The Massive Immigration Wave Hits America’s Schools and Shelters

School systems complain about the rising costs of handling illegal immigrants. Here’s a spotlight on two cities, one in Massachusetts, the other Colorado.

In Stoughton, Mass., students arrive with traumatic pasts and little English. The same is happening in Denver.

The Wall Street Journal comments on The Massive Immigration Wave Hitting America’s Classrooms

Millions of migrants, most seeking asylum, have crossed the border in recent years and have been allowed to settle in the U.S. until a federal immigration judge decides their fate, a process that can take years. Among the record numbers, federal data suggest, are as many as one million children who have arrived with their families or on their own since 2021.

They are settling in cities and entering public schools around the U.S., adding financial and logistical strains in communities where they have arrived in large numbers. Districts are faced with the need for additional teachers and staff who can teach English and space for new students, often while waiting for promised supplemental federal or state funding.

Denver schools, for example, earlier this year announced a $17.5 million budget shortfall because of new migrant students.

There were recently more than 500 English learners in Stoughton schools, double the number from three years ago. The increase was fueled partly by 90 students, ranging from kindergarten to high school, placed by the state in two nearby hotels serving as homeless shelters. Many are from recently arrived Haitian migrant families.

Haitians have flocked to Massachusetts, which has an established population from the long-troubled Caribbean country.

Increased costs

Adding the 90 shelter students has cost Stoughton, which teaches a total of 3,740 students, at least $500,000 for increased staff and busing costs. The state said it has reimbursed nearly all of that money. But the lag time and uncertainty about how much would be paid back has challenged the district’s ability to plan, said Joseph Baeta, Stoughton’s superintendent.

The most immediate upfront costs this year were hiring five new staff members, including two teachers, and contracting for a bus to shuttle students to and from the hotel shelters, Baeta said. The district has gone from seven to 17 English-as-a-second-language teachers in the past five years.

Massachusetts is legally mandated to offer shelter to any family that seeks it. Migrant families recently comprised about half of the 7,477 homeless families recently living in state shelters, which are at capacity. The state since October 2022 has spent roughly $26 million to reimburse school districts for costs associated with students living in shelters.

The housing search in metro Boston, where apartments are hard to find and very pricey, could mean families who find homes eventually settle outside Stoughton. This already worries Sandla, the eighth-grader, her mother Dianise Archange said.

“She said she loves the school, so she’s asking me to please find housing around here,” Archange, 35, said through an interpreter. Sandla said her favorite subject is science and she hopes to become a pilot.

I was wondering when we would start seeing stories like this. No doubt this is happening all over the country.

In addition to rent competition, we now have crowded schools. I pity any of these kids who end up in hopeless Chicago schools.

Housing Starts

Housing Starts from Census Department, chart by Mish

Since late 2022 multi-family construction has fallen by about 50 percent. Single-family construction is up by about 25 percent. Total construction is flat.

Where Do We Put 8 Million Illegal Immigrants?

On May 23, I asked Where Do We Put 8 Million Illegal Immigrants?

Millions of immigrants keep pouring in. New residential construction has stalled and multi-family construction is in decline. Completions are rising, but is that enough housing?

Inflationary Forces

Biden’s energy policy is inflationary; student loan cancellations are inflationary; the push for union wages are inflationary; the inflation reduction act is inflationary; tariffs (both Trump and Biden are guilty) are inflationary; deficit spending is inflationary; and the need to shelter millions of migrants is inflationary.

Meanwhile, there are signs the economy is slowing. For discussion, please see Discretionary Spending Tumbles at Target, Shares Drop 10 Percent

This is not a pretty mix.

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Max Corder
Max Corder
20 days ago

These articles are some of the best news you could hear. And I can only hope that it gets much worse and more costly. Everything; schools, lunches, housing in a hotel, medical care, food for the entire illegal family, crime, etc. And I hope it increases 10x in Massachusetts, NY, Chicago and California. I hope inflation is just beginning and the Federal budget deficits double or triple.

