Competing Forces on Rent, Where Do We Put 8 Million Illegal Immigrants?

Millions of immigrants keep pouring in. New residential construction has stalled and multi-family construction is in decline. Completions are rising, but is that enough housing?

More Than 8M Migrants Will Soon Be Living in the US

Axios reports Migrant Backlog to Hit 8 Million Under Biden by October

More than 8 million asylum seekers and other migrants will be living inside the U.S in legal limbo by the end of September — a roughly 167% increase in five years, according to internal government projections obtained by Axios.

Why it matters: That’s up from about 3 million in 2019 — a sign of how the underfunded and outdated U.S. immigration system can’t keep up with the rapidly growing migrant population driven by new border surges.

The backlog has left millions of people living in uncertainty about whether they’ll be allowed to stay in the U.S. — or facing deportation — often for years.

An estimated 2 million of the migrants in the backlog likely will be high-priority cases — mostly those who have orders to be deported to their home countries, and some with criminal records or pending criminal charges, according to the documents.

The New York Post reports More Than 8M Migrants Will Soon Be Living in the US, a 167% Increase in 5 Years

The Biden Administration anticipates that number will swell to 8 million by Oct. 1, according to Department of Homeland Security documents sent to Congress and obtained by Axios.

A quarter of the migrants caught in the backlog limbo — an estimated 2 million people — are those who have already been slated for deportation by a judge, as well as suspects facing criminal charges.

Because of the way the immigration system works, even after a judge has issued a ruling a migrant must be deported, they are able to appeal and challenge the deportation order. While that takes place, the deportation is put on hold, according to the legal help website

Where are they living and who is paying for the shelter?

Housing Starts

Housing Starts from Census Department, chart by Mish

Since late 2022 multi-family construction has fallen by about 50 percent. Single-family construction is up by about 25 percent. Total construction is flat.

Price of Rent

Rent rose another 0.4 percent in April. Food and beverages were flat with food at home declining but food away from home rising.

CPI data from the BLS, chart by Mish

On May 15, I noted CPI Up 0.3 Percent With Rent Still Rising Steeply

Yet Another Groundhog Day for Rent

Rent of primary residence, the cost that best equates to the rent people pay, jumped another 0.4 percent in March.  Rent of primary residence has gone up at least 0.4 percent for 32 consecutive months! 

The “rents are falling” (or soon will) projections have been based on the price of new leases and cherry picked markets. But existing leases, much more important, keep rising.

Only 8 to 9 percent of renters move each year. It’s been a huge mistake thinking new leases and finished construction would drive rent prices.

Rent Year-Over-Year

For well over two years, economists, including Fed Chair Jerome Powell have been expecting bigger drops in the year-over-year price of rent.

How much is illegal immigration fueling the price of shelter? I don’t have an answer and I have not seen anyone discuss this.

The competing forces I mentioned are completion of housing units, a lag in way the BLS calculates rents, and rising inventory of new homes for sale.

Homebuilders Have the Most Inventory Since May 2008, Big Discounts Coming

On the positive side, Homebuilders Have the Most Inventory Since May 2008, Big Discounts Coming

However, not many illegal immigrants can afford a house. And housing starts are tumbling, especially multi-family.

Inflationary Forces

Biden’s energy policy is inflationary; student loan cancellations are inflationary; the push for union wages are inflationary; the inflation reduction act is inflationary; tariffs (both Trump and Biden are guilty) are inflationary; deficit spending is inflationary; and the need to shelter millions of migrants is inflationary.

Meanwhile, there are signs the economy is slowing. For discussion, please see Discretionary Spending Tumbles at Target, Shares Drop 10 Percent

This is not a pretty mix.

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22 days ago

Migrants at Pritzker Park in Chicago –
link to

22 days ago

The Biden team is doing a perfect job if they were measured on the GOAL of being inflationary.

23 days ago

I suggest the islands, Hawaii, Guam, Martha’s Vineyard, Manhattan, Catalina; they’re are popular among the upper one percent. Let’s share the wealth.

23 days ago

Strange that 90-95% of them are only “Males of specific age group“.
Not just here, in Europe too.

23 days ago

There is not enough low-low income housing….the housing that is in the pipeline is “luxury” apartments relative to the income level of the illegals coming into the US. They will need subsides to afford even the lower end.

