What Does Covid-19 Breakthrough Data Suggest About Waning Immunity?

Breakthrough Hospitalizations Concentrated Among Most Vulnerable

The WSJ reports Breakthrough Hospitalizations Concentrated Among Most Vulnerable. [Note: that is a copy-free link for those who wish to read the full article].

State and federal data broadly show unvaccinated people are primarily driving pandemic numbers. Breakthrough infections, however, are making up a growing portion because of rising numbers of vaccinated people and waning immunity among people who got their shots early on, some states show.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said Wednesday that emergency room visits by vaccinated people age 65 and older were increasing. At the Medical University of South Carolina, nearly all fully vaccinated Covid-19 patients in the ICU have weak immune systems from prior health problems, said Andrew Goodwin, the section chief of critical care. 

The likelihood of having a breakthrough infection was still low, though confirmed infections were more common for people with these illnesses. [diabetes, chronic lung disease and chronic kidney disease]

The Epic Health Research Network’s cumulative data show about 1.2% of fully vaccinated people had a breakthrough case, similar to findings among states that publicize such data. The company also found a tipping point for breakthrough cases at about 20 to 22 weeks after people got their latest shot. Georgia found something similar while measuring the gap between when people became fully vaccinated and tested positive for Covid-19.

State officials have stressed that unvaccinated people remain at higher risk. In Vermont, which leads the states with 72% of its population fully vaccinated, unvaccinated people have recently made up roughly 70% of new cases, Health Commissioner Mark Levine said in an interview this month.

Authorities are concerned that vaccinated people are making up a bigger piece of the pie, however, and are urging boosters. On Thursday, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear noted that 16% of hospitalizations in that less-vaccinated state have been among fully vaccinated people since March 1. Last month the cumulative figure was 8.4%.

Look at how these numbers have changed,” he said. “This is waning immunity.”

Key Takeaways

It’s easy to twist those numbers into whatever you believe. But the Vermont and Kentucky provide the key takeaways. 

  1. In Vermont, unvaccinated people constitute 28% of the population but 70% of the new cases.
  2. The risks of being unvaccinated soar the with age and health risks. The article did not mention weight, but undoubtedly that is a factor.
  3. Immunity from shots wears off.

Point three will bring massive amounts of “I told you so hoots” from the antivaxxers. 

Yet, a quick check shows Kentucky is 51.61% Vaccinated as of November 18. That means 86% of the Covid hospitalizations in the state come from the roughly 48% of the population that is not fully vaccinated.

The sane thing to do, is to get vaccinated. Then if you have any risks, age, health concerns, overweight, etc., the sane thing to do is get a booster. 

I got my booster last week. I am 68, not overweight, with no known health issues. 


My views regarding sane things aside, I strongly disagree with Biden’s attempt to force vaccinations by OSHA mandate.

I believed from the outset Biden’s mandate was unconstitutional.  An appeals court just ruled that way.

For discussion please see Appeals Court Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate in a Blistering Rebuke

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2 years ago
I can’t help wondering about the honesty of those statements like, “86% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated”, given the track record for lying and misinformation. I suspect that somewhere there’s a question being asked, “Are you fully vaccinated?” and if the answer is ‘no’, ‘unknown’ or wasn’t obtained then you go in the “unvaccinated” bucket. That way they can get the “unvaccinated” percentage of hospitalizations up. It’s easy to play these kind of tricks if you have an agenda and no integrity.
In Singapore, almost all hospitalizations and deaths are among the vaccinated.  It would be odd if this wasn’t also the case here (same virus, same vaccine).
2 years ago
Reply to  prumbly
I just came across this article from a few months back.  I was surprised to read that 50% of vaccinated people with breakthrough infections who wind up in the hospital are immunocompromised!  Add to this the statistic that the immunocompromised represent less than 3% of total USA population and it is easy to see that they have an outsized effect on the Covid narrative, given all the coverage the MSM directs at/to them.  Perhaps they should just stay the hell home?
Immunocompromised people make up nearly half of COVID-19 breakthrough hospitalizations – an extra vaccine dose may help
August 20, 2021 8.21am EDT
Jonathan Golob – Assistant Professor of Infectious Disease, University of Michigan
2 years ago
According to a ZH article today………people in Austrailia, cases and contacts, are already being hauled off to camps despite every net search claiming the camps are only for travelers. Contacts are either vaccinated or not.  So if you have a 100ft contact range they would basically make everyone a contact with only a small % of cases.
I know covid is real because I know people in the area (kansas) that have died.  That being said, I got my 1st pfizer shot a couple weeks ago.  Since then I have ran into 3 people that got both pfizer shots and all 3 of them said the 2nd one knocked them down for days and there’s no way they’d do it again and none of them will get a booster because of it.  Sounds like Bill Mahr’s story.  Now I am having serious thoughts about not completing the sequence.  Im sure if I end up in the hospital ill have other opinions.  It is up in the air now.  My goal was to not talk to anyone about it but it happened.
The Austraiia example is one of many of why we absolutely can’t let QR code passports become the thing, even though they are already starting it.
Another scary thought is that top immunologists are saying there’s a high% chance of a vaccine resistant variant by March 2022.
Sadly, at this point in time I dont trust our own govt anymore than shaking hands with Covid19.
2 years ago
Merkel is warning that German hospitals may soon be overwhelmed with Covid-19 cases.
Fahreed/Tyson have treated over 6,000 people with their early treatment protocol, with no hospitalizations. HCQ and IVM are therapies used in the protocol, among others.
Back in September, Dr. Wagshul, of the FLCCC, said he has no patients in the ER and has had no patients in the ER, after giving them Ivermectin to treat Covid-19. IVM kept all of them out of the hospital.
Ivermectin is not a miracle drug and not everyone with Covid-19 responds to it, but it is an anti-viral and anti-inflammatory drug and does have notable efficacy against Covid-19. It is one of the safest drugs and should have been allowed all along, to be used to treat Covid-19 patients. Any FDA approved drug should have been allowed to be repurposed off label, to treat Covid-19, provided adherence to the known safety profile of the drug, if the patient’s doctor thought it might help.
The U.S. public agency protocol, all along, has been DO NOT TREAT THE PATIENT. The official death toll is now over 750,000 due to that public health agency protocol. Early treatment would have saved most lives lost. That is the truth. The Agency agenda was vaccines and those who early treatment would have saved their life, were sacrificed as collateral damage, for that vaccine only agenda.
It now turns out that the Covid-19 “vaccines” are not as safe as advertised. This ads to the injury/death caused by the obstruction of early treatment.
The public health agencies do not deserve our respect, for the way they have operated during this pandemic. Much as they claim otherwise, the science is not being followed.
2 years ago
A few comments about transmission in Africa in this post. Here’ an interesting observation:
“Data from 19 countries that participated in the World Health
Organization (WHO) sponsored African Programme for Onchocerciasis
Control (APOC), from 1995 until 2015, were compared with thirty-five
(Non-APOC), countries that were not included.
The incidence in mortality rates and number of cases of COVID-19 is significantly
lower among the APOC countries compared to non-APOC countries. That a
mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken
place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community
ivermectin use”

