Covid-19 Hospitalizations for Those 30 to 39 Years Old at Record Rate

The WSJ reports New Covid-19 Hospitalizations for 30- to 39-Year-Olds at Record Rate

The rate at which adults ages 30 to 39 are entering hospitals with Covid-19 reached about 2.5 per 100,000 people as of last Wednesday, according to the latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Department of Health and Human Services, up from the previous peak of roughly 2 per 100,000 people in early January.

New hospital admissions of Covid-19 patients in their 30s hit 1,113 a day, on average, during the seven days that ended Wednesday, up from 908 the prior seven days. Recent numbers could change because reporting lags behind but would likely rise with additional reporting, epidemiologists said.

Even during the recent surge, young adults are at lower risk of Covid-19 hospitalizations than those in older age groups, according to CDC data. Risks of severe coronavirus infections increase with age and the health conditions that typically accompany getting older.

Covid-19 patients in their 30s have also soared in Florida, where hospitalizations in the latest surge have set new pandemic records

“They are people that shouldn’t be dying,” said Dr. Fiorica. One-third of Covid-19 patients ages 30 to 39 who were admitted to Sarasota Memorial Hospital since the pandemic began have arrived since June, when Delta began to push local cases higher.

Young Americans Aren’t Getting Vaccinated

Vaccination rates explain why 30-year-olds are getting hit at a record rate while those older aren’t (except in low vaccination states like Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, and Florida).

Nationally, slightly less than half of those ages 25 to 39 are fully vaccinated, compared with 61% of all adults, CDC data show. Ages are available for 92% of those fully vaccinated.

Once again, the data speaks for itself and once again it is ignored by anti-vaxxers and those who simply do not trust the data.

The data is getting better and better. 

Dear Anti-Vaxxers Let’s Discuss the Best Covid Data That Exists Anywhere


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2 years ago
And it just gets worse for the vaccinated and whoever comes into contact with them
2 years ago
Reply to  goldguy
The vaccines were designed for your body to create a single specific protein sequence. It makes perfect sense that the mRNA vaccines provide little to no protection against some variant due to the viral mutations, which include differing protein sequences. This is expected.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
Not killing the virus (non-sterilizing immunity) leads to new variants being created in those who were vaccinated with ,RNA/DNA vaccines, thus actually prolonging this scamdemic.  Read this paper for much enlightenment!
2 years ago
Thank you virtuous Southerners who continue to be f*ck ups . At least, they have lower taxes, and CEO’s love their business friendly policies. 
2 years ago
Bribed and/or deluded people like Mish( vaccine side effect?) should know by now that the vaccines DO NOT work !  The situation is WORSE compared with last year this time, the vaxxed in particular are falling victim to the never isolated virus and INCREASE transmissions of variants ! Have a look at CREDIBLE data(unlike the US’); in Iceland(out of control infections of mostly vaxxed)) Israel idem, UK, Spain etc… Never mind though, woke compliant lab rats, go for your 3rd , 4th, 5th etc, your fn pathetic lives are now in in the hands of a big pharma dictatorship in cahoots with socialist governments…..    
2 years ago
If it weren’t so serious, it would be laff-a-minute with these comments.
It’s a significantly different virus from last year.
Ivermectin has never been proved to be effective–it’s all rumor.  If there were even a hint of real efficacy there are dozens of poor countries around the world that would be dosing their population with it.
Higher deaths in vitamin D-deficient people.  Well, don’t you think all of those old geezers dying in the nursing homes the last time around were inherently vitamin D deficient from living out their lives in the sunless confines of their rooms and hallways?  Was it age, infimity and weak immune systems or was it vitamin D deficiency?  Too cionfounded to know.
Vaccines reduce the rate and severity of illness.  No-one was promised a silver bullet.
2 years ago
Reply to  njbr
Ooh but we WERE promised a ‘silver bullet’, remember ?  Have a look at african countries where ivermectin is a otc malaria prophylactic, cheap, 1/week medicine…. HARDLY any cases there ! So What are you on about , docile labrat ?
2 years ago
Reply to  njbr
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 63 studies
Covid Analysis, Aug 12, 2021, Version 109
2 years ago
Reply to  njbr
And another one to read:
Fluvoxamine data for COVID-19 Treatment
Early research suggests that fluvoxamine, an FDA approved medication for depression and obsessive compulsive disorder, can be an effective early treatment for COVID-19. Fluvoxamine, created 37 years ago, is an inexpensive and widely available generic drug. It’s in a class of drugs called Selective Serotonin-Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs appear to activate a central nervous system protein that plays a role in regulating inflammatory responses. Small clinical and observational studies show that repurposing fluvoxamine to treat coronavirus prevents some of the most serious complications related to inflammation, and keeps people from hospitalization.
2 years ago
Reply to  njbr
“Ivermectin has never been proved to be effective–it’s all rumor.  If
there were even a hint of real efficacy there are dozens of poor
countries around the world that would be dosing their population with
There are some 60 studies/trials which say otherwise. Not to mention that it kills the Covid-19 virus in vitro in 24 hours. Dr. Tess Lawrie says other drugs have been approved on much less evidence than Ivermectin has.
The WHO opposes the use of Ivermectin except in clinical trials. In Indonesia, a philanthropist who was providing Ivermectin at low or no cost, to the public, was blocked from doing so by the health Ministry, citing the WHO protocol. Use of Ivermectin in Indonesia dried up after that. Deaths per million also jumped 5X after Ivermectin use was stopped.
In Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, Ivermectin was used against the Delta variant, with good result. Both the FDA and WHO opposed that both of those provinces were using Ivermectin. There is a concerted campaign against Ivermectin, without just cause.
2 years ago
Austin Brewery Thirsty Planet gave away a case of beer to anyone who showed up yesterday to get vaxxed. 
Anecdotal reports that Homer Simpson was seen in the queue are unconfirmed.
Well done, Thirsty Planet. 
2 years ago
Going from 2.0 to 2.5 hospitalizations out of 100000 people is such a small percentage that the healthcare system has failed to keep up with the population.
2 years ago