23 days ago

“Where Do We Put 8 Million Illegal Immigrants“ There are plenty of places to put ’em. Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia. Everglades Swamp in Florida. Death Valley. Mojave Desert. Or we could just put ’em on a prison bus headed back,to where they came from.

22 days ago
Reply to  Random

I am kindly asking that you stop making sense.

Neil Meliment
Neil Meliment
23 days ago

Mass invasion of a country is an act of war.

A government failing to protect a country is an act of treason.

23 days ago

5000 boomers die each day x 365 days per year = 1,825,000 per year. 1.825m x 10 years = 18,250,000.

That’s why they are here and that’s why the door is open. It is simple labor and consumer replacement for the capitalism machine.

Stop worrying about things that don’t need worrying. Over ten years there will be at least 9 million free homes and maybe more considering boomers have two homes.

There is also shadow inventory of millions of homes across the US.

link to

Richard S.
Richard S.
23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

When your company needs to fill a position, they accept applications and do interviews to find the right employee. They don’t just hire the first person to bum-rush the office and say “you don’t know anything about me or my skills or criminal record, but I’m really poor so gimme the job.”

If the U.S. needs to import labor, we should be screening for the cream of the crop. Better still, we should have a program that trains people for jobs and teaches them English in their own countries, then they could immigrate after “graduation,” if viable. That would be way better than undiscriminatly paying to support all comers, like we’re doing now.

23 days ago
Reply to  Richard S.

Last summer we had a drought at my residence that killed most of the lawn grass in my front yard. Right now, weeds have replaced the grass and I asked my landscaper why the grass didn’t grow back and it’s now full of weeds. He said, “whenever there is a void on fertile land something else will grow and replace what was there before, that’s nature’s way.”

It was very fitting to what is happening across America. The “grass” is being replaced by something new that grows much faster and more invasive. In a nutshell it’s all about reproduction and propagation. It’s the same thing that happened in 1492 throughout the last 500 years. Why are you shocked that it’s not different this time?

It’s not “illegals” that’s killing American culture, it’s American culture killing American culture. Perhaps Americans should have had more kids instead of cars & trucks but it’s too late now, there is no way to undo it now.

I’m not foolish enough to think that it’s going to change with Trump or Biden or Santa Claus, all I can do is maximize my profits from the new incoming replacements.

All the shoulda, coulda, woulda are irrelevant because politicians are doing the same thing I am, scrapping the last bits of profits from the frying pan.

23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

You don’t have living parents or children do you?

I am 100% convinced of it

23 days ago
Reply to  Hank

Well if you’re 100% convinced there is no need to respond.

23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

Calling illegal immigrants “weeds” and “invasive” while also openly cheering on their invasion and advocating for them so you can make an extra buck is truly, truly something fukin extra special

23 days ago
Reply to  Hank

It’s just “deplorable,” I say. Simply “deplorable.”

23 days ago
Reply to  Lisa_Hooker

That made me laugh out loud! Thank you!!

23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

Americans appear to be especially perceptive about seeing what needs to be done – five to ten years too late.

23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

I agree with you. And its a level of selfishness too. But I guess you can include that in American culture is killing American culture.
Women, specifically white women are also a big part of the cultural degradation if you will……Single white females 80% liberal, have 1 or no kids, but 2 dogs…….
I don’t know who is more overrated . American men or American women

23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

be nice if Americans would either _uck more, abortion less and replenish the herd

23 days ago

Too late, median age for females in america is about 40, that ship has sailed. All the anti-abortion and birth control bans will simply increase the population of immigrants, that’s the irony of it all no one talks about.

23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

They are here ILLEGALLY, don’t speak English or have the skills for today’s technology.

23 days ago
Reply to  Laura

There are millions of boomers that don’t know how to operate a PC or iphone. Ignorance is widespread and everywhere, you see it here daily.

Last edited 23 days ago by MPO45v2
23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

Yeah. iPhones are so very “intoo-ative.”

22 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

I am happy to know you KNOW thyself, you POS BOOMER!

23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

Wait, I thought you said that the growing number of boomers were a drain on society because they are receiving their earned Social Security and not producing anything. Glad you are coming around and realizing that the numbers of retired people is dwindling. We can’t replace this group by having mass amounts of people from a different cultures and often collectively failing moral societies.