In other words, it will not get better regarding illegal immigration and the utter stupidity of Biden and his Blue State enablers until it becomes unbearable. And the quicker it becomes unbearable, the sooner we can get to the bottom of this stinking pile of so-called “leadership” of a country and begin to rebuild it on the backs and shoulders of the American patriotic class.

20 days ago

think wef think global reset think the shot most of ya’ll took blindly easiest thing they ever pulled off on you fools they did a tarantula hawk to this country your precious court jester biden and support clowns taking it down with hardly a peep, enjoy!

Kelly Ramstod
Kelly Ramstod
21 days ago

I live in Massachusetts, and I can confirm: our schools are flooded. Not one local who voted for you know who can bring “themself” to understand “they” are responsible.

In the meantime, guess who pays. That’s right, the American kids, and especially those who need extra help. Those who have special needs. Those who are raised by single parent families of the lower classes. And so forth. No mercy for them, none, from the state and local politicians, from the teacher unions and so on. It’s really heartbreaking.

21 days ago

I suspect Beverly Hills and Rancho Santa Fe are exempt from such academic sacrifices, in keeping with their dynastic draft exemptions for the boomer and beat generation’s academic achievements during the conscription era when males outnumbered females in college.

20 days ago
Reply to  Don

You can add Greenwhich, CT, Scarsdale, Bedford, Martha’s Vineyard, and many other wealthy districts to that list.

They want their cheap labor, but they dont want them crowding their spaces!

That’s what poor neighborhoods are for,

21 days ago

I am afraid to say it, but I believe there might be something much more nefarious playing out here with the UN, etc promoting mass migration into wealthier countries in the US and Europe. It was Europe 10 years ago with a massive flood of migration from various Muslim countries. Where it was literally promoted by various politicians (Merkel, etc.). Europe I am told that in some countries you would barely recognize it. Now in the US obviously. It is almost a play to force eventual destabilization. How more folks aren’t pissed off about all fentanyl coming over is beyond me.

Last edited 21 days ago by Scott
21 days ago

Speaking of schools

“SCOOP: Whistleblowers at UCLA medical school say it has dramatically lowered admissions standards for minority applicants. As a result, they say, 50% of some cohorts now fail basic tests of medical competence.”

Indoctrination, rather than education, is the theme these days. It is hard to imagine the primary schools in Stoughton and Denver being much different.

21 days ago

When the Albanian regime collapsed, the first thing that happened is that they opened their jails (could support them) and let the inmates “escape” to Greece. Along with them came others. Overall, 90% young and middle-aged males.

21 days ago

Woke up this morning, couldn’t even get to the bathroom, house is full of the damn things again. Took 15 minutes to shoo them all out.

Should have never gave that one a TV dinner.

Maximus Minimus
Maximus Minimus
21 days ago

Immigration is the defining subject of our time. Everything else is secondary.
The failed overpopulated societies of the third world are sending desperate waves of migrants to the still livable Europe and North America, making them the mirror image of those places.
The addled brains, or in cases no brains of the so called leaders haven’t got a chance to grasp the reality, but still are able to push the common sterile narratives to the obedient plebs.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
21 days ago

During his 2019 campaign Biden called MBS a mass murderer for killing tens of thousands innocent children in Yemen and Adnan Khashoggi. Once elected he imposed a weapon embargo on the Saudis. After 3 years and five months before the Nov election Biden cancelled his embargo,

Last edited 21 days ago by Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
21 days ago

Two English muffins, no cheese, for $5 plus senior coffee for $6.

21 days ago

It was Trump who blocked Lankford’s immigration reform bill. But Trump at least has a good reason for doing it: he wants to stay out of prison after the election. By contrast, people who piss and moan about immigration but also don’t want legal changes are pure hypocrites.

21 days ago
Reply to  Albert

Funny thing is he’s going to lose anyway, so they burned it for nothing.

