Bloomberg Rips Trump and Trump Backs Down

Image from The Bloomberg Campaign Is a Waterfall of Cash

Tweet Exchange Over Racism

In a Tweet exchange this week Trump called Bloomberg a racist. ​

I would point to the Tweet, but Trump backed down. He deleted it.

I can point to a nice copy.

Bloomberg responded with a Statement.

“President Trump’s deleted tweet is the latest example of his endless efforts to divide Americans. I inherited the police practice of stop-and-frisk, and as part of our effort to stop gun violence it was overused. By the time I left office, I cut it back by 95%, but I should’ve done it faster and sooner. I regret that and I have apologized — and I have taken responsibility for taking too long to understand the impact it had on Black and Latino communities. …

The President’s attack on me clearly reflects his fear over the growing strength of my campaign. Make no mistake Mr. President: I am not afraid of you and I will not let you bully me or anyone else in America. Between now and November, I will do everything I can to defeat you whether I am on the ballot or not.”

Stop and Frisk Works

What does that make Trump? Racist? Hypocrite? Both?

In case Trump deletes that, I made a copy.

Business Insider reports Trump slammed Bloomberg as ‘racist’ over stop-and-frisk, but the president has repeatedly championed the practice.

Who is the racist and who apologized?

Paging Michael Bloomberg

Solar Energy

I disagree with Bloomberg on climate change. And I doubt the feasibility of what he proposes. But I would rather spend money on the Arizona desert than dropping bombs and making enemies.

Afghanistan and Mideast

I really thought Trump would pull troops out of Afghanistan and the Mideast. Unfortunately, we are still there.

As a last minute campaign effort I suspect Trump will finally pull off that trick. But it will be nothing but a campaign ploy at this late stage.

Even Republicans Sick of Trump’s Warmongering

Please note Eight Republicans join Democrats to pass Senate measure to limit President Trump’s war powers against Iran

Right to Choose

I disagree with Bloomberg on many things, but that isn’t one of them.

100 Mayors Like Mike

Bully in the WhiteHouse

Moderates and independents are sick of Trump belittling everyone in Tweet storms.

And it is no way to run the country.

What got Trump elected will not keep him there.

That message will resonate.

This is not an endorsement of Bloomberg, just my opinion, but I have had enough of Trump.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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4 years ago

Trump is still thriving on the approach of “all press (good or bad) is good press.” The support I’m seeing for Trump in the Carolinas seems to be surging prior to the election. Bloomberg’s fortune is really the only thing he has going for him, as the DNC party is still in shambles. He might of had a better odds of winning if he stayed Independent. link to

4 years ago

Neither Bloomberg nor Trump make me happy or proud to be an American. Bloomberg is smart and savvy, I get that, but he is a creep, creepier than the President. I prefer the awkwardness of Trump over the sinister veneer of Bloomberg.

4 years ago

Mish, if Bloomberg wins the presidency, which he won’t, you will absolutely regret ever rooting for him to win. Trump is 1,000 times more preferable to any of the dems running even if you disagree with him on a few issues. Just the Supreme Court picks alone make Trump worth our vote. Also, you call Trump a war-monger, but I don’t see us in any new wars. So far all I see is 3 years of peace and prosperity.

4 years ago

I can’t believe anyone is taking Bloomberg seriously. The only reason he is up so far in the polls is because of money. Likewise the only reason he has endorsements is for that very same reason:money.

At this point its hard to imagine someone honestly endorsing Bloomberg because of the $$$$$$$$$ .

He is the perfect opponent for Bernie because he represents the Plutocracy to a tee. Bernie can justly argue that Bloomberg’s standings are only because of the money case in point look at the massive contributions he made to get his people onto the DNC rules committee.

This is just the beginning of his problems his whole PAC idea is stupid. Anyone who understands even the most basic behavioral economic principles would know that if people don’t pay money they won’t feel vested in what you are doing.

Why would any Oligarch support Bloomberg? He doesn’t need them and he isn’t shy about saying so. Therefore he is of no value to them.