Mow your own lawn, and cook your own dinner.

23 days ago
Reply to  Christoball

The two things aren’t mutually exclusive. Since math seems challenging for many here let’s go over a few basics. There were 80 million baby boomers, people born from 1946 to 1964. That’s 18 years so 80m/18 = 4.4m per year.

We now have 1.8m dying year so how many does that leave to retire? Do you know how to subtract? 4.4m – 1.8m = 2.6m welfare queens each year.

At some point in the future, the burn rate will diminish the boomers to nothing only to be replaced by Gen X then Millennials so the issue won’t go away when all the boomers die.

It’s 2024 so the oldest boomers are 78 and the youngest are 60. In about 5.5 years, ALL of them will qualify for socialist status and most if not all will sign up for free money.

The only thing I can’t calculate is how many boomers retire but don’t start social security either because they want to wait for higher amounts later or have some other plan.

And we all know that birth rates are at all times lows and have been at all time lows for the last decade.

link to

The math doesn’t lie, it is the only purest thing in the universe. Learn to love it and use it and you will become truly rich and powerful beyond your wildest dreams.

And for the sake of all of us, please stop with your binary thinking.

23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

2 + 2 = 11
Not “binary” thinking.
It’s just basic.

22 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

In ancient times, and dare I say today: you were known and are known respectively as a “GADFLY.”

A swarming, stinging irritant and VERY effectively irritating. I look forward to your slinging Scheiße around here. Without you, we would not understand ignorance nearly as well as we all do now.

Thank you for your service. SLAP.

23 days ago

By the time that border wall is completed, it will not be to keep THEM out. It will be to keep US in!

23 days ago
Reply to  steve

Never let a taxpayer escape.

23 days ago

On a path back home for starters, and we will deal with Mexico later, for allowing border crossings. They will ALL go back to Mexico.

CzarChasm Reigns
CzarChasm Reigns
23 days ago

Migrants were considered a solution long before they were characterized as a problem:

Between 1942 and 1964…the US and Mexico legally brought more than 4 million guest workers across the border to work largely in agriculture in 30 participating states across the country.

I believe migrants are actually disinflationary: they are cheap labor, often pay taxes, and are rarely eligible for government aid.

Reagan provided amnesty for millions; Trump wants to deport millions.
A disgraced Nixon resigns; but an indicted Trump runs again with unbridled support.
What has happened to the Republican Party?

23 days ago

We need more people willing to work. Constricting the labor market by bashing immigrants is idiotic. What a loser idea…

Richard S.
Richard S.
23 days ago
Reply to  Bombillo

Employers need to pay a living wage to incentivize native-born workers. I live in a mountain town where hotels are paying $16-18 per hour for front desk help or maintenance people (laughably with all sorts of electrical and mechanical knowledge). Who do they expect to get for that wage? Even with a couple roomates, it would be a struggle to make ends meet. Of course, if they paid a living wage, prices would increase, exposing the true cost of inflation. Too many business can’t exist paying higher wages which means they shouldn’t exist, period.

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
23 days ago
Reply to  Richard S.

Rising wages lead to ever rising prices. It is a feedback loop. The lowest paid will never be able to keep up. Capitalism thrived bc there was competition. We don’t have that anymore.

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago
Reply to  Richard S.

This is 100% accurate.
A massive influx of cheap labor is the only tool available for papering over inflation. You can’t have illegal workers without illegal wage structures that bypass minimum enforcement. This is highly deflationary.

20 Mexicans stuffed into a trailers house are indentured slaves when housing and wage is combined they make less than $7.00 an hour. Its a fact, my friend Lupe has 3 trailers of them.

In the trajectory of those whose model we’re following ((USSR)), commie blocks are the only possible solution.

“Deranged Trump Tard’s” your proxy daddy and the mustachioed Walrus will deport no one, just like he didn’t build the wall or really do anything of merit other than Warpspeed. Do you have any friends who died from the VAX, I lost 4 perfectly healthy friends. Trump killed them.