Here he is trying to suck up to the Libertarians at their convention, and them having none of it:

link to

… the really funny thing is he made the secret service go around and confiscate the rubber chickens they had with “Debate Bobby” on them:

link to

The whole speech is only 34 minutes, and well worth watching.

His boo boo face is epic… and at the end he stands there applauding himself, looking like he wants to cry while they boo him.

This is what losing looks like.

Dudley Do Right
Dudley Do Right
20 days ago
Reply to  Albert

Funny thing, if they only upheld the current laws, we wouldnt have this problem. So yeah, you keep pushing for laws, thatll work

20 days ago
Reply to  Albert

LOL Biden doesnt need a bill to reinstitute Trump’s policies that Biden reversed.

Do you think ppl are stupid?

Do you think all of those lower income citizens upset at their public bldgs. and spaces being converted for use by immigrants dont remember that when Trump was prez this wasn’t a problem?

Ppl know and they are changing their votes to Trump accordingly.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
21 days ago

High interest rates, AI and the illegal immigrants cause deflation. The money tsunami is gone. The Rent CPI is fake. The positively biased C/S is fake. In construction 2+ units and 5+ units are down. The PPI is down. Car sales are down. EV is DOA.

Willie Nelson II
Willie Nelson II
21 days ago

Imagine if the feds had distributed $140 billion toward these problems caused by the Biden regime, instead of pissing that amount away on a stupid pointless war in Ukraine that absolutely no one cares about and is none of our business anyway.

F#ck Joe Biden

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
21 days ago

Well, those two none of our business wars boosted production of 155mm, missiles, airplanes and food for 2 million people in Jasa. They are obviously our business.
The war machine sectors have opened orders for ten years. If u missed an order by a few days u have to wait 3 years until u get to the next cycle of production and pay more.
That’s the data.

Last edited 21 days ago by Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
21 days ago

1) Transfer money, in real terms, is down.
2) Writing off a few hundred million dollar student loans ==> $0.5B/$1,750B = 0.0003. A small discount, before collecting $1.8T at 7%/Y = $126B/Y.
3) Shooting 5/12 illegal immigrants years ago, could have prevented the rest. Since they are here the gov prevent : mass homelessness, infectious disease and mass starvation, until they can settle in and find a job as : carpenters, electricians, air condition repairmen, cooks, waiters, in healthcare, as nunnies, moving stuff from point A to B or army soldiers.
4) Should immigrant kids learn English : yes !
5) The “nativists” always hated new immigrants: the Irish, the Germans, the Poles, the Catholics, the Jews…and especially the coolies.
6) The US gov tries to prevent deflation in vain

21 days ago

Illegals are also receiving SSI if they claim refugee status.

Dudley Do Right
Dudley Do Right
20 days ago
Reply to  Blurtman

….and free housing, and arent allowed to work, and free tuition if they want school, and EBT cards, and everything else, as long as they claim “political refugee” status, which of course there is a team of lawyers at the ready fighting their cause the moment they hit the shore, so theyll get it.

21 days ago

And if a flood of immigration was deemed necessary by the neocon deep state for military aged males to be thrown into the Imperial meat grinder in Taiwan, Ukraine, Africa etc. etc. etc. China has poor demographics and the one child policy means a single male child sent off to war may very well lead to pitchforks. Russia is sucking in poor soldiers from the Stan population, Russia and ethnic Russians also in the poor demographic hot spot. Our main export of sex with no reproduction, leave that to the biotech industry where the industrial production of humans has enormous profit potential, impacts demographics here as well, so we simply import more people who are still in the family business of creating more people. Laborers, soldiers, voters, beholden to the hand that feeds them.

21 days ago
Reply to  Patrick

The use of non-Roman mercenaries, particularly Germanic tribes, increased, contributing to fragmentation and instability in the Western Roman Empire.