Bloomberg’s campaign and attitude are flawed on so many levels he will ultimately prove to be his own worst enemy. But whatever the political classes still get paid.

4 years ago

If bloomberg wanted to stop trump so bad why didnt he run as a republican

4 years ago
Reply to  lasttwo

Because the GOP made sure that no one could run against Trump. He’s your guy!

4 years ago

“I have had enough of Trump.” —Mish
Just curious: what was “the last straw” for you?

4 years ago

I don’t know – Very hard to say but I have more trade reports tomorrow that influenced

4 years ago

Mish your Lib Bias is coming back–refresh your mind –listen to Rush this week

4 years ago

That first pic with the picture of JFK and Mini-Mike… Trump will ask, “Is that to scale”?

4 years ago

4 years ago

If you can get on his radar, trump is the easiest person on the planet to troll. So many soft spots on that fat, greasy hide…

4 years ago

Good read on Bloomberg here:

4 years ago

No fewer than six people in the president’s near orbit — including Stone — have been convicted or pleaded guilty to criminal charges including fraud, lying to federal investigators and lying to Congress. Four Cabinet-level appointees left amid allegations of misusing tax dollars or other misdeeds. More investigations continue into Trump lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani and Trump’s inaugural committee. There’s nothing “fake” about those controversies.

4 years ago

Mish, if Trump pulls out of Afghanistan and Syria as a campaign ploy, who cares. He will have ended the wars that have gone on way too long and we should all celebrate. Politics dictates that he couldn’t do it sooner since any aftermath would be used to attack him.

I agree, that Trump’s saber rattling with regards to Iran is bad. But that is being driven by the Isreali lobby. Both Parties lick the boot of the Israeli lobby.

4 years ago

And the NEW middle class Tax cut Trump’s team is talking about? Pure election pandering + pure unconscionable deficit explosion. Look, if he cared about the middle class he wouldn’t have waited 4 yrs to help them out. Instead he clearly put the top 1% fist.

4 years ago

Bloomberg: “Donald Trump is the world’s biggest schoolyard bully – with no respect for civility or decency, or facts or

Bloomberg: “The Royal Family – what a bunch of misfits – a gay, an architect, that horsey faced lesbian, and a man who gave up Koo Stark for some fat broad.”

Bloomberg’s elected Virginia gun control politicians are bullying the people of Virginia.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Score one for Mini Mike!

Yes it was stupid of Trump to call Bloomberg a racist for copying a policy put forward by Rudy.

Mish you claim to be a Liberarian yet you don’t like Trump? What politician has done more to expose the corruption of the State-media complex. What President has did more to demean the office and expose the error in concentrating too much power in DC? Trump has been a God send for reducing the size and scope of government.

Not only that, he’s entertaining. I for one enjoy watching Trump demean all the corrupt, rotten politicians in Washington (including himself). Trump is the wrecking ball that Washington needs.

Let’s hope Trump gets re-elected. Bloomberg will just expand the size and scope of government: especially if the everything bubble busts on his watch. He’ll be another FDR with all sort of government make work projects that destroy capital and throw people in jail for not obeying stupid government regulation.

4 years ago

After 8 years of Obama,is it even possible to elect a democrat again,or is Trump just the republicon version of Obama?Both are ineffective opportunists whose sole skill set is the ability to pretend and sell the propaganda. In 12 years nothing is fixed, US is officially a banana republic,govt has gotten more monstrous and ineffective,depts/deficits soar,major cities turned into giant homeless wastelands!!

4 years ago

It’s like Bill Clinton said, it’s the economy stupid…. Bloomberg can spend 10 billion, it will not matter, no one cares

4 years ago
Reply to  klausmkl

As long as everybody thinks the economy is doing well for them in November 2020. A week is a long time in politics. Nine months is a lot of weeks.

4 years ago

Like any basketball game only the last 2 minutes really matter. I wish I could turn the off and back on Nov. 1st.