After controlling for different factors, including the Human Development
Index (HDI), APOC countries (vs. non-APOC), show 28% lower mortality
(0.72; 95% CI: 0.67-0.78) and 8% lower rate of infection (0.92; 95% CI:
0.91-0.93) due to COVID-19.

2 years ago
Agreed.  The sane thing is to get oneself vaccinated.   Breakthrough cases can occur with any vaccine.  That is not a phenomenon specific to this vaccine.  Even if one gets infected, there is a lower probability of an attack severe enough to require hospitalization.   Keeping the hospital system from getting overwhelmed is also one of the goals and the vaccine helps us in that regard.
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
“The sane thing is to get oneself vaccinated.” Agreed for those who are at risk. Not everyone is at risk.
If the worry is transmission, this vaccine is ineffective in that regard after a few months, so is not a solution.
2 years ago
Reply to  Yooper
It’s effective, just not perfect. The statistics say you’re six times more likely to be infected if you are unvaccinated. It baffles me that many people see things as binary, perfect or worthless.
2 years ago
Reply to  dguillor
And yet here I am 21 months into this scamdemic, unvaxxed, wear a mask only where forced to do so and my mask is modified to be so thin as to be virtually useless (but it looks normal to those around me, making them feel comfortable [lol]).  I regularly work out with hundreds in the course of a week in my local health club.  Many retail shop owners around my area don’t even wear masks themselves (they remain hung below their chin) and don’t care if customers come in w/o masks. 
And I have yet to become infected with this fiercely easy virus to transmit.  Of the hundreds of people i have had contact with across the USA over 21 months, only two caught Covid.  Both recovered on their own.
I am not fearful of becoming infected.  There is a 99%+ probability that I will recover w/o having to go to the hospital.
Who are you going to believe, my direct experiences or something you’ve heard on teevee or read in the propaganda media?  As newspaper advice columnist Ann Landers used to say: “Wake up and smell the coffee!”.
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
The Covid-19 vaccines are not safe. A number of scientists say the vaccine program should be suspended. In this pandemic, the rules are being thrown out the window. That is not a sane thing to do.
The Fahreed/Tyson protocol has kept 100% of over 6,000 people out of the hospital. Early outpatient treatment would dramatically reduce hospitalization due to Covid-19, without the risk of the Vaccines.
2 years ago
Reply to  whirlaway
Less than 1% of people who get Covid wind up in the hospital.  You have a better chance of getting hit by a car crossing the street than winding up with Covid in the hospital. But this risk doesn’t keep you from crossing streets, does it? 
And simply because you might happen to wind up in the hospital does not mean that you are going to die.  The vast majority of hospitalized Covid patients recover and go home.
2 years ago
At the end of the day, EVERYBODY catches this disease. Everybody. The vaccine seems to provide a tiny amount of protection (at what vaccine risk?), but you’ll still catch it eventually. The virus has no trouble at all spreading among fully vaccinated people – Gibraltar, >99% vaccinated and now having a HUGE surge in cases (similar story in Singapore, Israel, most of Europe, the UK… ).
2 years ago
Reply to  prumbly
Yeah. I think that’s the bottom line. Unless the world does an endless chain of booster shots. No thanks. I had a bad enough reaction to my second shot.
I think what’s happening here is that the vaccines simply aren’t too effective against the delta variant. I’m not aware of any ‘controlled’ studies on that, there would be major ethical problems. Of course, the vaccines were never tested on whether they prevented infection, just if they reduced symptoms. So even if everyone gets infected you’d expect a higher number of unvaxxed to end up in the hospital. 
It would be interesting to see what infection/hospitalization rates are for different locations based, not on percent vaccinated, but on the percentage of people who have already have had covid. That’s the real thing, I think. 
2 years ago
But the BIG question is: Why isn’t the CDC properly collecting and reporting breakthrough case data? I guess it’s too politically embarrassing for the Junta. Better to keep quiet and keep pretending that the vaccines work.
2 years ago
Reply to  prumbly
Simply because the CDC’s #1 job is to support confidence in the vaccine no matter what. That’s why they changed their messaging, changed their definitions, stopped recording/testing infected vacc’d people (a breakthrough is only a breakthrough if you’re vacc’d AND hospitalized).
Propaganda strategies to control the narrative, plain and simple.
2 years ago
Reply to  Yooper
I think the issue with the CDC might be that the vaccines were tested only on whether they reduced symptoms, not whether they prevented infection. That is to say, Pfizer, Moderna, etc., either knew, or had no expectation that their vaccines would prevent infection so they didn’t test for it. Perhaps the CDC figures they have better things to do than to test the vaccines for something they’re basically not supposed to be capable of. That doesn’t rule out the CDC having a political agenda.
The big question, I would say, is how contagious are infected (delta) vaccinated people? Seems like almost as much as unvaxxed, and perhaps more, since they’re more likely to be asymptomatic or only slightly ill so they’re out and about spreading the disease than an untaxed person who feel wretched and stays at home. I don’t know of any solid studies on that which of course would be very difficult to do in the real world. 
2 years ago
“The facts are clear. The Covid vaccination campaign is the largest mass murder movement in history.
The public response to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s just published book, The Real Anthony Fauci, shows that people are seeing through the orchestrated narrative cultivated by the whore media. The book has had a media blackout as if it doesn’t exist, but is nevertheless Number One on Amazon’s best seller list and Number One on Kindle’s best seller list.
In addition to Amazon and Kindle, the book is available at local bookstores and at Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, http://bookshop.org, Target, Walmart, Books-A-Million. Buy and read the book. You will see that public health is in the hands of gangsters.”
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo

Starting the morning off crazy, I see.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Zardoz, RFK’s book is thoroughly sourced with 2,200 footnotes.
The public health agencies protocol has been all along, doctor, do not treat the patient. Let them get very sick and wind up in the hospital. The hospital protocol is Remdesivir, which has a 23% SEVERE adverse reaction rate and can destroy kidney function and result in death. The World Health Organization recommends against Remdesivir, as they say it doesn’t work. Remdesivir financially benefits Gilead and the hospital administering it, but not the health of the patient.
The Fahreed/Tyson protocol has treated over 6,000 people with none hospitalized. With early outpatient treatment, there would have been no pandemic. Public health agencies obstructed early outpatient treatment and are thus responsible for Covid-19 becoming a pandemic. They are also responsible for the high death toll in the U.S., as they obstructed treatment that would have saved the majority of the official 750,000+ lives lost. That is the truth.
2 years ago
Here’s a compendium of Covid ‘misinformation’ [lol] materials to fight back with against the establishment narrative. 
Send these to news orgs, politicians, health officials, etc.  Let them all know that we are not laying down and giving up the fight against the Covid scaremongering.
180 questions about the COVID vaccines that nobody wants to answer
Steve Kirsch, Executive Director
COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund
Oct 26, 2021
Vaccine essentials
Steve Kirsch, Executive Director
COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund
Nov 18, 2021
2 years ago
NYT did a podcast with Fauci recently.  The amount of dancing Fauci did was epic but it becomes much clearer when you read the actual transcript.  You be the judge.
An Interview With Dr. Anthony Fauci
America’s top infectious disease official discusses the state of the coronavirus, booster shots, mandates and the end of the pandemic.
Friday, November 12th, 2021
Michael Barbaro
2 years ago
All the “darling”  covid response nations of a year ago are getting their chance in the covid barrel. Animal reservoir diseases cannot be stopped by anything other than proper nutrition, healthy living and natural wonders such as Quinine, Zinc and vitamin D . Austria and Australia in particular are having epidemiological and social unrest over this. It must be a hooked on phonics kind of thing. Austria in particular was once occupied with open arms by the Nazis. I think they are a little reticent about “let me see your papers” kind of thing by now.
Mike 2112
Mike 2112
2 years ago
Reply to  Christoball
Shockingly the Austrian leaders have no problem with the demand for papers.
How long before they start building special camps for the unclean of society?
2 years ago
btw, the amount of misinformation in the comments section is epic.
2 years ago
Reply to  shamrock
Define misinformation.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
“Analysts generally agree that dis[mis]information is always purposeful and
not necessarily composed of outright lies or fabrications. It can be
composed of mostly true facts, stripped of context or blended with
falsehoods to support the intended message, and is always part of a
larger plan or agenda.”
So, just about everything seen on MSNBC for COVID, everything Trump related on Fox 🙂

link to ned.org

2 years ago
Reply to  Yooper
Exactly but I was just baiting Shamrock (unsure if he is smart enough to know that).
The truth is that “misinformation” is a just a new buzz phrase for information that does not agree with the mainstream narrative of the moment or a person’s own beliefs.
2 years ago
Reply to  shamrock

