, at the rate he runs his big mouth, they might have better ammo in 18 months.

4 years ago

Uygurs is a putz.

4 years ago

Slow news day. Mish, you might back down on the click-baiterizer.

It’s “Opinion”! There’s no reason to expect opinion to be factually correct. And, anyway, the sub-head is factually correct. There do exist voters who want … well, you name it.

Too, I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the crew at the WSJ would love for the Democrats to rally behind AOC. Jeez, reading the right wing sites, you get soaking wet from the salivation in prospect of this.

4 years ago

It is worth pointing out that the Washington Post story you linked to, “Mueller’s Testimony Crystallized Public Opinion Against Impeachment.” ends with the conclusion that Democrats “… should have the courage of their convictions, push the matter forward and end this sorry moment in our history one way or the other.”

4 years ago

Young Turk Cenk is just marketing himself. It’s not an editorial, but an advertorial.

4 years ago

It’s not over yet until the Dems get an unredacted report. Whatever was blacked out likely contains something worse than we know. I was a Trump voter but there is little doubt in my mind there was collusion.

4 years ago

indeed, you are a very casual observer

4 years ago
Reply to  spitituscanus

You just got here. I would wait until the doctors clean your wet ears and body before calling ME very anything.

4 years ago

There are certain things that must be redacted as a matter of law. Why isn’t it plausible that the redactions are things that are required to be redacted to protect the rights of people who testified? If there were really “juicy” things that were being improperly hidden, Mueller could certainly have said something. He did, after all, complain about Barr’s extremely short summary, which he didn’t feel reflected the complete story.

4 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R

Carl – It took about 15 years to get the full story on 28 pages of the 9/11 report getting redacted. And even that isn’t the entire story. What on earth would make you think things weren’t being hidden ? Are you really THAT naive ?

4 years ago

…. I am not a Trump fan, but even if there was some form of ‘collusion’, would it necessarily affect the US in a negative way ? What about Hillary’s shady(to say the least) uranium deals with Russia ? Collusion and other forms of collaboration make the world go round , whether we like it or not, it has always been like that and will always be like that unless of course at one point AI takes over and calls the shots….and even then ….

4 years ago

Obama saw all the alleged evidence that Brennan and Comey tried to conjure. If there was something there, why didn’t Obama stop it? Was Obama a Russian plant too?

Washington DC lives on leaks and tiny egos who like to brag about their access to state secrets. There are all sorts of “secrets” that most people couldn’t care less about.

When there is a real secret, it doesn’t stay secret for long. Everyone knew about JFK pulling mistresses into the White House – while JFK was in office. Everyone knew about Clinton screwing everything under 20 in a skirt – while Clinton was in office. Everyone in Washington DC also knew Mueller was a frail confused old man who posed no counter balance to Hilary Clinton’s lawyers on “Mueller’s” committee — that came out too.

This was a story of corrupt and arrogant federal bureaucrats (Comey, Brennan et al) trying and failing to rig an election.

We’ll see how honest John Durham is with investigating the FBI and Brennan. The bureaucrats tend to circle the wagons and protect their own, but in this instance the credibility of the FBI is in doubt. The bureaucrats can’t protect their own and fix their reputation — one will have to give.

That is why Brennan and Comey are so scared. The system may throw Brennan and Comey under the proverbial bus to protect itself.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tater-Man

Obama knew a lot more than he let on and yes likely approved the FISA warrant applications prior to going to the FISA court.

Good luck with investigating the people that are trained to just gather facts. The FBI is more “Catch me if you can” than some organization that’s been infiltrated by political hacks. It turns out taking an oath to protect the country actually matters and it doesn’t mean taking help from foreign governments.

The system is way stronger than any damage an individual or a foreign country can do. The United States still isn’t a banana republic or ruled by oligarchs no matter how much Trump wants it to be.

4 years ago

@Casual_Observer The FBI is home to Aldrich Ames and a host of other crooks. James Comey is hardly the only one.

Obama had access to ALL the info the CIA and FBI fabricated. If he really believed Trump was a Russian agent, Obama had an obligation to inform the American people… but if he just thought the investigation was a Brennan / Comey stunt, Obama would have done exactly what he did.

Obama knew there was no merit to the investigation, and knew Brennan and Comey made the whole thing up.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tater-Man

Russian Agent ? He’s just a useful idiot. Putin is the smartest guy in most rooms.

4 years ago

@Casual_Observer — for the record, I don’t think Obama is a Russian agent anymore than Trump… that’s why Obama didn’t alert everyone in the country about the fiction Brennan and Comey were peddling. Obama had all the details, with security clearance to see everything, and Obama knew the story was b.s.

Unless you want to argue Obama was part of the conspiracy (I don’t), please stop this banana republic nonsense and accept the results of the election, like a real US citizen

4 years ago
Reply to  Tater-Man

I repeat.I voted for the guy. Irrespective of who’s President, no leader of any country should be inviting Putin to their state house. Trump was a good idea in theory but it hasn’t worked out in practice. Exactly what Putin expected.

4 years ago

@Casual_Observer Aldrich Ames was not a useful idiot. He was a career FBI agent, supposedly in charge of counter inteligence operations, and he is a Russian agent. The evidence against Ames was real, not fabricated by Brennan or Comey.

Ames, a career FBI agent, was found guilty in a court of law.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tater-Man

I’m talking about Trump not Aldrich Ames. Trump is not an agent of anything. He’s just a useful idiot to leaders like Putin, Xi and rocket man.

4 years ago

@Casual_Observer Being a useful idiot is not a criminal offense, and doesn’t justify jerking the country around for 2+ years and wasting $30 million investigating a fraud written by Comey and Brennan.

Obama was the guy who whispered (on a hot mic) that Medelev should tell Putin that he (Obama) would have more flexibility after the election. But crooks like Brennan and Comey didn’t accuse Obama of treason, nor did they involve foreign intelligence services (UK, Aussi and Ukraine) in an attempted coup.

Brennan and Comey need to be Aldrich Ames cell mates.

4 years ago

I don’t know who the resident lefty is that’s writing headlines/sub-heads for the opinion page but whomever it is needs some guidance….or perhaps a position at CNN.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jcbl

Why do think there are lefties in the corporate media? It’s all all ultra tight wing just like Obama Hillary, Pelosi and Democrats.

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