Should Texas Ban Biden from the Ballot for Not Securing the Border?

Wouldn’t it make as much sense as Colorado’s ban of Trump?

I am not seriously proposing that, but apparently it is under discussion in Texas following a ridiculous decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to ban Trump from the Colorado ballot on grounds of insurrection.

Trump Disqualified From 2024 Colorado Ballot

I wrote about the ban on December 19, in Trump Disqualified From 2024 Colorado Ballot, Supreme Court Challenge Coming

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled Trump is guilty of insurrection and blocked him from the primary ballot. This is headed to the US Supreme Court.

The court issued a stay until January 4 allowing for appeal. I expect this ruling is headed for the ashcan.

This is disgraceful politics by the Colorado Supreme Court. Trump has not been convicted of anything, at least yet.

Not Even Charged With Insurrection

More accurately, Trump has not even been charged with insurrection, to which he would be entitled to a trial by jury.

Nonetheless, the court ruled that Donald Trump is guilty of insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021. That link is the court ruling.

I strongly accuse the Colorado court of extreme politics. So does anyone with an ounce of common sense.

Sandbagging the Supreme Court

The left’s legal assault on Trump is a threat to the institution—and that’s by design, says WSJ writer Kimberley Strassel in Sandbagging the Supreme Court

Take the Colorado Supreme Court majority, and its laughable claim in its decision this week that it didn’t “lightly” reach its finding of Trump-as-insurrectionist and was “mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions” and “solemn” about it. The opinion was in fact so wild—glossing over basic questions of due process, federalism and the Constitution—that three liberal justices strongly rejected it. The majority knew it would be left to the U.S. Supreme Court to clean up their mess.

There was a day when the professional class—in particular prosecutors and lower-court judges—cared about institutions at least as much as about winning. Not this crew. What makes their actions more deplorable is the cynical view that harming the high court is an added benefit, not a cost. They come amid a vicious campaign to vilify the court as partisan and corrupt. If the justices rule against Mr. Trump in these suits, the left accomplishes an immediate political goal. If they rule in Mr. Trump’s favor, the left smears the justices and ramps up its campaign to pack the court.

The Supreme Court may have no choice but to hear and decide these cases. But there are better and worse outcomes. The biggest question now is whether the three liberal justices understand the grave risks of this lawfaring agenda—not just to the immediate moment, but to the future health of the nation. Do they sign up for the campaign with opinions that justify novel legal theories and the judicial usurpation of elections—in the process inviting more special counsels, more rogue court decisions, more litigation? Or do they recognize this game for what it is, acknowledge the sound legal reasons for why no one has attempted such reckless prosecutions and lawsuits before, and send a message it needs to stop?

The best outcome would be a string of 9-0 Supreme Court decisions that put a decisive end to the current upheaval and discourage a repeat. There’s a much easier way—for all involved—to settle the nation’s political disputes. It’s called an election. Let’s have one, and live with the results.

Grounds for Texas Actions

US Constitution Article 4 Section 4

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

That’s arguably far more clear than anything Colorado did.

Here’s the question at hand: Should Texas Ban Biden from the Ballot?

Peggy Noonan discusses that question in National Unity and the Colorado Supreme Court

Mr. Trump hasn’t been convicted of insurrection by a jury or judge. It seems to me that when and if he is, a state court might feel free to remove his name from a ballot. Until he is, they shouldn’t. Because without conviction, whether Trump committed insurrection is a matter of opinion and argument. With conviction it can be asserted as proven fact.

The southern border of the state of Texas is in functional collapse, with an unprecedented wave of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. The Washington Post this week likened the border area to a “Mad Max” world of cut-through barriers and debris. Fox News on Wednesday showed an order instructing a recently crossed migrant to report to U.S. immigration officials to make her case to stay in America. Fox showed the date on the order: January 2031. An immigration lawyer said it is proof of what illegal immigrants already sense: The administration is in effect granting back-door amnesty to all who come. And so they’re coming. Among them are—again the number is unprecedented—natives of China, India, Africa, Turkey. This is a challenge to our national security that most won’t begin to worry about until something bad happens. The Department of Homeland Security reported this week that 35,000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions were encountered in fiscal 2023. That’s only the number caught. In October alone, Customs and Border Protection reported apprehending 13 people on the terrorist watchlist. Again, that’s only the number caught. What a disaster.

If Colorado is able to ban Mr. Trump from the ballot over charges of insurrection, can Texas ban Joe Biden from the ballot on grounds he has defied his constitutional responsibility to defend the country by securing its borders? There are politicians in Texas already promising to do just that.

Spirit of the Decision

Noonan says “I sympathize with the decision’s spirit, but it was a dangerous move in a deeply divided country.”

I don’t have sympathy with the “spirt” because who gets to decide that?

Under guise of spirit, Texas banning Biden from the ballot make about as much sense as Colorado’s ban of Trump.

Biden’s Spirit

This country is in one hell of a mess because of Biden’s spirt. He has repeatedly rebuffed Supreme Court rulings on student loans, eviction moratoriums, and the EPA.

Literally everything this president does begs for more inflation (tariffs, regulations, EPA rulings, declaring war on fossil fuels, child tax credits, student loan forgiveness, etc. etc. etc.)

I am sick of people thumbing their noses at the Supreme Court and wanting to pack the Court to get what they want.

Trump’s Spirit

Trump defenders will have you believe it’s acceptable to call Chris Christie a pig, Nikki Haley a birdbrain, and DeSantis “DeSanctimonious”.