Kookaboos gonna kook…

2 years ago
Reply to  Zardoz
Why are you kookabooing, Zardoz?
2 years ago
Reply to  shamrock
A generic statement, with no specific details as to what is misinformation. A meaningless comment, used to smear anyone who does not parrot the official narrative. Official narratives can be false.
2 years ago
the CDC changing the definition of a Vaccine to fit this flu shot is the funniest damn thing…..
if a vaccine can be made for an animal reservoir carried virus please share links, anything? it was never going to happen
A sars corona virus probably finished off some Peking men back 10million years ago too..
I thinks some biotech innovation has not been given equal footing as big pharma, it seems its shots or nothing..
2 years ago
I find it amazing that the same people that have no trust of politicians and the public sector follow along like sheep and allow the same groups of people to dictate the future of their health. 
Here is a Pfizer arthritis medication on the market for almost 10 years that they finally admit causes an increase in blood clots, heart attacks and cancer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxnotCivncc&t=69s
Trusting idiot government workers and pharmaceutical companies with your life without long-term tests? It sounds crazy because it is.
Using fear to divide and use as a control mechanism looks to be extremely effective.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
The same people that mistrusted authority in the 60’s are now in economic and administrative authority and follow each other like pied pipers. The boomers are scared because 80% of covid deaths are boomers.
2 years ago
The podcast (this week in virology ) is a great source of non politicalized information.  Just a bunch of retired virologist chatting and dissecting scientific papers.    
My take 
Everyone talks about herd immunity.   My understanding of it is a disease comes in a community killing the weak then achieves balance in the rest of the herd.  We have a long way to go.  Your either gonna get covid or the vax.  Prob multiple times before things settle down.  Least with the vax you can pretty much limit your chances of ending up in hospital or having long covid and a bunch of bills.  
2 years ago
Reply to  Rbm
I am a two time covid survivor. My latest bout was asymptomatic except just like that, my sense of smell no longer appreciates fresh ground coffee. It still tastes good once made but the smell is no longer pleasant. Could this all be a plot to  necessitate MSG in our food. The problem with MSG is a half hour later you are hungry again.
2 years ago
Reply to  Christoball
So China developed the virus to make us all want more Chinese food?
2 years ago
Reply to  Yooper
Precisely, HaHa
2 years ago
Reply to  Christoball
Twit addressed the smell issue in the latest podcast.  
2 years ago
More MSM misinformation:  link to yahoo.com
This has NOTHING to do with the unvaccinated since the vaccinated protection weens dramatically (nearing zero) after seven months.
The new Pfizer pill does EXACTLY the same thing as Ivermectin. It inhibits the needed protease enzyme necessary for the virus to replicate, rendering the virus neutralized. 
The Pfizer pill is simply necessary to keep the Pfizer relevant as Ivermectin thrives in nations around the world. The new pill will be released under the emergency authorization act, which will rake in billions more.
2 years ago
Why anyone would ever again trust anything coming out of the pieholes of the NIH, FDA, and CDC is beyond me. How many times must one be lied to before they “get it”? How much independent, yet nevertheless valid data and research from here and other countries must one ignore to continue to believe these sociopathic acting agencies? The only thing that these agencies have accomplished is to permanently destroy the trust that many of us once had for them and the only solution now is to de-authorize their existence, clean out each agency right down to the janitor, and start afresh, with far tighter reigns on them then they have ever had. 
2 years ago
Statistically speaking the Vermont numbers suggest a 60% reduction in covid risk for the vaccinated. 
2 years ago
Reply to  shamrock
60% Covid risk…. plus 100% vaccine risk
2 years ago
The numbers do show that at risk older people are safer with the jab. Numbers also show that more children die from influenza than from COVID. Numbers also show that these ‘vaccines’ are 1000x more dangerous than your normal smallpox or other proven vaccinations with 1000’s of deaths and many more cases of heart issues, clots, and strokes. Numbers also show a significant increase in young male athletes experiencing heart problems. Numbers do not show long term effects of mRNA ‘experimental’ vaccines. My conclusion: if young or very healthy don’t get the vaccine. Fauci is a proven liar and the science does not back the mandate. It is unconscionable to vaccinate children with these 3 formulas
2 years ago
Center for Disease Control- CDC.
The spike protein is a pathogen. Pathogens cause disease. The Covid shot contains a gazillion spike proteins.
An October 22, 2020 FDA presentation contained a slide that listed some 20 diseases caused by the Covax.
The CDC promotes the Covax- which causes disease. Isn’t the CDC supposed to control disease, instead of promote disease?
That is how screwed up our public health agencies are.
No one is given informed consent, when offered the Covid shot. They parrot a mantra- safe and effective. We are supposed to trust their reassuring words, as if they were a fact. The truth is that we are being sold a narrative. The narrative is falling apart.
Internet searches for “died suddenly,” hit a record last week. Just in the athletic realm, it has become known that an above normal number of players have unexpectedly died this year.
Then there are the vaccine injuries. VAERS doesn’t even have the current complete list, as they are under reported by a multiplier.
Not every VAERS report is caused by the Covax, but a substantial percentage of them are. If the public health agencies were not under regulatory capture, they would consider it to be an unacceptable rate. People are too trusting of government agencies that do not have our best interest as their agenda.
2 years ago
Reply to  RonJ
Is VAERS too high? Too low? Who knows. Anyone can report anything. You can report that the vaccine turned you into the incredible hulk or spiderman, and it will stay in the system. Could anti-vaxers flood the system with fake reports? Sure. Could valid date go unreported? Sure. It is unverified, and no attempt is made to determine causation. One think that we will hopefully take away from Covid is the need for an actual system for tracking side effect data, not the joke we have now.
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
85% of the reports in VAERS are made by health professionals.  As we know from the Lazarus work, VARES captures somewhere between 1-10% of total reports.  Many health professionals aren’t even aware of this dB and the CDC doesn’t go out of its way to promote it.  Although the CDC created the VAERS dB back in 1990, I have yet to see them systematically address any entries in that dB over the 21 month life of Covid.  
AGAIN – this is THEIR dB!  They created it to capture vaccine adverse events 31 years ago.  WHY aren’t they using it?
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
It is illegal to make a false report. Steve Kirsch noted there have been almost no false reports of vaccine injury to VAERS.
VAERS is factually under reported. Lazarus Study of Harvard Pilgrim HMO vs VAERS. Result was that less than 1% of vaccine injuries were reported to VAERS. Lazarus wanted to expand the study to other HMO’s, but the CDC shut them down. Seems to me that the CDC should have wanted to confirm whether the Lazarus study was consistent among HMO’s or not.