Near zero interest rates have induced massive distortions into the economy destroying capitalism in the process. Everyone and anything can fail as long as it’s not GM, Boeing, NY Banks and the massive tick infestation of federal worker and the mindless welfare murder drones who join the military. Lockdowns wiped out 600,000 small businesses, while huge corporations like Starbucks, Walmart and Target thrived.

Systems are composed of interrelated parts each of which posses distinct properties all of which must maintain stasis individually and in concert to function. As disruptive inputs are introduced – the system must possess adequate compensatory resources in order to restore stasis. To survive disruptions backup resources need to be held in reserve or be imported from outside the system (illegal aliens).

The economic/political/social system has has been groaning under an onslaught of disruptive inputs. Talking heads reassure us everything is OK, but it’s not. Ask any person you meet today if they think everything is OK, and if they’re a boomer, ask “has it even been this bad?” They’ll all agree an ominousness is afoot that exceeds anything since 1969.

We have entered a period of destructive destabilization whereby the system teeters on the brink. Those with their hands on the levers of power slam levers and twist dials hoping to get the system back under control.

A system designed to use more resources over a linear time basis in a shrinking resource environment are doomed. Doesn’t matter if it’s the economy or a computational system. If the resources are not available the system will fail.

23 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

Trump didn’t kill your “perfectly healthy friends”. Big Pharma did that in collusion with government operators behind the curtain.

23 days ago

For wanting it done Legally? You must allow total strangers to stay with you all the time, and if not, then pipe down and do Your Part, before asking others to do it For You…

23 days ago

They are not migrants. Birds are migrants. These people are illegal aliens, many of which are being exploited in human bondage schemes. They sign up for sham jobs and promised wages only to get their papers withheld by their captors until the financial debt is paid. Even after they pay it there is no guarantee they will be released.

The Fed knows what’s going on. All the major agencies turn a blind eye to it and only loosely address it in contracts as wrong with no real consequences other than being put on a naughty list. Trump did start raiding these businesses but the uniparty started saying “harming nice poor families” when it was actually freeing people from human bondage.

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago
Reply to  babelthuap

Yes as I said above my friend Lupe has 3 house trailers filled with them. Lupe only takes cash for his laborers. He own 5 properties in WA, most are paid off. Lupe is almost completely illiterate BTW so economic freedom is still avail in the good ol USA.

The state of WA has never audited Lupe for sales taxes. It has audited all of my caucasian friends with businesses since 2010.

The state is also 100% complicit in this.

My friend’s son crashed his bicycle and had an operation at Children Hospital in Seattle – we went by to see him at 9:00 at night. The guard did not want to let us in until we proved who we were there to see. Once in the waiting area it was filled with at least 50 Mexican families seeking medical care? There were no whites. The illegals know how to game the system.

Go into a War Mart after midnight and note the little brown mothers filling their carts using your money using a minimum of 3 different entitlement cards – that you’re paying for. Well? Your descendent’s are playing for.

23 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

Ask your friend Lupe to join Mishtalk and give us some tips, he’s doing far better than the clowns around here.

Fast Bear
Fast Bear
23 days ago
Reply to  MPO45v2

It’s true.
The amazing thing is he’s illiterate.
I never found out why but I think maybe he’s dyslexic. He came here from Mexico as a lad he’s in his 60’s now

The upper class white trash who hire him on my very expensive island, stiff him all the time.

My lawyer friend offered to sue them all for him for free. He declined it’s a cost of doing business – the suit would give his operation attention and he knows it’s better to keep his head down.

He’s a millionaire.

I would not trade him for 29 of my tech/lawyer friends.

23 days ago

Many DONT pay taxes

FREE med care at emergency rooms falls on Americans

FREE school for their kids to the tune of $11,000 to $18,000 per year per student paid for by taxpayers

Many send vast sums of money earned under the table (Billions annually) out of the US and back to the home country

Often times DONT carry auto insurance and drive without a license which puts an untold financial burden on insurance companies so WE PAY MORE

A few years ago the estimates put the annual burden of an illegal immigrant around $46,000 per year

They may be deflationary on the wage front and the industries where they hide, but everything else is a massive burden “we” can’t afford.