In the spirt of things, his supporters overlook his extreme arrogance, narcissism, belittling everyone, and his preposterous lies like “Mexico will pay for the wall”, “tariffs will shrink national debt”.

Like Biden, Trump also supports tariffs. Right now they are engaged in a competition as to who can do the most tariff damage.

A Bipartisan Zeal for Nonsensical Tariffs

In case you missed it, please see A Bipartisan Zeal for Nonsensical Tariffs that Raise Prices and Slow EV Progress

Tariffs are one thing that Republicans and Democrats, agree on. It’s economic madness.

In How Many Ways are President Biden and Trump Alike?

On December 16, I asked (and answered) In How Many Ways are President Biden and Trump Alike?

I came up with 18 things.

As a result of all of this “spirit” (on both sides of the aisle), we will have to make a decision between Trump and Biden.

Biden promised to be a healer. In reality he is just as divisive as Trump with his extreme Left policies. The big difference is Biden far more polite about things.

They both deserve to lose. Unfortunately, one of them will win.

Forced Choice

Forced at gunpoint to choose, I would vote tor Trump. In practice, I will not vote for either of them. I will again vote Libertarian.

I would especially appreciate someone who favored free trade, was willing to tackle the deficit (military spending and entitlements), and was genuinely anti-war. Socially, I want someone to mind their own business.

Such a candidate would win this election in a landside. Unfortunately, opposing spirits will not let either party nominate that person.

The Devil We Had Is Better Than the Devil We Got

Independents will decide this election once again. The polls favor Trump.

The spirit of the moment seems to be The Devil We Had Is Better Than the Devil We Got

I concur for economic reasons, but I sure would prefer a different set of choices.

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David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

It’s baloney and you know it. I appreciate your statement that you don’t actually believe it’s a good idea but one is clearly an attempt to thwart the peaceful transition of democracy by a dangerous person, who would be Emperor / Dictator if he could. Orange Mussolini is not interested in Democracy. He wants power and REVENGE and won’t ever let go of power if he gets it again. As an Independent. No F-ing way.
Biden is a mess…but clearly better than a Dictator with obvious inability to tell the truth about almost anything.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

Your rules chief.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

You watch too much Rachel Madcow. Take a deep breath and step away from the boobtube. It’s lowering your IQ.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

The last I checked, Trump left office in Jan 2021. Certainly, he didn’t like the circumstances, but he left. Sure, he pressured Pence to do something extraordinary & unorthodox based on bad advice from a couple of kookoo lawyers, but your points are political theater. We’ve arrived at a very bad place, but if Trump is re-elected, he’d be forcefully removed, if he tried to do some sort of power grab. Things are bad, but we’re not to that point yet. As for the revenge part, yeah I can see that come to pass and there are definitely heads that need to roll in the DoJ & FBI that’s for sure.

A big pile of hyperbole is all you’re spreading.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

Democrats are not interested in democracy. In California, when certain ballot measures have passed, they have run to the court in an attempt to have them overturned. They didn’t care about the will of the voters. Democrats ran 4 years of REVENGE against Trump, for winning the 2016 election. The 2020 impeachment over a LEGAL phone call with Zelenski, was REVENGE.

Biden mandated that people take an injection that the administration knew, wasn’t safe or effective, yet you call Trump a dictator.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

Oh, it’s an invasion alright, and it’s sanctioned by FJB and his far-left administration. This is definitely an impeachable offense, far worse than anything the orange haired guy ever did.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

This post doesn’t even survive the dictionary test.
Merriam-Webster: Invasion: incursion of an army for conquest or plunder.

4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

The point is we don’t have a southern border anymore. It’s a illegal highway that runs almost 2,000 miles.

You’re playing semantics which is childish, but that’s what you get with when you fail by deploying a strawman argument.

Keep playing games, Albert. Nobody is laughing at your jokes.

Jizzi Tishu
Jizzi Tishu
4 months ago

No, Texas should ban Biden from the ballot for being incompetent and totally corrupt

4 months ago

Nobody explains it like VDH. Just another outstanding explanation of the utter lunacy that we’re witnessing:

Will Partisan Lawfare Destroy Trump? › American Greatness (

"find me 11,000" votes. -Trump
“find me 11,000” votes. -Trump
4 months ago

This complaint about upholding institutions over winning. Does the institution of free and fair elections mean anything to Kimberly Strassel? Did she forget how Trump called Raffensberger and said “find me the votes”, meaning STEAL the vote in Georgia? It’s all documented and recorded attempted fraud, widely reported. It’s a shame when people trade high journalism standards for shameless partisan (from either party) drivel.

Rinky Stingpiece
Rinky Stingpiece
4 months ago

Why not just disqualify the whole Democrat Party? Why stop at individuals?

Nigel SS
Nigel SS
4 months ago

Why not vote independent?
Or if not – why not vote for the candidate who promises to fix the broken election system? Reduce or minimize lobbying and excessive donations that only allow the entitled to stand for election.
In other jurisdictions, voting for an independent makes sense, just not in the “great USA”.

4 months ago

“Take the Colorado Supreme Court majority, and its laughable claim in its decision this week that it didn’t “lightly” reach its finding of Trump-as-insurrectionist and was “mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions” and “solemn” about it.”

Yes, it was Gaslighting by the Colorado court majority. Democrats parroted the same verbiage when Trump was impeached over the legal Zelenski phone call. They were Gaslighting then, too. Pelosi said no one is above the law, including the president, but House democrats in lockstep opposed an impeachment investigation of Biden. They chose to hold Biden above the law.