Causation. It is known what the rate of Myocarditis is in young people. The rate after Covid-19 vax is elevated above base line.
Kirsch argues that causation can be determined from VAERS data.
2 years ago
No, I’m not insane for not getting the vaccine.  I am waiting to get the coof so my body can fight it off, so I will have longterm immunity.  One learns this in middle school in America, at least children used to learn this.  I hope all of you who have had the vaccine will be healthy for years to come.  I will pray for all of you.  
2 years ago
   How do you feel about companies that mandate vaccines? (outside of any federal or state mandates.) 
2 years ago
Reply to  az_dirt
I believe it is their right.
In the health care industry or elderly care I think they should.
Otherwise I accept their decision without being able to comment on specifics
2 years ago
It tells us that it never should have been called a vaccine by Faucci and the CDC (who definitely should have known better) and the MSM.
A vaccine is something you get once and provides lifetime immunity like the Polio vaccine or the Smallpox vaccine etc.
What it actually is, is a booster shot no different than a B12 booster shot or the yearly flu booster shot and any other booster shots you can get for various ailments.
There is definitely no need to mandate a booster shot of any kind. People can make whatever choice they want based on their needs.
Mish – Did you try my suggestion in the other thread about coping off the rollback files, then removing them and then trying the update?
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
“What it actually is, is a booster shot no different than a B12 booster
shot or the yearly flu booster shot and any other booster shots you can
get for various ailments.”
This is not true.  Your statement about lifetime immunity is also not true.  A booster shot is another dose of the vaccine.  You are making up a category (vaccines that provide lifetime protection against infection) and saying any shot not in this category is not a vaccine.  A B12 shot is a shot of something with B12 in it but it isn’t a vaccine. 
This might help:
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
Many vaccines require periodic boosters. A very common one is for Tetnus. Your doctor, presumably, keeps track of your status, and when you need a booster. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
Funny you should mention Tetnus.
I’ve never heard it called a Tetnus vaccine. I’ve always heard it called a Tetnus shot (ie immune booster). You also normally only get it AFTER you have an incident.  As in you visit the clinic with a severe cut and they ask how long since your last shot and they give you another one if it’s been 10+ years. That’s totally the opposite of virtually everything else where they want you to have it prior to getting the disease.
2 years ago
Reply to  TexasTim65
Many vaccines do wear off over time.  I know because about 20 years ago I was vaccinated for both Hep A and B.  Recently my doctor did blood work and while I still showed antibodies to Hep A, the Hep B vaccination had worn off completely.  So I am getting vaccinated for Hep B again.  Two shots down and get the final shot in March (six months after the second shot).
2 years ago
Reply to  Shrp-Blond
Why are you a risk for hepatitis?  And what about C?
2 years ago
 “Vaccinated or not risks are much higher for those over the age of 65.”
Early outpatient treatment has been the key, ever since Dr. Zelenko researched anti-viral Hydroxychloroquine. However, the public health agencies effectively obstructed early treatment of any kind for Covid patients. So many have died as a result.
To the public health agencies, agenda far exceeds protecting people’s health or lives. Why do we have these public health agencies, when they put their agenda above public health?
A simple thing. Most people who died had low vitamin D levels. I never hear Fauci and company urging people to take vitamin D supplements to protect themselves in case they get Covid. Vitamin D3 levels above 50 will likely keep one out of the hospital. Why doesn’t Dr. Fauci want to keep people out of the hospital? Maybe so he can sell Remdesivir at $3,000 a pop to unwitting patients. Speaking of which, Remdisivir failed safety trials. 23% severe adverse reaction rate. It can destroy kidney function. So why is it being used on Covid patients who are fighting for their life? It makes money back for Giliad. The WHO recommends against Remdesivir, as they say it doesn’t work.
Vitamin D3 helps. Asprin helps. Anti-hystamines help. Nebulized food grade hydrogen peroxide helps. Zinc and Quercetin helps.
That is without even attempting to resort to the prescription treatments forbidden because they stood in the way of unsafe so-called vaccine EUA’s. More people have died from the Covax than have died from Ivermectin.
2 years ago
Honestly Mish You got the jab good for you but please dont tell the rest of us to get it.   We have done our homework and by that i mean we dont listen to MSM.   And there is no way on the planet I would get this.  Same for my daughters and grandchildren.  And no one is has gotten sick. 
2 years ago
Mish, I wish you’d go back to Gold/Silver and other ways to help us save what we’ve earned. You were pretty good at that years ago. You aren’t going to change my unvaxed mind to get the jab. But you can help many of us find a ways to make this depression coming a little easier?  Working together on this site to help protect our savings, there are many smart posters here to learn from.
2 years ago
Truly a joke to cite Africa as a model of anything
Why should anyone believe any stats out of Africa?
It’s absurd.
In addition, only 2% of Africa is over 70
There are not many air circulation systems
There were and still are more severe lockdowns
Much work is outdoors. 
Over 70% of Africans live in areas which cannot be described as cities.
The only place where you find credible data, South Africa – because they have fairly sophisticated surveillance systems – they have done an excess mortality calculation from May to December (and) they had over 132,000 more deaths than in the previous years. 
South Africa has registered 27% more deaths than normal; the UK 20% more
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
South Africa seems to be doing pretty well these days with merely 30% vaxxed…..
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
And why should anyone believe any stat coming out of China or Russia for example, including economic stats?  Yet the world moves on their acknowledged fake numbers.  You can only work with the data and observations that you have access to.
2 years ago
Hey Mish,
Have you not researched what Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Luc Montagnier have written about the vax?
Also, what would you like on your gravestone should your silly decision to get vaxed catch up with you as it has for so many others?
2 years ago
The original patent for Covid medication was turned down by the patent office , because they concluded
that it was a  medication that only lowered the symptoms of the disease.  It didn’t keep recipients from 1. Getting the virus and 2. spreading the virus.  Hence – it is not a vaccine.  If it was, the patent office would have approved it as such.
2 years ago
Reply to  WarpartySerf
Do you have a link for that?
2 years ago
We all know the mRNA vaccines trigger COVID spike protein generation in the host. I’d like to hear opinions regarding this: link to pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
