Biden’s SOTU Address Will Focus on Clean Energy and Environmental Justice

Image clip from White House Briefing Fact Sheet

White House Fact Sheet

While president Biden is sure to mention Russia, Ukraine and food inflation the White House Briefing Room says President Biden to Highlight Clean Energy in his SOTU address later today.

In his first State of the Union address, the President will call on Congress to deliver on a legislative agenda for clean energy and climate action that has overwhelming support from the American people—Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

Overwhelming support? Seriously? 

Biden cannot even get 50 Democrat Senators to agree.

For the first time, set an official target to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, economy-wide, by no later than 2050 and cut greenhouse gas pollution by more than half in 2030.

If implemented, the transition would dramatically increase demand for various metals and rare earth elements, driving up costs and inflation at the same time.

Not so, says the president who:

Announced major investments to secure a Made in America supply chain for critical minerals and sustainably source key inputs (including lithium and rare earth elements) for clean energy technologies like batteries, electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels. This includes taking action to update outdated mining regulations and laws to ensure that extraction and production adheres to strong environmental, labor, and community and Tribal engagement standards.

Biden says we will do it here, while updating environmental standards, with union labor, and allegedly that will not result in price increases.

Here’s his bold vision.

President Biden campaigned on a bold vision of tackling the climate crisis with the urgency that science demands by seizing the opportunity to build a strong domestic energy sector that can manufacture and deploy clean energy for the benefit of all Americans—with lower costs for families, good-paying jobs for workers, and healthier air and cleaner water for communities.

Since Day One, he has delivered.

Delivered What? Fantasy Projections? Irresponsible Budget Proposals?

Biden is also slated to blame price gougers for excessive profits despite the fact the price of oil has gone up, the price of labor has gone up, and agricultural commodities are at the highest levels in a decade.

Biden even doubled Trump’s tariffs on Canadian lumber driving up the price of houses.

US Lumber Futures courtesy of Nasdaq

 Is it any wonder Biden’s approval rating has plunged?

Putting a spotlight on environmental justice will not help Democrats in the midterm elections. 

No matter how one feels about climate change, there is no way to do this without increasing inflation or creating energy shortages.

This post originated on MishTalk.Com.

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This post originated on MishTalk.Com

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Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple
2 years ago
Not a single mask-wearer in the chamber.
So they were all vaxxed, boosted and tested negative?  Sounds like bull$#!+, but okay I’ll grant that.
Then it’s past time to rescind the FAA mask mandate and replace it with proof of vax and a negative test.  I fly so much I would GLADLY do this every time I fly.
Otherwise, it’s a clear case of “laws for thee but not for me.”  Putrid.
2 years ago
What could possibly be a better way to compete with Chinese five year planers allocating their country’s limited economic resources, than to empower senile five year planers to allocate ours….
2 years ago
I had to look it up.  Environmental Justice is a concept wherein the public, regardless of race, age, gender, etc., is equitably empowered and engaged in environmental regulation making and enforcement, with the understanding that this is not to ever promote or facilitate the development, delvery, or access to affordable fossil fuels.
2 years ago
Denmark reinstates their “keystone pipeline” . ( boy that was quick ) 
2 years ago
We might have a lot to build back if we keep poking the bear.
2 years ago
Biden’s SOTU address will be 100% bullshiite.
2 years ago
Reply to  Bam_Man
It will be a psychological exam for dementia.
2 years ago
….as if weakening magnetic fields( according to scientific observations) would give a damn about so called clean energy….pathetic mankind !
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett
2 years ago
“Putting a spotlight on environmental justice will not help Democrats in the midterm elections.”
People are worried about inflation, inflation, and inflation.
If he lays blame elsewhere (gougers, supply constraint, etc) and doubles down on Federal Reserve’s duty to tame … 
2 years ago
Gonna take a lot of fossil fuel to build out that green powered utopia. A lot.  😉
2 years ago
Biden doubling down on stupid. I’m doubling down on Canadian Oil and Uranium.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
He’s clearly obtuse to what’s going on. It’s like he prerecorded this many months ago in anticipation of having already passed BBB and is just now going to play it live for the nation with an addendum on Ukraine and food inflation to make it seem like he’s speaking it today.
In reality the only things he should be addressing right now are Ukraine (assuring Americans we aren’t going to war with Russia and thus getting nuked) and inflation overall (what he plans to do about it this year). No one cares one whit about anything else unless they are still worried about Covid.
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
Hilarious!  Exactly right. He might as well have his puppet master’s arm hanging out his rear end to lend the scene more credibility. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
You must be on your knees thanking Russia….
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
I don’t want this war. I wish Putin would reconsider his position. No good outcome I can see.
2 years ago
The doubling of tariffs on Canadian lumber was especially mind-blowing.

Not even a great fool would think that was a good idea.

2 years ago
Reply to  dbannist
No more mind blowing than stopping an Oil pipeline from Canada and ordering drilling / fracking moratoriums.
I’d say those are worse because virtually everyone uses Oil in some manner even if it’s just having goods delivered while not everyone is building or updating a home.
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
The WestCoast Transmission pipeline fiasco might be even worse. 
2 years ago
A 40% approval rating is about as low as a democrat can get. Because much of the country will support a democrat no matter what and the polls always make democrats look better than the actual number.
With oil at $105 and climbing, promoting green energy is something only a complete moron would think is a good idea. Par for the course for this administration.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
About as low as a Democrat can get since polls are done mostly by Democratically-minded folk.  “I think I’ll pursue a career in gauging public opinion” just is not uttered all that much by reality-grounded folk. 
2 years ago
Meanwhile in Europe, they have decided they really do need COAL and NUCLEAR power…
Russia is going to supply 100 million tons of coal to China, as they need that coal for their NEW SUPER COAL fired plants.
2 years ago
Reply to  Green_Squirrel
Really, how much more pollution is created with a coal plant outfitted with BACT compared to gas plants?

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