Liz Cheney Goes After Trump Again, This Time Over Executive Privilege

Biden Authorizes Release of Records 

The WSJ reports President Biden authorizes release of some Trump records related to the Jan. 6 capitol riot.

Former President Donald Trump’s adviser Steve Bannon said he wouldn’t cooperate with the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, while President Biden rejected Mr. Trump’s attempt to assert executive privilege over records related to the attack. 

Mr. Trump has said he would assert executive privilege to block Mr. Bannon and other former aides from testifying before investigators. In a statement Friday, Mr. Trump decried the investigation and said “this dangerous assault on our Constitution and important legal precedent will not work.” 

“We will comply with the directions of the courts, when and if they rule on these claims of both executive and attorney-client privileges,” said the lawyer, Robert J. Costello, in a letter. “Since these privileges belong to President Trump and not to Mr. Bannon, until these issues are resolved, Mr. Bannon is legally unable to comply with your subpoena requests for documents and testimony.” 

The committee, led by Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D., Miss.) and Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R., Wyo.) issued subpoenas to four Trump administration officials last month, seeking to compel them to turn over records and sit for depositions in connection with the events surrounding the attack. 

In addition to Mr. Bannon, the subpoenas also were sent to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows ; Dan Scavino, former White House deputy chief of staff; and Kashyap Patel, who was chief of staff to the acting Defense secretary at the end of the Trump administration. Mr. Thompson told reporters late last month that Mr. Scavino hadn’t accepted service. The deadline for the four men to produce documents to the committee was Thursday.

Executive privilege—or the longstanding legal doctrine that the president is entitled to shield some material from public or congressional scrutiny for the purposes of receiving candid advice—dates back to the George Washington administration. But the idea of outside advisers such as Mr. Bannon being potentially covered never came up until the Trump years and no court has definitively weighed in on the question

Headed to Supreme Court

This case is surely headed to the Supreme Court. 

Meanwhile, note that LIz Cheney, the Republican daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, continues her feud with Trump.

Liz Cheney’s Re-Election Bid

Trump wants challengers to run against Cheney and also against Senator Mitch McConnell. 

Actually, Trump wants a slate of candidates to run against anyone who disagrees with him on anything. 

Please consider Liz Cheney’s Re-Election Bid Pits Trump Against Bush.

The race for Wyoming’s single U.S. House district has pitted two of the biggest names in Republican politics against one another: both of the party’s living former presidents.

Former President George W. Bush’s first campaign event of the 2022 midterms will be a fundraiser to support Rep. Liz Cheney, the Wyoming Republican who is among former President Donald Trump’s top targets to unseat. The fundraiser will be held next month in Dallas, according to a copy of an invitation viewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Trump endorsed Harriet Hageman, one of Ms. Cheney’s Republican challengers, earlier this month. Mr. Trump has called Ms. Cheney a “warmongering fool” and a “horrible human being.”

Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard has also opened a primary bid and had raised about $550,000 as of June 30.

Ms. Cheney, meanwhile, has responded to Mr. Trump’s attacks with the two best fundraising quarters of her political career. She raised $1.5 million in the first three months of the year and $1.9 million in the following three. John Boehner and Paul Ryan, both former GOP House speakers, have helped raise money for her, and Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mitt Romney of Utah have all contributed to her campaign from their respective political committees.

Liz Cheney Says in Floor Speech GOP Can’t Ignore Trump’s Election Lie

Recall that on May 11, Liz Cheney Says in Floor Speech GOP Can’t Ignore Trump’s Election Lie

Mr. Trump has claimed that the election was stolen from him, and he has continued to make unfounded allegations after Mr. Biden took office. In a statement Tuesday, he said the election was “rigged and stolen from us.” 

Contrary to Mr. Trump’s claims, no widespread fraud has been detected in the 2020 election. The Justice Department under Mr. Trump said there was no evidence of any fraud significant enough to question the outcome.

Ms. Cheney, who was one of 10 House Republicans to join Democrats in voting to impeach Mr. Trump, said the former president continued to pose a danger.

“Today we face a threat America has never seen before—a former president who provoked a violent attack on this Capitol in an effort to steal the election has resumed his aggressive effort to convince Americans that the election was stolen from him,” Ms. Cheney said Tuesday evening. “He risks inciting further violence. The election is over. That is the rule of law. That is our constitutional process. Those who refuse to accept the rulings of our courts are at war with the Constitution.”