Do it LEGALLY. Do it all ABOVE BOARD. Force them to cover their burden on the system. And then nobody has a problem with immigration. Simple really

Richard S.
Richard S.
23 days ago
Reply to  Hank

Great post! Agree 100% Folks that think these illegals will ever be net contributors to the tax system are f’in insane. So many modern immigrants, legal and illegal, want to LIVE in American for the financial opportunities. They have no interest in becoming a true American. They don’t assimilate and send money back to their home country rather than spending it with American business. F them.

23 days ago

Good place to find out is at this weekend’s bar-b-q in Crawford, Texas. F that war criminal.

Stuki Moi
Stuki Moi
23 days ago

What has happened to the Republican Party?”
Exactly the same that has happened to all of America: Decline.

23 days ago

The real question is what happened to the Democrat party?

23 days ago

4 million guest workers… thr key word is “guest”… at the end of their work visit they LEFT and returned home,,,,,

23 days ago

One major financial crash and most of these people will head to the exits just like in 08 when a net loss of illegal aliens began to manifest. Even the ones tied to human bondage. Their captors likely just cut them loose when the money dries up.

23 days ago

Boys, get back to work! To pay those taxes…you’ve got 8 million new friends to take care of and friends ain’t cheap!

23 days ago

The Lankford bill was a first constructive step toward dealing with this whole sorry mess called the US immigration system. Guess who vetoed it to boost his own chances to stay out of prison?

Sky Wizard
Sky Wizard
23 days ago
Reply to  Albert

Shh… don’t you know there are victims in here? At least include a trigger warning.

CzarChasm Reigns
CzarChasm Reigns
23 days ago
Reply to  Albert

The Art of the Deal The Fart of No Deal.

23 days ago

Nazi Germany put illegal immigrants in concentration camps. And the rest is history.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago
Reply to  KGB

Lets see your evidence that anyone was illegally immigrating into nazi germany, never mind how they were dealt with after arrival. For those with an actual education, people were desperately trying to get out, not in.

If you want to be taken seriously, stop using “the next Hitler” as your go to argument on every single thing. It makes you sound stupid.

23 days ago

Millions of kulaks and small businessmen fled the Russian Revolution after 1917. Most invaded Germany because Germany was the wealthiest nation at the time. Others went to New York City and metropolises around the world. Those who don’t remember history are doomed to repeat it.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago
Reply to  KGB

So now you change your story and say they immigrated into Wiemar Germany, not nazi Germany.

Sky Wizard
Sky Wizard
23 days ago

Time flows like an arrow…

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago

Sorry, you lost that one.
Nitpicking, like the grammar police is unattractive.

23 days ago
Reply to  KGB

If they were immigrating into Nazi Germany then they belonged in mental institutions. And the rest is history.

23 days ago
Reply to  Avery

They flooded into Weimar Germany, the most prosperous advanced society at the time. And they were not welcome.

23 days ago
Reply to  KGB

Weimar Germany was the most prosperous…

That one statement alone lets everyone know that no one needs to take you seriously

23 days ago
Reply to  cas127

Germany was the most prosperous advanced society until WWI reparations were sanctioned. You associate the word Weimar with the great inflation after WWI. German culture led the world in chemistry, physics, metallurgy, manufacturing, aircraft, rocketry, until the middle of WWII.

23 days ago

See Dr. Zhivago.

23 days ago

Where do we put them? Put them back …

23 days ago

They don’t need to be put anywhere. They figure it out. Crowding into a house in the US is likely a much better living situation then the one they left.

There is a reason why immigrants are accounting for all the job growth. They work hard while a whole generations of American’s is too entitled to work at all.

23 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

I’d be hard pressed to get an American teenager to cut my lawn for $2, too. Where’s their work ethic these days!

23 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

Why this comment gets any down votes is mystifying. How many are voluntarily out of the workforce again?

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago
Reply to  Thetenyear

Complete bullshit.
Go into the Wall Mart after midnight and report back.
What are the little brown mothers paying with.
Government cards.

There are so many entitlement programs available.
The average Mish follower would know nothing about them

23 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

Exactly Bear. Same when I report on food bank volume and status. Most people stare blankly in to the abyss because they have no knowledge, experience or interest knowing the details of “the other half” or is it now the other 74%?

John Tucker
John Tucker
23 days ago

put them all in California and then divorce the state from the union ……

23 days ago
Reply to  John Tucker

Is California still part of the United States?