4 years ago
Reply to  TimeToTest

Amen brother.

4 years ago

Michael Bloomberg is more like Trump than any other candidate in the race. They are both old white male authoritarian, power hungry, egotistical, amoral, billionaire New York businessmen. Mike was a Republican mayor who changed to a Democrat when he thought it would make him more likely to get elected. Donald was a lifelong Democrat who switched to a Republican when he thought it would help him get elected.

On the ‘stop and frisk’ issue, Mike is either a liar when he says it was a mistake to have done it as mayor (lying is another Trump specialty), or he thinks it is fine to have police routinely search minorities (which Trump would probably also find palatable). WHICH ONE IS IT?

4 years ago
Reply to  Quatloo

Yeah white men! They built the modern world that all other races try to immigrate to.

4 years ago
Reply to  Quatloo

“I” think it is fine to profile and search minorities or any group that looks to be the driving force behind crimes. I don’t give a crap that they are poor, dumb, have no family or whatever. They should be arrested and we should then harvest their organs for useful people.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Considering far and away the greatest theft perpetrated in the history of the world, have been so by central banks robbing the rest via debasement, I supposed stop and frisk should focus almost entirely on jewish and/or white (are jews non-white?) New Yorkers in suits who look like they may have been recipients of some millions of that loot…..

4 years ago
Reply to  Quatloo

Most democrats are staying away form the AIPAC Conference this March. We know Trump’s record from 2016, but I bet Bloomberg is full speed ahead even if he doesn’t show up. link to

4 years ago

BREAKING: Bloomberg demands a safe place from Trump’s bullying!

4 years ago
Reply to  Blurtman

I suppose Mini Mike can always go hide somewhere in that jungle of orange hair…

4 years ago

I think this is kind of a non story. Mish, we all know you bet money on Bloomberg. We get it.

4 years ago

Christopher Hitchens surprisingly similar – though eruditely expressed- foreshadowing of the ‘MiniMike’ meme, actually making it far more substantive. Trump might be onto something much more than height…

“In fact, the law these days is very clear. It states that New York City is now the domain of the mediocre bureaucrat, of the inspector with too much time on his hands, of the anal-retentive cop with his nose in a rule book, of the snitch willing to drop a dime on a harmless fellow citizen, and of a mayor who is that most pathetic and annoying figure — the micro-megalomaniac,” Hitchens wrote.

It remains to be seen if Bloomberg can galvanize support and turnout for his side. Trump’s side is going to be having too much fun with the MiniMike memes to take anything he says seriously AT ALL. They guy is a ‘stiff’ through and through as anyone without TDS (Type A) can see clearly.

Actually, I suspect the ‘fun factor’ is what this election will turn on. Trump’s people are generally having fun even though they feel very strongly about certain core issues; whereas the other side is continually dwelling in morbid anxiety and in search of some sort of pain-free utopia (which is why Comrade Bernie is so appealing). The yearning is understandable and has a certain energy to it, but the foundation is a morbid fascination with negativity. Not good for turnout.

In any case, Clinton was right: elections are won by those who best define ‘we’. So on the one hand we have ‘we the victims of a corrupt, patriarchal, racist, sexist evil empire’ and on the other we have ‘we the proud people of this country we love.’ May the best side win!

4 years ago

Trump’s spontaneous grass-roots meme department responds to Bloomberg’s taunts:

Scott Adams chimes in:

It’s gonna be fun once everyone begins to realise that Bloomberg is the only game in town for the D’s. The good news for R’s: now there are two Republicans in the race. An ex RINO and a new America Firster. May the best Billionaire Win! (Though personally I think B doesn’t have a chance in the Heartland, but since the vote counts can be rigged…..)

