Trump “Get ready Russia” Missiles Coming: WW III Concern Vanishes in 3 Hrs

More war is coming. This is despite the fact it is downright idiotic to believe Assad gassed his own people.

False Flag Tweets

War Proponents, Democrats Included, Want Trump to Hit Syria

Three days ago I posted, War Proponents, Democrats Included, Want Trump to Hit Syria

The best Tweet then is still the best Tweet today.

A couple of people did not catch the obvious sarcasm.

WW III Concern Vanishes in 3 Hours

The stock market was down significantly this morning for a while. This Tweet by GreekFire accurately assessed the situation.

The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq are nearly flat at the moment, and gold has given up two-thirds of its gains.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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6 years ago

man its all fixed, NBA games, war, interest rates, the stock market, ELECTIONS.

6 years ago

I hope Trumps words “mission accomplished” aren’t apocalyptic like Bush’s words were for Iraq. I can’t believe he actually said that in his tweet.

6 years ago

I guess Mish may have accidentally banned my old account. Hence posting from the new one.

Even had to post this about the “children preparing for staging of chemical attack”- link to video.

Basically, that video that some used as “evidence to prove” that chemical attacks are staged was intentionally posted by that group on facebook to raise awareness to world about chemical weapons. Unfortunately it was pulled out of context by some.

Good thing that at least posted the clarification.

6 years ago

Not sure what conclusions I can make about the video with the children “staging chemical attack”. Probably none without badly humiliating myself.

For a minute let’s assume that video really depicts staging of chemical weapon attack, then:
1. Why a “leaked” video? Isn’t there more discrete way to prepare for such conspiracy without leaking anything (The video does not appear to be even taken with hidden camera)?
2. What they plan to do with the kids later? The kids may leak the whole conspiracy theory. Do you think they are foster kids who will be killed after the final video to avoid possibility of leaking?
3. The fact that FSA flag is there in the background makes me think it can’t be good area to practice for such chemical weapon attack. At least they could have removed the flag.
4. Does such video also retroactively disprove all the chemical attacks in Syria?

Of course, maybe you assume that people in the video have low IQ, because obviously, making so many errors at so many levels is just beyond ridiculous. If they have such low IQ, then how come Assad who is loved by majority has not already crushed them?

I think Civil War is Civil War. There must be significant population in Syria that hates Assad. So, your argument that “Assad is loved by majority in Syria. Hence he would not use chemical weapons against his own people.” is just as flawed as Stacey Herbert’s Twitter post. Both of you are basically trying to prove the same thing with the same unproved argument.

6 years ago

There is always a risk in investment. The more the risk, the greater the payout (or loss). WWIII is a risk but it’s not yet definite. Russia has been beaten down so far that it may be time for an upswing.

6 years ago

Fact Checkers (as websites and services) should not be illegal and should actually be privately owned enterprises.
In fact, I use hoax checker, scam website checker, unanswered phone call checker all the time. They do more good than harm.
The fact checkers should not be ever owned or subsidized by government. Just curious, have you ever been in Russia or Belarus?

6 years ago

Should the Russians stop the missile attack, and military experts say that is possible then we have a problem.

6 years ago

Wagner, one more thing. From time to time i watch Max Keiser. He exposes a lot of the BS going on in the financial world. Karl Denninger has been on his show. I watch Max because of what HE does, not because his show in on RT. It is the message that is important, not who the messenger is carried on.

6 years ago

Richard Pan introduced a bill into the CA state legislature, to “fact check” news stories posted on social media. Zuckerberg admitted that Silicon Valley is “very left wing.” Wagner, who do you think is going to be doing the “fact” checking? Left wingers. Censorship by any other name is still censorship.

6 years ago

The Joura-list. A group of activist “journalists”, who worked together to get Obama elected in 2008. Wikileaks exposed that the MSM colluded with the Hillary campaign, against Trump. CNN treated the Republican and Democratic debates differently. Facebook is censoring, controlling what its users read. Facebook gave its data to the Democratic party, as one executive admitted, because they were on the democrats side. I never hear that fact on KTLA News however, which has an obvious anti Trump bias. If not for alternative media, i would not know the truth, because the MSM certainly isn’t telling it.