21 days ago

– School systems complain about the rising costs of handling illegal immigrants.
> I would not use the word complain, as they ask for more raises, less hours, and extras along the way. I would use the word blackmail, as it fits the grift much better. If they truly cared about the children, then they wouldn’t allow this to occur. It’s called a walkout! Because the School System (ie. Teachers), truly only care about $$ and Benefits, they use these opportunities to do a money grab, and to be codified. They would never stand up for the kids and refuse to teach, or Not Teach, under the circumstances. That doesn’t pay nearly as well…

– In Stoughton, Mass., students arrive with traumatic pasts and little English. The same is happening in Denver.
> Everywhere is the same. Some way more traumatized by the time they arrive, depending on the path they were forced to take.

– Millions of migrants, most seeking asylum, have crossed the border in recent years and have been allowed to settle in the U.S. until a federal immigration judge decides their fate, a process that can take years. Among the record numbers, federal data suggest, are as many as one million children who have arrived with their families or on their own since 2021.
> Very few seek asylum, and the first entry is the place you must/should go. Most have their last stop in America, but the Teachers (Unions) say Nothing, as do the Politicians who get the benefits, and of course the children, who are used in all sorts of ways.

– They are settling in cities and entering public schools around the U.S., adding financial and logistical strains in communities where they have arrived in large numbers. Districts are faced with the need for additional teachers and staff who can teach English and space for new students, often while waiting for promised supplemental federal or state funding.
> See above, don’t fall for promises, and watch your backs.

– Denver schools, for example, earlier this year announced a $17.5 million budget shortfall because of new migrant students.
> Nobody saw that coming, except EVERYONE Not In On The Grift, but they couldn’t do anything about it.

– Haitians have flocked to Massachusetts, which has an established population from the long-troubled Caribbean country.
> Long Troubled, uneducated, sick, etc. so Let Them In (Illegally) says Biden Inc.

– Massachusetts is legally mandated to offer shelter to any family that seeks it. Migrant families recently comprised about half of the 7,477 homeless families recently living in state shelters, which are at capacity. The state since October 2022 has spent roughly $26 million to reimburse school districts for costs associated with students living in shelters.
> So we have tens of thousands of homeless Americans, and they DO NOT GET mandated shelter and educations, and healthcare, but are left homeless and drugged out in tent cities on the streets of crime. No mandates for them, as they just live here legally, so let them figure it out.

– I was wondering when we would start seeing stories like this. No doubt this is happening all over the country.
> It most certainly is, and the MSM will not (not allowed) report anything negative (as discussed above) about it. Those in charge want it kept as quiet as possible, until they reach 30M or so. You speak, you lose (Freedom, Job, License, rights, etc.) and in these times, on purpose of course, you don’t want to be on the losing side of this administration, Just Ask Trump!

– I pity any of these kids who end up in hopeless Chicago schools.
> I couldn’t agree more, and the education they leave with, will be more suited for the streets. Hmm… I wonder if that’s also part of the overall plan of Chaos?

– Biden’s energy policy is inflationary; student loan cancellations are inflationary; the push for union wages are inflationary; the inflation reduction act is inflationary; tariffs (both Trump and Biden are guilty) are inflationary; deficit spending is inflationary; and the need to shelter millions of migrants is inflationary.
> Everything right now is inflationary, and this happens when you’re out of ideas, made some really bad choices, and other peoples money is starting to run out.

– This is not a pretty mix.
> Nope, not at all, and it isn’t even bad just yet. Wait until Summer… “Idle minds are the playground of the Devil” and this summer will prove that out with immense destruction to our streets, schools, and neighborhoods… for starters!!!

22 days ago

I love it. You get what you vote for. The residents will have to pay higher taxes to support all the illegals. Educating them is a major expense.

Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
22 days ago

Trump was booed in the libertarian convention. A fight broke out. Biden is getting weaker, but Trump might run out of fuel in the next 5 months, bc Fatma Lynch, Fany Lynch, Alvin Lynch and Jack the Ripper lost their grip.