Watch Robert Malone he knows all about MRNA. He is one of the original founders of it.  
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
mRNA triggers the making of spikes, most of which are contained in the muscle. Small quantities, at barely over the limit for measurement, were detected on about day four after the injection, but then were gone a day later. mRNA itself is very unstable, and if not absorbed, is gone within a matter of hours. That which is absorbed will make spikes for a number of days, and then stop.
A separate study showed that the spikes alone were capable of causing damage to cells, but that study used a level of spikes 100,000 times higher than the level detected in actual patients after a vaccination. You are free to draw your own conclusions from these  studies.
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
Carl, this is not correct. Several studies using nuclear medicine have detected spike protein in the blood stream for 10 days on average, not just in the localized muscle near injection.
2 years ago
Reply to  Carl_R
If you are going to quote anything like research, then you need to provide a link to the source so that we can evaluate any conclusions that you are making.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
That’s a significant report.  Adaptive immunity is how the body learns to defend against invaders.  This seems to be the key piece:
“Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.”
The 2nd sentence is interesting in the use of “the spike protein localizes in the nucleus”, which implies that the spike protein does not exit the cell and dissipate, as some here and elsewhere claim.  Hmmm.  
Another bigger problem with mRNA spike protein generation is discussed in this article:
“we found that DNA copies of SARS-CoV-2 sequences can be integrated into the genome of infected human cells.”
Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues
PMID: 33958444 PMCID: PMC8166107 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2105968118
2 years ago
Went over to Mexico the other day, got plenty of Ivermectin just in case a vaxer spreads one of the virus they are shedding. LMAO
2 years ago
Chris Martenson gave a podcast this week showing the waning effects of the vaccine. He also clearly showed government policy is fixated on the number of deaths rather than death and severe adverse events to the vaccine. Clearly those older than 60 years of age benefit from the vaccine while those younger may actually be harmed more from the vaccine than infection.
What I would like the government to do is assist with the Novavax vaccine because it uses the same safe, proven technology used in hepatitis-B vaccine. People with compromised immune systems are more able to take this vaccine technology without severe reactions. There is no mRNA crossing cell boundaries. There is no mutating of healthy cells into something with a protein for the immune system to attack. To me, causing a healthy cell to mutate sounds like causing cancer. Novavax removes that fear many hesitant about getting vaccinated have.
2 years ago
We told you so. Should have listened to Dr Malone. So do the vaxes damage your immune system is the big question. We shall soon find out.
2 years ago
Reply to  mrchinup
Why listen to the inventor of mRNA technology (Dr. Malone) or the doctor who won the Nobel prize for discovering HIV (Dr. Luc Montagnier)?  Why not listen to the expert named Brandon or that other expert named Mish?
2 years ago
Reply to  TheCaptain
2 years ago
Anyone else here wonder why African nations have had no problem dealing with COVID despite having the lowest vaccination rates while those with the highest vaccination rates continue to struggle?
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
I don’t wonder at all. I have no problem with liberals getting jab after jab. The oligarchs want 500 million on earth, looks like the have this totally under control with so many stupid people doing what they are told.
2 years ago
Reply to  mrchinup
2 years ago
Reply to  Jmurr
I went over the border the other day, got a bunch of it  so did my friends.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dean2020
The usual explanation is: Young and outdoors. They are very experienced with dangerous viruses, so may be more competent in handling such things. But that seems harder to measure.
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
Basic competence at something so fundamental as procreation, does indeed have som benefits….
Not that idiots dumb enough to believe drivel like NBG (or was that FTP, or GDP…) “per capita”, is some sort of measure of anything other than a society’s acute lack of economic literacy would ever know….
2 years ago
Reality bites:
I keep hearing about “pandemic of the unvaccinated” but this is just scaremongering.
The truth is that the percentage of people who get sick with Covid and wind up in the hospital or worse is UNDER 1%.  Read that number again – 1%!  This comes from:
How the Public Understands Hospitalization Risk
For both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, very few adults reported a correct answer, which is less than one percent (1%).
This means that 99% of the people who get Covid are going to survive and get on with their lives.
For those who are unvaxxed and have surmounted Covid, they will gain lasting (probably permanent) immunity to further Covid infections, regardless of new variants, unlike the Covaxxed.
Eventually, if the virus is as easily transmissible as the medical community insists it is, then in the short-term, the virus is going to run out of unvaxxed people to infect, most of whom will recover and get on with their lives. 
It’s a numbers game and each Covid naturally infected person reduces the  unvaxxed population available to infect.  The unvaxxed will still be walking around but they will be protected by their robust immune systems from getting Covid.
Meanwhile, all that will be left for the Covid virus to infect are those who [foolishly] took the mRNA/DNA shots, as these people can keep getting repeated new breakthrough infections due to the ever waning and compromised protections offered by these shots.  The Covaxxed people can never attain the robust immunity that a natural infection generates and so are going to need periodic maintenance shots (just like a heroin junkie) and will be the cause of rising infections and transmission among EACH OTHER for many years into the future.
On top of this reality, the Covaxxed risk the very real likelihood of heart damage, vascular damage, blood clots, autoimmune disease and much more with each additional shot/booster that they take.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
The numbers Mish has at the top of the posting disagree with your <1% number. Although you’re ambiguous as to what the 1% is of. And, anyway, a one-size-fits-all number to describe an exponential curve (in this case where the X axis is age) is gonna be a problem in any case.
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
The numbers at the top are breakthrough ( people who got covid after vaccinations ) cases not total cases.
2 years ago
Reply to  Christoball
Ah. Yeah. Didn’t notice that. In which case, those top-of-posting numbers indicate the total-population numbers are probably way, way higher than 1%.
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
It’s not “MY” <1% number.  It’s Gallup’s.  Hopefully, you took the time to read the article I linked to.  
I would be happy to entertain any other hospital numbers from reliable & trustworthy sources (which eliminates the CDC, FDA and Fauci).
2 years ago
128 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted
By Paul Elias Alexander   October 17, 2021  
We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves.
