What’s Happening to Unemployment in States That Cancelled Federal Benefits Early?

The WSJ reports Americans Are Leaving Unemployment Rolls More Quickly in States Cutting Off Benefits

The number of unemployment-benefit recipients is falling at a faster rate in Missouri and 21 other states canceling enhanced and extended payments this month, suggesting that ending the aid could push more people to take jobs. 

Federal pandemic aid bills boosted unemployment payments by $300 a person each week and extended those payments for as long as 18 months, well longer than the typical 26 weeks or less. The benefits are set to expire in early September, but states can opt out before then.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said the benefits were helpful during the height of the pandemic, but their continuation has “worsened the workforce issues we are facing.”

The number of workers paid benefits through regular state programs fell 13.8% by the week ended June 12 from mid-May—when many governors announced changes—in states saying that benefits would end in June, according to an analysis by Jefferies LLC economists. That compares with a 10% decline in states ending benefits in July, and a 5.7% decrease in states ending benefits in September. Workers on state programs would lose the $300 weekly federal enhancement but could continuing receiving the state benefits.

Davina Roberson of Fenton, Mo., said she is scrambling now that her benefits have been cut off. The 45-year-old mother of two boys with special needs was furloughed last year from a corporate-travel agent job that paid her $26 an hour and allowed her to work from home, which helped her manage the boys’ care.

“It’s not that I don’t want to go back to work,” Ms. Roberson said. But “if I took a minimum wage job, I’d be working for health insurance and child care and have nothing left to live on.”

Unemployment Rate US vs Missouri 

Seasonally Adjusted?

The WSJ posted that chart as evidence. It looks compelling until you dive into the details. 

The chart is also mislabeled. State data is not seasonally adjusted. 

Unemployment Rate Percent 4 States 

The national average is seasonally adjusted, state data isn’t.

Key Points

  • The unemployment rate for Iowa was 3.6% in January and has been ticking up. As of May, it’s 3.9%
  • The unemployment rate for Missouri was 4.1% in April and ticked up to 4.2% in May.
  • The unemployment rate for Alaska bottomed at 6.5% on October of 2020 and inched up to 6.7% in May of 2021.
  • Of the four states, only Mississippi fits the bill, falling from 6.2% in April to 6.1% in May.

Is the WSJ Article Wrong?

No. The WSJ used the wrong chart. Unemployment data is only as of May. The early cutoff was June 12. 

Actual unemployment results might start showing up with the June report that comes out Friday, July 2.

“Might Start”?

The BLS reference period for its unemployment surveys is the week that contains the 12th of the month. Alaska, Iowa, Mississippi, and Missouri cut benefits on the 12th.

Seasonal adjustments, rather the lack of them, also come into play.

Thus, may not see the full impact on unemployment in those states until the July report released Friday, August 6, if then.

The August report on September 3 will show nearly the full impact in 25 states. However, seasonal adjustments remain an issue.

Continued Claims 

Jefferies analysts used continued claims in their analysis, not state unemployment rates.

Let’s hone in on that idea.

Continued Claims in States Ending Benefits Early Detail 

Missouri shows the impact Jefferies stated. 

However, I have a few issues: The data only goes to June 12, it is not seasonally adjusted, and it is aligned with the overall national Trend.

How much of the benefit is simply ongoing improvement vs anything Republican governors did?

National Trends

State vs National Comparison

The seasonal adjustments are massive. The National Trends, seasonally adjusted, show steady improvement. Unadjusted state data shows upticks starting at the beginning of the year.

Anecdotal Data 

The best data we have as to what is happening is anecdotal. 

The WSJ article had anecdotes on Missouri. I have some from Utah.

Last evening we ate out at Olive Garden, a national chain. (There is a huge dearth of restaurants open late (after 9:00) here.

The place was half empty, as was the parking lot. Yet, even with Covid restrictions lifted, we had a 35-minute wait to get seated.


I was sure of the answer but I asked the server anyway. He responded that they were having a very difficult time getting help and that he was working a double shift.