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
23 days ago

Trump had a rally in the Bronx. He expected 3K to show up, but a crowd 40K deplorable people showed up to the love fest and cheered Trump.

Tenacious D
Tenacious D
23 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Sorry, exactly what makes them deplorable? Or did you just not include the tag?

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
23 days ago
Reply to  Tenacious D

NYS governor Kathy Hochul called Trump supporters clowns and a basket of deplorables.

23 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Is it any surprise?
Even long time Democrats are disgusted.
Imagine if the Democrats actually run on their record?? LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!
There only hope is to keep calling Trump and his supporters Hitler and Nazis and hope it sticks. From the NYC event last night, its not sticking as much as it used to.

23 days ago
Reply to  Tenacious D

pretty sure that was sarcasm. Apparently deplorables live in a city, NYCity too!!!!!
I am a Hudson Valley NY Deplorable

23 days ago
Reply to  Tenacious D

Hillary called Trump supporters deplorables.

Sky Wizard
Sky Wizard
23 days ago
Reply to  Tenacious D

Stupidity, lack of manners, aggression…

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
23 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Trump’s love fest is the inverse of Portland BLM & Antifa love fest

23 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

White supremacist minorities.

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Trump’s vax killed 4 of my friends.

“Madness in an individual is relatively rare but common in crowds”. Didn’t someone notable say that.

Go wave your flag with the blue stripe and when Trump re-ups the Patriot Act again get back to me. When the drones hover over your house an demand you put your guns on the front lawn and the magnetic grapple lowers down and flys away with them – remember I warned you.

Trump destroyed 1500 (and counting) of the most “America Loving” peoples lives.

He’s a traitor a deceiver and literally Satan.

Enjoy WW3 when he gets reelected. Biden is just the opening act. Pathological Narcissism will soon take the stage and blow up the fucking world.

There’s no stopping it at this point.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
23 days ago

1) The CPI is fake. Rent CPI : OER northeast + OER midwest +OER south + OER west.
2) CS is bs. It’s positively biased. A pair : bought in 1995 and sold in 2024, or a pair: bought in 2012 and sold in 2024 skew up CS chart.
In construction 5+ units one million units aren’t in CS. They aren’t a pair. They were never bought and sold. In construction of single homes, same bs.
3) Most illegal immigrants live in slums, packed like sardines, waiting in street corners to be picked up for work.

Tenacious D
Tenacious D
23 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

I’ve heard that with asylum you have to request asylum in the next closest country that isn’t AFU.

So unless these “asylum” seekers (I don’t think they meet the definition) are from Mexico or Canada and want to seek asylum in the USA, they can ALL be rounded up and deported.

And they can come back through the *front* door at a future date *after* we declare a moratorium on *all* immigration until we fix the immigration system.

Bring our troops back from the over 850 military installations outside our borders and put them across the border. Operation Battle of the Bulge.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
23 days ago
Reply to  Tenacious D

Shoot 8/12 the rest wouldn’t have come.

Last edited 23 days ago by Micheal Engel
John Overington
John Overington
23 days ago
Reply to  Tenacious D

Please explain this deportation process. To which country and what happens when the country doesn’t allow the plane to land? All talk and no workable plan.

23 days ago

Then push them all into Canada. They’re such friendly and welcoming folks. They love visitors.

22 days ago

Send to Haiti. Credit the country with confiscated Russian money-credit for acceptance.

23 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

statement 3 is correct, and not in dispute unless someone is a clueless liberal. In fact, now I see them in areas they were not before. Kingston NY is one. Not that Latinos were not there, but they were not lineing up in the streets like they have been doing in Westchester towns of Mount Kisco, Peekskill, Port Chester(which started in the late 1980’s BTW)
But here is the thing, the men are going to work. I applaud them. They put the locals in those same areas to shame, whom I wont mention are will be called a racist by the liberal snow flakes abound.
The border is no longer a Latino issue. When criminals from the middle east, China, Nigeria, Venezuela, and about 96 other countries somehow arrive at the Mexican border, you are intentional trying to destroy your culture, make the Democratic party a dictatorship. This is not your dad or granddads Democratic Party. They should be required to be registered under the FARA Act, as a Foreign Agent.
Ban all NGO’s…………..Ban all NGO’s.
Your vote is as good as the toilet paper you wiped your ass with this morning.