Public health officials and the medical establishment with the help of the politicized media are misleading the public with assertions that the COVID-19 shots provide greater protection than natural immunity.  CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, for example, was deceptive in her October 2020 published LANCET statement that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection” and that “the consequence of waning immunity would present a risk to vulnerable populations for the indefinite future.”
Immunology and virology 101 have taught us over a century that natural immunity confers protection against a respiratory virus’s outer coat proteins, and not just one, e.g. the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. There is even strong evidence for the persistence of antibodies. Even the CDC recognizes natural immunity for chicken-pox and measles, mumps, and rubella, but not for COVID-19.
The vaccinated are showing viral loads (very high) similar to the unvaccinated (Acharya et al. and Riemersma et al.), and the vaccinated are as infectious. Riemersma et al. also report Wisconsin data that corroborate how the vaccinated individuals who get infected with the Delta variant can potentially (and are) transmit(ting) SARS-CoV-2 to others (potentially to the vaccinated and unvaccinated).
2 years ago
Always questions….
Scientists Mystified, Wary, as Africa Avoids COVID Disaster
When the coronavirus first emerged last year, health officials feared the pandemic would sweep across Africa, killing millions and destroying the continent’s fragile health systems.
By Associated Press
Nov. 19, 2021
HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — At a busy market in a poor township outside Harare this week, Nyasha Ndou kept his mask in his pocket, as hundreds of other people, mostly unmasked, jostled to buy and sell fruit and vegetables displayed on wooden tables and plastic sheets. As in much of Zimbabwe, here the coronavirus is quickly being relegated to the past, as political rallies, concerts and home gatherings have returned.
“COVID-19 is gone, when did you last hear of anyone who has died of COVID-19?” Ndou said. “The mask is to protect my pocket,” he said. “The police demand bribes so I lose money if I don’t move around with a mask.” Earlier this week, Zimbabwe recorded just 33 new COVID-19 cases and zero deaths, in line with a recent fall in the disease across the continent, where World Health Organization data show that infections have been dropping since July.
When the coronavirus first emerged last year, health officials feared the pandemic would sweep across Africa, killing millions. Although it’s still unclear what COVID-19’s ultimate toll will be, that catastrophic scenario has yet to materialize in Zimbabwe or much of the continent.
Scientists emphasize that obtaining accurate COVID-19 data, particularly in African countries with patchy surveillance, is extremely difficult, and warn that declining coronavirus trends could easily be reversed.
But there is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said.
Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” in its weekly pandemic reports.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
Why should anyone believe any stats out of Africa?
It’s absurd.
In addition, only 2% of Africa is over 70
There are not many air circulation systems
There were and still are more severe lockdowns
Much work is outdoors. 
Over 70% of Africans live in areas which cannot be described as cities.
The only place where you find credible data, South Africa – because they have fairly sophisticated surveillance systems – they have done an excess mortality calculation from May to December (and) they had over 132,000 more deaths than in the previous years. 
South Africa has registered 27% more deaths than normal; the UK 20% more
Truly a joke to cite Africa as a model of anything
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
But Mish, you choose to believe the stats of the CDC and our liberal gov who are know liars?
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
No we don’t have statistics from much of Africa but eventually we will get them. I would also like to say that do not assume that Africa is incapable of furnishing decent data, they do when it comes to the big killers like malaria, AIDS and Ebola. Frankly covid is a bit down lower on the list of things to worry about. By the way, there are some really nice civilized places there. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Mish
Suggest you go argue that point with Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
That is the healthiness of the unvaxed.  The pandemic of the vaxed is happening elsewhere.
2 years ago
Correct me if I’m wrong, but hospitals have changed the testing cycles of the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated, right? If you are vaccinated that threshold is now 28 cycles vs the 40 for unvaccinated. How can you possibly get a clear picture of breakthrough cases if you are comparing apples to oranges? Also, what would be the definition of “hospitalization”? Is it the same as an emergency room visit? If each person or state is talking a “different language”, I say again, how can you possible understand what is in the numbers?
2 years ago
Reply to  shan
it s obvious, the numbers/stats will show or even prove what the corrupt authorities want them to show or prove! 
2 years ago
We know the vaccines turn your body into spike a protein factory to trigger an immune response. That is a fact.
Well… a published study has proven these spike proteins are are found, using nuclear medicine, in the blood stream for 10 days. But where else are they found? Turns out that spike proteins can be found in cell nucleus. This is the location of your DNA.
Your body has a DNA repair mechanism to prevent cell mutation. The same spike proteins that are triggered by mRNA vaccines have been proven to inhibit DNA repair by 93%. This can cause cells to divide with DNA mutations. There is another name for this: CANCER.
I do realize this is just one study and findings are early but you also have to remember that the vaccine study has no long-term studies, which means they may be safe short term but possibly deadly long term. That is part of what you MUST accept when you are vaccinated. No long-term studies equate to unknown consequences in the long-term.
They initially told everyone that these vaccines provided all the protection you need. That turned out to be false as COVID numbers are soaring in highly vaccinated environments. Why did this happen? Did they lie? Yes and no. They didn’t even have short-term studies completed when vaccines were released so they shouldn’t have provided that narrative.
If I was running an economic blog I would feel really bad if I was providing medical recommendations and the recommendation eventually led to mass loss of life, which is factually possible at this point.
2 years ago
My sister, a nurse ,vaccinated,  caught covid about 2 weeks ago, sick as a dog, has not got back taste or smell.
2 years ago
I have many doubts about the vaccine. Because I have some memory. I remember that is was supposed
to be effective more than 90%. Then a few months later I was told that it does protect from
infection except in a limited number of cases. Then some time later, that it does not protect at all from
infection and contamination of other people. Now we must take it because it protects from the
serious cases, according to “statistics”, that have continually changed. Will it protect from the
serious cases in 3 months ? Another problem is the side effects, with many “statistics” that
are so different according to the countries that it is difficult to trust them.