However, he went on to say: “We had a recent uptick in applications”. Then he added his belief that the uptick in applications was “due to Utah ending unemployment benefits soon”. 

How soon? Note my lead chart: June 26.

Believe the Anecdotes, Not Lagging Data

The actual data is out of date and seasonally skewed.

Let’s return to Missouri for this clip: “It’s not that I don’t want to go back to work,” Ms. Roberson said. But “if I took a minimum wage job, I’d be working for health insurance and child care and have nothing left to live on.”

The unfortunate reality is that it is not government’s job to forever pay people what they were making pre-Covid.

Believe the anecdotes! 

Major Attitude Adjustments Coming

Multiply the above scenarios by millions of workers and think about what a sudden decline in income will do to spending. 

A good place to start is with weakening data

  1. Economists Miss the Boat Again as Consumer Spending Flatlines
  2. Retail Sales Drop More Than Expected in May But Revisions for April Were Positive
  3. Impact of Three Rounds of Stimulus on Retail Spending Dollars in Pictures

A forced attitude adjustment (any job is better than no job), complete with spending repercussions, will soon be underway.

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2 years ago
I remain unconvinced.
I will believe this thesis when job openings suddenly plummet and job numbers explode simultaneously.
The charts are weak, and even Mish resorts to anecdotal evidence.
There’s always anecdotal evidence for anything. Unemployment and claims are proxies and not that accurate.
Until then, I see this as the interplay of various factors, and the weight that this issue has may not be that great.
Debbie C.
Debbie C.
2 years ago
  • I’m going to be 65 someday, & with housing costs rising, as everything else, please consider the “extra $ we can earn part time” when you turn 65!.  If most people could continue to work, & not be disabled, as Boomers, then, we would.  Staying healthy is key, but, when your asked, how are you, and your response you hear is ” doing good”, geez I’d like to keep my health, beauty & body! ( Getting my life back)  Please raise the amount from $25 k, to $40k or anything else for 1 person.  Then, you might have more qualified people to fill the void, try the younger to be more qualified, pass on the knowledge, help low income, & people in need to live a decent life without poverty. Thank you. 
2 years ago
Why have no columnists connected the dots between the reluctance of the workforce to go back to work and proof Universal Basic Income would never work? Up to now there have been arguments for and against UBI but it was all theoretical because there was no real data. Guess what – we now have real data on a massive scale that PROVES that UBI would never work. When people are paid not to work they have no incentive to work. Why has this not received more attention? Mish – time for an article?
2 years ago
With the graph above ending 6/12 there just isn’t enough data to tell yet. The NYT had a counter story to the WSJ saying that there is no change in employment due to the termination of Federal unemployment benefits. I suspect the actual effect lies somewhere between the WSJ’s view and the NYT’s.
In reality it is just too early to tell exactly the extent of the effect. More data is needed. Remember too that the Federal eviction moratorium and mortgage forbearance have been extended one final time to the end of July.
2 years ago
The real American tragedy with the border crisis is the surge of low income workers will destroy the opportunities for people like the woman in your article.  Near unlimited supply of labor lowers the cost of labor for employers.  Biden & Co. in cahoots with the US Chamber of Commerce understand this basic economic fact.
2 years ago
My condolences on the Olive Garden experience.  I ate at one a couple of years ago while away from home overnight. It was wretched.
2 years ago
Reply to  jhrodd
Come on. There are thousands of olive gardens and they each have lots of different menu options. The chain never would have gotten to where it is if it generally served wretched food.
2 years ago
So workers aren’t flocking to poor-paying, benefit-skimpy jobs, but will return reluctantly if given the opportunity to starve? Shocker.
And the WSJ article IS wrong, since it’s making a claim based on data that shows nothing. Yet.
Abraham Lincoln—“he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him.”
2 years ago
People won’t work if they don’t have to.  Vacation, personal leave & sick pay are considered “benefits” for a reason.
2 years ago
People respond to incentives. All the rest is commentary. – Steven Landsburg, The Armchair Economist 

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