If you’re part of the 42% of diabetics/obese population in The U.S. who voluntarily ingested crap/poison into your bodies (or bad habits like smoking), you might want to look in the mirror. Sure, does the C19 Grim Reaper take HEALTHY people? Of course, but it’s rare. Be healthy. Live healthy. Or, by some of these comments, enjoy living in fear. 

2 years ago
Demystifying the RNA vaccines. A good history lesson on how long they have been working on RNA vaccines and previous covid viruses.
Dr. Barney Graham serves as Deputy Director of the NIAID Vaccine Research Center and assists the Director in establishing and focusing the scientific direction for the VRC as a premier intramural research organization. As Chief of the Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory, Dr. Graham also leads the development efforts for COVID-19 vaccines and universal influenza vaccines. In addition, he supports VRC product development through strategic advice on vaccine design as well as pre-clinical and clinical evaluation.
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
Sorry Dough, personally I won’t open corrupt youtube links any longer ! Youtube  has undeniably become a  neo dictatorship outlet, a fn woke one ….Of course, you of all people know what s going on….but won t admit it most of the time….All, I admit is that I am gradually but definitely radicalising under the present circumstances…. Maybe I  am a fn masochist but I really can t cope with indoctrinated stupidity ! 
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
Youtube does have some good stuff still. I thought that some would be interested in how long the covid viruses have been studied before 2020 and that the vaccine came so quickly. All the pieces were already in place and the relationship between the scientists and the biotech already established. All they needed was tons of money to test and to expand manufacturing. 
The links are not corrupt. I hear you in Belgium are getting lots of French tourists so they can eat in a restaurant or go to  a bar without having to show a virus passport.
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
Flanders is now almost 95% vaxxed, that should be sufficient, should it not?  It would definitely tell us something about the vaccines if it were not. We ll see what happens when autumn and winter arrives…
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
Keep us up to date on hospitalizations and deaths in Flanders would be nice.
2 years ago
Looks like some Ivermectin studies may be flawed.  
2 years ago
There are over 60 positive studies. The scientist who discovered Ivermectin, says that the odds that those studies are wrong, are 4 trillion to 1, against.
Ivermectin kills the CV-19 virus in 24 hours, in vitro. Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, in India had great success with Ivermectin.
2 years ago
Anyone running for public office or in office that states vaccines should be optional should resign or be removed from office. This is your last warning anti-vaxxers. Another variant is coming and this one is going kill you where you are. 
2 years ago
This looks like a comment designed to provoke comment. 
2 years ago
They will probably use the same argument used for seat belts to justify mandated vaccines.  Society is impacted by people who don’t buckle up, via hospital bills etc.  Vaccines have been forced before, this is nothing new.  I got the polio vaccine in 6th grade and a number of unknown jabs in the Army.  The Army even forced us to give blood.
2 years ago
These stories are unfortunately starting to become more common: link to
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
The truth is some people’s immune systems don’t respond as well to the vaccine. Unfortunately African-Americans, Latinos, obese and diabetic people are at the top of this list along with people over 80. 
2 years ago
Nice excuse? unless it happens to you of course, or one of your loved ones rather, then y’d sue Pfizer’s * off,would you not ?
2 years ago
Comments today seem to be as they normally are. Ivermectin works! No it doesn’t! Back and forth. The other guys are fools, I tell you, fools!
One thing to keep in mind, as we struggle to match our certitude to reality: If X works perfectly for 25% of people, but not at all for the other 75%, what kinds of news might we expect to hear?
Depends on who those 25% are, wouldn’t it? And on time. And on reporters. And blind luck.
The 25% could be a genetic group. Or a cultural group. Or a dietary group. Or a geographical group. Or a random group. You name it.
To put the non-vax therapeutics in perspective: Last meta-study I saw had Vitamin D as the best bang for the buck. No downside so long as you don’t pour it down your gullet, and reports voted that those who took Vit D supplements came out better. So, does Vit D help with Covid? Who cares? Given that Covid is air-borne, it’s probably a good bet to spend some time outside in the fresh air under the Vitamin D star.