Trump is correct that Cheney is a warmonger. But Cheney is correct that Trump did not win. 

In a statement sure to get it from many sides, I dislike both of them. And I don’t like Biden and his merry band of Progressive spendthrifts either.

But on single issue principles, I respect Republicans willing to stand up to Trump. That’s not easy to do.

Meanwhile, I am happy to have voted for neither Trump nor Biden. 

It’s difficult, almost impossible, to find a candidate who is fiscally responsible, even on defense, while being socially tolerant yet standing firm against extreme Woke madness, reparations, college admission bias, etc.

Genuine moderate candidates would likely win by landslides. But they cannot win nominations. 

Try to Be Less White

For discussion, please consider Coca Cola Confirms Training Employees ‘Try To Be Less White’

Also consider Colleges Dump the SAT, the New Admission Standard is Intellectual Curiosity

Finally, please consider Parents Organize in Secret, Terrified of Their Children’s School Curriculum

If you want to understand what’s behind Trump’s popularity, read any of those articles, but especially the first and third.


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2 years ago
It’s a moot point, DeSantis will eat Trump for lunch when the time is right. 
2 years ago
Hard to read your comments , with out wondering if you are serious ? 
No wonder this country is 
Such a mess.
2 years ago
Whether Trump lost or not is no longer germane.
The question that is, is whether the US can hold an election like other (OECD) countries which are a credible and transparent exercise without all kinds of anomalies, controversies, lack of audit, etc.
Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
Speaking of Republicans standing up to Trump. Last year when the COVID socialism bill was being crammed down our throats in Congress, there was only one fiscally responsible conservative to question the bill. That was Kentucky’s Thomas Massie who pointed out what Trump was pushing resembled socialism while being outraged by the cost.
For Massie standing true to his small government conservative principles, Trump tweeted that he wanted Massie kicked out of the GOP. 
I guess that’s why I no longer have any place in the GOP. Trump has turned it into a bigger government party that I ever imagined any Republican could, and his MAGA sycophants defend it claiming Trump is fighting for them and against socialism, never realizing Trump’s attack on personal property rights (see executive order 13945) and the Trump stimulus checks (redistribution of wealth that took from taxpayers making more than $75,000 a year to hand out like candy to those making less) are what supposedly Republicans opposed the previous four years.
Proud too I didn’t vote for the socialist and socialist lite predisential candidates.

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2 years ago
Reply to  Bungalow Bill
I voted for Trump twice. I wish the kind of policy criticism you levy toward him and the example of Massie was the kind of thing he was subjected to during his term, to hold his feet to the fire, instead of all of the hysterical russiagate, golden shower, personality based nonsense that get people so riled up. Maybe he could’ve been made to do better – instead we just got “us versus them” political theatre
2 years ago
Don’t say you weren’t warned.
2 years ago
Sadly we are headed for constitutional crisis in 2024 where Trump will proclaim victory and attempt to take over and VP Harris will not certify the election. I agree with Bill Maher completely as to what is going to happen.
2 years ago
It is interesting that the Democrats never accepted Trump’s victory in 2016.
The whole fraudulent, Russia Russia Russia, propaganda campaign. Four years of a coup against Trump.
It is also interesting that Biden offered the President of Afghanistan money if he would lie about the situation on the ground, there.
That is called quid pro quo. Speaker Nancy Pelosi should have already called for an impeachment investigation of Biden, considering she said no one is above the law, not even the president.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
What are you talking about ? There was Russian interference and it was investigated.  The only person that pursued a recount was the third party green candidate in Wisconsin in 2016.  Trump was President for 4 years and lost because he got less votes and lost the electoral college. Just as Hillary lost the electoral college in 2016 despite getting more votes.  You need to live in reality and call the sky blue. Does the sun still come up in the east where you live ?
2 years ago
The unimpeachibility of the nation’s election machinery depends on which side won.  The flipping and flopping is just part of the entertainment for the masses-
Meanwhile, back on the other side of the coin-
Post-2020, reverse roles!  (or perhaps more fittingly, the Mad Hatter cries, “Change places!”)
2 years ago
Wasn’t the initial charge against Trump supposed to be “Russian collusion”, then the goal posts change to “Russian interference” the two are not the same.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
Feel free to reply but I won’t be seeing your replies anymore. Adios !
Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
They didn’t accept his victory? That’s funny. They sure had no problems making deals with Trump as Trump was screwing his the Republicans.
Obviously, Trump and the Democrats weren’t as big of foes as MAGA would suggest.