6 years ago

What is the cross connection between people in the MSM and the government? Caught part of a segment of Larry Elder in which he noted some of those connections. Most people are probably ignorant of them. How many relatives of big whigs at the networks, were working in the Obama administration, Wagner?

6 years ago

“The news in Russia (and also Belarus) is censored.” The U.S. mainstream media controls it’s narrative, and doesn’t want the alternative media interfering with it.

6 years ago

Washington warmongers seem to be on a roll. With all eyes turned towards Syria war grinds on in Ukraine. Regardless of what we have been told the war in Ukraine is not about stopping Russia but about money, energy, and power.

The article below makes a strong case that what is happening in Ukraine really boils down to American companies wanting to sell and supply Europe with Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) and that they have been willing to start a war to make it happen.

link to

6 years ago

Most of Israel’s fresh water flows into Israel from Syria and Lebanon – which is the real reason Israel squats on the Golan/Galilee. Israel has threatened to invade Lebanon if it develops its own water and has mined areas where Lebanese farmers attempt to pump water.

6 years ago

The Syrian so-called ‘civil war’ was never a mere uprising. In the first 3 months, about a third of those killed were Syrian soldiers. That is not the way it happens with uprisings. These are heavily armed jihadists entering Syria from Turkey and Jordan and meandering back and forth across the Syria-Iraq border.

6 years ago

Well is everywhere online, it is not just TV. It took some time for me to realize that quite a lot of stuff reposted on actually comes from
The news in Russia (and also Belarus) is censored. Some websites get occasionally banned – link to I am doubtful that Russian government is trying to protect its citizens in their best interests.

6 years ago

If really only insignificant minority was uprising in Syria, then was there really ever a need to reintroduce conscription that people would try to avoid by fleeing to EU? Didn’t Syria had professional army that could have easily handled small scale conflicts?

6 years ago

US mainstream media may be ‘private’ but it is in such dire straits financially – especially print media – that it is totally dependent on government sources for ‘information’. RT is at least as independent as the BBC but I don’t have a television so I don’t watch anything unless it’s a linked video.

6 years ago

I agree the US should not intervene but they have been doing just that for at least six years so cannot just say “leave things be”.

6 years ago

The most recent gas attack appears to have been staged. Children in Ghouta were trained to act like they were gassed: link to

6 years ago

Some refugees left to avoid conscription. Others just took advantage of a chance to go to Europe.

6 years ago

The refugees are running away from war. The USG and its allies, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, provided arms and training to ‘moderates’ who morphed into ISIS and alQaida. IMHO, a person who takes up arms against his government as George Washington did cannot reasonably be called ‘moderate’. Radical is the correct term.

6 years ago

Assad is an Alawite which some consider to be a branch off of Shia. However, 1st Lady Asma is a Sunni. The Syrian army that is fighting for Assad is mostly Sunni. The population is over 50% Sunni but Syria has a history of religious tolerance. Muslims and Christians pray together and celebrate each other’s religious holidays. Of course, there are always some who don’t like things that way.

6 years ago

Sorry, I pressed Enter too fast and had to update my comment one more time. Would like to hear you opinion, because you followed the civil war closely.

6 years ago

The only way any government stays in power, is through terror. Duh!

It’s hardly as if anyone with sufficient neural activity to draw air on their own, does what Trump says on account of his oratorical eloquence. Nor his command of “facts.” Nor his unassailable arguments. The pompous dimwit, in stark violation of any valid Constitution, just has more bigger guns than the descendants of the asleep-at-the-wheel saps he can ship off to Gitmo at uninformed will. No different from the rest of his ilk.

Pretending Assad is somehow different than the rest of them, is just more propaganda. Aimed at ensuring illiterate, uncritical domestic drones unquestioningly fall in line. Cheering on their Massa, who is better than all the other Massas says the man on TeeVee; to be big and tough strong and mean to that uppity Syria Massa! While saying hurtful things to some Chinese and Mexican guys!