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
“So, does Vit D help with Covid?”
Apparently, people who died were severely vitamin D deficient. Dr. Campbell noted 2 British studies that determined that if one had good vitamin D levels, that it would likely keep one out of the hospital.
Dr. Fauci said he was taking 8,000 to 9,000 IU’s a day during last fall. Vitamin D is important to the immune system.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
I like Dr Campbell. He recommends vitamin D, serious research on ivermectin as a treatment AND vaccines. He even keeps asking people to wear masks when in public in door venues.
Dr Campbell’s views trigger people of all stripes.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
I’ve been taking 4000IU of vitamin D for years.  No Covid so far of any variant despite the constant fearmongering about how transmissible it is.  I also just picked up 18g of Ivermectin (1.37%) as horse dewormed paste, just in case.  Have to find how to measure it for humans.  Of course, the boxes are festooned with warnings “Not for human use” [lol] but this is what I am forced to do because the medical establishment won’t let me make my own health decisions.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
The dose is the same by weight for humans as it is for horses. The wormer syringes I had were marked in 250 lb increments, as a I recall.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Yes, they are marked similarly.  But I have seen some writing that the amount to be used for Covid is not the same as used for deworming.  And is the 1.37% strength of import? 
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
It’s 1.87%, and there is enough in a tube to treat a 1250 pound horse. The dose for an average size male human would be 1/6th of a tube. 
There are plenty of known cases of people taking larger doses with no harm done, from what I’ve read. Ivermectin has a large degree of safety as regards dosage.
Of course humans should never take veterinary drugs, because they aren’t approved by the FDA and so you’d have to take personal responsibility if anything bad happened to you. You couldn’t sue the company that makes it….simiar situation to the that regard.
Not medical advice. Do your own due diligence.
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
My wife and I are both very high-risk candidates, who will not volunteer as lab rats (“Anti-Vax” is childish people, please stop) in an mass human experiment, and take the iMASK+ prevention profile regularly. Anti-Vax? You mean like a tetanus vaccine which I had less than a year ago? 
Here is my best guess: Those that have not been vaccinated are making rational choices and those that are do not like this because it suggests that they may have made a mistake. Not saying that they did, but the scenario certainly raises the suggestion and it’s THAT to which the Branch Covidian religion is pissed about. 
They don’t want to see a control group is in place because they don’t want to know if they made a mistake, or worse, poisoned their offspring. That’s what this boils down to. This has everything to do with “the science” and nothing to do with “the science”. It’s like a Schrodinger’s Cat scenario. 
I have actually had significant exposure to COVID patients via volunteering for my church. Each time I took myself out of commission (because I do not know the truth on asymptomatic spreading, I really don’t, so I err on caution for concern for others) but so far the two of us are bullet-proof. Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that this Ivermectin-based profile works and as long as it is, we’ll keep taking it.  200 ug/kg every Sunday AM. Initiate the same but QD for 4 days if exposed. It’s been working amazingly. So why should I get the experiment? Can someone explain this to me without ad hominem or becoming hysterical? 
Speaking of, the bigger concern that I have is the epidemic of hysteria and cowardice. How the hell those MEN on D-Day were able to storm the beaches of Omaha without turning tail and running once the Germans started coughing at them is beyond me. 
Some of you really should grow a pair while others should stop spreading hysteria. There are things worse than death. Really. Losing your honor and integrity is one of them. 
2 years ago
Reply to  FrankieCarbone
@FrankieCarbone  Your guess about the strident angst response to those who have not been vaxed has a ring of truth. May not be very true, but sure, sure could be true for many. We rarely must make hard decisions. So, when we are forced to make one, yes, we can desperately want our decision to be validated. Speaking for a friend.
Also, as a confirmed coward, myself, I agree about “hysteria and cowardice”. And, oh, Covid is not the half of it.