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2 years ago
The republican guard pre-Trump hates trump. It’s not just Cheney. Romney clearly hates him. As did McCain. I suspect Romney and McCain can’t stand that he won while they lost. Not sure why Cheney hates him. Trump is a pompous a$$, but there must be more to it than that.
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
Ya there is more to it, Trump isn’t part of the criminal war machine like Cheney and her scumbag father.
Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
Reply to  mrchinup
Trump isn’t part of this machine? Really? Donald Trump has looked to George Soros to fund his highrises like the one in Chicago. link to
It was the Rothchild Bank that saved Donald Trump from ruin when the Taj Mahal financially failed. 

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I like freedom small government candidates who don’t look to Soros and the Rothchilds as creditors. The Bible does say the borrower is slave to the lender.

Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
Why should the GOP embrace Trump when he shut them out and decided to work with Pelosi and Schumer instead of the GOP when they were the majority?

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Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
Reply to  KidHorn
This need for the MAGA crowd to play victim really isn’t very conservative. You give Trump a pass for acting like a big government liberal and stomping all over the Constitution as you make him out to be a victim of hate. 

I don’t think it was Romney who was blasting through the Republican primary calling every candidate who stood in the way of Trump a “liar” as in “Lying Ted” or “Little Marco.” I believe it was the sophmoric Donald Trump who lowered the elements of American politics into playground hate and name calling. 

Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
In a country where supposedly all men are created equal we have police officers all the way up to the POTUS who think they don’t have to follow the laws they are hired to enforce whether it is speed limits or keeping proper lawful order. Working for the government gives you great privilege over the peasants that see their income robbed from them to cover the paychecks of these people. 
2 years ago

Liz Chaney like Bush is the old style Republican and they
are no longer trusted by Republican rank and file because they allowed the
Democrats to set in their most harmful policies without even a bit of
opposition. They were easy to game. They are on the other hand loved by Democrats because they love
tame Republicans. They traded away the important issues for gains in the
secondary ones. To be brief they sold us out on trade and on foreign policy and
didn’t even see what the Left’s destructive social policies would bring.  No wonder they are admired by them because
they present absolutely no risk to the Left’s agenda.


From what I understand she is well behind among voters in
her home state so maybe she will be out of a job soon. Raising a bunch of money
from a preferred small cadre of big donors does not give the same bang as it
did a decade or more ago. First of all the ad space has dispersed from TV and
radio and into a hundred different channels making it harder to tailor ads for
impact. It’s a problem that political advertisers know and worry about. Secondly
money from big donors can be and is overwhelmed by small donations. Technology
has empowered the small vs the big when it comes to donations. That has come as
a shock to the traditional way of campaign financing and its corresponding pay
to play for favors.


These Republicans are being squeezed out of the party
because they do not represent the rank and file anymore mainly because of the slavish
adherence to economic policies that resulted in the demise of large swaths of
the country so it is a normal healthy reaction to get rid of them. The
Republican Party is aiming to become the representative of the middle and lower
classes and so far it is working. The Democrats have the moneyed classes down
pat now but to do that they had to abandon the mass of their voters. It looks
to me like they may have bought in at the top as the trend is probably
changing. The series of failed investigations also has had a boomerang effect
that is not apparent to the Democrat core but has not been lost on the
Independents. The accusers having failed to prove their accusations come lout
looking like the clowns they are.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
“Liz Chaney like Bush is the old style Republican…”
Both of them have name recognition due to their fathers.  I recall the junior Chaney was very supportive of McCain and general war mongering actions, and obviously little Bush the same – aside from some trumpy talk, that’s about the extent of their contributions to the political arena.  They are no different from junior Gore, a disgraced Cuomo, another Conyers, et cetera.  They took up the family business (to varying degrees of success) based largely or solely on their name.  That is their ‘style’.
2 years ago
Trump lives rent free in crazy liberals heads.  Cheney is nothing but liberal trash. And how Utah could vote for the low life Romney is beyond me.
Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
Reply to  mrchinup
Trump is a libtard buddy. He gave Dianne Feinstein the biggest orgasm of her life. You seem confused here. Perhaps you are a closet liberal as you support a man who as president said he had no respect for due process and thought the federal government should have super power over the Constituiton and the Second Amendment. 