6 years ago

That looks like the video. I also have pictures of Assad wading into adoring crowds on the streets of Damascus with just one body guard. Few leaders can do that. I don’t think you should change your position anymore than I would mine. Non-interventionism is the way. But, you will not sway anyone if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Gary Johnson was ridiculed for asking what ‘Aleppo’ was. His position was correct – it shouldn’t matter what Aleppo is – but not knowing will get you dismissed from a serious debate. I have spent seven years following this ‘civil war’ and ever more closely as time has unfolded.

6 years ago

I guess you are referring to this Ghouta (not quite Damascus) video – link to

Thanks for pointing that out. Admittedly, so far, that is the best argument I have heard for the whole day here.

Will read the article and watch videos later. It certainly needs to be fact checked whether it is staged or whether Assad really is that much loved that he “has the balls” to show up in just liberated territories and is not afraid to get shot.


1) my understanding is that in Syria the conflict is mainly between Sunnis and Shiites. And Assad (ie government) is representing the minority Shiites. Hence, I am still somewhat skeptical that majority of Sunnis could ever like Assad. What is your opinion on where is the divide between Syrian population? Have I made wrong assumption about it?

2) swarm of refugees chose to rather run to EU opposed to Assad controlled territories. Why would they do so if they love Assad?

3) does that video imply anything about Douma (near Damascus) where gas attacks occurred? Why it can’t be that Assad still wanted to give teaching to the folks there who still dared to revolt? I think chemical weapons are very traumatizing and may be used with a thought to suppress further rebellion. Hence no need to necessarily find false flag theory.

Anyway, nothing has changed the way I think:

1) US still should not intervene.

2) (and Stacey) is still government sponsored news outlet. While it may report some things correctly, I don’t expect anything reliable to come out from them.

6 years ago

He certainly is FOS on Syria.

6 years ago

If you’re going to troll, at least finish your TOEFL certification first. That was painful to read. Now I see why you mash the edit button so much.

woot, you’re correct but wasting time with Wagner. He’s not interested in learning, just offering contradictory positions about Syria and Mish as he trolls away. If I had to work tomorrow morning I would have disengaged at least 3-4 posts ago.

6 years ago

Wagner also said: “The only way for Assad to stay at power and govern Syria is through terror. Or maybe by trying to convince Syrian people that there is some outside force committing all these atrocities in Syria…”. Sorry, Wagner, but you have not done your homework. Assad is wildly popular in Syria and will win the next election as he has won two already. A recent video of him surfaced, driving his Honda Accord through the busy streets of Damascus to meet liberated, adoring Ghouta escapees. Assad’s only problem, after liberating Idlib and southern Syria is to get the USG out of his country and for the USG to stop trying to oust him.

6 years ago

I am defending Assad. I agree with the libertarian position that we shouldn’t get involved, however, ‘we’ have been involved at least as far back as 2006. The libertarian argument will not sway the warmongers. If libertarians say “don’t get involved”, they will just say “libertarians don’t care about gassing children”. I do not believe Assad has ever used chemical weapons. Assad is nothing like Saddam Hussein. Nor Qaddafi. Assad is a genuinely good person as is his highly intelligent English wife. link to

6 years ago

Who is troll? Is that to what you resort, when you can’t come up with solid arguments anymore?

6 years ago

He’s an obvious troll. I’m surprised he didn’t bring up gardening and vacuum cleaners to steer the conversation even further from Syria.

6 years ago

Zeitgeist? Another non sequitur. Why can’t you ever stay on topic? Seems you want to discuss everything under the sun other than Syria.

Noticed that at least 5 of your comments in this thread are marked as edited. Are the Russians interfering with your typing? No wonder you’re obsessed with them.

6 years ago

You are much more confused than I previously realized. Get help, Wagner. Good bye.

6 years ago

Thanks for sharing your problems.

6 years ago

My situation is just the opposite, but still, a conservative leaning libertarian. And as such I am happy to leave you to be whatever you want to be. I really don’t care.

6 years ago

Says a guy who is afraid of Illuminati and is wearing tin-foil hat.
Watch less Zeitgeist. It really messes up brains.

6 years ago

As were your non sequiturs about Russia, RT, and Alex Jones. Your inability to focus on the flimsy “evidence” against Syria was impressive.

Don’t forget to check your closet for Russians too. Mish is probably relaying info to the Russian government as we speak!