4 months ago

Should Texas Ban Biden from the Ballot for Not Securing the Border?

Wouldn’t it make as much sense as Colorado’s ban of Trump?
Nope. The former is not enshrined as a law in the Constitution, while the latter is.

While I want to see the border crossing stopped, what is occurring is not technically an “invasion”:

Last edited 4 months ago by Jojo
rando comment guy
rando comment guy
4 months ago

The basic compact between government and the citizenry is for the government to provide security in return for the citizens paying taxes and putting up with a few other restrictions on their Liberty. By that metric, the government is committing treason every day with regards to the southern border….

4 months ago

Mish seems to be hypnotized about the virtues of free trade. Only there is no free trade. There is only highly managed trade. And adherents to free trade have given us,

Loss of jobs
Loss of manufacturing
Loss of manufacturing know how ( very important in the semiconductor business)
Dependence on foriegn countries for essential product,
Large debts
Allowed crazy environmentalism.
Plus many other maladies.

But hey a few people made a killing and the people in low paying wages can buy cheap trinkets so I guess that makes up for it.

4 months ago
Reply to  Alex

Exactly! I’ve CHALLENGED Mish several times to layout a real plan that turns things around without tariffs & sanctions. Obviously, he’s still awol.

4 months ago
Reply to  TomS

Before 1913 the primary source of revenue for the US government was tariffs. During that time, the US became the manufacturing power of the world.

4 months ago
Reply to  Alex

I saw you post that the other day. I’m fine with whatever works better than we’re doing now.

4 months ago

“Trump defenders will have you believe it’s acceptable to call Chris Christie a pig, Nikki Haley a birdbrain, and DeSantis “DeSanctimonious”.”

I wouldn’t call myself a Trump supporter, but, it is completely acceptable to call out these wind bags. It brings a little levity to the circus. Why should we pretend these people of honorable and worthy of respect. Perhaps DeSantis is, by Neocon Nikki and Chrispy Kreme deserve our disdain.

if you want the candidates to be treated with respect, give us candidates that are worthy of respect.

4 months ago
Reply to  Alex

Hit that nail on the head again. Alex, you’re on a roll.

DeSantis’ biggest negative is that he simply shouldn’t have jumped into the ’24 race, which put him squarely in the cross hairs of all the Trump supporters. He got some really bad advice and now has tarnished his brand.

Christie is a joke, and Haley is a war monger.

Like yourself, I don’t really consider myself a Trump guy, but I’m going to really enjoy the fireworks, if he’s re-elected.

Ronald Roth
Ronald Roth
4 months ago

A very good point. Biden has not protected us from invasion.
That is at least giving aid and comfort to our enemies, and therefore disqualifiable under the 14th Amendment.

4 months ago

That’s what happens when too many people buy into Michel Foucault‘s nonsense. I feel that one day Mr. Foucault will be acknowledged as having done more damage to humanity than Marx.

4 months ago

I am not a fan of Trump, but did the Colorado Supreme Court commit an unconstitutional act? The 6th amendment says you have the right to confront your accuser. The 14th says you have the right to Due Process. Did he get either?
Would you want a court to do this to you, or your family?
Maybe there should be a penalty bigger than the $148 million damages Giuliani is responsible for.
Our government is really screwed up.

4 months ago
Reply to  Dennis


4 months ago

Trump’s comments about immigartion just drip with racism. Referring to our illegal population of 11 million – “we’ve got to get them out of here, you’re going to see round-ups the likes of which you’ve never seen” Cue up Nazi Germany videos.

The reassuring part to these 11 million illegals is that looking at trump’s pace of wall building (paid by Mexico) these roundups are more campaign hot air, he talks a good fight but is inept.

4 months ago
Reply to  jeco

Racism, racism! I’m glad this canard is losing its effect.

You must be perplex at why Trump is so popular with Blacks and Hispanics.

4 months ago
Reply to  jeco

Trump is certainly using very strong words here, but how is enforcing our immigration laws racist? Of course, someone will have to “round them up” and deport them. How else are you going to get rid of them? They’re not supposed to be here in the first place, right?

4 months ago
Reply to  TomS

Tom, ask Santa Claus to gift you a copy of US immigration laws and regulations. No joke! These people at the border are asking for asylum, which is perfectly legal. The problem is that the immigration services don’t have the capacity to process the numbers that are showing up. So, they let them in with a hearing 10 years down the road. All in line with the law, which obviously doesn’t make sense.

Nigel SS
Nigel SS
4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

Only allow asylum applications from outside of the US territory. Then if it takes 10 years, problem solved.
Deport all other illegal immigrants past date X.

4 months ago
Reply to  Nigel SS

But the law says you CAN apply at the border! Are we going to follow the law or not?

4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

True asylum seekers would have found safe haven at one or more borders before crossing into the U.S., so characterizing what is occurring on the U.S./Mexico border is inaccurate or misleading. That wasn’t valid when the activities in Syria turned much of Europe on its head and it isn’t valid in this case.

4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

Biden is sworn to protect the citizens of America. You can hide behind asylum claims being legal all day long, but that has nothing to do with the real issue:

FJB is not upholding his sworn duties. That’s the truth, and America is and will pay a huge price.

4 months ago
Reply to  TomS

If they would make it impossible to employ them or to get benefits they will leave on their own. Serious asset forfeiture for anyone employing illegals, from small businesses all the way to major CEO’s.

4 months ago
Reply to  Commenter

But everybody who has a business, probably including all the MAGA knuckleheads raging about this, employs illegal immigrants. Wait until the Orange Führer sets up his concentration camps for the illegals.