21 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

I hear 30,000 showed up to hear Trump in the Bronx.

Dudley Do Right
Dudley Do Right
20 days ago
Reply to  Micheal Engel

Voting doesnt matter. But you keep holding the dream

22 days ago

Trump says that he will be deporting many of the immigrants on Day One. Deporting = deflation??

Dudley Do Right
Dudley Do Right
20 days ago
Reply to  coolkevs

I dont see how, but I hope so.

People keep moaning deflation is a big no-no. Its the nicest way out of this for the middle class and whatever is left of it, if one assumes there’s a way out.

The greatest deflationary force in our lifetime has played out; the internet. Its no longer that, as often things are more expensive on the internet than locally. Part (but only part) of what you see in the economy is the acknowledgement that the internet is fully commoditized and is no longer a competing delivery method.

The folks who dont want inflation are the folks who own gobs of hard assets. Because their wealth goes down in a very real fashion. So keep this is mind when the talking heads babble “we cant have deflation!”, its probably paid glowies.

Last edited 20 days ago by Dudley Do Right
20 days ago
Reply to  coolkevs

Around here you’d basically have to close every construction company, restaurant, and old folks home. Would that be inflationary or deflationary?

Steve in TN
Steve in TN
22 days ago

Apparently the Democrats feel that it’s worth it to lose the presidency in November in order to permanently increase substantially the number of potential Democrat voters in the near future. They assume the ten to twenty million migrants will eventually receive asylum & become citizens to vote Democrat in perpetuity.

California is the model – remember when GOP candidates could win statewide elections – then came amnesty.

22 days ago

@Mish, Several of us here have argued for years (decades?) that the US would die from inflation. Glad to see you’ve come around. Given human nature (aka corrupt governments), deflation never made sense as a likely outcome.

22 days ago
Reply to  JeffD

That said, I would still like to see an article from you covering the current deflationary pockets (and threats) among an inflationary rising tide.

Last edited 22 days ago by JeffD
22 days ago
Reply to  JeffD

Final comment: Since 88% of all mortgages are agency backed, the price of homes is directly tied to one indicator (in an ” if and only if” fashion, for all you mathematicians out there), and that is the FHFA conforming loan limit. Prices rise and fall based on what that number is. The government could bring down home prices effectively overnight if this limit were rolled back to 2019 levels. Prices would essentially immediately come down due to “market forces”.

22 days ago
Reply to  JeffD

Not necessarily. People would have to take mortgages for jumbo loans.

21 days ago
Reply to  Laura

The pool of people willing to lend there is tiny because the securitization is harder to float without implicit guarantees

Also, “Lenders also doled out about 285,000 fewer jumbo loans [in 2022], which represented a 41% decline [from 2021].” And, “Jumbo mortgages accounted for 14.7% of total first-lien originations in 2023, the lowest share for the sector since 2010.”

Last edited 21 days ago by JeffD
21 days ago
Reply to  JeffD

“14.7% of total first-lien originations in 2023”.
In dollar volume, not as a share of all mortgages.

Last edited 21 days ago by JeffD
Bill Meyer
Bill Meyer
22 days ago

You can have either open borders or a massive welfare state. Having both at the same time is a guarantee of sadness.

22 days ago

Nothing 300-400% property tax increase can’t solve.

22 days ago

Every Ivy League. New Trier High Schools in Chicago n Burbs. Tell ‘em Fatso sent you.

22 days ago

The asylum claims are 99% bogus. Brett Weinstein (a liberal) interviewed them south of the border and 0% had asylum/persecution concerns. It’s all for economics. Jobs or entitlements (or both). The know claiming persecution and needing asylum allow them to stay … so just like every 2nd amendment advocate knows to say, “I feared for my life” … the migrants are coached to say, “I request asylum or I will be killed if I go back.” Venezuela emptied their prisons and sent them here (they found employment in the theft rings in NYC and elsewhere). Their asylum claims are honest … they will go back to prison if they go back to Venezuela.