23 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

statement 1 and 2 you are probably alot smarter than me, in that arena, but I know the CPI is a joke

23 days ago

Chicago is housing the illegals in shelters and hotels. They’re also giving them $9,000 towards rent. They’re probably having multiple families living in the same apartment/house.

23 days ago
Reply to  Laura

Governor Fatass has extra toilets for them.

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago
Reply to  Laura

You people likely live in white enclaves and have nothing to with them.
My friend is a labor contractor who exclusively uses Illegals aliens. Lupe’s a great guy actually – he even raised a bunch of kids that were not his own.

You would not believe how versed they are in gaming the system. Casa De La Raza (or similar) has resources organized from one end of the country to the other They have their own newspapers and radio stations. They are a world inside a world and they are not going anywhere. Its just the way it is.

Trump already proved with his Wall head fake he’s not going to do shit.

Personally I like the Chinese, Hindus, Mexican, Middle Eastern and Central American families. Immigrants in general are far kinder parents. They really do love their kids.

They inject a little humanity into our dying “torture culture.”

22 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

Hunger Games.

23 days ago

I’ll host 2 for 5k a month EACH.

Also, I hear there’s a lot of empty office space and more coming.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago
Reply to  Rjohnson

Most of that office space cannot be economically converted (a small percentage can, but most cannot).

Whatever housing can be created is reserved for law abiding, tax paying citizens first, and second to legal veteran immigrants who served in the military (even if the wars they fought in were questionable, that is on the politicians – the point is they are veterans)

Sky Wizard
Sky Wizard
23 days ago

I don’t think the immigrants would care. Would still be a step up.

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago

So while you make the point that the wars were questionable you still want to reward people who:
on the other side of the planet.

You don’t have a problem with that?
I do.
I don’t thank them for their service.
The lazy worthless creeps should have applied themselves and made themselves into something – instead they took the anti American – anti capitalist approach and became socialists like those in the USSR as wards of the state depending upon it for everything.

Time for some honesty:
Let’s get this straight they volunteer to kill innocent people on the other side of the world for zero rational reasons for Americas benefit, other than supporting a worthless corrupt vile US regimes endless meddling.

Upon returning they have coaches who help them game the system faking Mental illness in order to secure permanent disability receiving $4000 a month forever upon which they pay no taxes and are able to work as much as they want, usually for the government, also upon which they pay no taxes.

A scam inside a scam whereby the laziest most immoral of us feed off of the productive class, whereby the immoral are able to endlessly reproduce replicates “military families” who do the same ad infinitem.

To bad for them!

18 days ago
Reply to  fast bear

One of the few remaining careers with a lifetime defined-benefit pension plan. Like all other pension plans you have to be around to collect.

23 days ago
Reply to  Rjohnson

That’s less than some of those “private/public partnership” hotels are charging to house immigrants. You’d be saving the government lots of money.

23 days ago

We should follow Britain’s lead and send them to Rwanda. Then lock the borders to prevent ALL illegal immigration.

Last edited 23 days ago by Jojo
23 days ago
Reply to  Jojo


23 days ago

I’m glad to see you’re not calling them “illegal immigrants” because most of the immigrants coming into the U.S. since 2021 are perfectly “legal” in that they are “asylum seekers” and/or are being admitted under current immigration laws.

It’s an intentional policy, just as in Europe. Cheap labor. Sows division. Increases asset prices (real estate, etc.). It’s a win win win. Let ’em all in.

As to where to put them in the U.S. How about the de-industrialized, post apocalyptic areas of the U.S. like Ohio, upstate New York, and the rest of the Northeast? You know, the places where fentanyl is running rampant and causing the natives to off themselves.

23 days ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

Please don’t apologize for calling them illegals.. They are illegals.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago
Reply to  dtj

Just because President Nixon does it, doesn’t mean its legal.

Everything Biden and Mayjorkss did was illegal. Merrick Garland is too busy abusing his position to attack political opponents.

