Saudi Arabia Buys Oil From Russia at a Discount Then Sells it to the EU

Mideast Oil Imports from Tweet Below

Hoot of the Day

“Saudi Arabia is not the only country to buy oil from Russia. There are many other countries buying Russian oil and selling their own at a higher price to EU countries.”

Saudi Arabia Doubles Second-Quarter Russian Fuel Oil 

Reuters reports Saudi Arabia Doubles Second-Quarter Russian Fuel Oil 

 Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, more than doubled the amount of Russian fuel oil it imported in the second quarter to feed power stations to meet summer cooling demand and free up the kingdom’s own crude for export, data showed and traders said.

Russia has been selling fuel at discounted prices after international sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine left it with fewer buyers. Moscow calls the war in Ukraine a “special military operation”.

Egypt Involved Too

Bloomberg reports Now Egypt Emerges as Major Supplier of Fuel Oil to Saudi Arabia

First Estonia, now Egypt: the countries emerging as surprisingly large suppliers of fuel oil to Saudi Arabia gets longer.

The sudden surge in Egyptian inflows and outflows bears the hallmarks of at least some Russian-origin fuel going to Saudi Arabia. It follows a similar hike in deliveries to the world’s largest crude exporter from Estonia, a nation that has no oil refinery.

The Russian cargoes are heading to the Egyptian Red Sea terminal of Ain Sukhna, where Aramco Trading Co. has storage. From there, the fuel oil is being shipped across the sea to multiple ports in western Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia’s energy ministry referred questions on the flows to Aramco Trading, which declined to comment. Officials at Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation didn’t respond to requests to comment.

Biden Visited Saudi Arabia on Friday 

Biden Fist Bump via New York Times

The New York Times reports Biden’s Fraught Saudi Visit Garners Scathing Criticism and Modest Accords 

That is a non-paywall link.

In the most politically problematic trip of his presidency, Mr. Biden’s critics accused him of helping rehabilitate the reputation of a tarnished prince in exchange for numerous, but limited gains.

In the most fraught foreign visit of his presidency to date, Mr. Biden’s encounter with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gave the de facto Saudi leader a measure of the international rehabilitation he sought, while securing steps toward closer relations with Israel and an unannounced understanding that the kingdom would soon pump more oil to relieve high gas prices at home.

Mr. Biden’s discomfort was palpable as he avoided a handshake with the prince in favor of a fist bump that in the end proved no less problematic politically. While cameras recorded the opening of their subsequent meeting, the president made no mention of Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post columnist assassinated in 2018 by Saudi operatives, and the prince smiled silently when a reporter asked if he owed an apology to the family.

Even the New York Times has had enough of Biden 

The president wants Saudi to pump more oil but it has little capacity. Instead Saudi buys oil from Russia, and that is the only way it can appear to pump more. 

Sanctions increased the price of oil so much that Russia make more than it did before selling oil at a discount to the world’s largest oil exporter

What a hoot!

Buyer’s Cartel 

Meanwhile, the US and the EU are stupid enough to think they can cut the price of oil via a buyer’s cartel. 

For discussion, please see A Laughable Explanation of the G7 Oil Price Buyers’ Cartel Emerges

Rather than admit economic fundamentals, G7 leaders, especially Biden and Macron keep doubling down on dumber and dumber ideas.

That was my hoot of the day on June 28. 

This post originated at MishTalk.Com.

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This post originated on MishTalk.Com

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1 year ago
And Biden had promised he will bring Jamal Kashoggis murderers to bear. I guess it’s first bumps time instead. Putin and Xi are laughing out loud, human rights the Americans said, mwahahaa
1 year ago
Lunacy at its best !
1 year ago
Aha! So that’s why oil goes to $380 if Russia cuts it all off. By the way, if that actually happens, stay tuned for an American invasion of Venezuela.
1 year ago
Sanctions are working! Our leaders are so smart. We are lucky to have them,
1 year ago


MBS gets to claim he wasn’t personally responsible.

Saudi gets to claim their role as power-broker price-setting swing producer of oil.

Only 2 problems:

Both win+win are for the Saudi’s.

Saudi cannot produce 13mbl/day; Saudi has never produced even 12mbl on a sustained basis, and there is no evidence they can, since we don’t know whether exports/production are sustainable or buffered by other factors.

1 year ago
There needs to be chemical DNA typing of oil. That would prevent this type of arbitrage. You’re welcome.
1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo
There is. But at the same time it could easily be a mixture or even some chemicals added to fool the DNA typing.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
1 year ago
Wanna bet Hunter Biden is in the middle of this?
1 year ago
Reply to  Captain Ahab
Not the middle, just on the fringe. That way he can collect a little $ and not draw too much attention to the family business 🙂
1 year ago
Those slippery saudis… now we know that they don’t have the capacity they claim to.
1 year ago
Reply to  Zardoz
It’s been obvious for years that they don’t have much spare capacity. Even their fields are running down and a large amount of their oil profits now goes to social services rather than reinvestment.
And I wouldn’t call them slippery. It’s smart business practice to do what they are doing. For all we know there is a secret handshake where the EU asked them to do this to keep up appearances of not buying Russian oil.
Captain Ahab
Captain Ahab
1 year ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Why would the Saudis pump their own oil when they can rebrand Russian oil, making money, and pleasing President Cluster Fudge, with no effort or cost on their part (except the kickback to Hunter Biden)? I daresay some was exported to the USA. Equally likely, the USA has been buying oil from its own strategic reserve.
1 year ago
Reply to  Zardoz
I suggest the book “Twilight in the Desert” by Matt Simmons
A little dated, written in 2006 during the time of the “peak oil scare”. Mr Simmons died of drowning in his hot tub in Maine in Aug 2010
Twilight in the Desert reveals a Saudi oil and production industry that could soon approach a
serious, irreversible decline. In this exhaustively researched book,
veteran oil industry analyst Matthew Simmons draws on his three-plus
decades of insider experience and more than 200 independently produced
reports about Saudi petroleum resources and production operations. He
uncovers a story about Saudi Arabia’s troubled oil industry, not to
mention its political and societal instability, which differs sharply
from the globally accepted Saudi version. It’s a story that is
provocative and disturbing, based on undeniable facts, but until now
never told in its entirety. Twilight in the Desert answers all readers’
questions about Saudi oil and production industries with keen
examination instead of unsubstantiated posturing, and takes its place as
one of the most important books of this still-young century.
1 year ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Even if they had the capacity, Saudi has been experiencing a population boom like a true third world country. However, unlike those others, it also has a hilife per capita consumption. There is only so much to go around.
Like Indonesia, when it had half the people to feed, it was an oil exporter. Now, a net oil importer.

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