Anyway, I have already taken two doses (Astrazeneca), but I would like something else than Pfizer
(a more “classical” vaccine) for a third one.
2 years ago
Reply to  Dutoit
….yes but it is said that death from covid  is more pleasant and softer when you are vaccinated ….
2 years ago
The vaccine is experimental – lowering standards does not make it safer. A thorough study of taking a course of aspirin at first suspicion of infection or a daily baby aspirin is desperately needed
2 years ago
I got the jab. I’m not proud of it but I did buy into the Delta hype and was feeling pressure at work. I will not get the booster. To quote The Who, I won’t be fooled again.  All the claims regarding effectiveness have been found to be overstated.  I am still taking Vitamins C and D, zinc, NAC and quercertin which I think is more reliable than the booster. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Jmurr
Seat belts are not experimental
2 years ago
Reply to  Protrump
Seat belts are effective though. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Jmurr
Sorry I meant to reply to comment below – thalidomide was effective in eliminating morning sickness too
2 years ago
Reply to  Jmurr
I got one jab reluctantly of moderna only because I’m high risk, type 1 diabetic for 40 years, I have bottle of 325mg aspirin ready to take a course at any suspicion of infection, whether  through contact tracing or coughing. Found this – University of Maryland found those taking a baby aspirin daily, before getting covid infection, were 50% less likely to die and much less likely to end up in hospital –
2 years ago
For all of those folks opposed to laws requiring vaccination, can you explain why they are different than laws requiring seat belts or prohibiting hand held cell phone use while driving, or if you are also opposed to those laws?
2 years ago
Reply to  Curious-Cat
The comparison is not correct: requiring seat belts or prohibiting hand held cell phone is temporary (when you are in a plane or a car), but the vaccine is in you for all your life
2 years ago
Reply to  Curious-Cat
“There is no justification for taking away individuals’ freedom in the guise of public safety.”
   You would be a fool to argue with the ideas of Jefferson. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Curious-Cat
Seat belts are not experimental
2 years ago
Reply to  Curious-Cat
Here is a key difference. A seatbelt violation cost is like $50 where people are losing their livelihoods due to the vaccine mandate. Whatever happened to my body my choice?
2 years ago
Reply to  Curious-Cat
Being allowed to drive is a government privilege, not a fundamental right.  The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness are fundamental rights.
2 years ago
COVID is a public health issue. End of any objections to getting vaccinated including in the end whether or not mandates are unconstitutional. Don’t be a dope and a dupe. Get vaccinated.
2 years ago
See, that’s the beauty about our society.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how wrong they may be.
2 years ago
I agree with your take on this Mish.  I’m 75 in good health and not overweight….I run 20 miles a week.  
Fully vaxed with booster.  
Above said and data notwithstanding I’m completely and totally opposed to any vaccine mandates. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Jcbl
I believe companies have the right to make this decision on their own accord. 
But the Federal Government does not have the right to force its view on companies.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jcbl
Dude, you’re 75 and running 20 miles/week?
Bravo man.
I’m 51 and wondering how long I’ll be able to keep wrestling and doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Every injury is so much more costly at this age!
2 years ago
Reply to  ajc1970
This message is from ajc1970 a couple decades from now: Do not get injured. Change sports now if you need to.
2 years ago
Reply to  Felix_Mish
I used to run a lot but at 45 my ankles started to hurt and my doctor said it was time to stop so I replaced it with long walks and hiking. I am 68, fit and don’t need anything replaced. My brother on the other hand was a compulsive runner. Now he has to have a knee or two replaced and manged to pick up some bad allergies caught from running on the side of the road in a city. Hunter-gatherers stop running after game at around 45 to become sage elders who distribute wisdom to the youngsters who feed them in exchange. I decided to follow their strategy to get free meals and never looked back.  
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
Why Running Won’t Ruin Your Knees
Running pummels knees more than walking does, but in the process it may fortify and bulk up cartilage, helping stave off knee arthritis.
By Gretchen Reynolds
Oct. 21, 2020, 5:00 a.m. ET
Could running actually be good for your knees?
That idea is at the heart of a fascinating new study of the differing effects of running and walking on the knee joint. Using motion capture and sophisticated computer modeling, the study confirms that running pummels knees more than walking does. But in the process, the authors conclude, running likely also fortifies and bulks up the cartilage, the rubbery tissue that cushions the ends of bones. The findings raise the beguiling possibility that, instead of harming knees, running might fortify them and help to stave off knee arthritis.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jcbl
After a year and nine months the picture instead of clearing is getting muddier. The data is all over the place. Every different method of control has been tried on a worldwide basis and the results are not what we thought they would be. The vaccines were good short-term which is important but unfortunately they rest a short-term tactic and not long-term strategy as was initially expected. We should probably be changing the way we treat covid but so much emotional and bureaucratic capital has been spent doing what we do that it is very hard to change direction. 
The vaccine mandate is finished from what I see now and I can’t say I miss it. 
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug78
“We keep throwing virgins into the volcano — but the earthquakes don’t stop.”
We need more virgins!
2 years ago
I was supposed to get the booster this last week, but I showed up at CVS without my vax card, and was refused. This is, in my opinion, quite stupid, as a policy decision. I got my second dose in late January. People should be allowed to be responsible enough to make their own decision and know their own history.
Being turned away by some pharmacy drone during my lunch hour pissed me off. My vax card unfortunately was misfiled at the office…but was eventually found….so now I get to go back….or maybe elsewhere. CVS is on my sh!t list.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
Sorry, I know that can be annoying, but I can’t help at laugh at your story.
They’re so extreme with their hardball “get vaxed or else” games that they turned away somebody who wanted a jab because he didn’t have his vax passport?
That level of irony rarely occurs in nature.
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie_T
I hope you realize that this was outright and totally irresponsible behaviour of yours;  you ve been running about unprotected for months, you could ve been dead by now….the richest man on the cemetery…   
2 years ago
Reply to  FromBrussels
If someone is dumb enough to actually ASK for more Covax shots, I say give ’em what they want.  They will help weed them from the from the herd of humanity.
2 years ago
Reply to  Jojo
Right Jojo. You’re a sooper genius.

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