4 months ago

The US congress will only seriously address ‘securing’ the US borders when they have determined how to best use the resulting decision to further restrict individual rights in order to further profit those entities which provide the re-election campaign contributions upon which congress depends in order to remain in office indefinitely.

This will be enabled by an event which shocks the nations sensibilities and causes the populace to demand that action be taken.

The resulting legislation will bear a common name which is the antithesis of what the legislation is supposed to represent.

For their herculean efforts, congress will also be rewarded with tremendous personal gain in the form of monies for speaking engagements and a host of other legal back door mechanisms.

4 months ago

Being against tariffs is idiotic. We have regulations that favor imports and effectively encourage the steady breakdown of the real wealth of this nation: production. Only through the exportation of our debt has this managed to remain. If one believes in even outlawing slavery, tariffs are necessary to remove the unfair trade practices that can occur (here’s looking at China). If one believes in labor laws, any regulations against real pollution, it’s even more apparent. Lack of tariffs favor corporations, not the average person. Put the cost of actions on the public, save our production, and end the debt games.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

Tariffs put the cost of regulations and worker protections on the consumer. Lack of tariffs along with high regulations has decimated production.
Our nation now relies on imports to function.
Our nation also only maintains imports through the unsustainable exportation of debt.
It’s not dumb, it’s DUH, dude.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

In many case, no they’re not. The exporters have such margin on their products that often-times they can absorb the added cost. At best, only part of the tariff in many cases is passed along to the consumer. A good estimate would easily be 50%. Let’s get someone into the WH to implement a 10% tariff on EVERYTHING that comes from China and see what happens.

4 months ago
Reply to  TomS

Tariffs used in these contexts are not any form of tax on the consumer. It is simply transferring the costs of regulations and worker protections directly to the consumer rather than offsetting the costs through unfair “free” trade practices.

The fact of the matter is that regulations an worker protections have real and significant costs that are simply being changed in how they are being paid for. My fellow libertarian minded countrymen are usually just like Shedlock: they see a tax of Tariffs, they seem unable to grasp that it’s the tax of regulations and worker protections more Honestly implemented.

If the public had to pay the costs all these decades, we never would have gotten in this mess. But it’s back end costs, so it doesn’t count? It’s not even laughable at this point.

CzarChasm Reigns
CzarChasm Reigns
4 months ago

For the record, it was the Republicans that actually packed the Supreme Court:

How Republicans Have Packed the Courts for Years | TIME

And the Supreme Court sandbagged itself: they blew their conservative wad on abortion. All eyes are on them now.

Institutions are threatened by Trump & his enablers, not “the left”.
If it were not for Mike Pence, the coup would have been successful.

The Supreme Court merely needs to rule on Presidential immunity, as it relates to crimes while in office, as Jack Smith has requested.

Unlike sTumpers, I appreciate the checks & balances of the 3 branches of government.

4 months ago

The Supreme Court hasn’t been packed by Republicans for years. It has been the same size since 1869. Packingmthe court refers to the adding of justices to sway the outcome.

The rest of your rant is just as laughable.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mrgior

Don’t argue with an ignoramus when he’s spouting nonsense.

4 months ago

Only if they also ban trump for stinking.

Insurrection: Google it.

Lawrence Bird
Lawrence Bird
4 months ago

I guess Luttig is now a commie liberal?

link to

4 months ago

No way Trump was winning Colorado, anymore than Biden winning Texas, but this is still profounding stupid and I wish the courts could somehow sanctions these morons. I must admit it does distract from the GENOCIDE in Gaza though…….

4 months ago
Reply to  JamesW

Colorado and the others about to try this are test cases for Wisconsin, the real swing state they are desperate to disqualify Trump from. The strategy will be tweaked according to the wording SCOTUS uses when deciding Colorado and possibly California.

4 months ago
Reply to  JamesW

We’re at or near the tipping point, where the stupid outnumber the smart by such a large margin that they gain control.

Welcome to Walmart: I love you.

4 months ago

Yes, if only to point out how ridiculous it is to allow state supreme courts to elect select our next president.

But realistically it’s a really dumb idea. First of all Biden is not going to run – so would Texas then disqualify the new democrat candidate? And if Biden does run he ain’t gonna win Texas anyway.

4 months ago

If a riot can be construed as an insurrection, then all the elected officials that backed the BLM riots could then also be taken off the ballot. It wouldn’t get Biden but a whole slew of elected Democrats would be vulnerable if such a ridiculous measure passed. I am glad we have a Supreme Court dominated by conservatives.