New border bill democrats put forward basically codifies the open border and will make it harder to fix the problem if we get grown ups in charge.

Trump’s claim to deport them all is absurd. IMHO … best solution … close the border (shut of the spigot) as well as possible … and provide no federal funds for illegals. Some states will do some social justice posturing … but will run out of money. Before long, many will deport themselves.

22 days ago
Reply to  MikeC711

My half-brother and his wife, professionals, left Venezuela years ago for Panama to start a new life. They were genuine asylum seekers. They made that decision after he audited a building that the government built to become a public school. He found 5 million dollars unaccounted for. He turned in the report. From then on, he and his wife were followed by the government goons. Eventually, they caught up to his wife, who told her that if he didn’t change the report, they would kill her and him. Immediately, they packed their bags. He had a copy of the report and flew to Panama. After eight years in Panama. He and his family left for France. He now speaks three languages (Spanish, English, and French), has a job, and joined a French chess team (he was a chess champion in Venezuela). The Venezuelans crossing the border today are coming here for economic reasons. The country is struggling, and there is no American Dream for them. To your point, they will go back and start doing that. I came here in 1970 from Venezuela when there was still an American Dream for my parents to reach for, and when I get the chance to speak to some of these recent economic immigrants I let them know.

22 days ago

Well looky here cowboy. Somebody in this group just brought up this EXACT point on a recent Mish Illegal Immigration piece a day or so ago……

Brilliant minds think alike eh there Mish?


The Hank

22 days ago

It’s not all bad, 5 or 6 million lower cost farm and construction workers is deflationary.

22 days ago
Reply to  shamrockva

But the construction jobs lost by people born in the US will cause other issues.

22 days ago
Reply to  shamrockva

Not if they consume more than they produce it isn’t. If you are low skilled and require subsidies to live you are increasing demand for goods more than you are increasing supply. Caring for millions of unskilled illiterates isn’t going to make stuff cheaper.

22 days ago
Reply to  shamrockva

Yep. Exactly. Growth is deflationary. Immigration promotes growth. And tariffs eventually slow growth, deflationary. Great Depression was not a period of substantial immigration or free trade.

Last edited 22 days ago by Yooj
21 days ago
Reply to  shamrockva

Fifty years ago I would have agreed with you. Today and into the future, labor unions and minimum wages laws will make your comment worthless.

21 days ago
Reply to  DaveFromDenver

Japan, low immigration and low inflation. Unionization and minimum wages decrease employment, which is deflationary.
Don’t blame immigration for long-term inflation. Don’t blame unions or minimum wage laws. Blame bad governmental fiscal and monetary policy.

22 days ago

Fentanyl deaths guaranteed to be the #1, ever increasing, killer of children and young adults.

No correlation to the open southern border will be put forth as a cause.

The quick deaths of those on 9/11 was met with a quick response. Sadly, the slow Fentanyl deaths, thousands of times that of 9/11, is met with no response.

Last edited 22 days ago by Sunriver
franco guglietti
franco guglietti
22 days ago
Reply to  Sunriver

Yeah, but it will be, slowly America is returning to sanity and strange as it may be to say, Trump is leading it. “Who in the hell cares what your skin color is, lets Make America Great Again.” DJT, NYC to 50k diverse Bronx citizens.

21 days ago

I disagree. You are suffering from Stockholm syndrome. I see logic continuing to spiral downward around me at an alarming pace.

20 days ago

Doesn’t matter if it was 100k. NY will still go for Biden in a big way in November. Only the 7 swing states matter, thanks to our obsolete Electoral College system!

22 days ago
Reply to  Sunriver

911 response was a bogus response They invaded the wrong countries By now the whole thing is very obvious

22 days ago

Based on what I read in this comments section, we need more immigrants in the US. They will help to increase the average IQ in the country, and provide us with the workers we need.