I think, your “lab rat” comment is no longer a serious worry. The FDA’d vaccines were pushed through by the Trump administration without certain bows being tied. (A tremendous job, in my opinion. Maybe In the ball-park with Reagan-Soviet-Union.) But, if I understand, the skipped part of the normal FDA approval process has effectively been done with the first 100,000 people who got vaccinated. And, since that test group now numbers in the 100s of millions, not just thousands, and the vaccines have come through with flying colors, it’s kinda pointless to wait around for some bureaucrat to fill out his form FDA-11Teen in triplicate.
Now, any single point of failure presents a societal danger – everyone gets a vaccine and in 2 years they all become zombies. Ooops. But you play your odds and don’t fuss if the cards do you wrong.
If you’re in a high-risk group and that’s all you know, then your Covid-bad-news odds are numbers to be taken seriously. If you’re old enough, for instance, say 1 or more in 100? And if your high-risk-ness is age, then you’re gonna die before long-term dangers of a vaccine affect you, right? 🙂 And, for a random person, not just a high-risker, the current odds for bad news from a vaccine are, I’m guessing, better than 1 in 10,000. Maybe 1/100,000. Since vaccines have been preferentially given to old folks, nailing down those odds is gonna be hard.
That all said, if I had a sibling who spent a day or three in bed from a vaccine stick, I’d have passed.
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
Unqualified people pulling crap out of their asses is really annoying, isn’t it? (Not referring to you). 
How about everyone shut the bleep up with their emotional feelings about this and let the data do the talking? No ad hominem allowed as only adults should be engaged in this conversation. If you don’t know what that is, and I mean the Webster’s definition then please recuse yourselves because it means that emotionally you are not an adult. thanks. 
2 years ago
That said, it is hilarious to see Shedlock come up with all these data, and they all just get tossed aside and ignored or mocked or impugned in the same way that Shedlock himself has done with the evidence and data for the global climate chaos that we have all been sucked into.  LOL indeed.
2 years ago
Over the past few months, I have received more than a few GoFundMe requests from people raising money to help families whose main/sole breadwinner has passed away in their early to late 30s, leaving behind a spouse and children.     Very sad indeed.
2 years ago
“New Covid cases are are a huge upswing. Hospitalizations are at a record rate for 30-year olds.”
It wouldn’t be that way if patients had outpatient access to Ivermectin. A drug that kills CV-19 in vitro, in 24 hours.
Why are people that are winding up in the hospital, not being allowed to be treated early on with an anti-viral drug, that will likely keep them out of the hospital? This is medical malpractice by the public health agencies.
This is not an issue of Covaxxed vs unCovaxxed, this is an issue of early treatment of a virus vs no treatment until one is sick as a dog and unnecessarily winding up in the hospital and possibly dead. This is the fault of the medical authorities, not the unCovaxxed.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Many people are stuck on the mRNA information regarding the duration of the mRNA lifespan within the body once injected. It is true that mRNA does not stay in the body very long and the actual mRNA seems like it is not harmful. That is not the end of the treatment.  mRNA is designed to turn your body into a spike protein factory to trigger an immune response. There are many medical research scientists that see evidence of these spike proteins binding to cell walls and accumulating with each injection. Only some of the mRNA remains in the deltoid. Most leaves the local area as it is absorbed into the blood stream.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
If the mRNA vaccines clear the spike proteins (which surround the Covid virus), then why are there breakthrough infections?  Why can vaccinated people spew Covid virus through their noses & mouths?   
This evidence shows that the mRNA/DNA vaccines are not capable of clearing ALL of the virus from a Covid infection, which implies then that the Covid virus and its surrounding spike protein remains active in the human body for an indeterminate amount of time (forever?).
Now, given the April 30th research paper from the Salk Institute showing that the spike protein alone causes vascular damage, it appears that vaccination by these new mRNA/DNA shots may not be a good solution.
2 years ago
“So, the people who come on this board and screech Ivermectin in every comment are to be take with a grain of salt,”
Oh so those advocating for an extremely low risk treatment option are to be taken with a grain of salt.