4 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

Read Mish Post:
Grounds for Texas Actions
US Constitution Article 4 Section 4

4 months ago
Reply to  Laura

Article IV, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Article IV, Section 4 is generally known as the Guarantee Clause.1 Through its terms, the United States makes three related assurances to the states: (1) a guarantee of a republican form of government; (2) protection against foreign invasion; and (3) upon request by the state, protection against internal insurrection or rebellion.2
An early version of the Guarantee Clause was among the resolutions of the Virginia Plan introduced at the Constitutional Convention by Edmund Randolph and attributed to James Madison.3 The resolution went through several formulations during the debates at the Convention.4 During a key debate, Gouverneur Morris objected to the resolution because [h]e should be very unwilling that such laws as exist in R[hode] Island ought to be guarantied.5 Randolph explained that, rather than cementing the existing laws of the states, the resolution had two objects: 1. to secure Republican Government[;] 2. to suppress domestic commotions.6 Along with concerns about rebellions, delegates expressed fears that a monarchy might arise in a particular state and establish a tyranny over the whole [United States].7
Answering Morris’s objection, Madison moved to substitute language that the Constitutional authority of the States shall be guarant[eed] to them respectively [against] domestic as well as foreign violence,8 with Randolph then moving to add language that no State shall be at liberty to form any other than a Republican [Government].9 James Wilson then introduced, as a better expression of the idea, language substantially similar to the final form of the Guarantee Clause, which the Convention approved unanimously.10
In light of its text and framing, the Guarantee Clause was intended to be more than an authorization for the federal government to protect states against foreign invasion or internal insurrection,11 a power already conferred elsewhere in the Constitution.12 While the precise contours of what constitutes a republican form of government are debatable,13 an additional object of the Guarantee Clause was to prevent states from establishing monarchical or despotic governments.14
Except for a brief period during Reconstruction, the authority granted by the Guarantee Clause has been largely unexplored.15 The Supreme Court and other federal courts have largely declined to hear legal challenges based on the Guarantee Clause because they present nonjusticiable political questions.16

David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

Quit the nonsense. They invaded THE US CAPITOL. To stop the peaceful transition of power in a valid democratic election. Big Orange Mussolini cheered them on…and would absolutely have voted himself “Emperor for Life” if he had prevailed that day. Fortunately US Democracy and its people are a bit tougher than a washed up has been of a reality TV loudmouth. He’s not going to win anything. Loud MAGA screaming from clearly whack-a-doodles like Marjorie Traitor Green are going to be sorely disappointed when the Independents come out and Crush the Do-nothing Republicans. They can’t even keep a Speaker of the House elected in their OWN party. Trump will likely be in jail…but certainly won’t win anything next year.
All the Republicans had to do was grow a spine, tell Drump to pound sand and elect ANY reasonable Fiscally Conservative who don’t spew election fraud nonsense and Independents would happily vote for a rational NON-MAGA Republican. They can’t do it, so they’re going to get the living crud kicked out of them. Should just abandon the party, start a new middle of the road party and then watch independent moderates and moderate conservatives join a new party with more than 70% of people agreeing with them.
Term Limits and Campaign Finance Reform are needed NOW.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

Damn, they we’re very successful. Nobody used a gun except for the dufus Capitol Police guy that killed Babbit.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

Police held the door open for them. “Invaded”? You folks just aren’t serious people and need to be completely ignored.

4 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

Don’t play stupid. You aren’t the rank and file.

Smashing the windows in the capitol, chasing out the legislators in the act of certifying the election with the expressed intent of preventing the certification, looting legislators offices, threatening them with death, and smearing poop on the walls of the capitol: Insurrection.

Burning down and looting the slum they live in because they’re angry cops are allowed to kill them with impunity: Riot.


4 months ago
Reply to  Norbert

Smashing windows, trashing offices and disrupting the Legislature is characteristic of a riot and not that of an organized attempt to take over the government. The rioters where severely punished but as there was no evidence of insurrection any attempt to frame it so works only with a diminishing section of hard-core Democrats hence their futile attempts to use the lawfare to manipulate the election by denying Trump to be put on the ballot.

4 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

The fact that they were too stupid to achieve their objective is no defense.

4 months ago
Reply to  Norbert

Have you ever seen an “insurrection” without guns or arms? Get real. It was a riot and no matter how the Democrats tried to narrative it into an insurrection it didn’t work. In fact it worked against them.

4 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

EXACTLY! And, I’ve never seen an insurrection where the police let the bad guys in to take over the joint, escorted them around, high fived them, etc.

The extent to which Antifa disrupted, burned, stole, destroyed all sorts of things during the summer of love puts the DC riot to shame.

Nancy Pelosi had a camera crew on hand that day. Why was that? What was she expecting?

And nobody like Pelosi has been put under oath to answer the simple question: Why didn’t you call in National Guard Troops?

100 National Guard troops standing in front of the capitol would have completely shutdown ANY attempt to get into Congress. Everyone of the protestors would have respected that uniform. The Capitol Police, no so much.

4 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

Stupid and armed = fail… and no pardons, so under the bus they went.

link to

link to

link to

4 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

You may come to rue your last sentence. If the conservatives on the court follow the constitution, Trump is out, and they may stick to the constitution. When two very different scholars like Luttig and Tribe fully agree on a constitutional law issue, there is little hope you can win against them on legal grounds.

4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

We will see Albert but a leading opposition candidate has never ever been removed from the ballot in a presidential election. The Founding Fathers were well aware that that path leads to tyranny and the court will see it as so.

4 months ago
Reply to  Doug78

True, the 9 may find a way around the constitution. But all the Trump appointments happen to be legal conservatives in the Luttig mode.

4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

Trump has not even been charged with much less found guilty of the crimes stated in the 14th Amendment.

The whole thing is POLITICAL THEATER to try to keep him from being elected.

It’s a joke 100%!

Woodsie Guy
Woodsie Guy
4 months ago

“…I am sick of people thumbing their noses at the Supreme Court and wanting to pack the Court to get what they want…”

This kind of stuff has been going on since shortly after the Constitution was ratified. So why would it be any different now? The Aliens and Seditions Act of 1798 which made free speech illegal comes to mind.

The point I’m attempting to convey is that the “rule of law” does not exist; it never has; and never will. Law is subject to interpretation and we all know how that often turns out (see John Hasnas’s excellenr essay on the myth of the rule of law). There will always be a hierarchy (a big club) and you and I most likely will never be in it. So what’s a person to do?