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2 years ago
Reply to  Bungalow Bill
Typical BS coming from a crazy liberal. Due process like the fake Russian collusion act that the mentally ill criminal liberals pulled? How about the criminal left trying to take Trump out of office before he was even in? Stop billy you look foolish.
Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
Reply to  mrchinup
You can’t defend Trump in supporting your gun rights, so you compare Trump attacking due process rights in the video to Russian collusion. Typical.
Wasn’t it Trump that Gun Owners of America had to sue for infringing upon the Second Amendment after he got his Obama pen out. Talk about a mandate–forcing legal gun owners into turning in an accessory or face becoming a felon if they don’t comply with the Trump mandate. 
Obviously your libtard hero is no friend to my gun rights. Keep distracting the readers with your nonsense. Good luck with your magazines and ammo if it is this easy for an idiot like Trump to force you into such a mandate.

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2 years ago
Reply to  mrchinup
Maybe, but he used to identify as a “d” and the upper crust on both sides of the political field are part of the same slice of bread.  It’s all entertainment for the populace.
2 years ago
Reply to  Call_Me
Certain times in my life I might have been more in the middle, now I am 100% Trump and the far right. I love this country unlike mentally ill liberals. And No we shouldn’t be trading with the virus called Communist China. Period! I wish Mish would wake up.
2 years ago
Reply to  mrchinup
Do you buy Chinese products ? I bet you have at least once. So STFU.
Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
He probably owns some of the Donald Trump clothing line which is made in China. Trump didn’t love America enough to build factories to manufacture his clothing lines. He looked to cheap Chinese labor instead of working to produce American jobs.
Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
Reply to  mrchinup
The far right has become a bunch of Trump libtards who are cheering Donald Trump redistributing wealth in the form of stimulus checks, walking all over personal property rights with the no eviction moratorium, racking up trillions in debt for more big government handouts like the COVID socialism. You obviously aren’t very small government but you are 100% Trump.

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2 years ago
These politicians are trying too hard to remain relevant. 
2 years ago
Whenever I see news of family feuds between Cheney and Trump names, I recall the famous words of Rodney King: “Can’t we all just hate them both?”
2 years ago
Trump going around the country insisting that he got screwed out of winning the 2020 election —–  in public, on TV, in front of cheering crowds —  is not something that Americans should be happy about…no matter whether they’re a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent. 
Subversion of the election process…and continued successful political pressure on various Republicans to get them to contribute to that and look the other way….to shill for Trump’s bogus claims….should be a matter of grave concern for anybody who wants to have a participatory democracy in this country. That’s what this is….an ongoing coup attempt that started before the election…..and is still going. It’s not right. Nobody should approve of it.  Nobody.
Whatever you think of Cheney, and I’m no fan of the family, generally speaking, she is 100% correct on this one. Too bad there aren’t more people in her party with the balls to do the right thing. It’s weak politicians with no ethics who are now paving the way for some autocrat….some Erdogan or Duterte clone…Trump or somebody like him… completely shred what’s left of democracy in the country.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Yeah, Trump’s “I was robbed” theme is troublesome.

I’d love to see the Dems get slaughtered in the 2022 midterms — the country could use something positive like that — but not if the driving factor is Trump’s narcissism and the fake news of 2020 having been a fraudulent election.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
What he is doing is essentially what Hillary did for 4years after she lost with her endless claims of Russian interference. Apparently no one can lose the presidency gracefully any more, it always has to be some nefarious plot that caused them to lose.
Since the Russian interference trope is still trotted out every time something happens on the world stage, I would expect Trumps claims of a stolen election will continue to be trotted out for at least 4 more years if not longer.
On the other hand, Hillary was not even a factor in the 2020 election so I will be surprised if Trump is still a factor 3 years from now.
Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Trump said the Iowa Caucus was rigged almost immediately after Ted Cruz was announced the winner. I don’t know how you rig a caucus, but Trump claimed it to be true…
2 years ago
Reply to  Bungalow Bill
Of course you don’t you aren’t very smart. Bernie Sanders comes to mind his wasn’t rigged by Hillary either. SMH @ dumb people.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Totally unlike Hillary in 2016.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
“Subversion of the election process…”
kComey, McCabe, Strzok, are all gone because of subversion of the election process. Google, Facebook, Twitter subvert the election process. All run by leftists. The presidential debates were subverted, with leftist moderators.
The coup attempt was against Trump, Eddie.
We still don’t know what went on behind closed doors.
2 years ago
Well put Mish. I couldn’t agree more.

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