When we get an honest Attorney General, both Mayjorkis and Garland will face prosecution as well as civil lawsuits. Joe is practically a walking corpse and it is illegal to prosecute the dead (the odds of him being formally and officially dead in a year or two, as opposed to just acting like it, are pretty high). Joe will likely pass away before he can be prosecuted.

Last edited 23 days ago by Willie Nelson II
Fast Bear
Fast Bear
23 days ago

Why do intelligent people think salvation is coming?

When we?

Nothing has changed since JFK.
You’re a slave locked in a digital panopticon.
1/6 was a tiny flex imagine what they’re scheming to do next?

Nothing will change it for the better.

Read some science fiction to recalibrate your reality. We’re there now – the dark dystopian future.

I could train Ai with Mish’s text and replace him within a few days.

My patent attorney uses it write aspects of patents.


Ockham's Razor
Ockham’s Razor
23 days ago
Reply to  dtj

They are illegal. International laws say that persons must apply for asylum in the first country they arrive: Mexico. It’s not a matter of preferences or seeking the richer country.

23 days ago
Reply to  dtj

How about Martha’s Vineyard, Chappaqua, Greenwich CT, Willmette, Highland Park, Winnetka, Northbrook, Lake Forest, Kenilworth, Illinois?

23 days ago

Put them in row boats and tow them out to sea.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

I didn’t realize you accidentally posted before finishing… apologies if I jumped the gun on earlier comments

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago

I stand by what I said about housing and illegals. I’m only apologizing for jumping the gun on Mish

Phil Davis
Phil Davis
23 days ago

What if Trump does fulfill his promise of a massive deportation? Just sayin.

23 days ago
Reply to  Phil Davis

Then let him have a 3rd term if he wants one.

But I suspect there won’t be a massive deportation. Some will get deported but unfortunately I think it will be at most 10%.

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago
Reply to  Phil Davis


Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
23 days ago

Create some Calcutta-like slums and dump them there? Give them stored credit cards for food? Wait for them to turn to crime to pay the other bills?

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago

I have to take issue with the assumption that “WE” need to house people who broke into and trespassed in our country. Mish hasn’t really thought this through.

Put a large number of current illegals into Biden’s house. Require his secret service to pay for groceries out of their own pockets.

Make videos of thousands of illegals being put onto the streets to fend for themselves, while veterans who served get priority on public shelters. Order Facebook and Twitter to post these videos on all Latin American pages as a condition to continue doing business in the USA. make sure future illegals see how poorly current illegals are treated.

Place withholding taxes on **ALL** western union transfers to latin america. Legal immigrants who pay taxes can deduct these withholdings from their income taxes. Illegals are illegal, who cares about them.

Immigration law needs to get fixed. Historically the USA gave priority to people who wanted to immigrate permanently and had skills the country needed. Time to go back to that.

Seasonal laborers should be given temporary visas and forced to pay income taxes just like everyone else. Refund them their social security withholdings when they return to their home countries, or else they forfeit.

Sorry Mish. Its stupid to talk about housing illegals. If you disagree, then put them at your house

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago

PS – for law abiding Americans, high density housing is simply not compatible with the property taxes needed to support bloated municipal payrolls.

When (not if) public unions are busted up — still a few years off — and property taxes are cut to levels that reflect actual public services delivered, housing law abiding citizens should not be a problem.

When local property taxes revert to a historical mean, when the state and federal government are forced to live within its means … housing will become affordable again.

We can afford houses or we can divert our money to prop up a failed government and its unions, neither of whom give a damn about us. Easy choice

Last edited 23 days ago by Willie Nelson II
Don C.
Don C.
23 days ago

And I just saw Teddy Kennedy swimming in a pond near Chappaquiddick, looking for something. I expect my observation to come true sooner than yours.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
23 days ago
Reply to  Don C.

The UAW and Detroit had the same smug attitude. They lost.

fast bear
fast bear
23 days ago

None of that will ever happen
They live in a parallel society and it not going anywhere.
No one will do anything about it.
If you live in a white enclave (as I assume most Mish reader do) you only see them mowing your lawn.

They have their own:
Radio stations
TV programs
Beauty Parlors
Bilingual ATM’s
Social services
Auto repair
Car dealers
Grocery stores
et al.
all in Spanish

The equities class of people love them.

They’re going anywhere except in your fantasies.

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