4 years ago

Trump may be tiring, understandably, but suspect that any Dem administration at this point in time will be far, far worse. The Republic as such is probably already beyond repair or recovery, but a determined conservative renaissance not entirely beholden to Big Business has a chance, whereas the more totalitarian tendencies of the liberal styles spells inevitable doom. Bloomberg has what it takes to face down Trump psychologically, and I agree that calling him out as a bully will be effective (for those already perceiving him that way of course – in fact he’s the weakest President procedurally speaking since JKF who paid for that weakness with his life, no doubt thanks to the same sort of forces which have successfully hobbled Trump thus far given he’s been playing pretty much nothing but defense since Election Day 2016.

But I disagree with you about the woman’s right to choose issue. Put another way: if it is only up to the woman, then any notion of male child support should be eliminated immediately. You can’t have it both ways.

Secondly: ultimately it does come down to choice in any sort of ‘free’ society, but that doesn’t mean that you have to have taxpayer-funded abortion on demand presented as some sort of ‘right.’ It’s never a ‘right’ and always a choice. For many it’s the right – if painful – one. But for many it’s the seemingly easier but also wrong one. A young life is still a life, and taking life without consent is called murder. So there are the rights of the child in the mix, and I don’t think leaving it all up to the mother is necessarily the best thing.

But there will be many differing opinions on something like this so it seems there should be many differing solutions & options versus a one-size-fits-all paradigm enforced by an over-arching Law. In the US, that means devolving such issues down to the States level, but really it could devolve much further to a family-by-family level. In any case, I think most of the government-funded initiatives are inappropriate and should be scrapped. That is more the nub of the debate rather than who gets to decide. But again: if men don’t get to decide, then they cannot be held responsible, either financially or otherwise.

4 years ago
Reply to  BaronAsh

“A young life is still a life, and taking life without consent is called murder.”

Murder is the illegal killing of people. Abortion is legal. Bombing innocent women and children is legal. Killing an innocent person with lethal injection is legal. Walking in on a 15 year old trying to steal your tv and shooting him in the head is legal. A happy willingness to kill is what makes us Americans!

But I agree with you about devolving the abortion decision out of federal hands. Maybe even all the way down to the pregnant woman’s level.

4 years ago
Reply to  JonSellers

Illegal vs legal only matter if what is passed of as “The Law” has some claim to being binding. Bans on murder do, as evidenced by it being front and center of any written, timeless law from as far back as there are writings. Including all world religions.

Arbitrary nonsense dreamt up by self promoting, self justifying progressive dunces and their pliant masses of fist pumping, screeching, clueless drones, do not. In societies beholden to the latter, “It’s the Law” is simply newspeak for “I am a mindless drone.”

4 years ago
Reply to  BaronAsh

Bingo, Spot on !!! You da Man!! Ehhhhh yeah you da man!!! 🌴⛳️😎

4 years ago

Any thoughts on the rumor that Bloomberg is considering Hillary as his running mate? Sounds like a huge mistake to me – I think it would really fire up the right for Trump.

4 years ago
Reply to  AshH

I don’t believe it and he has denied it
But it would be a huge mistake if accurate

4 years ago
Reply to  Mish

‘he has denied it’ – believe nothing until it has been officially denied.

4 years ago
Reply to  AshH

Ha, this is this weekend’s Pub meme.

I think it could work. There are a lot of people who would vote for Clinton again, just to stick it to the Trump base.

Now, once Bloomberg gets elected, he serves for say 2 years, then decides to retire, slotting Clinton into the presidency as was supposed to happen back in 2016. Then she has two whole years to prepare to battle the Republican candidate for president in 2024.

Sounds like a good plan to me and a fine way to rub Trump and his supporters noses in the mud!

4 years ago
Reply to  AshH

I’m sure he is focus grouping her and anyone else that might give him the edge.

I don’t thing Bloomberg does anything compulsively. He is spending millions on ads so why would he not spend million on every other decision?

4 years ago
Reply to  AshH

Mini-Mike would not share the stage with someone who makes him look effeminate.

4 years ago

Twitter is becoming a problem. Elected officials should have to pay $100K per character to use it. We’d retire the national debt and those congenitally prone to it’s over-use would have a reason to quit.