My suggestion is to focus on improving your personal life as much as possible. Focusing on this political BS will just make you miserable and drain away your precious energy. There is alot you can do right now to make your life better. Worrying about what House Plant Potato Man (Biden) and the Narcissistic Orange Man (Trump) will do does nothing to improve your life situation in my view. But to each thier own….

Last edited 4 months ago by Woodsie Guy
4 months ago

Texas should definitely ban Biden for running for office in the future if he organizes an insurrection to hang onto the WH if he loses the 2024 election.

But not for policy differences between the federal administration and the various states. What if pro-slavery states had blocked anti-slavery candidates from running for office?

rump is being blocked for criminal reasons not political, this nonsense about Texas blocking Biden for policy difference is sophomoric reasoning.

4 months ago
Reply to  jeco

Not even sophomoric… it’s toddler reasoning. Par for the course.

4 months ago

If the constitution stated that failure to secure the border made one ineligible to hold public office then Texas probably should. But I haven’t seen that in the constitution.

Regarding the action by Colorado, I don’t feel that any state should make a candidate ineligible, it leaves too much open for political plays. However it is a good way to get the matter before a federal court which can make a nationwide ruling. Since it is such an important matter obviously the Supreme Court should hear the case immediately.

The sad part of the matter is that we even need to go through this exercise.

4 months ago
Reply to  PreCambrian

The relevant part of the constitution according to some here says to protect the states against invasion. No real court is going to declare that the US is being invaded, it’s partisan hyperbole. WWII vs Japan protected US territories (not yet states) from invasion and expelled the invaders:Alaska, Hawaii, Philippines, Guam and pacific isles.)

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion

US illegal population has been stable for over 20 years about 11 million. Our illegal pop soared during Clinton & Bush the Lesser’s terms. Now the border apprehensions are sky high which indicates some success catching them, The attached is from Statista:

The population of unauthorized immigrants in the United States has been estimated to be around 11.39 million people, a number which has seemingly stabilized after a period of rapid growth. However, studies show that the amount of alien encounters by the United States Border Patrol has significantly increased in the last few years, with 2,214,652 registered alien apprehensions and expulsions recorded in 2022

4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

I don’t expect the Supreme Court to uphold the Colorado ruling. However if Trump is convicted in the Georgia cases (which probably won’t be concluded before the election) that would be a different matter.

4 months ago
Reply to  PreCambrian

Pressuring a Lt Governor to go find the votes that you believe were either not counted or illegally counted is NOT insurrection. It’s protected 1st Amendment speech! The whole thing is a flaming joke!

4 months ago

Biden deserves a fair trail for treason by a jury of his peers in Eagle Pass, Texas. One hour for the trial followed by two minutes of justice.

David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  KGB

Go back to Putin and get your potato and vodka. Your work is done here Comrade.

4 months ago
Reply to  KGB

You don’t deserve a reply.

4 months ago

If the U.S. Supreme Court does not overtune the Colorado Supreme Court’s decsion to kick Donald Trump off the 2024 primary ballot then its highly likely that other states will do the same for any candidate in the future . . .

Last edited 4 months ago by Traveller
David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  Traveller

Any candidate that inspires insurrection probably should.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

But really, haven’t we all fomented an insurrection or two?

No? How odd.

4 months ago


Everything the Dems pull, and Every Time they pull it, the Republicans should and Need To, go right back at them. I would do exactly what they do, but double or triple the effort. This must happen immediately moving forward, and again, for every single instance that they pull this type of BS!!!

No explanation needed, but rather just say: We are just doing what they did. Why, is there an issue with what they did? If so, then get them to stop doing so, and we will follow suit, right afterwards, but not before.


David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  Stu

Which is why the Republicans are losing their base and will continue to lose every popular election from here on out. As independents we don’t respect the “Do nothing but whatever the Dems don’t like” Attitude. It’s why the party is crumbling and less and less people are putting up with Reps shenanigans. The Republicans will LOSE again this election. And probably break into at least two separate parties. We’re sick of this clown show. It’s why they can’t even keep a Speaker of the House in office.
Time to break up that dysfunctional mess of a party. Find someone like Reagan who can communicate without screaming hate and win the election in a landslide.
otherwise less and less people will ever vote Republican as more and more old farts die off and independents demand better.

4 months ago

Nice try to be provocative. But please define first what „securing the border“ means? Shooting outright the people who try to enter the country to apply for asylum? Breaking US law by refusing those people a hearing? Or building a wall with a crocodile pit in front and stopping all movements of people across the border? The real problem is not Biden but a US immigration system built on pure hypocrisy. All that „vermin that is poisoning the pure blood of America“ (according to Trump) is happily employed by an American economy that is running out of workers.

4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

– please define what securing the border means?
> Locking it up, like most people currently do at Home.
– Shooting outright the people who try to enter the country to apply for asylum?
> Why would they do that. They may get arrested and sent back to where they entered from. They will also be given clear instructions, on how to enter the country legally, so this doesn’t need to occur again.
– Breaking US law by refusing those people a hearing?
> No such law exist for illegal entry.
– building a wall with a crocodile pit in front and stopping all movements of people across the border?
> Who needs a pit and Crocodiles?
– The real problem is not Biden.
> Your right, as he is meaningless, but His Administration, now that’s another story.

4 months ago
Reply to  Stu

Albert is a liberal troll. He’s about as outlandish as Trump is.