Fast Bear
Fast Bear
22 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

Said the boomer who cannot reconnoiter that:
Plants start dying at 350PPM CO2
Grow best at 1200+ PPM CO2
And our atmosphere is at 400PPM.

The sky is falling
The sky is falling

Reeeee reeeee

22 days ago
Reply to  Fast Bear

Lol! Thanks for proving my point!

If plants die below 350 ppm there wouldn’t be any plants left. CO2 levels ranged from 170 ppm to 300 ppm for millions of years. The plants did fine moron.

In the last 10,000 years mankind learned to cultivate crops and our population grew rapidly as a result. And CO2 was 280 ppm the entire time.

Which shows what a dumb f*ck you are.

We need more immigrants to offset idiots like you.

Bill Meyer
Bill Meyer
22 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

Papa Dave, most of our plants thrive at higher CO2 levels and evolved during times of much higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Notice how the dope growers have propane burners in the greenhouse? It’s plant food. Geologist Dr. Gregory Wrightstone does a good job of going down that rabbit hole is his two books “Inconvenient Facts” and “A Convenient Warming”. He makes the case that we were getting pretty close to CO2 starvation levels for most plant life 2-300 years back and that the modest CO2 increases have benefited humanity. The books are good reading.

Last edited 22 days ago by Bill Meyer
22 days ago
Reply to  Bill Meyer

Yes Bill, CO2 is plant food. Grade 5 science.

Without CO2 plants cannot grow.

But plants also need soil nutrients, water, proper temperatures and sunshine. More CO2 in isolation is meaningless. Let’s discuss these inputs.

Temperature: There are ideal temperatures for the growth of each type of crop. As global temperatures rise, each 1C increase in temperature reduces crop yields by roughly 5% on average.

Soil Nutrients: Soils are essential to plant life, supporting ecosystems and agriculture. Climate change will affect soils, leading to changes in soil erosion, organic carbon, nutrients and alkalinity.

Water: Plants also need appropriate amounts of water. Climate change results in more drought in some areas and floods in others. Both reduce crop yields.

CO2: More CO2 may help plant growth, but it leads to less nutrition from those plants. Scientific studies have identified that increased CO2 levels have already increased carbohydrate content in crops while reducing protein, mineral and vitamin content. Over the last 60 years there has been a significant reduction in the nutritional content of the crops we grow. Which is partly due to more
CO2. As CO2 levels continue to increase, plants will produce even more carbohydrates at the expense of protein, minerals and vitamins, turning them into a form of junk food.

Feel free to research any of the items I just mentioned.

Mankind has been very successful at cultivating crops for the last 10,000 years with CO2 at 280 ppm. Higher levels are not necessary.

Incidently, tlhe last time CO2 levels were over 400 ppm was during the Pliocene era 3-5 million years ago. Temperatures were 2C higher than today, and ocean levels were 50 feet higher than today. Which is where we seem headed.

If we keep increasing CO2 levels “to help the plants”:

When CO2 levels were 4000 ppm, 600 million years ago, sea levels were 500 feet higher because all the ice had melted and because warmer ocean water expands.

22 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

Put an ice cube in a full glass of water so the ice cube is above the rim of the glass. As the ice melts…why doesn’t the water spill out? Do you worry about your pipes bursting when they freeze or when it gets hot outside?

22 days ago
Reply to  Astroboy

Lol! Do you think that the vast majority of ice in the world is already in the oceans? Here’s a hint. 99.9% of the ice on the planet is on land. Only 0.1% is already in the ocean.

Try this experiment genius.

Fill a glass to the brim with water. Now turn on the tap and add more water to the glass. That’s what happens when ice on land melts and gets added to the ocean.

More immigrants please.

Americans are getting dumber by the minute.

22 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

Fast food and fluoride will do that Dave

21 days ago
Reply to  Frederick

They’ll do what? Make Americans dumber? Probably. Must be a lot of fast food junkies here.

22 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

If you are going to give a rundown on plants and CO2, you need to discuss C3 and C4 photosynthesis as well.