But those advocating for a treatment for which we have no idea what the long term effects are… the wise ones to be listened to?
How do we not know the latter are not Dr Thalidomides?
I agree 1000% that when the gov./Fauci has pumped billions into mRNA and zero into off-patent therapeutics that show some indication of potential… that everything one needed to know about the evils walking the halls of the government, FDA, and CDC – as well as some of the most prominent medical and scientific institutions in the world … is known.
But dont forget about Climate Change!
Believe in science!   Except natural immunity, we didnt create it and it isnt profitable.
2 years ago
“Once again, the data speaks for itself and once again it is ignored by anti-vaxxers and those who simply do not trust the data.”
Oh really, and the chart you show…. Does it adjust for how the definition of “a case” changed?   Or how the  definitions of “a case” vary by locations?
Once again… those who sling anti-vaxxer ad hominems fail to acknowledge that the “data” is fundamentally flawed and has been collected and spread by those who have been proven to be liars and deceivers.
For the record, I’m not an anti-vaxxer – I just got my Shingles shot.  Nor do I deny that for some folks, CoVID hits very hard.
But what I also know about the CoVID narrative is this, that it is filled with many who are engaged in the evils of fear pedaling and false-science.
2 years ago
My high school and college age patients are getting the message, and I think we will see high tax rates for the younger age groups going forward. The question is will it be in time?  It takes a couple months after the initial jab, to get good antibody levels.  We look to be going into a couple of very tough months.
I wouldn’t be surprised by anything at this point. But I see positive signs too. Nobody dining mask free here last night, because the restaurants I frequent are not seating them. Nobody complaining about being required to put one on to enter my office either. Mostly I hear thank-you’s for our concern for about the safety of the kids and adults we serve.
I tend to disagree with the notion that Delta will quickly run its course and this wave will drop off like the earlier ones. I expect it to be the biggest and highest wave yet, and I just hope it marks the worst of the pandemic and we improve from there. But I have no real faith either, that that will be the case.
We are learning that some places…..the one I read about is Laredo…..are bussing  untested asylum seekers out of their city, claiming a lack of facilities to take care of them. So that really is happening….not everywhere, but some Texas border cities are so poor they barely have hospital care for the citizens in the best of times.
Call it COVID dumping. That’s what it is. It needs to stop.
“According to Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz, about 16% of migrants coming into Laredo were testing positive for COVID-19, and the city no longer has room to isolate them or give them hospital beds. Therefore, Laredo is no longer testing migrants coming across the border for COVID-19, but rather only providing them with masks and sending them to other cities.”
This is a problem. It should be fixed. Governor Abbott wants to point the finger at the Biden Administration. I suspect the finger might be getting pointed at him instead if he can’t manage to do something about this. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Your “patients are getting the message”.  Oh really, and what message is that exactly?  
That they should take a vaccine for which the long term effects are absolutely not known to avoid a virus that has what percentage chance of killing them or leaving them with long term medical issues?
We know the percentage of the first, almost nil.  We do not know the percentage of the latter.
But you are happy to imply they are fools for not wanting to be lab rats.
I wonder what kind of doctor you are?
2 years ago
Reply to  RoundFile
You sir, are a know-nothing idiot. Get lost.
People, young people, are sick here.  We have kids on ventilators.
You are part of our problem. Why don’t you get some education before you give us your expert opinion? 
I suggest that your first step should be learning how to tell your @ss from a hole in the ground.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Yea, you’re wrong.
2 years ago
Reply to  RoundFile
Well it’s your right not to get the vaccine, but if you do get COVID and do become seriously sick why don’t you just find a quite place to die before taking a bed from someone that actually needs it.
2 years ago
Reply to  YVR
Aaaaand you make the point of every ‘vaccine hesitant’ who points to the abject amorality going on and how those advocating for and supporting a vaccine with no long term testing will just as happily kill folks to get what they want.