6 years ago

I have to admit defeat here. Your Strawman arguments were too many. Good job!

6 years ago

So you love Mish’s blog, but despise the network he often appears on (RT) and openly accuse him of corruption, cozying up to the Russian government? Um, okay.

Very humorous that you get defensive about my throwing Fox News into the mix unsolicited , but you do the same with RT and Alex Jones (who I can’t stand, fwiw). Turnabout is fair play.

I was happy to keep this argument going for a while, but you appear to be backing down. Enjoy your bizarre love/hate relationship with Mish, and don’t forget to check under your bed for Russians tonight!

6 years ago

I believe the idea is that chemical weapons violate the written and unwritten rules of war/killing people. If ignored it may set precedent and be used more frequently and against our soldiers.

6 years ago

You are confused or smoking something very good.

Did I ever suggest anything about Laura Ingraham or other conspiracy theorists?

On the other hand, for some folks on this blog it was huge revelation when Mish finally posted “Drunken Alex Jones Goes On Air, Discusses Dinosaurs, Makes Fool of Himself” realization. For normal folks who fact check stuff it was not even note worthy thing, because the guy obviously was nuts from the beginning. I suppose, nostalgia is returning for such content…

P.S. And I love Mish blog. Is there anything wrong with being skeptical on certain things in comment section?

6 years ago

I can tell that my response that I watch little RT struck a nerve with you. It would be so much easier to put your opponents in that box, wouldn’t it? BTW, I don’t own any BTC, never have. It’s possible to view a program without basing one’s investments on it.

Are you a Fox News viewer? If so, you may want to go bark at Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham for a while. Based on their Syria comments, they must be watching too much RT! Or maybe they’re *gasp* Russian agents!

You clearly dislike Mish, so why even post here? Are you trolling for sheckels or just trolling for free? While we’re both dispensing advice, keep drinking that western MSM Kool Aid. I’m sure it will keep you well informed about the Kardashians as well as the latest sportsball developments.

6 years ago

You are funny. So it does not matter that your “unbiased” Syrian information sources are directly subsidized by Russian Government that is also backing Syrian government?

Keep drinking Kool Aid. Please ignore all my comments. Just remember to check in few years how Max Keiser advice on Bitcoin, US dollar, Stocks and what not worked out for you. And that everything is conspiracy by Illuminati in this world.

P.S. I am not justifying war. I just find it odd that Mish reposts Stacy’s flawed argument that this is a false flag. I already explained why her “motive based explanation” is flawed. Again, Mish is often on as a guest, so perhaps he is just trying to keep friendly relationship with that pro-communist (yes even on CNN I don’t see so much garbage), government subsidized (100%, but as long as it is not your government, then, I guess, it is fine?), monopoly TV station/news agency just to prove “libertarian point”. Viva La Mish Talk.

6 years ago

Putin need no war with the US prior to world cup. The Russian fleet evacuated Tartus port.The Syrian army got time to clear strategic assets. Trump help the Russian economy with higher oil. The US will test it’s newest arsenal, the Russian AAA will do the same. Iran might be the real target. If Iran proxy provoke, Iran will pay the price and since she has no friends, Iran will have to decide : Trump war, or absorb…

6 years ago

I don’t support any killings.

6 years ago

I agree gas attack/killing is not good. It kills tens of people and maims another tens of people. Syrians war already kills thousands and thousands of people. Can somebody explain me other killings are better way of killing than gas killing.

6 years ago

Wagner, what is with you and RT? To put your troubled mind at ease, I don’t even get TV, but I do watch some Keiser Reports online. I also do not self-identify as a libertarian or anything else, even though it seems irrelevant to the Syria discussion anyway. Besides RT, you appear to have an odd Russia obsession in general.

Your Saddam comment is a bit amusing. Yes, he did use chemical weapons in the Iran/Iraq war… with our enthusiastic support! That’s part of what made the whole WMD charade so pathetic.

For a guy who says he’s against escalation of war in Syria, you seem awfully finicky about the exact framing of everything. Did Assad gas his own people? There’s no evidence he did. Therefore, this whole brouhaha using this pretext to justify a greater war is ridiculous.

6 years ago

What exactly did “I” Write? I reposted a Tweet.

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