Sorry Albert, but out of the 14-16M illegals that are crossing into this country, there’s EASILY upwards of 5% that could be considered bad people (aka vermin). That’s at least 700K crime loving people running around doing bad stuff. You wouldn’t want these people living next to you anymore than anyone else.

And as you well know, there’s millions of able-bodied Americans that could do all sorts of jobs, but instead we incentive them to turn to crime instead. There’s no easy answer to immigration but building a big F’ing wall with lots of technology sounds like a great start.

Yes, the immigration laws in the US need to be changed. They needed to be tighted up quite a bit. Well organized, controlled, accountable legal immigration IS part of the answer. And I’m not concerned about corporate America wanting cheap illegal labor. They’re as much of a part of the problem as FJB’s worst ever border policies.

Border wall, e-Verify & a revamped legal immigration system that places priority on skills over EVERYONE CLAIMING ASSYLUM, THEN RUNS INTO THE COUNTRY WITH COURT DATES 10 YEARS FROM NOW AND NOBODY SHOWS UP. Sure, that’s accountability. What BS!

So stop with your hyperbole. You’re a fraud and would be worse than FJB if elected president.

David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  TomS

You’re completely clueless how BIG the Border is and people who are APPLYING for Asylum are NOT illegal.
FIX IMMIGRATION LAW FIRST and then the rest will be much easier. Republicans DON’T want Immigration Reform. They want a Hot Button Topic that they can scream about but do nothing comprehensive to fix. Dems are almost as bad but the Independents like myself are sick and tired of politicians grandstanding about something that DOES have a logical way of fixing it. And it’s NOT trying to hide behind a massive wall that would cost trillions and still be porous as a screen door.
Term Limits and Campaign Finance Reform are needed and get these two antiquated parties out of power. They are merely there to promote their special interests and enrich themselves for their masters.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Shedlock

The political center wants immigration reform. It’s because of the knuckleheads on the extreme right and left that we are stuck with a corner solution (same as on guns and abortion). And it’s not even difficult on immigration. Just take the best from the Canadian approach.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

“You’re completely clueless how BIG the Border is and people who are APPLYING for Asylum are NOT illegal.”

In May 2011, DHS stated that it had 649 miles of barriers in place. An additional 52 miles of primary barriers were built by Trump. The total length of the national border is 1,954 miles, of which 1,255 miles is the Rio Grande river and 699 miles is on land.

If Congress allocated $25B (a drop in the bucket), I’m quite sure we’d end up with a real border wall.

The real problem isn’t the lack of a wall. It’s a lack of policy on Biden’s part for turning those nearly 2,000 miles into a non-border.

When EVERYONE is applying for asylum, then something is broken. And that something is called “catch & release”.

There’s nothing wrong with your other great ideas, but the border is not porous due to a lack of a screen door / wall. It’s porous due to FJB’s disastrous open-border policy.

Honestly, I think we want the same thing, but you just think a border wall is bad. Why, I have no idea.

Last edited 4 months ago by TomS
4 months ago
Reply to  TomS

Then argue for immigration laws that can be supported by the country’s political center instead of proposing walls with crocodiles. The right in this country only wants to exploit the immigration issue to appeal to the worst political instincts.

4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

I’m all for immigration reform, but not the kind you’d like.

Crocodiles – you’re an absolute joke.

4 months ago

Those in Texas calling for the removal of Biden’s name from the ballot have given into the impulsive nature of social media. They need to take more time to think about what to say, if anything at all.

4 months ago

Once upon a time traitors were known for intentionally opening passages into castles and walled cities in exchange for gold or other payoffs. If their treachery was found out they were put to death in the most gruesome way. So Biden should not be tossed off the Texas ballot but executed by tossing into a pit full of illegal border hopping tattooed M13 or similar gangbangers to be torn to death as poetic justice for all the tens of thousands (plus, plus) gangbangers that now roam your cities thanks to no border control.

David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  Neal

Were sure that the Secret Service will enjoy tracking you down and finding out everything about you and your plans. Enjoy the cavity search.

4 months ago

This just shows you never bothered to understand Colorado law or what they actually did.

All Colorado did is kick off a constitutional question that a hell of a lot of people are asking.

As long as the Supreme Court takes up the case, the Colorado decision does absolutely nothing. Trump effectively remains on the ballot. It’s just a little arm twisting by a state – nothing different than Texas did on abortion.

4 months ago
Reply to  Brian

Interesting take.

D. Heartland
D. Heartland
4 months ago

Reading both PM Bug and Toms’s comments, I can see that I am not the only one who is disgusted by these politics.

4 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

I’m disgusted by FJB selling out this country to China, millions of illegals and the drug cartels.

If that bothers you, so be it.

D. Heartland
D. Heartland
4 months ago

Could Trump finally “grow up” from the Name-calling – – and I embarrassingly found it to be quite funny – – and I now regret it…..SO, could Trump stop that finally and cross that Rubicon and become more “statesman like.”

I do not think so.

So, I MUST revert to the Dark side and enjoy the show and once again NOT drive across town to vote. I am saving myself time and the aggravation of having to choose an EVIL side. BOTH being evil, with one a slight degree WORSE, is STILL CHOOSING EVIL as my “Leadership” in Washington.

This is just awful. I hate where we are headed. It is already bad enough to cause me to “check out” mentally now.

That will be it here. No more of my stupid Politics comments.

4 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

The expression of voting for the lesser of 2 evils is still voting for evil is countered by the saying that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. So your not voting guarantees evil triumphs.
And I’d rather a narcissistic orange Mussolini be elected than a senile pedo whose handlers make Hitler. or Stalin seem like nice guys

David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  Neal

Nonsense. First you wouldn’t last in a Mussolini run country. Second, ALWAYS better to write in someone who IS worthy of a vote. That is why that option exists.