The Truth:  Any people willing to support the butchering of the most innocent humans in the womb – just so a person can have a chance at a life/lifestyle they desire – will support a government that imprisons and kills those who get in the way of the life/lifestyle they desire.
You have given yourself over to evil.
2 years ago
Are there also statistics about non conventional (in western countries) treatments with HCQ+azythromycin or Ivermectin ?
Here in France they were supposed to be tested (at least for HCQ+azythromycin) in 2020, but the studies (here in France) were sabotaged and stopped.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dutoit
Many parts of the world has effectively used Ivermectin as treatment as well as preventative. The US is stuck on Feb 2020 and refuses to move forward.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dutoit
There were multiple meta-studies published in the last month or two that tried to use data from 10 or more Ivermectin studies in various countries. One, combining ten of the better run studies found Ivermectin to show no significant benefit.. Another showed it to have benefit, but that meta-study was withdrawn after critics found evidence that the data might not be accurate.
So, the people who come on this board and screech Ivermectin in every comment are to be taken with a grain of salt, at the moment. They have no scientific proof it works, although there seems to be plenty of anecdotal evidence among fron line doctors in various places that use it.
The first really good large double-blind Ivermectin study is happening now in the UK. We will know if Ivermectin works, and hopefully soon.
No good studies ever showed hydroxychloroquiine to have any benefit, AFAIK, and that includes the ones looked at by the FLCCC Alliance of physicians, who are the biggest proponents of Ivermectin.
Ivermectin is a safe and cheap drug, and it ought to have been studied hard a year and half ago and that didn’t happen. Ask Fauci and the medical establishment in DC why not. It makes no sense to me that they ignored the people who were trying to get support for that.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Our “specialists” here in Europe have bought remdesivir for about 1 billion € and remdesivir is completely inaccurate against covid and even harmful. The same people did all what they could to forbid HCQ and ivermectin. Must we trust them ?
2 years ago
Reply to  Dutoit
I trust Paul Marik and the FLCCC folks. So I am not writing Ivermectin off just yet. But they looked a HCQ and couldn’t show any benefit, and I lean toward that being the correct finding.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
I agree with your approach but once the UK study results are released I wouldn’t use that as a sole source. I would like to see many trials throughout the globe that prove or disprove the effectiveness. For now the trials are from the front lines. Remember, the vaccines are still in an experimental stage and trials are still ongoing. We know the vaccines are effective against the first strain but look to not be effective against the variants. We also do not have any insight into long term effects of the vaccines, which nobody can debate.
My family was infected with COVID about a month ago and I obtained Ivermectin via Costco Pharmacy within 24hrs of the first positive test (my daughter). It cost me $56 for 20 3mg pills. Since Ivermectin has been distributed for 40years with practically no side-effects and is cheap I gave it a chance. My wife and I are on the wrong side of 50 and had almost no symptoms. I’m not saying Ivermectin had an effect or not in my case but there is growing evidence that it has a positive effect around the globe.
Part of science is to test for multiple solutions through trial and error and not get stuck on the first product that shows positive results and discard alternate methods. This is how medicine advances. 
How many products made there way through years of trials and passed FDA approval only to be recalled years later due to harmful effects over the long term? 
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
I took Ivermectin myself as a prophylaxis before I could get the shot, which I was able to get last December since I treat dental patients in the hospital, not just outpatient.
I didn’t get sick….so maybe it did something…..but that anecdote doesn’t prove benefit. It’s black magic, until somebody show clear evidence. We should know already, and its a testament to medical bureaucratic  BS that we don’t imho.
The best thing is that it’s remarkably safe. Not like some other unproven treatments I could name.
2 years ago
Most hospitalizations are preventable via vaccine or ivermectin: link to
However, we still don’t know the long-term effects of the accumulation of the spike proteins that are generated as a result of the vaccines.

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