4 years ago
Reply to  abend237-04

1c per charecter per recipient?

4 years ago
Reply to  abend237-04

Freedom of speech, is never, ever a bigger problem than any possible restrictions on it. With only Nuclear “secrets” possibly, but even that only possibly, excepted.

4 years ago

Corona virus will decide where the election and the fate of the nation goes. China has ground to a halt based on air pollution readings. If this spreads globally, pandemic style, a recession will follow and the debt bombs that permeate our modern economy will go off like strings of firecrackers.

Deflation or inflation.. that’s still the question.

4 years ago
Reply to  rum_runner

Who was the Doge when the 14th C Black Death hit Venice? That will be as relevant as who wins the 2020 elections if Covid-19 is indeed the new Black Death.

4 years ago
Reply to  rum_runner

I just posted the same thing in two other threads before I read this. I totally agree.

4 years ago
Reply to  rum_runner

After QE1 QE2 QE3 QE4 QE infinity, you seriously think TPTB will let a stupid virus jeopardize their elite status?

I’ll take that bet all day every day.

4 years ago
Reply to  rum_runner

4 years ago

It’s somewhat enjoyable watching these two NY billionaire egomaniacs bash each other because they both deserve it.

However, in terms of an election, neither of them has any intention of fixing what ails us. It’ll be more easy money, more status quo either way, media hyperventilation notwithstanding.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tengen

Understandable rant, but keep in mind there’s a school of thought that says “money is neutral” (outside of hyperinflation, printing money is irrelevant, doesn’t do anything good or bad, as prices adjust) and due to modern manufacturing, the status quo has the upper hand (Google “tyranny of silicon” as an example in electronics). To break out of this rut we need a better patent system IMO, but that’s a rant for another day!

4 years ago
Reply to  RayLopez

Money would be neutral, if the Fed had a printer embedded in everybody’s wallet, and “increased the money supply” in direct proportion to how much was in each of them pre printing.

Noone has ever suggested that tripling the money supply overnight, by way of leaving everyone else’s constant, but handing what afterwards adds up to 2/3’rds of Americas entire pile of dollars, to two guys in New York in exchange fr nothing, is in any way, shape nor form “neutral.”

The quantity of money, per se, doesn’t matter much. But the distribution does.

Since no new real wealth is created by printing money; any additional wealth Bloomberg, Trump and the rest obtained as a result of money printing driving up the price of their stocks and buildings, by arithmetic necessity was taken, just as crassly as is being done during any other armed robbery ultimately backed by guns, from the rest. There is no way around that logical necessity. No matter how much indoctrination and obfuscation is employed to hide it from progressive dystopias’ mass of pliable dunces.

4 years ago
Reply to  Stuki

Well, this is off-topic, but what you are saying does not contradict my statement that money is neutral. Technically, robbing Peter to pay Paul (via bailouts), what you are discussing, does not, according to mainstream economic theory, change real output. In theory redistribution of the economic pie does not change the real growth rate of said pie. Robbing Peter in Peoria to pay Paul in NYC is morally wrong, but does not make for money non-neutrality.

4 years ago
Reply to  RayLopez

The fact that the “mainstream economic theory” you are referring to, does recognize that output is changed if some dude named Trump owns all the money in America, while everyone else is minutes away from dying of outright starvation, should tell you all you need to know about its validity….

Less corner case’y, what do you reckon is the result; of robbing every single competent, productive person out there who has the aptitude to build anything more complex than a ham sandwich, in order to make clueless, idle leeches wealthy; on America’s aggregate ability to deploy available resources to productive ends? (Hint: Boeings falling out of the sky, while “Boeing shareholders”, and those collecting commissions from buying and selling and suing over them, making out like robber barons.)

4 years ago
Reply to  Tengen

That’s exactly right. The only good thing I can say about BBerg is that he’s not a full blown Socialist nut like Bernie. But whether it’s Trump or BBerg in the White House, there will be no threat to the corrupt Crony Capitalist /Big Government status quo.

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