21 days ago
Reply to  Doug78

Be my guest.

21 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

Every time I read “scientific studies say” my eyes glaze over. Scientific studies said the cv19 jabs were “safe and effective” and we know how that turned out. There are three kinds of lies, remember?

21 days ago
Reply to  glory

Lol! Eyes glaze over; just like every dumb f*ck here. Another cult moron.

22 days ago
Reply to  Bill Meyer

By the way, CO2 levels were at 280 ppm from 8000 BC to 1880 AD. There was no change in CO2 levels 200-300 years ago.

So what the f*ck was that book about? Garbage science used to sell books to the gullible I guess.

22 days ago
Reply to  Bill Meyer

Also, plants today have indeed evolved over time. They are markedly different than they were 3 million years ago. And in those 3 million years they have evolved and adapted to the CO2 levels and climate conditions that existed over those 3 million years. So plants today are designed for the CO2 levels of the last 3 million years: 170-300 ppm.

Gregory Wrightstone is full of sh*t.

22 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

When someone moves from Venezuela to the US, their carbon emissions goes up by a factor of 5, due to lifestyle changes. How about an environmental impact report on immigration?

21 days ago
Reply to  JGzzz

Go ahead. Provide one.

22 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

Illegals are not immigrants! They’re squatters, lowlifes, and welfare trash. My mother in-law went through the legal immigration process. <~ That’s an immigrant since you are unaware of what one is.

22 days ago
Reply to  Mypillow

Strange. I thought Mish was talking about “illegal immigrants”. You should take up your argument with him. Maybe he cares about what you are talking about.

21 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

Dang. I was expecting at least 30 down votes for my comment.

21 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

Hooray! Made it over 30 downvotes. Thanks everyone!

20 days ago
Reply to  PapaDave

I gave you a complimentary downvote, maybe you can make 50!

22 days ago

Invasion of criminals is not immigration.

22 days ago

Mish, we should put the illegal aliens on the nearest transportation back to wherever they came from and in the interim other than a tent and food we should provide them no services, school or otherwise.

22 days ago
Reply to  Jchb

We are not obligated to provide food and shelter to an invading army of beggars.

Scott Craig LeBoo
Scott Craig LeBoo
22 days ago

Its a good thing you guys werent around when WW2 had to be fought. You would have wetted yourselves at the thought of taking on the superior and drugged-into-submission Wehrmacht (they were all high on meth — look it up). Good thing FDR ignored the nattering nabobs. 40 years ago West Germany had to absorb the dental plaque called East Germany — no immigrants, but even worse — communists! It was tough going for 10+ years. But they did it. And these scary, dirty little 9 year olds that scare you so much may just be of some use to you, if you just gave them a chance. You guys are a movie of the week waiting to be written.

Last edited 22 days ago by Scott Craig LeBoo
22 days ago

You didn’t go back far enough. Hopefully Wilson is still roasting in hell.

21 days ago

The Wehrmacht was destroyed by the red army. Taking credit for defeating that army isn’t the same as actually doing the deed.

21 days ago

The rest of Europe paid for German reunification.

Germany ran deficits during reunification. But thanks to the European Union, Germany was able to go on a massive export binge to the rest of Europe. They suddenly ran huge surpluses that paid for reunification while the rest of the European countries went hopelessly into debt thanks to trade imbalances.

HB Guy
HB Guy
22 days ago

Mish asked “Where do we put 8 million illegals”?

On a bus back to where they came from, with maybe a bottle of water for the trip.

20 days ago
Reply to  HB Guy

Good news kids, granny’s moving back in so we can provide full time care right here at home (I’ll quit my job), and also all the businesses in town are closing down because they lost their employees.

Dr Funkenstein
Dr Funkenstein
22 days ago

Getting what they voted for. Of course they will get Congress to subsidize them so all of us have to pay for the illegal alien criminal invaders and their inevitable high crime rate

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