4 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

I’m not a fan of Trump either, but I realize he’s got a purpose.

His purpose is to bring into extremely clear focus how anti-American the MSM & big tech are with their assaults on personal liberties guaranteed by the constitution. That’s his purpose, and it really is a big calling. In some ways, we needed Trump to highlight how badly this Dems are destroying this country.

Before Trump ever arrived on the scene in 2015, we can point to all sorts of ways the Dems & Republican UniParty members were ruining this country. And it’s only gotten 10X worse, since he was elected president. If they (Dems & GOP) can do all this stuff to Trump and hundreds of J6 people sitting in jail for what mostly amount to misdemeanors while Antifa got away with murder before & since the summer of love in 2020, then they can do it to anyone. And they will.

I too hate where we’re headed, and it’s time for independents, conservatives & moderate dems to wake up. It’s bad and only going to get worse. I want Trump to be re-elected for no other reason than to go after the deep state and to purge the DoJ & FBI of the leadership that’s destroying our most important institutions.

Who in the right mind would think that the CO Supreme Court would throw Trump off the ballot using the 14th Amendment & he hasn’t even been CHARGED with insurrect, much less convicted? He’s far from presidential in a few important ways, but he’s a vessel through which important change will occur.

David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  TomS

Nonsense. He’s a weak minded liar and Dictator wannabe. If he ever gets power again, he will never leave office alive. And will “purge” anyone who disagrees with him about ANYTHING.
No. He will NOT win. Independents are not beholden to the nonsense he spews. He will lose and likely be convicted.Either way he loses because he’s ultimately a loser who makes up lies on the spot.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

I firmly believe that Trump has already lost, and it has nothing to do with all of the election rigging they’re trying to do in the courts. It’s all about the mail in ballots. Our votes don’t count anymore.

4 months ago
Reply to  TomS

Yep, with a fascist in the White House, change will certainly occur.

4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

Better a facist than a libtard.

4 months ago
Reply to  Alex

Joe Biden is as centrist a politician as they come.

4 months ago
Reply to  Albert

FJB! You’re exactly right, Albert.

David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  D. Heartland

Write in someone that IS a statesman. Much better than not voting for either dbag.

D. Heartland
D. Heartland
4 months ago
Reply to  David C

A write in cannot win, right. Why would I waste fuel when I can stay home, pet the dog and love on my Wife who deserves my continuing vote for Best Wife and Partner that I could have asked for.

The only write in, if I were inclined, would be “ME FOR PRES.”

PM Bug
PM Bug
4 months ago

America is a banana republic. Politicos took the movie Idiocracy as a challenge.

4 months ago

If we’re playing tit for tat, then yes of course. He also needs to be impeached in the House, and his son needs to go to jail. But none of that is going to happen.

Pie in the sky. It’s all downhill from here.

Slick Willy
Slick Willy
4 months ago

You have read the 14th Amendment Clause 3 right?

link to

4 months ago

Yes! A country without a border is no longer a country!

4 months ago
Reply to  Todd

These calamities are playing out in real-time, and it’s only going to get worse: overcrowding in our schools, drugs, crime, inflation of rent & food, risk of foreign attacks on US soil from illegal border crossers, etc. And, it gets really bad, when the next recession hits when many of adult males turn to crime to make ends meat. It’s beyond pale that the Dems have let this go on this long. It’s going to be hilarious to see them turn on each other as we move towards Nov ’24.

Last edited 4 months ago by TomS
David C
David C
4 months ago
Reply to  TomS

Nonsense. Immigration has been broken for FOUR Decades. The Reps have controlled all three main groups, The President, House & Senate in that time. They don’t WANT to fix immigration with a Comprehensive Immigration Reform because they want to keep it as a hot button. Otherwise they would have passed it when they controlled Both Houses of Congress. The Dems suck too…but most of the people entering the country are seeking ASYLUM. Most are willing to take crappy jobs like picking and back breaking farm labor and other stuff that most US workers want absolutely NO part of at all.
FIX IMMIGRATION FIRST and the border won’t be as big of an issue. Independents are completely sick of this crap. Term Limits and Campaign Finance Reform are needed NOW. Take control of our political system back from these power hungry political parties who keep serving up “crap on a platter” for candidates.
The border needs fixed by both policy AND infrastructure / manpower. Please for the Love of God, build an independent third (or fourth) party that can actually compromise with other moderates, moderate conservatives, etc. that can build working relationships and not just automatically vote against the other party.

4 months ago
Reply to  David C

Nobody wants to fix immigration. All the Dems want is amnesty.

It’s definitely an F’d up situation. We can probably agree on that much.

Ursel Doran
Ursel Doran
4 months ago

Well well-researched and well-written article!!

link to

Slick Willy
Slick Willy
4 months ago
Reply to  Ursel Doran

It is wrong “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”
link to

4 months ago
Reply to  Slick Willy

Dude you respond to a post on shipping in the red sea with a rant about insurrection and the Constitution. Willy ain’t so slick.

4 months ago
Reply to  Ursel Doran

Thanks for the link to Luongo’s article. That article is very long. Luongo makes a bunch of assumptions that may or may not come to fruition, but I think there is sound reasoning behind his comments. Basically, the US is between a rock and a hard place….slow death by a thousand paper cuts trying to keep US hegemony in place over the Middle East..

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